Celina: See these two pictures of Audrey Hepburn: 1, 2. index numbers or other measurements are given) the racial designation refers I don't find none of the women that you listed on this site as attractive good looking in any sense of the world. However, Finland is considered a Nordic country like Iceland, due to its northernly location close to Sweden and Norway. (which take a downward course). But as a Finnish man, Id like to hold on to the idea that there may be 0.1% of Viking blood still in my veins. Baltic race, we must assume that they belong also to the Nordics, for they are What is the most popular Scandinavian country? Or maybe you want to grow a beard to get the attention of women? I never thought Audrey was masculine at all very femminine and very beautiful. Modle: Snow Dollkinson. The women provided information about their menstrual cycle from diary data to enable the researchers to use hormone levels at the same stage of the menstrual cycle of the participants. If there was a combination of no make-up and make-up photographs (n = 18), the first photograph with no make-up was used. With respect to masculinity-femininity, her face is best described as slightly toward the masculine side, which is not obvious in a number of her pictures, but she was indeed an attractive woman. As presented here, this study has nothing whatever to say about aesthetics, nothing about what people find attractive, but only that people can detect health and sexiness when directed to in the opposite sex. Godis, you're one to point out others' obsessions. I think if you are obsessed with a certain body part there is a reason. What is the difference between Nordic and Scandinavian? Add smile. termed gold-blond, but it should be borne in mind that both the lighter Can you tell me if her face is femminine represents high female hormone levels? are mostly thin; the groove from nose to mouth is narrow and sharp-cut. She always picks on noses, its soo weird. I believe there is a limit and beauty falls short of perfect correlation with femininity and beauty (parts related specifically to beauty). overlaid later by tendencies other than Nordic. I think high cheekbones, a strong jawline(although not a long jaw), full lips, eyes that are not spaced too close together and a unique nose make up a beautiful face. The face is narrow, with a fairly narrow forehead, narrow Square A strong, wide jaw is an indication of a square-shaped i mean does an exceptrional hourglass figure but a very average looking not beautiful face and vice versa not lessen the appeal of a person? Before you, I have never seen anyone else who mentioned it in that context. Superb study, the face shape difference is brought out to a striking degree. Someone may look feminine overall objectively but on a subjective level they may not be found attractive this may be due to the odd masucline looking feature of theres as in nicky case's example which may spoil so to put it the overall look on a subjective level. You see, old paintings, stories statues, and plenty of other evidence suggest that Vikings did sport facial hair, and there have been even some beard beads and rings found in their ancient burial grounds. They tend to jealously guard their personal space and seem worried and slightly afraid when confronted with strangers. Isn't the pont of this website to analyze the origins and dimensions for society's aestheic of feminine beauty?why the urge to confine yourself to the box of---am i feminine? Wide open spaces, majestic landscapes and bracing air offer brilliant hiking. Facebook / Twitter /Instagram / so long as it is reddish blond or golden-red, can be called Nordic. jawline from one end of the ear measure all the way around to the other end-24cm. its iris, is blue, blue-grey, or grey. I wish I had seen these a long time ago. What are the characteristics of Scandinavians? Therefore, if in a given person multiple features, distributed over many parts of the body, suggest femininity but few features suggest masculinization, then the appropriate conclusion is femininity and that the masculine-looking elements do not represent masculinization but other factors instead. Tying back your hair in a pony tail is not a good idea. Adrienne: Your statement, Just because does not mean it is naive to believe there may be socially constructed preferences underlying the aesthetic preferences, is arguing against an assumption you make, not the people you are criticizing. Of course, unattractive features will diminish overall attractiveness. I find this to be a problem because it's more than your preference of appearance. or is attractiveness a completely diffeent concept which is unrelated to femininity? I mean where do you draw the line for what is feminine and what is attractive and by attractive im relatin to beauty as in what you find desirable is that not more of a subjective thing? At the level of the population, there is bound to be some relation between fecundity/fertility and physical appearance, i.e., this is one of many examples showing that it is nave to believe that the central tendencies of aesthetic preferences in a population are socially constructed. Why can't you write even ONE single comment without making false statements about me? race has curly or rippling blond to red-blond hair; it grows fairly thick. Now, judging by your other posts, I am sure you will say something like "oh maulflanders is just jealous because she's an ugly darkie and covets my genes." from both sides. cheeks from outer corner or eye to other outer corner of eye-14cm In the explanations of the illustrations The cephalic index Becasue she had defintley a square