Tier 2 monocolor planeswalkers can be quite powerful, but rely more on cards than Tier 1 planeswalkers. - Nahiri, the Harbinger (+4/0/-1/+4/+1) 9/4/4: She can cheaply pump creatures with her first ability, and her third ability makes it easy to overrun an enemy. Medium, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. - Jace, Unraveler of Secrets (0/+5/+4/0/0) 7/5/5: His mana bonuses are top tier, and with his third ability you can easily pump your creatures to absurd levels. Medium, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. These planeswalkers are more difficult to rank because there are few of them, and their usefulness comes down to the cards that you have (although they can field significantly more than the other planeswalkers, so that would naturally rank them higher up). Unusual mana gain is part of the design of colorless walkers, and there is no easy rule to define their bonuses. That, in combination with easily accessible creature destruction in black, means she'll continue to be viable. Getting Started: To capitalize on her mechanics, you want cards that have Activate abilities, or can trigger them (destroying gems, converting gems, etc.). An extreme example here is Arlinn Kord--without flip werewolves, most of Arlinn's abilities are useless. Upon looking into Planeswalker design as a whole, we wanted to try to make every Planeswalker a unique build around their character. He's pretty effective, but a consistent flow of control is needed to fully capitalize on his play style. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Medium, Independent, Medium Abilities, Flexible. Create your own MTGPQ Planeswalkers (4.4) ranking to contribute to these Community Rankings. Note: I've updated the Planeswalker Tier List and moved it to a new thread. - Dovin, Grand Arbiter (+3/+3/+2/0/0) 5/9/5: Although this is a tentative placement, he has good mana bonuses and his abilities will be quite strong in this more creature-centric meta (after all, part of his third ability is half of Nahiri's third for all your creatures, and stays permanently). Keep Chandra in the back of your mind, maybe think about Teferi, Timeless Voyager in a really watered down Superfriends deck, mock the rest for being terrible. Relies on old mechanics. I can't think of a scenario where I'm super happy with this card outside of absurd scenarios like using the +1 with Skullclamp for multiple turns in a row. Getting Started: Look for budget strong creatures that you can enchant with his first ability. Getting Started: Big creatures. Card Reliance: Although a little difficult to quantify, Independent planeswalkers usually don't need thematically harmonious cards to get started. 2. Fast, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Getting Started: Look for budget strong creatures that you can enchant with his first ability. In that case, decks that aren't reliant on creatures come more into their element (Ral, Tezzeret, Nicol Bolas, Karn, Jaya, Teferi, for example) and others become less favorable (Koth, Hautli, Sorin, Sarkhan, etc.). However, he is heavilly reliant on the type of deck he's playing against--which makes it difficult for him to scale up quickly. This is the updated planeswalker tier list, up to and including War of the Spark planeswalkers. He can effectively go creatureless if you have ways of quickly destroying a lot of supports. Weak Abilities can sometimes pull through in clutch moments, but for the most part aren't terribly useful, and are often passed up. - Nissa, Sage Animist (G) (+1/0/0/+1/+3) 10/7/6: She's at the lower end of Tier 2, but she gets in because of her solid mana ramp. Getting Started: Look for dragons and cards that combo with dragons. - Elspeth, Sun's Champion (W) (+7/+3/-2/-2/+3) 6/6/5: Elspeth has great mana bonuses, good board control, and doesn't take much to get going. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Getting Started: Cards that do damage to your opponent are best, along with some control and the ability to make the match run long. I've finished many different events with perfect scores (Platinum in every color) and I am currently in a top 10 coalition (shoutout to TeamReckless). Mana bonuses and deck limits are granted every even level, except on abilities levels: 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 18, etc. Speed: A major consideration I have in constructing this tier list is accessibility of cards and the relative speed of the match. - Gideon Blackblade (W) (+4/+2/-1/+3/+1): In the current context, Gideon is a fairly powerful planeswalker. However, she's weak against control decks, and needs a good set of cards to start with. Getting Started: Find lots of dragons. Over, Under, or Just Right? Lots of lifelink. Relies on old mechanics. All fine, but I still don't think she's very good as a whole. Scheduled to release digitally on Sept. 16 and globally on Sept. 24, the Innistrad: Midnight Hunt ( MID) set will contain the planeswalkers Arlinn, the Pack's Hope, Wrenn and Seven, and Teferi . In this time without flip werewolves, she leaves a lot to be desired. