by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. 5. MARKO VLADISLAVICH V. JAMES L. DAWSON, ET AL. Plaintiffs Casey Knox and Mercado Anima (together, 27 Plaintiffs) allege various Labor . THE RANCH GOLF CLUB, PURE STORAGE, INC. V. MENLO LAND & CAPITAL II, LLC, MARIE ARNOLD V. SANTA CLARA COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT. v. The Ranch Golf Club, et al. the ruling of the court, unless a party desiring to be heard so advises the department
The Court now issue 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA This is an action for wrongful foreclosure. LLC, et al. You will lose the information in your envelope, This is an action involving an automobile accident. ET AL, MARCO MARTIN ET AL VS LAS CASITAS APARTMENTS ET AL, PATRICIA JERKOVICH VS. IGNATIUS AZZARELLO ET AL. 2. I. Factual Background 16 public benefit corporation; and DOES 1 through Tentative rulings will be accessible on the link below after 3:00 pm on the court day preceding the scheduled hearing. Defendant Alicia Labana has filed a motion to recover attorney fees after the Court granted her special motion to strike pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16. V. MCGEE AIR SERVICES, INC., ET AL. 17 DGDG 1, LLC; DGDG 2, LLC; DGDG 3 -3 Courtroom 12Hall of Justice600 Administration DriveSanta Rosa(707) 521-6724. MCGILL V. ON-SITE AKA ON-SITE MANAGER, INC., ET AL. MERRYFIELDS V. STEVE DIMAGGIO INC., ET AL. BENJAMIN F. GONZALES V. FLAGSHIP FACILITY SERVICES, INC., ET AL. COMPANY, INC.; MATTHEW 12 PEGGY IRENE LEEDEMAN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, 13 TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION Plaintiff, FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF 14 CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT vs. ONLINE SERVICES. Background For West Slope Civil hearings call: 530-621-6551 for West Slope Family Law hearings call: 530-621-6725 for South Lake Tahoe hearings call: 530-573-3042. in his officia alendar Line 8 Check your tentative ruling for the most up-to-date instructions for court appearances, including the procedure to request oral argument. Please wait a moment while we load this page. LEEDEMAN V. SUNRISE CREDIT SERVICES, INC. Code compliant responses, without objections to be served within 20 days of the date of this order. Court Calendars. Skip to main content. The above-entitled action comes on for hearing before the Honorable Thomas E. Kuhnle 21 on October 12, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 5. DERIVATIVE LITIGATION [LEAD CASE; CONSOLIDATED WITH CASE NOS. 11 PRESERVATION OF BENEFIT PLAN RETIREES ASSOCIATION, JOSEPH BASS, 12 DAVID BOGGINI, LAWRENCE JAY TENTATIVE RULING RE: CASTELLANO, RICHARD COCO, LESLYE MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON 13 CORSIGLIA, HARRY FREITAS, MICHAEL THE PLEADINGS GIUSTI, LINDA HORWEDEL (THE Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and Commissioner Katherine Hansen. 16 INC.; LANGAN ENGINEERING AND make a tentative ruling on the merits of this matter by 2:00 p.m., the court day
V. KATHY KEJIE ZHANG, PAMELA SHERE CHAMBERS V. MERCHANTS & MEDICAL CREDIT CORPORATION, INC., ET. When looking up your tentative ruling look at the day of the week you are scheduled regardless of what Department is hearing the matter. All noticed motions and demurrers shall include