jaw,long high bridge nose,bigger forehead,long lips. i find square jawed women unattractive even if they look feminine overall as you keep putting it, but thats my opinion. Celina: Audrey Hepburn did not look manly. grow hard, and generally has something decided about it, but a kindly though Chances are you will not be allowed to rock a Viking style beard, but instead, have to succumb to being clean-shaven or rocking a boring corporate beard. This suggests that the real-life Vikings not only grew facial hair, but also valued the beard and even decorated it with jewelry, beads, and other trinkets. barry why would you make an offensive comment but at the same time claim you dont want to offend anyone. I completely understand your arguments and the eprspective you are looking at things from. Therefore, she must criticize women from other racial groups. Nevertheless, any cosmetologist knows that make-up is used by women to mask their shortcomings and make themselves better looking. I addressed some quantitative data in this regard in an entry titled the importance of femininity to beauty in women. Factors other than sex hormones contribute to a masculine or feminine look. In the individual face ratings, for women without make-up, faces rated as more feminine, more attractive and healthier corresponded to higher estradiol levels for each of the three ratings and tended to correspond to higher progesterone levels for the attractiveness and perceived health ratings. Yeah they have great bodies some of them but i cant agree about the faces and so alot of them i just not percieve as attractive. THE Nordic race is tall, slender. Since the Viking beard is typically shorter on the sides and it tapers down along the chin, its best suited for masking a short chin (such as the one on round faces, square faces, and oval faces). 12 Norway, E, brown, H, brown, C, 73.77, F, I can assure you, Emily, that I am completely Indian; and if there is some such conspiracy, neither I nor anyone I know got the memo. Proc. however I do not especially like her baby character that much I prefer Catherine De neuve, Elizabeth Montgomery, honour blackman, Kim Novack, Natalie Wood, Jean Harlow, Judy Garland, Ewa Aulin and Ingrid Bergman etc. quite masculine,androgynous,tranny,intersex looking. 5 Swedish Swimmer (by Brjeson), Nordic figure. True carroty what is the benefit of sharing your negative opinion on the matter? Scandinavian women have attractive facial features such as perfect-shaped jawline, sassy cheeks and a high pointed nose which is a dream of every woman tends A post shared by Peter Franzen (@peter.franzen) on Oct 3, 2018 at 5:55am PDT, Question: When I was 2 years old, this car was half my age. Because faces are always changing, and rarely does someone fit exactly into one category. I know this isn't an article about attracting men. Finland is not part of Scandinavia because it geographically doesnt share the Scandinavian penninsula the way Sweden and Norway are. Hiking. The line where the eyelids meet (from corner to corner of the Apply makeup. The two composites were rated by 11 women and 10 men of similar age to the participants. showing the racial characteristics. Celebrity lookalike. Though many women can have hard features and still be feminine. Scoured by glaciers, speckled with islands and buffeted by wind and rain, the Nordic coastlines are spectacular. I love those photos of Audrey Heburn Submitted by zonneschijn on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 08:46. As a result of Scandinavian involvement on opposite sides in the Napoleonic Wars and shifting alliances, both Finland and Norway emerged as new and separate national entities. Stylisme de mode: Steven Lassalle. For a given set of very crude measurements, such as the ones that you have provided, one could fit both feminine and masculine faces onto them by making small changes here and there. Facial appearance is a cue to oestrogen levels in women. For instance, Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolieseem to flaunt their jaw as an asset. A Finnish-led study has collected 54 photos of Latvian women and combined them into one face, which represents an average female face. Oh, but see I didn't bash Swedes and Europeans or portray any of their features wrongly or make up false features for them. what face doe this appear to you to be from this information. There are many others like it. Did you make up in your head along with your delusions. Alert: John Legend Is Your New Skincare ~Zaddy~, Two Braiders Create Epic "Half and Half" Styles, The Best Hair Steamers (and How TF to Use Them), Opinion: Let Black-Owned Mielle Hair Oil Thrive, The Best Natural-Looking Nail Art Designs of 2023, Braiders Duel to Create the *Best* Colorful Style, Want to Sculpt Your Face? Custom portrait. Indian features are soft, and to me and many others feminine and beautiful. Heres an example where a cool looking Viking style beard is trimmed a bit too neatly from the Beard Brand: This type of beard is commonly worn by the cast of Vikings (duh). if you dont want to offend anyone keep your offensive opinions to yourself! Thus all you demonstrate is that young men in the peak of their development are quite good at determining the hormone levels of similar aged women when asked to judge health and femininity. We have hundreds of articles teaching you everything there is to know about the subject, so dig in! Uh, no. If you answered yes to all of the above questions, you have an oval-shaped face! M. J. Being private and introvert individuals are Norwegian traits. Im sorry Erik i know they are trivial points/questions however i did not realise that that there was a rule against it so thank you for pointing it out and i will try and email you with any further comments/questions if i have any. I'm quite pleased to find that some people prefer a a stronger nose tooI have that! Austin, TX 78727 None of her features that you pointed out suggest masculinity by themselves. Say No More, Got a Dry, Itchy Scalp? The Nordic head is meant to be not so much statements about the subject portrayed, as examples But hey, any real beardsman doesnt grow his facial hair to please a woman. sorry i meant to write by andy (above comment). But other than that, Id say just let the beard grow out long before you begin touching it at all. Why? I mean sure, knowing whether your face closely resembles a heart or an oval is a fun fact to have on hand, but as far as guiding the way you .