Just read John 1 it says God was there in the beginning and on earth in the flesh so just read the book. He was there, He is everywhere and He was always with them. As God had promised, they became mortal. So again, lets not be naive to think that God didnt spend time with them! constant) communication with God (e.g., the angel in Daniel 10:13 who was withstood by the prince of Persian for 21 days until Michael came to help him). There are many others that could be added to this list but this illustrates . Their physical condition changed as a result of their eating the forbidden fruit. Ive enjoyed reading your article, the comments and your responses. When the Lord made him on the sixth day, He commanded him not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Jesus is Lord God, He is the Son of God. They are not taking a leisurely stroll with God, they are hiding from Him as He comes to announce His judgment. I hope this clarifies my objective in the post. And they heard the sound of the Lord God, walking in the garden. can you show me when i can get the ideas? Or maybe they read Gods mind. I looked in Genesis, Psalms and even searched for New Testament references. As you know, I couldnt find it. What an absolute honor we have as human beings to be made in the image of the Creator and to be called to demonstrate who He is and what He is like. He could have done it audibly from the heavens, or He could have spent time with Adam in the garden. 9 GOD made all kinds of trees grow from the ground, trees beautiful to look at and good to eat. Genesis 3:21 comes after Genesis 3:7, in which Adam and Eve ate from the Tree and realized they were naked. (Meditating upon God's Word makes it a consistent part of our daily . My goal in these types of blog posts is to encourage believers to look carefully at the text. Instead, He manifested as a violent wind, perhaps not too different than how He spoke to Job out of the whirlwind (Job 38:1). Ok, we have God as a highly elevated being that perhaps didnt want to spend timewith all of this. Hi Robert, Possible the sound he heard was uncharacteristically harsh & is why he was afraid. I dont believe this is a knock-down, drag-out argument, but given these details and many others described in my book, I believe angelic beings are very likely made in Gods image. "Until the cool of the day. Genesis 2 describes Adam and Eve's first homethe Garden of Eden. So it seems there would have been little or no point for God to have EVER been in their presence in the manner that this idea assumes: actually relating to them in the ordinary manner in which one human normally would relate to one or more other humans. They were placed in the Garden of Eden and given everything they needed: food, work, companionship, and fellowship with God as they walked with him in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). They were not merely spiritual beings at that point. In all likelihood, it comes from a misunderstanding of or making an inference from Genesis 3:8: And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day (NKJV). Hi David, Weve arrived at a very similar conclusion very recently that Adam and his wife or help-meat very possibly disobeyed their creators command not to eat of the fruit of tree in the midst of the garden the first day they were placed there. I must stand corrected as I also remembered Adam and Eve walking in the cool of the afternoon with God. !NOW YOU CAN TAKE THIS LIE DOWN FOR GOOD ,,,THANK YOU !!!!STEVI. If He was walking, then this must have been a theophany - a pre-incarnate appearance of the Second Person of the Trinity. "Until the cool of the day when the shadows flee away, Turn, my beloved, and be like a gazelle. However, were here to serve everyone without cost, so please dont feel obligated to give unless the Lord leads. I just dont get your argument. So it would not have taken long for Eve to conceive, yet Cain was not conceived until they were banished from the Garden. This post isnt about whether they enjoyed fellowship with Him prior to sin and walked with Him in a metaphorical sense. I love my time with Him and when Im not with Him I want to do the right thing by Him, unlike Adam and Eve! It was always my thought they in fact walked side by side as one would imagine them doing so. 30? Lets take a teacher in a class room full of students, then have the teacher leave the room, chaos will ensue, amen? This is what most people have in mind when they speak of the Lord walking with Adam and Eve. I too have always heard that God walked with Adam & Eve in the cool of the day every day. And therefore, it seems to me familiarity was brought about by regular communion/ communication/ visits from the Lord. Genesis 3:8. That is exactly how his walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden is depicted. This verse appears immediately after our first parents rebelled against the Creator. They heard God's approach as a terrible wind that lashed the trees of the garden, and they took cover. God appointed angels to guard the way back (Genesis 3:23-24). So if they were in the garden for a month, how many times (if ever) did they walk with God? Hi Bob, He may have seen the trees and the garden as God spoke those words, but he probably hadnt eaten yet. The Hebrew Bible depicts Adam and Eve as walking around the Garden of Eden naked due to their sinlessness. Why would God spend time with them, because He loved them and wanted to share His love with them! 1. In fact, earlier this week during a Q&A session, one of the guests asked about Adam walking with God in the garden. Like a child jumping in his fathers arm as he comes home from work. But there is so much more to the story. The answer is that it was the Word, who later became Jesus Christ, that walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. It is very possible that the angelic beings are also made in the image of God. 14Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.. As I mentioned in the conclusion, God could have walked with them, but the Bible does not tell us that He did. Hi Nucc, The same (principle) applies to the natural reading of anything: that according to the thing itself. Josh 5:13-15 - the commander of the LORD's army (compare Rev 19:9, 10) Dan 3:25 - the "Son of God" in the fiery furnace. I have been following the comments on this article for several years, and I want to say how much I appreciate your kind and faithful answers. 