They have a Contact us form that you fill out with the pertinent data, and then AUSNs staff calculates the pension amount by hand. I ask this because Ill be retired out of the reserve/guard (10 U.S. Code Chapter 1223) but the pension is active duty, in nature, because Im immediately receiving a check. Our life immediately got awesome. Gray Area Retirees are members who served in the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve, are qualified for retired pay, and have retired from their service (stopped drilling),but are not yet at the age where they can start receiving retired pay. Remember, you should always be working first with the Air Force on your retired pay application. When you complete those requirements (or have them waivered, or agree to retire at a lower rank), then you can apply for retirement. In addition, with current contact information in the new myPay account, when DFAS receives a completed Gray Area Retiree application for retired pay, DFAS will send email status notifications to you, including: when DFAS receives the application, when DFAS begins working on the application, and when DFAS completes it. I grew up in Dayton, OH, and served in the Ohio Army National Guard from 1984-1988 while attending college . Spouse or dependent child of an active duty Servicemember covered by full-time SGLI, Spouse or dependent child of a member of the National Guard or Reserve of a uniformed service covered by full-time SGLI. A retiree would receive 75% of their gross pay after 30 years of service (30 years x 2.5%). 12311), Disciplinary/courts martial (Title 10, U.S.C., Sect. Back then, financial independence was still traditional Social Security planning for 65-year-olds. Please electronically submit your retirement application via myPers. He has a Bachelors degree in Aerospace Engineering and a masters degree in Aeronautical Science with a concentration in Aviation Safety Science. If you retired awaiting pay, then your pay scale is on the pay table at the maximum longevity for that rank during the year that you turn age 60. If your DIEMS/DIEUS date is before 8 September 1980 then youre Final Pay. Before you agree to an interview, do you know what type of job it is? You can apply for this benefit through eBenefits. For an E-7 with 2134 points starting their pension in 2016 itd be $5061.30 * .1482 = $750/month. of Veterans Affairs, the Dept. With your current contact information, DFAS can keep you informed about changes in the law or policy that may affect you, send you the Air Force Afterburner Retiree Newsletter and the DFAS Retiree Newsletter, and remind you when the window to apply for retired pay is approaching. In my experience being married into the military, and I know its limited, the military can easily be a work to live culture 4 weeks vacation, 3-day holidays turned into 4-day, a lot of coming home when the workday was over, etc. What were your earnings that have an impact on how your retirement pay is calculated? I would just add a comment based on being a spouse who worked for 13 years in the corp world (including stops at Seattle, NYC, DC) before marrying an AF officer and becoming a trailing spouse. At the completion of at least 20 years of Active Federal Service, you will be eligible for a full retirement. A phone call on Thursday asking if you want a Saturday midwatch? Its tough thinking about sticking it out to 57. If your commissioning source was a service academy, then your DIEMS date is the date you started at the service academy. To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. Its the inset box which includes the text Unfortunately, no documentation was available to explain the purpose or rationale for the 15 membership points. National Guard or Reserve member covered by part-time SGLI who incurred a disability or aggravated a pre-existing disability while performing inactive duty training or traveling to/from duty, Member of the Individual Ready Reserve or Inactive National Guard. This niche benefit has since been revoked). Learn About the Reserves and National Guard Just in Case the Active-Duty Fun Stops. A good year is defined as one in which you earned a minimum of 50 points. Can you help me understand this system? We wouldve kept about the same expenses and eventually recovered our savings rate and a much higher quality of life. Thats your service percent multiplier, just as an active-duty retirement at 20 years would be 50%. qualifying for early Guard/reserve retirement, how disability compensation impacts your retirement pay, ways to earn more retirement points in the Guard and Reserves, begin drawing retirement benefits before age 60, pay base system of Final Pay, High Three, or the Blended Retirement System, military pay maintains pace with theEmployment Cost Index, reduces the age 60 retirement requirement by three months, 2023 Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Rates, 2023 Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Rates, 2023 Military Pay Dates for Active-Duty Paychecks,,, I took the first Pearl Harbor vacancy that came up at my rotation date: shore duty on an admirals staff. A good year ensures that you show up each year for a certain minimum amount of work. Until recently, the Final Pay Plan and High-36 Month Average Plan were the two primary non-disability retirement plans in effect for qualified reservists. (Today, Im on Bills side.) I couldve taken just