How to say very handsome in Portuguese Portuguese Translation muito bonito Find more words! a tall boy with a handsome face un chico alto y guapo de cara. How to Say Handsome in Portuguese. To thank someone for a specific thing in Portuguese, use the word por. Quality: Last Update: 2019-04-13 George is a polyglot, linguistics nerd and travel enthusiast from the U.K. From: Machine Translation It's like saying much obliged in English you're the one who's obliged, not them. It means "thankful" or "grateful". You can complete the translation of handsome given by the English-Portuguese Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grvisse, English-Portuguese dictionary : translate English words into Portuguese with online dictionaries. In certain situations, it can mean no. Here is the translation and the Portuguese word for handsome man: homem bonito Edit Handsome man in all languages Dictionary Entries near handsome man handsome handsome boy handsome face handsome man handsome person handsome woman handsomely Cite this Entry "Handsome man in Portuguese." If you want a little help, you can read this article about some of the best Portuguese sentences for a trip to Lisbon! A compliment is what one pays to, for example, an attractive woman or a handsome man; therefore, a charming remark is complimentary. Synonym Discussion of Handsome. Layla se apaixonou por um homem bonito e se casou. Another way to politely respond to a thank you is no h de qu. Translation English - Portuguese Collins Dictionary, Collaborative Dictionary English-Portuguese, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-Portuguese translations from our dictionary, Well, a philosophy so physical makes for a, Bem, um filsofo to fsico combina com uma tribo. So with that in mind, allow me to introduce the words brigado and brigadinho/brigadinha. Grato is quite formal and rarely used in speech. They're the augmentative and diminutive forms of brigado, and are both a super-casual and affectionate alternative. 1. Info. "Lindeza". For instance, you seem to like the "tanned aspect" of our people, something that in the 1700s would have been considered an extremely undesirabl. You must change the ending to match your own gender; men say obrigado and women say obrigada. permaneam algum tempo em seu prprio ser. Usage Frequency: 1 very handsome See Also in English handsome adjective bonito, belo, elegante, formoso, simptico very adjective, adverb muito, bem, prprio, extremamente, mesmo See Also in Portuguese bonito adjective beautiful, pretty, handsome, nice, good Last Update: 2016-03-03 Translation of "handsome" in Portuguese Adjective Noun bonito belo lindo atraente jeitoso elegante giro considervel bonito m bem-parecido charmoso simptico bem parecido formoso generoso boa-pinta Show more Slightly less handsome than your uncle walter. GlosbeMT_RnD Show algorithmically generated translations Machine translations Glosbe translate error Try again We'll also cover some less-charted corners, including both colloquialisms and formalities. It's the kind of word you'd use to sign off a formal letter (grato/a, [YOUR NAME]), or see in corporate communication. Look no further than the verb agradecer which means you guessed it to thank. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-11-04 Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. 3. However, the -inho/inha suffix doesn't always have to mean a literal difference in size; it's often just a way of making a word sound cuter or more colloquial. So to say thanks friend! in Portuguese, try brigado, amigo! There are a few different ways to say thank you in Portuguese, and Im going to show you them. If you want to thank someone on behalf of a group, you can't do it one word; instead you could say something like te agredecemos. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-12-19 Ele era alto e bonito. The Portuguese word for 'affection' is carinho and is often used between people who share a close relationship; if you gently stroke, massage or soothe someone, it's said you are dando carinho or 'giving affection'. 1. What if you do want the drink? Are you ready? And here, we must apply the same genders rule. As with obrigado, whether you use grato or grata depends on your gender. Portuguese look as different as there are colors. voc est muito atrasada. Graa means grace, in the general sense of gratitude, and also in the sense of the prayer you say before eating a meal. un trs joli garon, ce Doucett. Here is the translation and the Portuguese word for handsome: Usage Frequency: 1 Weirdly, puto is slang for boy (and not considered offensive). Quality: Typically if you say obrigado in this context you'd make a dismissive hand gesture as you say it. And I hear this a lot! How to use handsome in a sentence. Elapsed time: 108 ms. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. "Cafun". As you can imagine, obrigadssimo and muitssimo obrigado aren't said very often. very handsome translation in English - Portuguese Reverso dictionary, see also 'very high frequency',very important person',verify',vestry', examples, definition, conjugation Diminutive words are very common in Portuguese speech. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2018-02-13 is a contraction of ouviu? 9. More Portuguese words for handsome bonito adjective beautiful, pretty, nice, good, fine belo adjective beautiful, lovely, fine, beauteous, sightly elegante adjective elegant, stylish, fashionable, chic, smart formoso adjective beautiful, bonny simptico adjective nice, likeable, pleasant, likable, appealing gracioso adjective Usage Frequency: 1 We use cookies to enhance your experience. Many translated example sentences containing "handsome" - Portuguese-English dictionary and search engine for Portuguese translations. Fluent in 3 Months Courses: Check out our courses and guides to learn the Fluent in 3 Months method. Obigrado can't fit in here. Reference: Anonymous. [building, house, furniture] bello esplndido. Use the search field below. ), What if a simple thanks isn't enough? Quality: Over 100,000 Portuguese translations of English words and phrases. Elle a dit que vous tiez trs beau. This word is commonly used at the end of business e-mails, along with the person's signature. If you're really thankful, you could take things up a notch with muitssimo obrigado or obrigadssimo. Answer (1 of 6): As a Portuguese national, I say: well thank you! He currently lives in London. you are too late. A lot of very handsome and pretty people here, skinny, chubby, different races, cultures. Someone's looking very handsome tonight. you are too late. Another common way to say "thank you": grato/grata. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Full disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. How to say handsome in Hebrew? And they said, "Alas, Grandpapa, there are no handsome young men." more_vert E elas responderam "Ai, Av, no esto aqui nenhuns jovens distintos." For example, if someone calls you amigo (big friend), they're not calling you fat; it's just another way of saying amigo. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Filho de puta means "son of a whore," "son of a bitch," or "motherfucker". Well sometimes. I'd like to agradecer you for reading this article, and also say graas to my Brazilian wife, who helped me with the details. Pronunciation: nei5 hou2 leng3 zai2. BTS member RM has been targeted over social media platforms following his alleged victory over Henry Cavill for the Most Handsome Face. Human translations with examples: sua sorte, ola tudo bem?, your welcome, eu sou metatron. Roman presence in Portugal was quite lengthy and absorbing, so Portuguese inherited a fair amount of traits like: Roman language, Roman Judicial Law, very similar culinary and modern religious traditions, a love for traditions, family, football & religion. If you want to say something like "many thanks" in Portuguese, you can say something like muito obrigado. Quality: He speaks four languages and has dabbled in another five, and has been to more than forty countries. Suggest a better translation Basically, it's an insult against the other person's mother. You may be wondering how to say thanks or to thank in a more complex Portuguese sentence, like I'd like to thank you all for coming or he thanked me for my help. Quality: This one's for guys. Translation English - Portuguese Collins Dictionary. Product reviews: Get our take on the resources for learning a language. Simply say sim, por favor yes please!. Quality: We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 2, Usage Frequency: 4. Categories: Appearance and Personality. Quality: For example, while casa means house, casinha means little house. Usage Frequency: 1 It's best explained by example: Another colloquial alternative to obrigado is valeu. It's like saying no thanks, except without the no. Usage Frequency: 1 he is described as being very handsome and masculine. Quality: more_vert H muita gente gira e bonita aqui, magrinha, gordinha, diferentes raas, culturas. The most common way to say you're welcome is de nada; literally of nothing. You can also say por nada. This literally means something like there's nothing of it. Note that women tend to use brigadinha more than men say brigadinha; it's a somewhat girly word. jurassic world camp cretaceous reflective essay introduction ead renewal under vawa Propre sur lui, charmant, trs beau. Article list: All the articles written by Benny and other polyglots.
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