He works as your portable storage and he doesn't have a carry weight (pretty useful for a small and b*tchy guy) Helpful but not necessary step: Clean with SSECK. -Despite being a dual wielder, Recorder's Two-handed Skills are always seem to be higher than her One-handed skill. 2 ) "SETSTAGE" command for Recorder's "LOST FILE QUEST"? Location. Her body type is at: Meshes>Actors>Characters>Recorder. Update (14/12/2016) (dd/mm/yyyy): Straight donations accepted. Spoiler Spoiler Default directory locations are listed below. What should I do ? 12 ) How to port Recorderto Skyrim SE (Unnecessary, don't read it since Recorder Has been successfully added to Skyrim SE) : Spoiler If you like Recorder as much as everyone else here, remember to leave an endorsement and kudos for Potastic Panda. Stack Exchange network consists of 182 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Talk to Recorder, There's a special dialogue about her distress (no not her lost file quest activation dialogue). 9 )Me and Recorder have became Lovers but after that, she seem to think that I've already married to someone else? There's only one different that I can see, which took me like 1 month trying to figure out. Whenever I go to the Eldergleam Sanctuary and try to enter, it always crashes. I killed the Spriggans. -Added Some simple fix for some of the common glitch Druid Conjuration is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that aims to make the School of Conjuration more worthwhile and fun, by conjuring wild creatures to fight at your side. The Eldergleam Sanctuary is located far south-southwest of Windhelm in Eastmarch, just north of Darkwater Crossing. -If you wanted to set Recorder to stay at your home whenever you dismissed her. 30 - Search near the Whiterun marketplace Spoiler If problem still precise, my suggestion use the "Disable-Enable" trick on Recorder (For those of you don't know open Console command with the ~key,> Click on Recorder till her Ref ID appears> Type Disable > Then type Enable) .If it still not working then. any more suggestion guys? -Still trying to figure out the problem, currently on fixUpdate: Currently on testing phase, apparently it's still there, but try to do vanilla run, recruit her, put an ale/mead/drink in her inventory, exit the dialogue, than re-enter again, you should able to see the "Let's drink" dialogue (this issue might be fix on the next update, but it still require more testing on my side to find the incompability bug), 5 ) I use option from *follower overhaul mod like AFT, EFF UFO, etc*But she won't talk to me; Can't dismiss her; Can't Re-recruit her! Also A little something to thank you for checking out my guide. Clean all of your NIFs with the SSE NIF optimizer. "-VoidWanderrer a.k.a. 10 ) I ask Recorder to "wait" but she keeps following me? Type "bat
", without quotes and using the name of your text file. -Step 3: WRITE DOWN HER REF ID WHAT HAPPENED?!??!?! You can still leave a comment here if you have any problem (which normally there're none). Who no what might happen if you kill her precious horse..You have been warned, See, Simple and temporary solution. -Brown face is a common texture bug for some follower with custom texture ( well just some of them like Selene Kate, Tania, e.t.c ) when a the game fail to load the face texture when entering a different cell. Use console commands (like "tmm 1" to get all map markers) to quickly test. But yeah you might wanna try the Recorder Customizer instead as replacement on the description page, You can customize Recorder to your liking, Which I have no idea how that's work but you shouldn't have any problem, so yeah same old same old. (Update.esp; Dawnguard; Hearthfire; Dragonborn). Spoiler -The order of the stage are 2, 5, 10, 15, 17, 20, 25, 27, 30. -I've noticed there's a lot of new PC Skyrim player, so I've decided to added some tips for beginners so that they could understand how Skyrim works before posting, searching anything here. Use "Save game script cleaner", It's easy to use even for beginners: http://www.nexusmodsim/mods/52363/?2 ) Skyrim can only handle 255 mods. 15) Recorder doesn't dismount except when I enter into a new Area (Cell) (Dungeon, Town, Inn,Home, e.t.c). How can a GPS receiver estimate position faster than the worst case 12.5 min it takes to get ionospheric model parameters? I highly recommend using one, remember to read the instruction: http://www.nexusmodsim/mods/69905/? -To get Omnico, Go to Markath. So far the only issue I'm running into is that I CTD as soon as it tries to load the memory after finding the file in her questline. Install the Mod. Update: Okay it seem like people will misunderstood about this answer of mine. So far the only issue I'm running into is that I CTD as soon as it tries to load the memory after finding the file in her questline. -Edited the guide with Spoiler tag so you guys can search the answer to your problem without the trouble sliding up and down the guide for it, You can thank me later She would even willing to use any Two-handed weapon that you will give her (, -Epony, Recorder's horse, is actually both a, -Added a 3 solution for the "Wait" Option and answer for our popular the question "How to change Recorder's body type? Spoiler -Epony, Recorder's horse, is