about any career-enhancing billet (as long as it was Nuclear Power School instructor or BUPERS) but we wanted collocation. In retrospect, a real job wouldve been straightforward even easy. Each drill counts as one point (a typical weekend has four drills), as do the days of active duty in the Reserve/Guard for training or mobilizations. AGR orders do not necessarily qualify. Active duty and Reserve retirement pay are calculated differently. Topics include: Doug Nordman is a United States Navy submarine force veteran with 20 years of service. Im also basing this post on 15 years of forum threads and reader e-mails. Many career servicemembers get locked into a single line of thinking that drives them to put their head down and continue their military career until reaching 20 years of active duty service, regardless of the cost. Please call theVeterans CrisisLineat1-800-273-8255. One point for each unit training assembly. Im paying it forward, and Im glad its helping. Love it! The changes are not drastic, but rather intended to streamline decision making and processes, have flexibility for different career field needs, attract and retain talent while developing those future senior leaders, both officer and enlisted, Lt. Col. Karen Coltrin of the Reserves said in the release. Again, if you serve for 20 years of active duty and retire (at any age) on an active-duty pension, then its not part of the Reserve retirement system and it has nothing to do with Reserve early retirement benefits. The Reserve/Guard is an intermediate step toward work/life balance, with more of the things you enjoy ( ed) about the military and less of the not-so-enjoyable parts. Enter your information to join our mailing list. If you have questions about Veteran programs offered through or by the Dept. If youre not willing to accept the risk of a full mobilization, then the only way to completely avoid it is to resign. AGR (Active Guard/Reserve Position) TR (Traditional Reservist) When deciding to leave active duty, every member must decide their next step. How Much Life Insurance Do You Really Need? Dont Gut It Out To 20: Leave Active Duty For The Reserves Or National Guard. Retired pay is calculated based on a figure derived from the average of the last 36 months of basic pay for the approved retired grade (highest grade satisfactorily held), and from the length of service (longevity) prior to reaching age 60. Over 99.99% of Reserve/Guard retirees choose this option. Up to 90 points in the retirement year that includes Oct. 30, 2000 and in any subsequent year of service. Again. Let me start by agreeing that people should stay on active duty as long as they find it challenging and fulfilling. The only suggestion I have for this situation is to assume that your pension will keep up with the current pay tables. If you retired as an O-6 awaiting pay then youd choose the maximum pay of that rank. However, when the services consolidated their pay systems in the 1990s, some members of the service academy classes of 1981-1984 were not properly credited with the correct DIEMS/DIEUS date. For example, a 20 year retirement is worth 50% of your base pay (20 years times 2.5% = 50.0%). We were perpetually overwhelmed by real-world crises with submarine missions or by the inevitable paperwork crisis du jour. They are mostly non- employable, and are subject to . For every 90 consecutive days spent mobilized, members of the reserves will see their start date for annuities reduced by three months. If you have 20 qualifying years of service and your initial date of entry is: Before Sept. 8, 1980, divide the number of retirement points by 360. Editorial Disclosure: Editorial content on may include opinions. Since Ive done over 10 years of active duty as a reservist (mix of RPA, MPA, and AGR status), that reduces my retirement age to 50, right? I do realize my impressions are not standard for everything e.g., there are military careers that are 60-80 hour weeks and there are corporate jobs that are very worker/family friendly. One point for each day in which a member is in a funeral honors duty status. For more information, please see our Advertising Policy. You can make the finances work. A law passed in early 2008 allows Reserve and Guard members with 20 or more years to begin drawing retirement benefits before age 60 if they deploy for war or national emergency. If Id joined the Reserves then I wouldve drilled until 20 total good years (active + Reserve) to earn the pension. Eligibility requires that the Veteran was serving on active duty, or his/her death was due to an injury or disease that developed during, or was aggravated during, active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training. When you retire awaiting pay youre not required to perform any duties or maintain any readiness in the gray area between the time you retire and the start of your retired pay, but the risk of this option is that you could still be recalled to duty for a full mobilization. Of course, you can certainly be mobilized during a leap year and receive 366 points of active duty. This includes times spent as a drilling participant or while serving in the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR). They stated in an email reply that my application will be process per my DOB or Early Age drop date) but no firm date can be given for processing. The next question is whether youre retiring under thepay base system of Final Pay, High Three, or the Blended Retirement System (BRS). 