3402 N Martin Luther King Ave Fountain 3800. Hunsucker said he directed Lockett to do something, and that he then saw Lockett direct an inmate to get inside a cell, and the inmate complied, but instead of securing the cell door Lockett sprayed the inmate with pepper spray and then secured the door, the report states. 9901 N I-35 Service Rd The data is shared in compliance with court orders and agreements with other government bodies. Lockett quickly yelled out on the radio for help, but incorrectly identified the unit he was stationed in. One witness reported seeing Thompson stab Mayden in the neck as Mayden ran by him. PREA Reporting: 855-871-4139 Robert Powell is the warden of the Utah State Prison. of prisoner re-entry halfway house beds in the state. Davis Correctional Facility (Holdenville, OK) Diamondback Correctional Facility (Watonga, OK) Eden Detention Center (Eden, TX) El Paso Multi-Use Facility (El Paso, TX) El Paso Transitional Center (El Paso, TX) Elizabeth Detention Center (Elizabeth, NJ) Eloy Detention Center (Eloy, AZ) Fort Worth Transitional Center (Fort Worth, TX) The company also owns the majority of prisoner re-entry halfway house beds in the state. The incident resulted in three lawsuits against CoreCivic two wrongful death suits by family members represented the estates of Mayden and Tiffee, and a negligence lawsuit by a prisoner injured in the melee, Cordell Johnson. LaTanya Graham, Manager Of the eight individuals appointed to the after-action investigative team, four were Corrections Corporation of America/CoreCivic officials or employees and four were Oklahoma Department of Corrections officials, records show. One of the first responding correctional officers said she was apprehensive at first about entering the unit, but saw the injured inmates and knew they needed help, the report states. James Rudek psdservicedesk@omes.ok.gov, Inspector General The investigation states that she was one of three officers who used an audio/video recorder to document staff response, but that facility officials later told them there were technical issues with two of the devices and video was not recorded or accidentally recorded over, while Cox said that he intentionally deleted the video showing a prisoner receiving CPR. 405-521-2445 Maydens lawsuit also alleges that the Charlie North unit was controlled by gangs, and this should have been known by the company given the high number of non-routine uses of force on the unit. Rick Whitten, Warden (Id. In 2016, Petitioner punched a correctional officer in the eye. 1856 E Flynn St Dillwyn Correctional Center. 405-425-2877 FAX: 405-425-3654, Community Outreach Unit Neither CoreCivic nor the Department of Corrections answered questions by the Frontier about whether the facility ended the program or cell door policy after the incident, though DOC did say that the facilitys security plans were reviewed and updated and additional training for CCA staff was offered and required. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER This matter is a pro se petition for habeas corpus filed under 28 U.S.C. Lockett later told investigators that his searches of inmates were quick, and that he might not have conducted pat searches on every inmate or may have inadvertently missed a concealed weapon, the report states. 405-425-7355 FAX: 405-425-2911, Quality Assurance 918-682-7841 FAX: 918-682-4372, Jim E. Hamilton Correctional Center (JEHCC) Secondary: 580-713-7270 Michelle Bass, a nurse at the facility told investigators that when Locketts call for help came over the radio, there was terror in his voice. In one of its motions, CCA states that an opposing gang member did come into contact with Mayden, but does not say who. Sheriff Name. Warden, USP Atlanta, CV 322-153, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database . 405-425-2506, Lexington Assessment & Reception Center (LARC) Nicole Flemming, Coordinator The main concept of the program was to limit and control inmate movement and lessen the threat of a disturbance being caused by prison gangs by preventing offenders from retrieving contraband or weapons from their cell and bringing them into the common areas of a unit, the report states. The warden may or may not be available to talk to. Petitioner filed the instant 2241 habeas petition while incarcerated at McRae Correctional Institute in McRae-Helena, . This will depend on the size of the facility. Tina Petete, Records Coordinator preareport@doc.ok.gov, Private Prison Contract Monitoring Workplace (WP) Violence Incidents: 405-425-2511 The incidents of contraband at CCF, compared to state-run (non-private) facilities, demonstrates an acceptance of criminal activity, the suit states which is further demonstrated by poor training, poor staffing and unprofessional conduct by staff., In its court filings, CoreCivic denies the allegations against it, and states that Mayden was part of the fight and received fatal injuries because of his participation.. 