1991 - 2023 Eternal Perspective MinistriesAll Rights Reserved. If strong wind is a better translation, then it would not be saying that God was walking in the garden, but instated that He was moving in the garden. Answer (1 of 22): Yes. But, like other things, there is truly not a single word to directly support the notion that Adam walked with God in the cool of the day. * In The Garden * And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. Adam heard God making a sound (aside from speaking) that God had made before and which enabled Adam to recognise that it was the sound of God. This is something I have heard countless times, and based on the number of responses trying to justify such a view, its pretty clear that a lot of others have heard it and/or taught it. It doesnt say that they were walking with God. Then God shared his thoughts to Abraham of judging Sodom and Gomorrah. In fact it comes to mind that the statement can be transcended as a statement of faith, that the Lord God was loving and personal as he claims himself to be and did walk with them, who knows. It also seems to assume that they were in the garden for quite a while when they almost certainly were not there for long at all. Here is a link to the Wikicommons page showing that this illustration is in the public domain: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Schnorr_von_Carolsfeld_Bibel_in_Bildern_1860_009.png. Here is just one example about working the land 26:1 make no idols. Now turn to Chapter 4 of Genesis verse 13 Cain said to the Lord, My punishment is more than I can bear. In fact, they didn't even know what want and longing were! Im glad to know that what you are able to recognize what I hope to accomplish whenever I respond to people. It says that he went to the land of Nod and then she conceived a son (Enoch). #1 Eve "saw" that the tree was good for food. God also brought the animals to Adam so he could name them. This just goes on and on and on all the way through this book about how god expects his people to walk with him please read the book of Leviticus slowly it gives all the details that genesis doesnt. Genesis 3:8 KJV. Dont you think that Adam and Eve being new and first created that God would have been extremely close to them ? Could the person who was walking in the Garden have been the Angel of the Lord or the Pre-Incarnate Christ? These factors make Adam, and subsequently Eve who was taken out of the man Adam, uniquely designed to perceive the presence of God, and descern His will. In Job, God spoke out of the whirlwind. there are many who use the idea of Adam and Eve actually walking with God to stress the theological point of mans closeness to God prior to sin in order to contrast that with mans lost condition after sin. Genesis 3:8 ? Adam and Eve surely knew that the punishment for rebellion was deathand even if they didnt understand the fullness of that word, they knew it wasnt good. Yes this is almost like apples and oranges because our parents are here in physical form but just trying to make a point and the Bible clearly says no one knows what God looks like except His Son . So, it is not a far stretch to suppose that God and Adam might have walked together in the Garden, if not regularly, else why would God have gone to the trouble to create a garden and put man into it, if not to have a direct relationship. Adam and Eve enjoyed a relationship with God, and with each other, that was unhindered by the disruptive power of sin. 00:00. The anthropomorphic description of God walking (mithallek) in the garden suggests the enjoyment of fellowship between him and our first parents. So I will get rid of the statement being discussed here. When He asked them why they hid they answered Him. may I use your illustration in a short story that I will submit for publication on a non-commercial website (perhaps only my own personal website, if I cannot find acceptance at a more widely viewed site)? The imagery in the temple indicates that it was recreating Eden, indicating that God was present in Eden in a special way that he was not present in other places on the earth. Did you notice something else about the way people typically define the image of God? The episode of God walking in the Garden of Eden is one of these instances. #2 They both "saw" their nakedness. I would take them apart and look inside to see how they worked. There are warnings in Scripture about adding to it. If he was just manifesting himself in a strong wind, there would be no need to use the word walking. I think youve understood exactly what I was seeking to accomplish. Lord God (pre-incarnate Jesus Christ) was also the burning bush that app. Due to the craftiness of the serpent, sin found its way into the Garden and everything fell apart. Other Biblical accounts clearly show this - as it is God who speaks with, walks with, and assist humans to discover His nature and His love. Song of Solomon 2:17. What if they were some sort of Spiritual Being as God and his Son were at the time. Conclusion. Tim. Sam. I think it would be odd for God to first come walking in the garden with Adam and Eve only after they had sinned. (Vs. 21) Did the wind drive them out of the garden? Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Then ended up here. Adam tried to put the blame on Eve, and Eve tried to put the blame on the serpent, but God was angry with all three of them! So, heres one guy that wont repeat this again. Tim, thanks for striking the axe at the root of this human imagined concept. If how we are not that naive to believe that this is a new thing with Him, no we can reasonably infer that God spent time with Adam and Eve. Then brought Eve to him. 16 The Lord God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; 17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and . 