5.5. Members who are approaching Age 60 take immediate priority. 15 points for each year of membership in a Reserve Component. (AGR counts toward reducing retirement age, doesnt it?). Find out how much home you can afford today. You can do 20 then retire with full pay and benefits. Gen. Wanda Williams, during a battlefield circulation of Army Reserve units and facilities in Kaiserslautern, Germany . Next year Im eligible to receive a 20 year active duty pension. Divide your grand total career point count by 360 (because your pay is based on 30-day months) and multiply by 2.5% (or 2.0%) to come up with your service multiplier. After clicking on the Action Requests tab, look in the Retirements (Overview) section and click on Reduced Retired Pay Age Application link. His military career culminated as a C-17 evaluator at the only C-17 formal training unit in the world. References to third-party products, rates and offers may change without notice. With extra bonus points for doing it on Sunday morning. and I filed my retirement application in early 2021, a problem arose and asked for assistance from PA ARMY GUARD admin personnel. Air Force reservists are about to get a lot more opportunities to go full time and get the chance to receive the same pay, benefits and retirement as active-duty airmen. I wouldve had other opportunities to go back on active duty for 30-179 days at the submarine staff or Pacific Fleet headquarters or PACOM. The business world (not federal jobs) however can many times be a live to work culture with 2 weeks vacation (and people not expected to take all the days and/or to be available during their holiday), 60-80 hour work weeks, and a relentless push to bring results. In other words, it is the basic pay in effect when you were ages 58, 59, and 60. TY, John, youll want to check all of your combat deployment dates since 28 January 2008 against the early-retirement requirements listed in this post: I have approximately 5800 points total. Noordman donates 100% of the revenue from his book sales to military-friendly charities. commissioning upon application for AGR duty. Why do I now know more about the pay & benefits today than most servicemembers? A maximum of two points per calendar day applies to IDT Duty. Once complete, the packet will be forwarded to DFAS for pay processing. 12301(b)), Captive status (Title 10, U.S.C., Sect. I believe my situation is unique, as I do not see it addressed here. What Is the High Year of Tenure in the U.S. Military? As an ART, you would have dual status. Dave Blankenstein served in the US Air Force for 12 years as a C-17 pilot. At E-7 itd be $5,061.30. Its a new kind of myPay account especially for Gray Area Retirees. The problem with this calculation is that Reserve/Guard members who retired awaiting pay have to wait until they turn age 60 to know exactly what amounts are on that pay table. Since I retired as a reservist, is it still a reserve retirement? Some of the processes are the same for calculating active duty and reserve retirement amounts. Points accumulate from both active duty and the Reserve/Guard system. 688), As an Airmen not assigned to or participating satisfactorily in units (Title 10, U.S.C., 12303), Under active duty agreement (Title 10, U.S.C., Sect. FREE Weekly Updates! References to third-party products, rates and offers may change without notice. VA Pension provides tax-free monthly benefit to wartime Veterans with limited or no income. Lets say you turn age 60 in June 2012. of Veterans Affairs, please visit their website Hi Doug first and foremost, THANK YOU! A member of the National Guard who deploys with their unit for 24 months of the next five years (at least 90 days in the fiscal years) would be able to draw their pension at age 58. This is when you would be under a military status. To be eligible, members must: . P.S. To support that growth, the Reserves human capital management leadership team reviewed the laws, policies and processes now in place for managing the AGR program. Individuals approaching their Retirement pay effective date (60th birthday or reduced retirement pay age) should submit an application no earlier than 12 months and no later than 6 months in advance of pay effective date, Retirement Application Process (how-to video), Retirement Application Tracker Instructions, Point Valuation for Retirement Benefits (2022) Reservist and Guard members, Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan Fact Sheet, Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan Calculator, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Read this article on National Guard and Reserve retirement benefits for a full overview of how retiring from the Guard and Reserves works, how it impacts your pay, which benefits you are eligible for, Gray area benefits, and more. I recently answered a couple of questions on calculating the amount of a Reserve retirement for both Final Pay and High Three pay systems. National Guard and Reserve members with active service may qualify for a variety of VA benefits. (For example, it was previously possible for officers commissioned from NROTC to receive points for the days they were on active duty for midshipman summer training, but theyll need to supply the documentation. The three common acronyms you will hear are ART, AGR, and TR. Application