The lesson I take from this is that domestic grievances, when allowed to fester, can ultimately convulse into broader conflicts and brother crises and armed conflicts, which could have devastating consequences on a transnational basis, said Christopher Fomunyoh of the U.S.-based National Democratic Institute. The name is derived from Ambas Bay, the bay at the territory's sea coast directly facing the Equatoguinean Island of Bioko. Your email address will not be published. Of late, we at FP have been wondering: What can Russias war in Ukraine teach the world going forward? As the Egyptian economy falters, Sisi is turning to the Chinese government for support. Browse Ambazonia news, . [17] Premiers (State Governor) are also responsible for the security of their state and may summon the army if needed. Green stands for the Fertility of the Land. SCACUF unilaterally declared the region's independence as Ambazonia on October 1, the anniversary of Southern Cameroons' independence from the United Kingdom. White stands for Providence from God, hope and peace. Business Insider and the Africa Collective initiative it supports presents the top 5 oil producing countries in Africa for December 2022. Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory. There is another risk: that the alliance will ignite cross-border ethnic violence that may have regional consequences. Amabazonia since 2016 protests are defended by many separatist groups spearheaded by Ambazonia Defence Forces (ADF), famously known as 'the boys'. A Biafra-Ambazonia weapons exchange will bolster the Anglophone separatist movement. The name Ambazonia comes from Ambas Bay. [4] Over time, the power of the central government, dominated by Francophones, expanded at the expense of the region's autonomy. Email:, 2022 All Right Reserved by The African Nation. The Prefect/ District Officer forms the District Council (Local Government). today We believe that Africa is poorly represented, and badly under-estimated. Many of the problems from the initial draft have been solved. (Former British Southern Cameroons) STATE HOUSE BUEA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 6218 Georgia Avenue NW Suite 1-459 | Washington DC 20011-5125 Phone Number (318)243-6715 Fax: (318)274-3202 Email: Saturday 31 December 2022 Ref. The name Ambazonia comes from Ambas Bay, the area of a settlement of freed slaves which is regarded as the boundary between Anglophone and Francophone Cameroon. West Cameroon was divided into two administrative regions, which survive today: the "North West" and "South West" regions.[32]. t.src = v; Report of the United Nations Commissioner for the Supervision of the Plebiscites in the Southern and Northern Parts of the Trust Territory of the Cameroons Under United Kingdom Administration", "The Anglophone Cameroon Crisis. In 1914, as World War I began, British forces from British Nigeria and French forces from French Equatorial Africa and Gabon attacked German Kamerun. [63] The northeastern parts of Northwest Region (including the city of Bamenda) have a tropical savanna climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons. Under the Lyttleton Constitution of Nigeria in 1954, Southern Cameroons gained limited autonomy as a Quasi-Region within the Nigerian Federation. [11][12] Other sources may also refer to "Southern Cameroons", "Anglophone Cameroon" or "Cameroon's Anglophone regions". Two unequal former colonies became a single federal state; however, the disparities between the two were not addressed. ), Counties are further divided into 61 districts (LGA) governed by Prefects or District Officers. White flower stands for Purity, innocence, peace, respect and hope. [34] In February 1984, Biya changed the official name of the country from the United Republic of Cameroon the name adopted after unification with the Southern Cameroons - back to the Republic of Cameroon. Cameroon Bank, West Cameroon Marketing Board, WADA in Wum, West Cameroon Cooperative Movement. A referendum in 1961 sealed the future of British Cameroon: The northern region. [33], Flag of Ndian County. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion (based on the United Nations official statistics). Weekly update on developments in India and its neighbors. Blue stands for the Manyu River, Liberty and perseverance. 2 global climate envoy, joined FP editor in chiefRavi Agrawal to discuss Washingtons climate policy, and how it is being seen around the world. Lets watch and see if the so-called Amnesty International will condemn this attack, and CALL the ambazonia TERRORISTS for what they are. Ambazonia, Cameroon After World War I, the German colony of Cameroon was placed under a British and French mandate. Several different armed factions have emerged such as the Red Dragons, Tigers, ARA, Seven Kata, ABL, with varying levels of coordination with and loyalty to Ambazonian political leaders. if there were many agitations and co mments, the new social order of Fon . if (!f._fbq) f._fbq = n; Brown stands for the soil and fertility and Strength. I was to be used now only as window dressing and not listened to. [48] This temporarily ended hopes for continued dialogue and kicked of full-fledged guerilla war in Southern Cameroons. Daniel, the Ambazonian deputy defense chief, acknowledged the potential regional impact of the alliance but said that after almost five years of low-level armed conflict in Cameroon, there was no other choice. The party with a majority vote within a county forms the county government. [20], Despite calls by Southern Cameroons leaders for full independence, United Nations' resolutions 1350 (XIII) of March 13, 1959 and 1352 (XIV) of October 16, 1959 called on Britain, the Administering Authority to organize separate plebiscites in Southern Cameroons and Northern Cameroons under UN supervision based on the following two 'alternatives': independence by joining Nigeria or joining Cameroon. Legally, maybe we can talk about secession or separation., In 1984, President Paul Biya changed the status of the country from United Republic of Cameroon to Republic of