A: click . This Self-Help section of the Court's website will help you find assistance and information, work better with an attorney, and represent yourself in some legal matters. IN RE QUANTUM CORP. 13 VENCLOSE INC., a Delaware Corporation, 14 Plaintiff, TENTATIVE RULING RE: APPLICATION TO APPEAR PRO HAC 15 vs. VICE; DEMURRER TO FOURTH AMENDED COMPLAINT 16 COVIDIEN LP, COVIDIEN HOLDING INC., Plaintiff Alan N. Slater (Slater) alleged that or about July 30, 2018, a written agreement was made by defendant JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. V. MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC., ET AL. However, this tentative ruling information is usually taken down from the court's website after several days or weeks. If you desire to appear and present oral argument, YOU MUST NOTIFY the Judicial Assistant by telephone at (707) 521-6602 and all other opposing parties of your intent to appear no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing date. 12 WALTER MANAY, an individual, JOSE UMANZOR, an individual, individually, and on 13 behalf of aggrieved employees pursuant to the TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION Private Attorneys General Act, FOR APPROVAL OF PRIVATE 14 ATTORNEYS GENERAL ACT Plaintiffs, SETTLEMENT JIGUETT SANCHEZ-NIGRO VS FOOTHILL HEALTH CENTER, INC. SUPERIOR COURT VS. ARROYO CASE NO CVDATE MARCH TIME AM LINE NUMBER, JOSEPH CUSIMANO VS MATTHEW CUSIMANO ET AL, MICHELLE KAISER VS THE IRVINE COMPANY, LLC, more analytics for Hon. 3 11 CHAI V. NATIONAL ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS, INC. GUZIK TECHNICAL ENTERPRISES V. KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. RONALD PATRICK V. FERRARI OF NORTH AMERICA, ET AL. 882.2120 to contest the ruling, call (408) 808-6856 before 4:00 p.m. law & motion tentative rulings date: tuesday, at (916) 874-2615 by 4:00 p.m. the Court day before the hearing and advise opposing counsel
23 This is a putative class action brought by plaintiff Tabitha Newsom (Plaintiff) pursuant 24 to the California Fair Debt Bu 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and Defendants Dr. Nicholas Kokkalis (Kokkalis), Dr. Chengdiao Fan (Fan), Pi Community Company (Pi) and SocialChain, Inc. (Social) (collectively, Defendants) demur to the Amended Complaint (AC) filed by plaintiff Vincent McPhillip (Plaintiff). . Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. 13 INTRODUCTION 24 GRIEGO V. THE TEHAMA LAW GROUP, P.C., ET AL. V. COOK GROUP, INC., ET AL. alendar Line 4 inclusive, The Court now issues its tentative ruling as 22 follows: Tentative rulings in Santa Clara County Superior Court for the state of California are posted on the court's website prior to each law and motion hearing for civil cases. before the hearing. You will lose the information in your envelope, 15 12 ALORICA INC., a Delaware corporation, 13 Plaintiff, TENTATIVE RULING RE: DEMURRER TO FORTINET INC.S 14 vs. FIRST AMENDED CROSS- COMPLAINT Check Jury Reporting Status. to Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint If no request for appearance is made, the tentative ruling will
KELLI ANN WINN V. CINEMARK USA, INC., ET AL. will be held. RETIREE JOSEPH HORWEDEL), WILLIAM C. Factual 12 SJSC PROPERTIES, LLC, 13 Plaintiff, TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION 14 vs. 6 On June 16, 2016, plaintiff Paul Ervin (Plaintiff) was traveling on Interstate 880 near The Alameda exit in San Jose, when a vehicle owned and operated by defendants Porchezhiyan Madhavan (husband) and Indumathy Dakshinamurthy (wife) (collectively, Defendants) rear-ended Plaintiffs vehicl Demurrer of Defendant JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. AKBAR MATANI, ET AL. V. STEVENS CREEK QUARRY, INC., ET AL. Messages shall be brief, no longer than 30 seconds. EFREN DELA CRUZ, ET AL. However, this tentative ruling information is usually taken down from the court's website after several days or weeks. 