packets will be qualified based upon requirements listed in ANGI 36101, Air Nationa- l Guard Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Program, The Air Force Enlisted/Officer Classification Directory and eligibility requirements listed on this . Points from these sources may be added to points earned from active duty and active duty for training for a maximum total of 365 or 366 points per retirement year. An official website of the United States government, Applying for retirement pay begins by submitting an application through the Virtual Personnel Center, vPC. When the fun stops, though, then its time to think about leaving active duty for the Reserves or National Guard. This article may contain links from our advertisers. For establishing eligibility based on Title 32 service, a disability must be shown to have been incurred or aggravated during that service. The Dept of Defense will do that regardless of your civil-service career. Please view the open AGR positions listed below. However, Servicemembers who submit their application within240 days of discharge do not need to submit evidence of good health. Hello- I spent 11 years in USMC being discharged after Gulf War number one. Transitioning out of the military back to civilian life has many challenges. In addition, DFAS will process retroactive to the effective date of retired pay. An AGR is similar to an ART because they are both full-time jobs. VA health care benefits include all the necessary inpatient hospital care and outpatient services to promote, preserve, or restore your health. You would also have to attend your typical one weekend a month and two weeks a year for Reserve duty. But they are working long weeks with limited time off, their pay is impacted by health care and not realizing that $130k in CA is the same as $70k in Denver with a better lifestyle But they get great discounts on Apple products. Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve or the United States Air Force members who have not achieved a . Sure, life would have still been complicated. Point Valuation for Retirement Benefits (2022) Reservist and Guard members, Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan Fact Sheet You have to have 36 months of pay charts (the years you turn ages 60, age 59, age 58, and age 57). Ive met a lot of officers who are itching to get in a corp job but dont realize the change in culture and lifestyle. The Military Wallet is a property of Three Creeks Media. You need to consider these factors as a starting point: If you have questions about either active duty or reserve member retirement plan benefits, contact the appropriate Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) office: This book provides servicemembers, veterans, and their families with a critical roadmap for becoming financially independent. To be fair, the Reserves were a minority of the staff. Please contact Tricare at 800-444-5445 (Tricare East) or 844-866-9378 (Tricare West) or visit at for specific guidance regarding Tricare enrollment. With an Active Guard Reserve job, you receive full pay, medical care for you and your family, and the opportunity for retirement after 20 years of active service. I will say with Guard cut backs, many soldiers are given multiple jobs on AGR. If you have a traditional civilian career then once a month youll work 12 straight days around the drill weekend, but its still a lower operating tempo than active duty. It is not the bank advertisers responsibility to ensure all posts and/or questions are answered. The Reserve pension solves the same issues that are handled by an active-duty pension, and I would only have had to fill in the financial planning holes with other paid employment. Burial benefits include burial at a national cemetery, an inscribed headstone, marker, or medallion, an allowance to partially reimburse the burial and funeral costs of a Veteran, a Presidential Memorial Certificate, and an American flag to drape over a Veteran's casket. Seems like a lot of work to shave 2.5% off your pension, but high three is commonly used in todays defined-benefit pension systems to avoid the employee syndrome ofpension spiking, a final year of work with exceptionally high pay. Thanks to Reservist and CFP Jeff Clark for researchingthe history of participation points. Today, at age 57,Id happily trade a million dollars of our net worth to recover the overtime life that I worked during my 30s. This will help ensure that the job you are applying for also fits the lifestyle you are trying to achieve. I thought thatI was worthless & weak and would never be able to make it in a civilian career. So far theyre listening to me (and your advice that I send a long). Guard or Reserve time with any military branch. He was stationed at MacDill AFB, FL, Vance AFB, OK, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA, Joint Base Charleston, SC and Altus AFB, OK. Dave attended undergraduate pilot training at Vance, then went to C-17 initial training and ultimately spent the reminder of his time in the military as a C-17 pilot. For 30-179 days at the submarine staff or Pacific Fleet headquarters or PACOM, financial was... For annuities reduced by three months it forward, and served in the Air... The submenu links, hit the down arrow Aeronautical Science with a concentration in Aviation Safety Science I... 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