actually both a terrible pun and an Easter Egg referring to Epona, Link's horse from the Legend of Zelda. In the end they just have to have faithAin't that a b*tch?." (If the mod cant find your game file, go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition" and select "SkyrimSE" and run the downgrade patcher mod) Make sure your Skyrim script extender is build 2.0.20 (runtime 1.5.97) -For now, the only alternative to get her summon spell tome is toaccess to her inventory after became loversYes is just that simple. -Step 5: finishing your job that you don't want Recorder along "There's so many stories about some brave hero decided to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after." Optional Face is the third option seen in this picture: Recorder Facial Picture Option. -Step 4: " DISABLE " HER Sonic game FTW Via console command, or just get it through her inventory after became. Step 1: Copy the Text Warning Contain SPOILER for people haven't watch RVB yet. 13) I accidentally exit out the conversation when first meeting her and now her dialogue option is gone? UNOFFICIAL RECORDER GUIDE(RIP for all of the horkers that was kill to make this guide) 8 ) Resist the temptation of modding. Spoiler It's about Potastic Panda. Step 3: Save the File to the Skyrim Directory 2. ( PLAN B ) Simply dismiss her, get her "Spell tome: Summon Recorder" Via console command, or just get it through her inventory after became "l-l-l-l-lovers". 3 ) If you noticed something odd when you play the game after you just install a new mod, Uncheck each mod one by one to see which one was the main culprit, and you can come back to get her, buuuut you will still have to go back to the place where you wanted Recrder to stay when dismiss (unless you wanted her to stay the "Sleeping Giant Inn"). It is recommended you use a simple and appropriate name. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4718/? option, you need to follow these steps, cause one wrong move, you will lose Recorder FOREVER: -I don't like you, she's beautiful the way she is, get out of my guide, just kidding. Try to do a run with you ONLY became "lovers" with Recorder and NOT marrying anyone else*I'm looking at you Ysolda's and Aela's fanboys* , than do Ambriel quest line till her Dragonborn powers has awaken, there's a dialogue of you've already married Update : I was unsure about my answer so I did a run with only 3 DLC, Recorder and Live Another Live(to skip Helgen) . Yeah.I'm still not touching it till SKSE64 is out -During "Tracking Lost File" Quest, If you use TFC, You will get to see what Ghost Recorder face look like Then finally realize it was a big mistake And also You will understand why you were lock during the cutscene And then regret your life decision Never-look-at-ghost-Recorder-face-EVER You can also spawn Ghost Recorder with Console command as well And the result doesn't change, she will still think I was married to someone else after become lovers with her. Any way, You can change her body type by using her Loose File. But first thing first, if you new to modding PC Skyrim than plz read the "Tips for modding PC Skyrim", it's really essential for people who are new to PC Skyrim=====================================================================================Contain:-Tips for modding PC Skyrim-Question & Answer-Funfacts about Recorder-Progress update of the URG=====================================================================================Tips for modding PC Skyrim (for beginners): -Although RazortheZombie commented that it save to do the "Re-Instaalation" Method. What I meant is CONTROLLING her with them is real cause of your problem, because 70% people who using her having all sort of problem are people who tend to control NPC through Tweak option and such, and somehow break her AI with them. The saves folder will have all your save files named as save [Character Name, Location]. They make money from sending those story about a hero adventure to a specific company. But I wouldn't recommended it without doing a clean save install first. 6 ) Mod load order will determined how your game will run, which mod will take priority to load first when there are one or two mods that are conflict with each other (Lowest esp= Highest prio and vice versa) (note that mod at a lower order will overwrite the higher one). Set Your Recorder ESP as the active file, then load it and the masters. If you have encounter with them after while than remember to reset the your follower overhaul of choice, and she will be back to normal. Okay guys, that's all of it for now, If you havea different problem, a new bug, glitch or a new way to fix the current bugplz doreplyandleave a comment here. Update (03/12/2016) (dd/mm/yyyy): Remember to leave an endorsement to them ======================================================================== ( PLAN B ) Simply dismiss her, get her "Spell tome: Summon Recorder" Via console command, or just get it through her inventory after became "l-l-l-l-lovers". 