Cameroon, Read more:Soldiers in Cameroon shoot dead several independence activists. Located along the Atlantic Ocean, it shares its borders with the Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria. Gold Star stands for Leadership, wisdom and perseverance). Yellow stands for Justice and prosperity. Anti-independence demonstrations against Anglophone regions are also taking place in Cameroon. Instead, Biya, who has been in power since 1982, has ordered a military crackdown on the protests. Required fields are marked *. The leader of the self-declared Governing Council of Ambazonia, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe, is among the 10 who have been convicted A leader of Cameroon's separatist movement, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe, and nine of. Welcome to the self-proclaimed Federal Republic of Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons); a virtual country of many sins. facebookTracking(); Too dangerous at the moment. Download the new FP mobile app to read anytime, anywhere. The National flag is raised at federal institutions or on federal property. The bay, which is located in southwestern Cameroon, is considered to be the border between southern Cameroon and the Republic of Cameroon. Blue stands for Perseverance and liberty. The protests that began as a movement against police brutality have much bigger goalsincluding regime change. Steve Bannons Man in Italy Has Big Plans, The Hidden History of the Worlds Top Offshore Cryptocurrency Tax Haven, Irans Protests Are Nowhere Near Revolutionary. Four stripes represent the Four districts of the county). The Sun stands for a new era. [15] This boundary was recognized internationally in 1922 and Britain and France were given control of their respective regions as League of Nations Mandates. Dispatch: Red stands for Blood and strength of the people. By 1914, the Germans had established control either directly or through local leaders well into the hinterlands of the territory now claimed by Ambazonia, conquering communities such as Nkambe and establishing a garrison fort at Bamenda in 1912. Boris Pistorius, a longtime politician with little foreign policy experience, will host his counterparts later this week to discuss Ukraine. In 1967, following two failed military coups and targeted ethnic violence and persecution, the Igbo people came together to form the secessionist state of Biafra, triggering a brutal two-year civil war during which the Nigerian military imposed a blockade of the state, which caused between 500,000 to 2 million civilians to die from starvation. Delivered Friday. Meanwhile, Cameroonian security forces have funneled weapons to the Mbororo communities that have gone on to attack English-speaking farmers, a CHRDA report notes. The term "Ambazonia" is derived from the word Ambozes, the local name for the bay area at the mouth of the Wouri (now Douala) river. Symbolism (Yellow stands for Prosperity and Justice. This African country is the second oldest democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa after Ghana and has access to natural wharfs on her Atlantic shore overlooked by the grandeur of the highest mountain peak in West Africa. Tribal regions exist to preserve Ambazonian culture and Heritage. Delivered Wednesday & Sunday. The term Ambazonia is more usually associated with the separatist or independence-seeking faction, while the Cameroonian government and other official sources, such as the UN, continue to refer to the "Northwest Region" and "Southwest Region" (or sometimes the "NoSo" regions), the official names of the two administrative provinces since 1972. n.callMethod ? [4] Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia is a secessionist state of Cameroon, self-proclamed in its English-speaking regions. Blue stands for the Sky, the Momo River, Liberty and perseverance. The Indian government has tread carefullyand invited trouble. Biafrans and Ambazonians are predominantly Christians, while the Fulani are mostly Muslim. For its part, the Ambazonia movement says it will share lessons in making the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon ungovernable, a tactic that has largely been achieved. Spokespeople from the self-proclaimed Interim Government of Ambazonia, the other major Anglophone separatist group, and the Customary Government of IPOB have denounced the alliance and proclaimed that the leaders involved are impostors.. Cameroon's Anglophone crisis has brought the country to the brink of civil war. In 1993, the All Anglophone Conference took place in Buea bringing together all Southern Cameroons citizens who called for the restoration of the federal system. Business Name: OverReacher Empire Corporation [16], The Federal Republic of Southern Cameroon/Ambazonia is a federation made up of Three Autonomous States, namely Equatorial State, Midland State and Savannah State. Biafrans and Anglophone Cameroonians share a common enemy: Fulani herders, a nomadic ethnic group present across West and Central Africa. The country was given the status of a League of Nations mandate in 1919, it wasadministered by both Britain and France. There is currently only a single permanent embassy, with Nigeria. In recent years, the death toll from ethnic and intercommunal violence has reached unprecedented levels, even exceeding that of violent extremism and terrorism in Mali, according to ACLED. Gorji Dinka became the first head of the Ambazonia Restoration Council. The people of Northern and Southern Cameroons under the umbrella of the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF) finally decided to affirm the independence of the English . Last August, when the United States passed the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), commentators celebrated the fact that the worlds biggest economy would slash its carbon emissions anShow mored provide massive tax credits to programs investing in clean energy. [10][11][12] Headed by economist, politicians, businessman and lawyers who are either in exile or in the diaspora, the Anglophone Crisis has prolonged due to the determination of separatists forces and diaspora funding. Many militias have sought to enforce a total school strike since 2017 due to concerns over the lack of Anglophone teachers and curriculum. The rough terrain of the Cameroon line and the lack of navigable rivers in much of the interior of the region claimed by Ambazonia limited colonial activity outside the coastal regions. The star stands for Leadership and prosperity. 