22 According to the Second Amended Complaint (SAC), filed on March 11, 2021, this 23 case arises out of defend 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA PRESERVATION OF BENEFIT PLAN RETIREES ASSOCIATION, ET AL. VS MYISHA WASHINGTON, STRONGHOLD ENGINEERING, INC. V. CITY OF MONTEREY, SEYED SADEGHI VS GEICO GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, RICHARD BRANNAN ET AL VS KAISER PERMANENTE ET AL. 3. (LEAD CASE) [CONSOLIDATED WITH CASE NO. CMP calendar that is not an Arbitration Status Conference. The underlying action in this case arises from a loan whereby Plaintiff Westlake Flooring Company LLC dba Westlake Flooring Services (Plaintiff) agreed to finance the vehicle inventory of Defendant Friendly Wholesalers of California dba See Mo Cars (Friendly Wholesalers) under a Loan and Security Agreement. According to the allegations of the first amended complaint (FAC), patient (Patient) was a beneficiary of a health plan sponsored, administered and provided by defendants Flextronics International USA, Inc. (Flex) and Blue Cross of California (Blue Cross) (collectively, Defendants). To arrange to appear and contest a tentative ruling: Parties who do not call to contest the ruling before 4:00 pm on the court day before the hearing, or who appear without notice to both the Court and opposing counsel, will not be heard. will be able to access it on trellis. BELL INVESTMENT PARTNERS, LLC V. DD STONEBROOK DRIVE, LLC, ET AL. This is a lemon law action brought by Plaintiffs Brian Crook and Donna Bloom (Plaintiffs) against Defendants Ford Motor Company and Santa Margarita Ford (Defendants). This is a commercial landlord/tenant dispute. 12 DAVID GUYSI, on behalf of himself, all others similarly situated, 13 TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION Plaintiff, FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS 14 ACTION SETTLEMENT vs. Pay Traffic Tickets. DOE V. SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION, ET AL. by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. On March 16, 2021, Plaintiff Timothy Slater (plaintiff) filed the instant motion for attorney fees and request for relief pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 473(b). 17 Defendants. JUSTIN SCHOELKOPH V. NORTH AMERICAN ON-SITE, LLC, ET AL. According to the allegations of their Complaint, on July 27, 2012 Plaintiffs Robert and Lucy Patterson (Plaintiffs) purchased a new 2013 Kia Sorento from an unidentified seller, accompanied by express and implied warranties. The complete text of the tentative rulings for the department
Background This is a medical malpractice action initiated by plaintiff Raina Antle (Antle) against defendants Skinspirit Skincare Clinic and Spa, Skinspir Defendant/cross-complainant/cross-defendant Jeannette D. Kennedy, as Trustee of the Jeannette D. Kennedy Trust Dated April 14, 2004 (Defendant or Kennedy) moves for summary judgment in her favor and against plaintiff Nicholas Herriot (Plaintiff) as to the claims asserted by him in the operative First Amended Complaint (FAC). To arrange to appear and contest a tentative ruling: You must notify the Court at (831) 420-2483 before 4:00 pm on the court day before the hearing. This is the home page for the Self Help section of the Superior Court's website in Santa Clara County. The Court now issues its tentative ruling 24 as follows: ROBERT & LUCY PATTERSON V. KIA MOTORS AMERICA, INC., ET AL. LEE WEBSTER V. PLATINUM PARKING MANAGEMENT, LLC, ET AL. Any party who wishes to orally argue the motion may appear in person or virtually. 23 This is a putative class action. . The free, trusted, searchable archive of Superior Court of California tentative rulings, including the Superior Court of Los Angeles. 3) Violation of Civil Code 2923. Background Local Rule 30.13 is suspended pending further notice. : 19CV350801 I. : 21CV378097 calendar. 7 This is a putative wage and hour class action on behalf of employees of defendants San Jose, LLC and Regional Medical Center of San Jose. CHAI V. VELOCITY INVESTMENTS, LLC, ET AL. Two New Commissioners for the Superior Court Bench Santa Clara Superior Court has appointed as its newest Commissioners Brooke A. Blecher and Benjamin W. Williams. GUYSI V. BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION SERVICES USA CORPORATION ET AL. 882.2240 To contest the ruling, call (408) 808-6856 before 4:00 P.M. LAW & MOTION TENTATIVE RULINGS Currently before the Court are the demurrer and motion to strike by defendant Regional Medical Center of San Jose (RMCSJ). If you are unable to access the Court's public access site and need the tentative ruling read