1879 Davis St P.O. David Wade Correctional Center (DWCC) is a Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections prison located in an unincorporated area of Claiborne Parish, between Homer and Haynesville, Louisiana. Still, no money was withheld by the Department of Corrections as a result. Share Two lawsuits by the families of prisoners killed in the clash and one lawsuit by a prisoner who was injured have been filed against CoreCivic. If the offender then wanted to return to his cell, the correctional officer would be required to unlock it, the report states. While all mandatory posts (such as unit officers) were filled, several non-mandatory posts (such as yard or kitchen officer posts) were not, staff members told DOC investigators. The administrative report, which examined the incident and facility for violations of policy, goes into greater detail than the After Action report, offers information that contradicts part of the After Action report and touches on the prisons locked-door policy, which is not mentioned in the After Action report. Ashlee Clemmons, Chief Financial Officer 580-889-6651 FAX: 580-889-2264, Human Resources 405-425-2500, Physical Address: In fiscal year 2016, during the year the incident at Charlie North occurred, CoreCivic was paid $55.9 million for contract bed space, and was paid $54 million for contract beds the following year, according to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Main Phone: 580-713-7291 The facility is approximately ten miles east of Athens, AL and ten miles west of Huntsville, AL. Powell has served with the Utah Department of Corrections since 1986, when he began his career as a correctional officer at the prison. Derrick Yazel, Warden Byrd told investigators that the prisons Phase Program had been beneficial, the report states, though some inmates complained about being locked in or out of their cell. Josh Ward . Video obtained by The Frontier shows Lockett standing at the top of the stairway overlooking the first floor as the two groups of prisoners fought below. And the prison privately run by Tennessee-based CoreCivic responded byviolating state corrections policy by intentionally destroying audio and video surrounding the event and heightened danger faced by prisoners and responding staff by requiring cell doors be locked at all times, an investigation by The Frontier has found. Atmore AL, 36503-3800. Petitioner is in state custody at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas ("HCF"). At that point, Lockett told investigators, he radioed for assistance. McAlester, OK 74502-1999 Internal Financial Audit: 405-425-2585, Bill Johnson Correctional Center (BJCC) No. Lawton, OK 73501-9765 405-425-2696 FAX: 405-425-2675, Professional Development and Succession Planning Address: The Court ordered Mr. Davis to refile his petition on a standard form pursuant to this Court's local rules for pro se . The facility also failed to turn over to DOC investigators security camera video showing the full shift of the lone correctional officer on duty the day of the fight, the report states. Lifesaving efforts were administered by medical staff at the facility but were unsuccessful, he said. Jim Farris, Chief Administrator 29501 Kickapoo Road Tennessee-based CoreCivic is one of the largest private prison companies in the world and has facilities throughout the country. Anthony Fulwilder, 31, who was serving a 23-year sentence on a 2003 conviction in Oklahoma County for six counts of robbery with a firearm and two counts of shooting with intent to kill. In response to questions about the facilitys Phase Program policy, issues raised in DOCs investigative reports on the incident, and lawsuits filed by families of some of the prisoners killed, a spokesman for CoreCivic issued a statement saying they could not comment on pending litigation. The jail's Warden is Corrections Commander Dustin Locke. Shawna English 405-425-2721 FAX: 405-425-2267, Davis Correctional Facility (DCF) [CoreCivic] The assailant has been identified and isolated from other inmates, according to the release. THE FRONTIER. The company owns four prisons in Oklahoma two of which it staffs and operates through a contract with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (Cimarron in Cushing and Davis Correctional Facility in Holdenville), and one of which it leases to DOC (North Fork Correctional Facility in Sayre). 405-425-2114 FAX: 405-425-2578, Chief of Staff Moore Haven Correctional Facility 1282 E SR78 NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Glades County Phone: 863-946-2420 Contractor: THE GEO GROUP, INC. The departments administrative investigation found that at least three Cimarron Correctional Facility staff members used handheld audio/video recording devices to document the facilitys response to the situation that was unfolding on Charlie North, a requirement by DOC for all use-of-force incidents. Aboutanaa El Habti, Warden In addition to a lack of cooperation and lack of credibility by some of the witnesses, the video showing the fight was low-quality and the rotating camera made it difficult to see the incident as it unfolded, Thomas said. Anthony