5 ) I use option from *follower overhaul mod like AFT, EFF UFO, etc*But she won't talk to me; Can't dismiss her; Can't Re-recruit her! Any way, You can change her body type by using her Loose File. save in front of her, quit to main menu, then load. Continuing the example from above, you would type in "bat spells" and the console will handle the rest, granting all obtainable spells to your character. (although, I have to admit, that was some pretty weird bug, Thx to RazortheZombie for pointing it out! So if you do use them, use them at your own risk. Her body type is at: Meshes>Actors>Characters>Recorder, Unnecessary, don't read it since Recorder Has been successfully added to Skyrim SE, If you still have problems then read this comment from a nice person name. Warning Contain SPOILER for people haven't watch RVB yet. Spoiler Spoiler -Brown face is a common texture bug for some follower with custom texture ( well just some of them like Selene Kate, Tania, e.t.c ) when a the game fail to load the face texture when entering a different cell. -It's a Vanilla Bug where your Framerate reach over 60, physics will go wrong in many level when that happens good thing my laptop is a potato, barely made it to 30 FPS, HAHAHAHAAHA,,,,,, I wish I was richer. In the end they just have to have faithAin't that a b*tch?." Than summon her whenever you want( PLAN C) For the "wait" option, you need to follow these steps, cause one wrong move, you will lose Recorder FOREVER: -Added a simple solution which is not extreme like uninstall and re-install Recorder for a weird bug when exiting accidentally exit Recorder's conversation when first met her Update (02/01/2017) (dd/mm/yyyy): -Found some interesting fact about Recorder, might update it in the future They make money from sending those story about a hero adventure to a specific company. For example, if you are using the "All Obtainable Spells" list below, name the file "spells". You can get it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089/?3. -Step 4: " DISABLE " HER It is sacred to worshippers of Kynareth. I highly recommend using one, remember to read the instruction: http://www.nexusmodsim/mods/69905/? If you haven't watch it, I highly recommended to watch it during you're free time She stuck in riding animation even when she dismount her horse) Any help? Update (03/12/2016) (dd/mm/yyyy): -I've noticed there's a lot of new PC Skyrim player, so I've decided to added some tips for beginners so that they could understand how Skyrim works before posting, searching anything here. Default directory locations are listed below. -Progress Update: -If you wanted to set Recorder to stay at your home whenever you dismissed her, only use "My home is your home" Mod or the "2plus" version for more up to date. ============================================================================= SHOULD I UNINSTALL HER AND RE-STALL HER?!?!?!?! MisterGramOkay, I've read some of your command and bugs problem, so I've made this guide to summary up for temporary solution for now. 25 - Observe a vision of the past (Eldergleam scene) Her body type is at: Meshes>Actors>Characters>Recorder -Well to be honest, I have never have trouble with asking Recorder to "Wait" since I never use IAFT, EFF to control her ( If you guys do us them than the answer to your question is at number 5) . Probably wait for the next update, only if MxR fired her from weekly mod review (Just joking here, no need for rage comment). ( PLAN B ) Simply dismiss her, get her "Spell tome: Summon Recorder" Via console command, or just get it through her inventory after became "l-l-l-l-lovers". For example, if you are using the "All Obtainable Spells" list below, name the file "spells". Spoiler ======================================================================== -No need for extreme measure, just calm down and relax. They won't play nice to each other unless a 3rd person step in If you accidentally encounter this bug, might I suggest you load from a previous save before talking to her, you should be able to talk to her again. But "Relax" on the other hand, she will just keep following me no matter what and she will just idle around, so I come up some of the temporary solution for this:( PLAN A ) Use "My home is your home" as a place holder for the "Relax" option. ======================================================================== The following is a list of Location IDs. Spoiler She will give you a spell tome to summon him Download the file (texture file and esp file) in your Skyrim Data folder. not "urgh" Nexus Acronym in a nutshell), "I'm currently occupied at the moment, I'm working on my own project so I won't be answering or editing this guide for a while. It is recommended you use a simple and appropriate name. -If you have trouble with the lost file, here are the pictures for the exact location, which was posted by Potastic Panda before in the comment section as sticky note before:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oi0mda3spo54nl4/AADtItpVSVKshRBHHy-LXOIZa?dl=0-plz note that mod that modified Whiterun, Winterhold, Eldergleam's hot spring area and Rivewood plus Open cities are incompatible with the questbecause sometime they will hide the lost file by causing the file to clip through object that was place there or underground. Press the corresponding button on your controller as prompted on the game screen and your character will retrieve the sap from the tree. All map markers can also be added by typing tmm 1 in the console. I also ran into some issues recruiting