You are seeing this sign that I am the Vine and you receive the graces from Me to you as the branches. This will be mild compared to a new virus that will be released that could kill many vaccinated people. Jesus said: My son, you are familiar with these places of shelter that you have visited in your travels. It is hard to find enough resources to make replacements. embrass peerless catalogue. Truly I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, so I can lead you to heaven., Jesus said: My son, you remember how your deceased friend, Lise, used this pilgrim Fatima statue to travel around to different houses. Be prepared, My faithful, because those faithful, who did not get vaccinated, will be treated like second class citizens. I guarded over my foster Son, Jesus, and I protected the Blessed Mother from Herod when I led the family to Egypt, where you visited. This will be the second wave that could shut down your churches again. I spoke in parables, but I only explained them for My apostles. It is also the end of the Christmas Season and time for the green vestments until the beginning of Lent. I will truly bless this oil for all of the vaccinated people that need to be anointed with this oil to keep them from dying with the next deadly virus. Pray, Pray, Pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that God keeps winning! January 13, 2023. Believe that they can be healed by My power, and it will happen. But once I left them when I died, then they fasted. Other red states have passed laws against abortion which protects the unborn in those states. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were Hebrews, and they only worshiped the One True God. I will look to see what deeds are in your hands, and how many people you helped convert to the faith. Since restrictions vary from state to state, you will eventually see your government demand that everyone will need to get vaccinated. The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office announced Wednesday that Sean William. Promotes Our Lady of Medjugorje, Queen of Peace, and spirituality surrounding the messages. Give thanks to Me and Nilda for running these Zoom meetings., God the Father said: I Am is here to bless you faithful people and thank you for all of your prayers for your intentions. I mentioned before how Bidens policies are causing inflation and problems that are taking your country down. On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint My glorious Resurrection is a sign of My power that I could rise from the dead. After giving their gifts to Me, they left for home by a different route so Herod was not told where I was. You are on the verge of being taken over. Jesus said: My people, you just celebrated My Baptism which is the first Luminous Mystery of the rosary. It is important that My refuge people are willing to have a perpetual Adoration with people praying an hour around the clock. Even if some of your family are weak in the faith, your prayers can lift up their souls. The Holy Spirit is guiding the Church in its decisions, and there was reason for Church leaders to gather and agree on parts of the faith. Jesus said: My people, I love all of you so much and you are seeing in the vision how I will multiply My consecrated Hosts for My people to have every day at My refuges during the tribulation. You remember when I asked My people to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. Your Good Friday oil is your best way to heal the vaccinated people., Jesus said: My people, there are evil people who hate Me, and they want to remove all the books that quote My words in the Bible. David said: I want to say hello to my parents and my sisters. It will be every sinners free will choice to be with Me or against Me. My babies are still being aborted every year, and you are receiving My punishment in your severe weather. All of your suffering on earth will be well worth it to see Me at your own resurrection on the last day., Jesus said: My people, you are entering the spring time when the trees and flowers are all coming alive. When St. Thomas asked Me to show him the way, I said to him: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In other words if you want to know the way to heaven, all you need to do is follow Me in My sacraments. I told you that I would use My refuges to separate My faithful from the evil ones, and then the evil ones would be killed and sent to hell. I then offered the First Mass with the consecration of bread and wine into My Body and Blood. These Pharisees have brought many prophets to their deaths, and I would be treated in the same way. I will divide My people from the evil people at My refuges, where My angels will not permit the evil ones to enter. It was by My miracles that the people could hear and see that I was sent by God. ITV This Morning star Phillip Schofield has called out a co-star after an X-rated message was left in his dressing room. You could sense a possible war coming soon which your country could get drawn into to defend your allies. discretion of Saint Joseph with the Holy Family and his role atRead more , Carol El comienzo de la misin Jesus said: My people, you know the significance of My 3:00 p.m. 393 Highland Street, South Amboy, Middlesex County, NJ, 08879 has 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom and a total size of 1,000 square feet. Later, you can fill your smaller bottles with this healing oil. I have given My life so My Most Precious Blood can bring salvation to all of those people who accept My offering. God the Father - "Today, your nation will vote, which will determine the choices of government leaders - These leaders will then choose to support or oppose your President - Pray that all hearts are open to the grace I give" November 6, 2018 Thank you for your prayers to me at all of your prayer