'Desertions from army' Most of Ambazonia has a tropical monsoon climate, with the coastal plain containing some of the rainiest places in the world (such as the village of Debundscha). European traders from several nations visited Ambas Bay beginning with the Portuguese in the 1470s. From the east and southeast, it is surrounded by the Indian Ocean . How does industry define morality? [18], In 1957, United Nations Resolutions 1064 (XI) of 26 Feb 1957 and 1207 (XII) of Dec 13, 1957 called on the Administering Authorities to hasten arrangements for Trust territories to attain self-governance or independence. From: Africa Direct. German explorer Gustav Nachtigal signed key treaties with several prominent kings. Modern Peanuts of Cameroon: Selling with style. A Biafra-like agitation for independence has been unfolding in neighbouring Republic of Cameroon since November 2016. There is confusion in the terms used; some people speak of restoration of independence which means going back to the UN Trust territory status.. [13][14], As of 2020, during an end-of-year speech, the interim government, headed by President Samuel Ikome Sako proposed the division of the formerly northwest and southwest regions into three autonomous states: Equatorial, Midland and Savannah. What have we learned so fShow morear, and how can we apply those lessons to make sure we dont sleepwalk into yet another war? Black stands for the People and Culture. Targeted ethnic violence against the Igbos by Fulani and other northern Nigerian ethnic groups was one of several factors that led to the civil war in the 1960s. [60] France, the UK as well as the European Parliament have also expressed concern and pushed for negotiations between the parties to resolve the crisis. Midland State Counties (demonym;Midlanda): Flag of Lebialem County. The county-minister appoints members to the County Councils, either from the party or from locals with important skills. Allied naval superiority allowed the swift capture of the Cameroonian coast, cutting the Germans off from reinforcement or resupply. [44] At least 17 people were killed in protests following the declaration of independence, while fourteen Cameroonian troops were killed in attacks claimed by the Ambazonia Defence Forces. For Washington, self-imposed restraint will always be a contradiction in terms. The Ambazonia Defense Forces see the Biafra-Ambazonia alliance as a critical outlet to end rising Fulani-led attacks. The Nigerian and Cameroonian militaries are well equipped and well trained, as both countries receive military support and training from foreign governments including the United States, France, and the United Kingdom for anti-terrorism efforts. The country split from Sudan in 2011 and remains the African continent's youngest country. However, tribal leaders may not partake in federal or state politics as to prevent or calm down or avoid any form of ethnic tension. Germany conquered Buea in 1891 after several years of fighting, transferring the colonial capital there in 1892 from Douala. A/60/40, Vol. Delivered Monday-Friday. A monthly digest of the top articles read by FP subscribers. Address: 11207A Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20901, Phone Number: (301) 593-4879 Each state has its own legislature, the State Council, which is unicameral and is made up of representatives from each of the districts (LGA) that make up that state. In 1990, opposition political parties were legalized and John Ngu Foncha, the leading Anglophone in Cameroon's government, resigned from the governing party and encapsulated much of the dissatisfaction with the central government's attitude toward the Anglophone regions in his public resignation letter: [I]t became clear to me that I had become an irrelevant nuisance that had to be ignored and ridiculed. Symbolism (Red stands for the Blood and strength of the people. II, at 194 (HRC 2005)", "The All Anglophone Conference (April 23, 1993)", "Cameroon teachers, lawyers strike in battle for English", "Cameroon restores internet to English-speaking region", "A Turn for the Worse: Violence and Human Rights Violations in Anglophone Cameroon", "Southern Cameroons gets new government with Sessekou Ayuk Tabe as Interim President", "Cameroon government 'declares war' on secessionist rebels", "Cameroon's English-speakers call for independence", "Biya declares war on Anglophone separatists The SUN Newspaper, Cameroon", "Cameroon escalates military crackdown on Anglophone separatists", Cameroon's Anglophone crisis: Red Dragons and Tigers the rebels fighting for independence, Just In-Dr Samuel Ikome Sako Is New Acting Interim President of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia, "Just In-Dr Samuel Ikome Sako Is New Acting Interim President of The 'Federal Republic of Ambazonia' Cameroon News Agency", "Cameroon: Separatist leader and followers handed life sentences | DW | 20.08.2019", "Ambazonia Leader Sisiku Ayuktabe Dissolves Sako Caretaker Government, Re-installs Own Cabinet", "UN Security Council to Discuss Cameroon's Escalating Crisis", "Cameroon: UN Security Council to discuss Anglophone crisis", "Caught in the middle: Peace activists in Cameroon try to end a brutal war", "HRW World Report 2020: Rights Trends in Cameroon", "U.S. Reduces Military Aid to Cameroon Over Human Rights Abuses", Cameroon: I spent a week embedded with Anglophone armed separatists, "Wettest Places on Earth by Annual Rainfall", "Present and future Kppen-Geiger climate classification maps at 1-km resolution",, This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 06:41. 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