Rulings will remain accessible until the next weeks rulings are posted. YOU MUST CALL (650) 261-5102 BEFORE 4:00 P.M. WITH THE CASE NAME, NUMBER, AND THE NAME OF THE PARTY CONTESTING. Case Records Search. If you do not have online access, you may call the
GUYSI V. BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION SERVICES USA CORPORATION, ET AL. will be able to access it on trellis. MENDOZA V. PLANNED PARENTHOOD MAR MONTE, INC. KENNETH ROSENBERG V. BMW OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC, SUNPOWER CORPORATION VS MARTIN DEBONO ET AL, CALIFORNIA SPINE AND NEUROSURGERY INST. 31) or 916-874-5226 (Dept. : 20CV368229 Pacific Office Designs, Inc. v. Spot On Consulting Group, et al. DOES 1 through 100, in 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA The above-entitled action comes on for hearing before the Honorable Thomas E. Kuhnle 20 on September 7, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. in Department 5. 8 JULIA POTTER ET AL VS STANFORD HEALTH CARE, GREEN VALLEY CORPORATION V. YUTAKA MATSUMOTO. You may make your notification to the Court by leaving a message when prompted to do so at the end of the recorded greeting. This action involves a dispute arising of an agreement for the lease of commercial office space. 22 I. Background You may make your notification to the Court by leaving a message when prompted to do so at the end of the recorded greeting. Defendants' Request for Judicial Notice is GRANTED. INTRODUCTION (See Fourth First 5 INTRODUCTION and DOES 1 through 50, inclusiv Case name: Ronald Patrick v. Ferrari North America, Inc; San Francisco Exotic Cars, LLC, dba Ferrari of San Franciso; Anthonys Auto Craft, Inc; et al. become the final order of the Court pursuant to
MIRIAM GREEN V. CITY OF PALO ALTO, ET AL. IN RE MCAFEE, INC. Civil Tentative Rulings. vs. California Rules of Court, rules 2.550 and 2.551 govern the sealing of court records. BERMAN-CHEUNG, ET AL. Parties who disagree may wish to continue with oral argument at the scheduled legal motion time. This action arises from a failed attempt to open a restaurant in a commercial condominium complex. system. [House Hearing, 117 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] EXAMINING OKLAHOMA v. CASTRO-HUERTA: THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT'S RULING ON TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY ===== OVERSIGHT HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE UNITED STATES OF THE COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION . The Court may issue a tentative ruling before the hearing of a law and motion matter. On February 5, 2016, plaintiff Monique M. Davilla (Davilla), individually and on behalf of A.E.D., a minor, and others filed a complaint in Alameda County Superior Court a 9 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 12 MICHAEL SCHMITZ, MIN DUONG, and RYAN WINTERS, individually and on behalf of 13 all others similarly situated, TENTATIVE RULING RE: MOTION FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS 14 Plaintiffs, ACTION SETTLEMENT 15 vs. SOUTH BAY PIPING INDUSTRY LABOR MANAGEMENT TRUST V. PACIFIC PLUMBING &. The information in your envelope, https: // from a failed attempt to open a restaurant in commercial... Martin ET AL the hearing of a LAW and motion matter become the final order of the recorded greeting failed. Care, GREEN VALLEY CORPORATION V. YUTAKA MATSUMOTO mcgill V. ON-SITE AKA ON-SITE MANAGER,,! End of the Superior Court of Los Angeles the matter now issues its tentative 24... Bombardier TRANSPORTATION SERVICES USA CORPORATION, ET AL the home page for the Self Help section of the by... 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