meetings. This was a sign for you of the miracles that would be performed in your chapel. You also have bedding, pillows, and blankets for sleeping. If you pray every day and follow My Commandments, I can see your true love for Me in your heart. Those people, who are faithful to Me in life, are promised eternal rest with Me in heaven. We are handing out sheets how to make the Good Friday oil on Good Friday at 3:00 a.m. You can use your Good Friday oil to anoint vaccinated people so they will not die from the next deadly virus. My child, there are many today within the walls of government that continue to eat the forbidden fruit. Jesus said: My people, I am truly a King, and the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh from the Magi were truly appropriate for a King. Jesus said: My people, I asked St. John the Baptist to baptize Me to institute My sacrament of Baptism with the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Stars: Ray Romano, Denis Leary, John Leguizamo. You recite 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. Trust in Me in all you do to evangelize souls for My greater glory., Saturday, January 14, 2023: Has all heavenly messages in many different languages. After the Warning and the conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges where you will be healed of any viruses by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. You can pour some of this oil in your little bottles and use it to pray over the people. You have done well in your preparations, and you have followed My directions in all I have asked of you. You all have been given your guardian angel to watch . You have made your preparations for sleeping, eating, and praying before My Host at your refuges. . Give thanks for all of My refuge builders for saying yes to My call., Jesus said: My son, you are seeing proof of more cheating in the Michigan 2020 Presidential election that showed 66,000 votes that were not connected to registered voters. Pray that these 5G systems do not cause more cancer from this radiation. There is an added incentive to make this oil, because I told you that a blessing of this oil on your forehead would help keep vaccinated people from dying from the next virus attack. They will make more excuses with new Covid restrictions, as you will see the vaccinated people shedding more viruses that could affect the unvaccinated. The Magi had followed My miraculous star from the East, and they came to Bethlehem where the star stopped to indicate where I was born. Gods plan was fulfilled with St. Joseph taking me into his home when the angel told him about the Holy Spirit as my Spouse. So follow Me in My Commandments, and you will be led to heaven through Me., Saturday, May 1, 2021: (St. Joseph the worker) You have to pray for new couples to be able to find and afford a used or new home. This means of control using vaccines, is the beginning of a communist takeover., Tuesday, March 30, 2021: Many of the people who took the vaccine shot could die when the next virus attack comes. This is causing home buyers to put premium bids in for purchasing a home, because there is so much demand for homes. This is why My faithful need to work on converting their relatives and friends so they can have a cross put on their foreheads by the angels. During the six weeks of conversion, My faithful will be working hard to help save the lukewarm souls. Jesus said: My people, it is unfortunate, but only bad news sells newspapers. The 3:00 a.m. John Leary Latest Messages 2021. Keep praying for the souls in your family because your prayers could help save the lukewarm in your family., Sunday, May 2, 2021: You are allRead more , Friday, January 13, 2023: (St. Hilary) Stop your abortions now, or you will be seeing worse punishments for killing My little ones., Monday, January 9, 2023: (The Baptism of the Lord) It gives your body a rest, and you feel in a better way to pray as well. My people need to pray and be active against abortions, killing by euthanasia, and this new killing using bioweapon viruses and vaccines designed to kill large numbers of people., Thursday, April 1, 2021: (Holy Thursday) This oil will protect people from the new virus that could kill vaccinated people. If your people do not rise up in revolt against these restrictions, you could lose your freedoms and allow the communists to take you over. Sunday, January 1, 2023 January 4, 2023 Sunday, January 1, 2023: (The Solemnity of Mary) Our Blessed Mother said: "My dear children, on this feast of my Motherhood of my Son, Jesus, I pondered all of these events in my heart. This should uplift your spirits so you can share your Easter joy with the people around you. The 48-year-old TV star has now entered into a decade of fronting the event . Be prepared to come to My refuges when the evil ones try to force the virus shots on you., Prayer group: It is also on my website. I give you My very Self every day when you receive Me in My Blessed Sacrament. JANUARY 1, 2023 - A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND TO THE WHOLE WORLD! These and those people, who do not come to Mass, are the lukewarm Catholics that will be shocked when they receive My Warning. 1) That John Leary had mistaken the "normal workings of the mind in the processes of mental prayer for supernatural locutions." 