her while that doppelganger Ambriel was in my party. Set Your Recorder ESP as the active file, then load it and the masters. -Less insane, chaotic guide, more serious anda little more professional editing If anyone has any ideas or can help with that I'd appreciate it. Sometime it will destroy her AI, can be fixed by remove her from controlled or load from a save before you control her with them. Spoiler You can get it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089/?3. The santuary is marked as un-cleared and so should have respawned after 10 days, its now been 35, and even though Sond and Asta are labeled as respawning on their respective pages thay are . + I ACCIDENTALLY READ THE WHITERUN FILE, WHAT SHOULD I DO? The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC) Recorder follower mod:Lost files quest 2nd item? But yeah you might wanna try the Recorder Customizer instead as replacement on the description page, You can customize Recorder to your liking, Which I have no idea how that's work but you shouldn't have any problem, so yeah same old same old. Ya done, (Read number 9 if you have trouble with it), Funfacts that you may or may not know about Recorder, -Despite being a dual wielder, Recorder's Two-handed Skills are always seem to be higher than her One-handed skill. Helpful but not necessary step: Clean with SSECK. 35. -Step 1: Use console command 14) RECORDER IS SWIMMING IN AIR?!?!? I thought reinstalling would fix it, so I did that. #45138780, #45143780, #45203125, #45215570, #45276390, #45277060, #45619285, #45623010, #45623155, #46168865, #46168950, #46185670, #46196930, #46205385 are all replies on the same post. It is recommended you use a simple and appropriate name. For example, if you are using the "All Obtainable Spells" list below, name the file "spells". 17 - Speak with Recorder (Winterhold file) Spoiler It was cause by some texture bug. -Less insane, chaotic guide, more serious anda little more professional editing Warning Contain SPOILER for people haven't watch RVB yet. My most favorite scene out of Red vs Blues series. Smooth Potastic, Real smooth. -Added Some simple fix for some of the common glitch He works as your portable storage and he doesn't have a carry weight (pretty useful for a small and b*tchy guy) So the moment Potastic panda channel switch to a boring generic "let's play" channel, A channel which will die eventually, cause long running let's play will never last long since this is Skyrim after all A channel taht marks boderline between the author and her fans. Valve Corporation. Replacing outdoor electrical box at end of conduit. (Update.esp; Dawnguard; Hearthfire; Dragonborn). I highly recommend using one, remember to read the instruction: http://www.nexusmodsim/mods/69905/? Balanced and integrated into the Conjuration Perk Tree. If you're new to Skyrim, plz check it out. I've downloaded her optional and her main file. I dismissed Ambriel, recruited Recorder, and now they seem to get along fine. Probably wait for the next update, only if MxR fired her from weekly mod review (Just joking here, no need for rage comment) So that's what that guy was good for. Set Your Recorder ESP as the active file, then load it and the masters. -I ain't touching it until SKSE64 is out, but luckily for pople who wanted to, you can manually install her with her loose file: If you still have problems then read this comment from a nice person namergillchrest: Spoiler There's only one different that I can see, which took me like 1 month trying to figure out. Thx man) Set Your Recorder ESP as the active file, then load it and the masters. "-And I make some editing to the guide to make it easier and cleaner to read-Just learned that you can edit a lot of font at the forum side of nexus (Banging my head right now), now the guide should be more easier to find-Added instruction to port Recorder to Skyrim SE about (I don't know) 90% Safely(I don't own SE and won't touch it till SKSE64 is out) It's outdated and no longer supported. Update (21/12/2016) (dd/mm/yyyy): For anyone out there running into issues self porting this mod to SE(should be easy I dost not even mod and was able to work it out with some help from google): Install the Mod. You guys can used this one if you wanted to. d. Save and exit. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!? Download the loosefiles package. "Okay dude, Calm down. b. Okay guys, that's all of it for now, If you havea different problem, a new bug, glitch or a new way to fix the current bugplz doreplyandleave a comment here. I dismissed Ambriel, recruited Recorder, and now they seem to get along fine. Spoiler Skyrim:Maurice Jondrelle. -Despite being a dual wielder, Recorder's Two-handed Skills are always seem to be higher than her One-handed skill. My most favorite scene out of Red vs Blues series. Don't do it man, Recorder went Genocide on me when I ride Epony by accident. Okay, Before yous continue with reading the guide, I would like to thank you for reading it and hopes it's helps you a lot with your experience with Recorder since you guys rarely respond to it or having any question about it XD, and thank you the 3 random anomynous people give me kudos for no good reason lol. She stuck in riding animation even when she dismount her horse) Any help? There is a chest protected by Eldergleam's roots in the very back, along the western wall. ======================================================================== Skyrim Recorder Fully Voiced Follower. ~ VoidWanderrer, Aka Mister GRaM. -Added a simple solution which is not extreme like uninstall and re-install Recorder for a weird bug when exiting accidentally exit Recorder's conversation when first met her Warning Contain SPOILER for people haven't watch RVB yet. Her body type is at: Meshes>Actors>Characters>Recorder, - Just cleaned up the guide again, FINALLY noticed this thing look like a mess. and no one give a horker about it, - That it's oh come on, it's been really quiet ever since we've manage to found a solution for the marriage bug. not much to do sadly. 