6398. Say, for example, that they werent expelled from the Garden until they were 60+ or 70+ (or older). Regarding your logic in your blog post here, titled, Did Adam and Eve Walk with God in the Garden? Maybe their nakedness was not exposed genitalia, but realized they were naked in some other maner. One fine, perfect Edenic day Eve was out walking. The first consequence of Adam and Eve's momentous decision to reject God's revelation was a . Psalm 104:3. ~~~~~ There are other passages in Scripture about those who did walk with God. the Bible states that the man (species) was driven out of the Garden of Eden. they heard him rebuke them. Walked with God is a favorite expression in Genesis, depicting the righteous conduct of Israels heroes, including Enoch, Noah, and Abraham. My guess is that they would not have had nearly enough animals to eat over their forty year wandering. Thanks for your comments. I dont recall a specific instance of this, but since the promised land was repeatedly spoken of as a land flowing with milk and honey, I take that to mean that their flocks would thrive and they would have an abundance of milk (in addition to honey and more). There is no need to attribute the work to me. Adam and eve Adam and eve disobey god hiding footprints The Presence Of God Guilty Fear Hearing God's Voice Garden Of Eden, The Gardens Concealment . Because at this time there are only three people left from the list. God bless! It says, coats of skin. To add to the post above, another theological consideration is the temple. Walking with God means you are in agreement with Him and His ways ( Amos 3:3 ). Totally agree with you to know that not everything was told to us, but take what we are told and use it for good, not for argument. When he made Eve, he took a rib, closed up Adams side with flesh and then he brought the woman to Adam. At the same time, Adam understood what God meant when He spoke to him, so there clearly was some preprogramming that occurred when God created him. Romans 5:10-12 Regardless of whether you translate the disputed phrase as cool of the day or strong wind, the text still says that God was walking in the cool of the day / wind (of the day). Hi Robert, The animals possess none of these characteristics, at least not to the same degree as man, so these seem like strong possibilities for what it means to be made in Gods image. There is a possibility that we should understand that Hebrew text to be speaking about something more like the whirlwind at the end of Jobthat they heard the sound of God moving about (not walking) in the Garden. They may have done that, and I wouldnt have any problem with it. for details. So is this one (post-Fall) verse sufficient to establish that God was in the habit of visiting with Adam and Eve in the Garden? But what does it really matter, what appears to have happened here (according to some of the responses) is that golden calves have been kicked over and religion has taken a bump on the shins. However, most people inevitably mention them walking in the cool of the day, so they arent thinking of it in the figurative sense. Adam & Eve hid themselves from God. Not once. Based on the sheer number of people who have claimed this, it must be found somewhere in the Bible, right? 9 The Lord God called to the man and asked him, "Where are you?". He created a vast array of angels prior to the creation of man, so theres no guarantee that God spent a bunch of time with Adam and Eve. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. However, God did come physically to Abraham and ate. I have no doubt that they heard an audible voice when God asked, Where are you? or when He asked who told them that they were naked. 21? Can you show me some similar articles? It seems so trivial. The children of Israel had a great amount of lifestock during the time of their exodus. IOW, IMV Where Adam FAILED, Christ Jesus PASSED, *Saying all this Tim, I truly respect your thoughts and views as a brother in Christ. The idea that one could walk with God, after all, had been a possible reality only once before, in Genesis 3:8, where Adam and Eve hear "the sound of the Lord God walking about in the garden." Adam and Eve were called to a radical intimacy with God, one that they forfeited through their sin, which resulted in their expulsion from Eden and . 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. God must have schooled him in his new surroundings. It is true that they had not experienced death yet, they came pre-programmed with an ability to speak and understand things. Where is the specific support for this argument found anywhere in the scriptures? The point of my post was not to condemn anyone who believes that they did. They hide among the trees. I never really gave it much thought that Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden.God can and does whatever He wants to do. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts. I can see that they heard either a sound or a voice. Some people have inferred from this statement that they must have known what it sounded like to hear God walk in the Garden so they must have walked with Him before. The problem with this scenario is that Adam and Eve were almost certainly not in the Garden very long. However, that fact has very little to do with whether He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. AMOS 3:3 CAN 2 WALK TOGETHER UNLESS THEY BE AGREED? Im not sure what that accomplishes other than allowing for the possibility that they might have, which is something I have said from the start. No? Considering that each year subtracted from Cain and Abels ages at the time of Abels murder could be added to Adam and Eves time in the Garden, its quite possible that Adam and Eve spent many years in the Garden, which would make their sin all that more sorrowful. Could Adam and Eve have actually taken walks with God in the Garden? Sincerely, I was putting together a Bible lesson today for my twin girls on the Fall of Man. Not all of the time of course, how else would they have rebelled against Him. In other words, man had a physical body made from the ground. Whirlwinds dont speakunless it is God appearing in that form. Haha very eye opening. Its not like Genesis 5:24 (Enoch walked with God) or Genesis 6:9 (Noah walked with God). God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. Your answer leaves many questions for me though Please explain the remaining context of Gen. 3 in Adams walk with God. Therefore, it is likely that Adam and Eve had been experiencing close fellowship with the Lord God. He put the Man he had just made in it. Who was Cain afraid of? If that suggestion is accurate, then it would have been a physical presence of God coming in judgment, similar to how He spoke from the whirlwind in Job. 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