2) That the "locutions" are human in origin, not divine. Just your presence there can discourage some women from having an abortion. Only those souls, who remain faithful to Me, will be saved. With your new Republican House, there may be more cuts to sending money and equipment to the Ukraine. everyone is there plot summary. The evil ones are intent on closing the churches again. You all have been given your guardian angel to watch over you, and your angel urges you to lead a holy life of prayer and obedience to Me and My Commandments. I know you have been told not to take this shot because it could ruin your immune system. Jesus said: My people, I had to explain to My apostles how the Father and I are One in the Blessed Trinity. Your refuge angel will protect you from the evil ones, as they will not be able to enter. I even told you how many of My messengers will talk about refuges in these end times. You will spend your time at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading you read about the high priests like Aaron, and how the priests are called to be priests forever according to the order of Melchizedek. Presented by journalist Naomi O Leary and lecturer Tim Mc Inerney, this is your passport to Ireland. You are seeing the beginning of how the left wants to control your freedoms of movement by forcing mandatory Covid vaccine ID tags as a necessity to enter your stores. America is also seeing more control by communist elements in your government. A. The Blessed Mother said: My dear children, todays feast of my Annunciation is one of the biggest moments of my life, when I gave my fiat to St. Gabriel that I would accept Gods plan for me to be the mother of His Son, Jesus. You can call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. In the Gospel you saw the faith of the paralytic man who was let down through the roof to be in front of Me because of the crowd. . The people were astounded to see the man walking and some gave thanks to God. The other threat to your lives is your open borders where fentanyl is killing a lot of your young people because of Bidens open border policy. You are asked many times to pray for vocations to the priesthood. You used to follow this practice, so maybe you could return to fasting throughout the year., Jesus said: My people, some news reports are saying that Bidens possession of secret documents was known before the mid-term elections. This is the room where you will pray before My Son, Jesus Host around the clock as a perpetual Adoration throughout the whole tribulation time of less than 3 years. You have made this before with your 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. Before the next deadly virus is released, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to My refuges after the six weeks of conversion that will not have any influence of the devil. These Democrats cheered when they passed the latest abortion law and they even put pink lights on in the World Trade Center. You have your spiritual strength from Me, because without Me, you can do nothing. Keep praying to stop your abortions, and keep praying before your Planned Parenthood to counsel the women to have their babies and avoid abortions., Jesus said: My people, it is getting harder for your people to grow enough food for everyone in your country. When you come to Me in your judgment, I will ask you how much you loved Me and your neighbors. Robert Leary, 27, intimidated and harassed the woman for three months from December 2021 after downloading private images of her in a state of undress. Keep praying for your family members to wake up, and see the importance of coming to Mass and the sacraments. Blog Post (10/1/21): Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ - September 28, 2021 Update Blog Post (9/23/21): Prophet John Leary - JESUS CHRIST - "With another severe earthquake there (Canary Islands), you could indeed see a fast tsunami travel across the Atlantic Ocean into your East Coast - Your people need to . Just as I called Levi to follow Me, so I call all people to follow Me and reach out to save lost souls as well. By My death on the cross I have set all souls free from the bondage of their sins, and this opened the gates of heaven to those people who are worthy to enter. Thomas initially fled, but was taken into custody without . "my people, i told st. Prophet john leary tuesday, march 2, 2021 jesus said: Counting for the local elections takes place at the WIT Arena today WLR from My people, i called my apostles. Jason Bateman - Latest news, views, gossip, photos and video | Daily Mail Online. Trust in Me to provide for your food, even if I need to multiply what you have. Thank you for marking your entrance with the Epiphany blessing of 20+C+M+B+23., Jesus said: My people, this is true that your abortions are a huge problem with many babies being killed every year. You heard the demons speaking in a loud, low voice, especially when your cross of relics was placed on his back. Others can be healed at My refuges when they look upon My Luminous cross in the sky. Your industrial defense complex is making millions of dollars making these weapons. The Condon Committee disputed the legitimacy of the Tulli Papyrus stating, "Tulli was taken in and that the papyrus is a fake." The evil ones will also be spreading more viruses in the chemtrails. Some areas in your country are seeing floods, while other areas are having droughts. Once My people will be in danger for not taking the Covid vaccine, I will send My Warning as you saw the life review starting in the vision. Messages can also be printed from the web site in printer friendly format. Pray to help save your families and friends from hell., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing people being given electronic ID tags so the evil ones could tell who had the shot and who did not. Loud, low voice, especially when your cross of relics was on... Wave that could shut down your churches again the same way hands, and you are on the verge being... Voice, especially when your cross of relics was placed on his back the churches again sacraments! The beginning of Lent Mass with the people around you pray, pray to the faith, your prayers lift! 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Eternal rest with Me or against Me asked many times to pray over the people passport to Ireland will...