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}contour your face or get your hair cut, it isnt necessary or even that reliable. Modern Art & Architecture. woman) mounds above the eyes, standing out over the eyebrows, and following a Inside those phenotypes you will find masculine and feminine types. Maybe the men that find this feature unattractive are insecure with their own lack of masculinity? Anyway i do apologise erik for all the trivial comments ive posted on here and next time i'll try and come up with something more fanciful and to your taste. I suppose there is a limit to everything. According to a professional facial reader. Norwegians like Americans and English people and most Western European people. As a photographer, I loathe photographing women with chubby chins and round faces. Certainly, the Viking beard doesnt only come with benefits, as there are arguably few cons associated with the facial hair type. If you answered yes to all of the above questions, you have a diamond-shaped face! Fig. With all that said, I know you clicked on this page because youre dying to know your closest face-shape match, and who am I to stop you?! Swedish and European features are to me hard, which makes many of them unfeminine. It is not a square or squarer face by itself that is relevant, but multiple features that are giving Audrey a more masculine look compared to Nikky, namely a squarer jaw, higher cheekbones and also a narrower face (which I should have mentioned in the previous comment). Even then some men will not be attracted to you due to that one feature, but most men will be totally distracted from that feature by everything else you have going on. To make sure your interior doesnt look too cold, offset the glacier blues with warmer shades like pale peach and sandy brown. Thanks for that. Blues are so heavily used in Scandinavian design, they are almost considered a neutral color in and of themselves. After taking a DNA test I was told I was 29% Scandinavian with other ethnicity such as Southern European,Iberian Peninsula%, Scotland/Ireland/Wales Not "big hooked nose." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Beards / Grooming / Styles. I'm not photogenic for the most part however, every once in awhile there is a decent shot of me. representative of a group. You may want to get some beard oil to prevent beard itch and beardruff, but thats about all you need. Contact Information: I think that for some men, if a woman generally has beautiful featuresbut then one feature that is not feminine/beautiful, then he could be put off. And if your chin is more angled and pointy, then your face is when you say it. WebWeve collected some amazing examples of Scandinavian logos from our global community of designers. The veins shine through (at least in youth) and show 'the blue blood.'. In colour it is fair, and, whether light or dark The Viking facial hair is typically brutal looking full beard with a bit shorter sides and a longer growth at the chin, think of it as a rough tapering beard style. The back of the head, too, is in general YOU PORBABLY HAVE AN OVERBITE TOO, WHICH IS UNHEARD OF WITH SOMEBODY WHO HAVE A DEVELOPED FACE (AND THAT INCLUDES A CHISELED JAW) LOOK AT THE NATIVE AMERICANS AND THEIR REGAL BEAUTY!!! Maquilleur: Romana Lai. Here is an entry that shows the outline of various face shapes, which should help you figure out your basic face shape. R. Soc. If you see a clearly feminine physique, as in Nikky Case, that is accompanied by a masculine-looking face, then it would be inappropriate to call the face masculine because the masculine appearance would be a result of factors other than sex hormones and their receptors, i.e., the term masculine-looking would be appropriate but not masculine. On the other hand, Nikky Case does not have a masculine-looking face; here are three large examples: Pic1, Pic2, Pic3. Bienvenue ! Whether chiseled cheekbones and jaw lines indicate greater masculinization should be assessed by overall looks, which conveniently allow one to assess the correlation structure talked about above. If you answered yes to all of the above questions, you have a round-shaped face! I find she looks like 14-16 years old girl on the first picture celina post. 6001 W Pramer Lane Also on sacrificing white babies and poisoning wells." The beard in the Nordic #tyson bomber from my friends @rootsoffight Accessories from @dearsaints.co Photo by @lanedorsey #mercedesbenz #mensfashion #streetwear #streetstyle #throwback #miketyson, A post shared by JOSH MARIO JOHN (@spizoiky) on Nov 14, 2018 at 12:06pm PST. yes erik thats exactly what i mean but i only used the example of the face shape i.e square that a squarer face gives a masculine look ofcourse there can be other features combined with this aswell. 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