Rowell, Administrator However, as prisoners and facility staff would soon learn, it also meant that if there was a gang disturbance in the common area of a unit, prisoners who did not want to be involved would be unable to voluntarily retreat to the safety of their cell. PO Box 514 2020 E Maine Ave Cox called the Cushing Police Department, and Lockett was placed under arrest. The Kenneth "Honey" Rubenstein Juvenile Center, is the state's minimum security correctional facility for juvenile males. PO Box 260 drc.socf@odrc.state.oh.us. One supervisor told DOC investigators that the officers lack of experience probably affected the response to the incident as well as the camera video obtained, and the officer who was on duty later told investigators that he was kind of new in Central and in there by myself, the report states. Toni Halferty, Budget Comptroller The personally identifiable data is stored both electronically and in confidential paper files. 405-527-5676 FAX: 405-527-4101, Closed Records Offenders also work at other area adult correctional facilities and Correction . In Compliance with the reporting requirements of 74 O.S. After entering the unit the officer said she was recording and recalled seeing prisoners lying on the ground, a prisoner holding what she described as a blue metal knife possibly fashioned from a door frame at the facility, and staff members rendering medical aid. 405-425-7008 FAX: 405-425-7317, Intervention/Re-entry Services PO Box 11400 Becky Guffy, Warden However, no murder charges were filed in the case. Cimarron Correctional Facilitys warden, Byrd, was asked by investigators about Lockett, his training, and other issues that arose during the investigation, according to the report. Questions submitted to DOC on Friday asking what qualified the media spokespeople to be part of the investigative team, whether it was unique for half the investigative team to be made up of private prison officials, and why some of the teams findings appeared to contradict DOCs administrative investigation findings were not returned by publishing time Tuesday. Mark Knutson, Manager However, multiple staff members and some prisoners interviewed by DOC investigators were critical of the program, and said that the locked cells made an already dangerous situation even worse for both because essentially when the incident started the inmates were locked out of their respective cells and could not retreat to a safe place, the report states. A spokesman for CoreCivic declined to comment on the move, and a spokesman for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections declined to comment on whether any similar legal actions by a private prison company has occurred before. Prison records show Lockett put one inmate in his cell, but rather than safely lock him in, Lockett pepper-sprayed the compliant man. Hominy, OK 74035-2100 On his way to the unit, Cox stopped by central control to pick up chemical agents spray, a bag of chemical agent grenades and a MK 46 High Volume delivery system, sometimes referred to as a pepper ball gun. The warden at Limestone Correctional Facility is Warden Christopher Gordy. Gutting IRS Will Help Wealthy Avoid More Taxes | Opinion, Eliminating Income Tax Means More Money for Americans | Opinion. Still, no money was withheld by the Department of Corrections as a result. Those cases are still pending. A medical examiners report listed the cause of death as being a stab wound to the left shoulder. Fax: 580-351-2641, Oklahoma Department of Corrections The prison is located near the Louisiana-Arkansas border.The N-5 Special Management Unit, which as of 2001 holds some 50 prisoners, is a special protection unit for prisoners at risk. No staff were injured, but four inmates died and four others were injured. 580-248-6703 FAX: 580-355-1081, Lawton Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (LCRF) [GEO Group, Inc.] The fourth, Diamondback Correctional Facility in Watonga is empty, but the company has expressed hopes that DOC will lease that facility as well. CoreCivic purchased the facility from the county in October 1996 and currently owns and operates the facility. One of the witnesses said they then overhead the prisoner say how he felt it wasnt right that he had to kill his best friend just because they were from different gangs, the report states. Jackie Brannon Correctional Center (JBCC) Jim Farris, Warden PO Box 1999 McAlester, OK 74502-1999 918-421-3339 FAX: 918-426-0004. Fax: 405-379-6496, Addres: You cant retreat in a prison.. Address and Phone Number for Davis Correctional Facility, a Jail & Prison, at E 133Rd Rd, Holdenville OK. Name Davis Correctional Facility Suggest Edit Address 6888 E 133Rd Rd Holdenville , Oklahoma , 74848 Phone 405-379-6400 Website corecivic.com Davis Correctional Facility Details Type State Facility Security Level Medium Security Inmate Capacity As Mayden ran by him Christopher Gordy, Closed Records Offenders also work at other area adult Correctional facilities Correction! 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