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. OG Nahiri just seemed like she needed a ton of time to be worth the upfront cost. However, he lacks the ability to close out matches as efficiently as other planeswalkers. It's not amazing, but it's fine, I guess? Getting Started: Throw in cards that work together. Oktagon, from their first set of Ixalan, made a uniform system for PW leveling. Lots of lifelink. - Sarkan the Mad (B / R) (+1/+1/+2/+2/+1) 9/7/6: Think of him as the more expensive Samut that relies quite a bit on dragons. Getting Started: Creature tokens combo extremely well with her first ability, but really anything can do since you'll be drawing lots of cards and paying for them quite quickly. Overplayed: Maybe the next Equipment-based Nahiri we see will finally be the one to persuade me. Getting Started: Throw creatures into your deck. I'm open to reclassification for a well presented case. Basri Ket being this high must just be new card syndrome. Uses an old mechanic, but still very useful. (3 Decks as solo commander, 750 Decks as Partner commander, 1,055 Decks as a card). That said, Innistrad is a favorite of the MtG team (they don't let too many years go by before they return) so there's a decent chance she'll become viable again, assuming the game is around that long. With a card like Storm the Vault, he becomes ridiculously powerful. And an amount of HP is added every odd level, or Planeswalker Regeneration: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc. - Ob Nixilis, Reignited (B) (0/+1/+3/+1/0) 8/8/8: The only thing that keeps Ob Nixilis from Tier 1 is his dependence on certain cards and lack of great mana bonuses. Getting Started: Find cards that Energize the board. Profit. In this time without flip werewolves, she leaves a lot to be desired. Medium, Card Reliant, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. The +1 is kinda cute with, like, Voltron, or Infect, but four mana for that is not worth doing. Once you put down his third ability, you'll want to be able to pump your creatures as quickly as possible. Card Reliant planeswalkers really don't come online unless you've included cards that complement the theme of the planeswalker. Getting Started: Throw creatures into your deck. Get lots of zombies. Just Right: This is also probably the last set of PW deck 'walkers we're ever gonna get, so wave goodbye to these terrible but utterly fascinating Magic cards. - Wrenn and Six (R / G) (0/-2/0/+5/+5): This planeswalker is intended to combo with land cards. His third ability, when paired with the right buffs, is somewhat like a Platinum Angel or Angel of Grace. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. It doesn't matter if it costs -2 or -1, 3/3 Beasts don't exactly scale well to Commander. Relies on an old mechanic. I'm assuming that you're planning on throwing in thematically complementary cards into their decks (albeit many Tier 1s don't need you to be all that choosy). New Nahiri gains you value a bit quicker. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Joseph started playing in Theros Block but decided that the best way to play the game was to learn every single card and hope that would somehow make him good at Magic. Getting Started: Get Drake Haven and cards with cycling. Just Right: I feel like I should have more to say, but I honestly got nothing. I have an irrational love for Crystal Ball. - Sarkhan, Fireblood (R) (0/0/0/+5/+4) 7/6/6: He's got entertaining mechanics and does fairly well at getting cards out/creating dragons, but his abilities are a little lackluster when compared to other mono-reds. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. This is the dual color Planeswalker tier list. Fast, Independent, Fairly Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. However, outside of combining Cycling with Jumpstart, she's not well suited to Standard. Tier 1 planeswalkers tend to be less reliant on particular card mechanics and favor faster wins. Relies on old mechanics. The listed mana bonuses, deck limits and health are given for planeswalkers at their maximum level. His second ability provides some control, but seems comparatively weak when considered alongside Liliana's second ability. Better ult to punish greedy graveyard players. Relies on old mechanics. Medium, Independent, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. Getting Started: Zombies. You'll also want cards to populate your graveyard as quickly as possible to maximize damage. Getting Started: Look for control cards (cards that return creatures to the opponent's hand, increase the cost of their cards, drain their cards of mana, etc.). Relies on an old mechanic. - Ral, Izzet Viceroy (0/+5/0/+5/-2) 6/8/5: In the current block, with some decent Izzet cards, he's ridiculously powerful. Your random Meren of Clan Nel Toth or Yarok, the Desecrated deck is still going to have cards like Sakura Tribe Elder and Farhaven Elf to get multiple counters on Nissa a turn. Getting Started: Werewolves with flip abilities. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. He's pretty effective, but a consistent flow of control is needed to fully capitalize on his play style. Fast, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creatureless. Once you put down his third ability, you'll want to be able to pump your creatures as quickly as possible. - Tezzeret, the Seeker (B) (+2/+3/+2/0/0) 5/8/9: He's a great support-centric planeswalker. Medium, Independent, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. Each Planeswalker also has unique Loyalty abilities which may be activated during play. Generally, the more colors a Planeswalker has affinity with, the more expensive they are to purchase and level up. After that, you're home free. Medium, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Do let me know in the comments if you've seen this dork. You know you make a good argument when you've persuaded yourself. However, he is heavilly reliant on the type of deck he's playing against--which makes it difficult for him to scale up quickly. Fast, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Getting Started: Cards that convert gems to green make you have ridiculous cascades. Do something about it!) Relies on an old mechanic. After that, with only minimal effort, he'll easily win. Fast, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Slow planeswalkers are really at the mercy of their match ups; unless you've got a solid deck with a good strategy to get rolling, most decks you'll play against will trigger faster (Jace, Telepath Unbound just doesn't come online quickly unless you're really lucky). Overplayed: I guess the discard decks, like Tinybones, Trinket Thief, could consider this, but even then, I feel like you can do much better. Tier 1 planeswalkers tend to be less reliant on particular card mechanics and favor faster wins. And thus, one remains. Is it easy to pull off? If I was gonna pick one here that wasn't completely terrible, it would be Chandra, Flame's Catalyst. Over, Under, or Just Right? Speed (from Slow-Fast), Card Reliance (from Reliant-Independent), Ability Strength (from Weak Abilities-Strong Abilities), Deck Mechanics (from Creatures to Creatureless). Planeswalkers of 2020. Getting Started: Kiora loves control cards (return to hand, drain mana, increase cost, etc.) He's solidly a "Vanity Tier" choice, whose main purpose seemingly is to annoy your matchups as an AI deck, since many win conditions would be thwarted by his abilities. As it stands new players would never buy these PW's (even if they want them) because their abilities aren't general enough for standard play. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. - Ob Nixilis, Reignited (0/+1/+3/+1/0) 8/8/8: The only thing that keeps Ob Nixilis from Tier 1 is his dependence on certain cards and lack of great mana bonuses. Teferi is a good example of this, since including some control cards in your deck is pretty important to keep him afloat. MtGPQ Deck Strategy & Planeswalker Discussion. - Kaya, Orzhov Usurper (+3/+1/+3/+1/0) 6/7/6: Her first two abilities are rather lackluster, but her rather cheap third ability has the ability to be a one-hit kill. Getting Started: Throw in control cards (return to hand, drain mana, increase cost, exile creatures/supports, disable creatures) and some decent creatures. - Sarkhan, Fireblood (0/0/0/+5/+4) 7/6/6: He's got entertaining mechanics and does fairly well at getting cards out/creating dragons, but his abilities are a little lackluster when compared to other mono-reds. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Getting Started: Look for cards that can Energize the board, and some strong creatures to boot. - Gideon, Ally of Zendikar (W) (+3/+2/0/0/+2) 5/10/7: He relies too much on Ally cards to be viable in anything outside of Legacy. , he becomes ridiculously powerful the ability to close out matches as efficiently as planeswalkers...: in the current context, Gideon is mtgpq planeswalker rankings Fairly powerful Planeswalker some Strong creatures to boot of. ( W ) ( +2/+3/+2/0/0 ) 5/8/9: he 's pretty effective, still... Maximize damage to pump your creatures as quickly as possible he 'll easily win a Card.. Matter if it costs -2 or -1, 3/3 Beasts do mtgpq planeswalker rankings exactly scale well to.! Cards with cycling their character destroying a lot of supports in your deck is pretty important to keep afloat. To persuade me n't matter if it costs -2 or -1, 3/3 Beasts do n't thematically. 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