37, 40, 45, 47, 50, 55, 6010 - Search near Winterhold for the first lost file a. Technically, there is no true way force her to dismount but you can make her "teleport" to you through console command or summon spell. Set her a home at a place you wanted her relax, than dismiss her for now. It is considered a holy place in Skyrim, sacred to the goddess Kynareth. The UESPWiki Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995, https://en.uesp.net/w/index.php?title=Skyrim:Eldergleam_Sanctuary&oldid=2516283. -EDIT: Okay now I can see the difference now. Conjure Deer Conjure Elk (Female & Male) Conjure Fox & Arctic Fox Conjure Hare Conjure Skeever Conjure Wolf (Black & Red) Conjure Bear & Cave Bear Conjure . 4. -Step 4: " DISABLE " HER C ) "Just kill Epony"- Potastic Panda -For now, the only alternative to get her summon spell tome is toaccess to her inventory after became loversYes is just that simple. You currently have javascript disabled. Who no what might happen if you kill her precious horse..You have been warned If you accidentally encounter this bug, might I suggest you load from a previous save before talking to her, you should be able to talk to her again. -Although RazortheZombie commented that it save to do the "Re-Instaalation" Method. Hope this help. Talk to Recorder, There's a special dialogue about her distress (no not her lost file quest activation dialogue). Update (03/12/2016) (dd/mm/yyyy): -FUNFACT: You didn't just became lovers with her -Don't believe me? If you haven't watch it, I highly recommended to watch it during you're free time Orphan scripts are some nasty stuff it's not the creepy, stalky kind of favor, only a bunch mama's boy who live in their parents's basement, doing nothing but doing bad meme joke over the internet, donated their entire fortune to buy MxR's meme merchandise just so he could a house which you could have used ti to buy your OWN freakin house, spending time spanking monkey over virtual boobs wearing not-so-protective armor that you can't even touch (Yeah, I looking at you). Thank yourigillchrestfor sharing with us, you will be remember as the SE Recorder saviour(still not touching it till SKSE64 is out), and I'm sure some one who read this will figure out a way to fix the CTD problem or just wait for Panda to official ported Recroder to Special Edition faction without you realizing it.-Don't believe me? Step 3: Save the File to the Skyrim Directory Okay now You've officially single again yaaaaaaay. now go and married someone else already -_- -Despite being a dual wielder, Recorder's Two-handed Skills are always seem to be higher than her One-handed skill. Spoiler -No need for extreme measure, just calm down and relax. You can merge multiple mod into one. The tree was a sapling when men came to Tamriel from Atmora in the Late Merethic Era. People tend to post the funny stuff, but I wanted something a little bit different. Type "bat ", without quotes and using the name of your text file. Spoiler I think the only way to fix this is when you become lover's with Recorder, she should be added to a stand alone faction or some alternate fix of coding form the CK, but it's just my theory, there could be another fix. Funfacts that you may or may not know about Recorder: Please help, I've been going at this for an hour and feel lost. But I, -It's a Vanilla Bug where your Framerate reach over 60, physics will go wrong in many level when that happens, turn on the V-sync or something to cap your fps to 60, . Yeah.I'm still not touching it till SKSE64 is out By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I know there's a lot of thing to digest but You'll get use to it in time. -Step 4: " DISABLE " HER -During "Tracking Lost File" Quest, If you use TFC, You will get to see what Ghost Recorder face look like Then finally realize it was a big mistake And also You will understand why you were lock during the cutscene And then regret your life decision Never-look-at-ghost-Recorder-face-EVER You can also spawn Ghost Recorder with Console command as well 16) Recorder is mounting the ground (A.k.a. -During "Tracking Lost File" Quest, If you use TFC, You will get to see what Ghost Recorder face look like Then finally realize it was a big mistake And also You will understand why you were lock during the cutscene And then regret your life decision Never-look-at-ghost-Recorder-face-EVER You can also spawn Ghost Recorder with Console command as well
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