The passage to statehood was not without difficulty. 16 Bit of album info : RELEASE DATE 36 Disneys Splash Mountain, for one : WATER RIDE Synonyms for critical include censorious, condemnatory, condemning, castigatory, reproving, denunciatory, deprecatory, disparaging, disapproving and scathing. Synonyms for severe include hard, harsh, strict, rigid, cruel, oppressive, stern, inexorable, relentless and rigorous. After my first look at all the clues I thought I was probably going to have a really hard time even finishing this one. : RAD Like I said, youre just going to have to keep your eyes open. The radian is a unit of angular measure. The Latin word album translates as white. 43 Superhero with a lightning bolt on his costume : SHAZAM : IDA Who knew SHAZAM was an acronym for Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury? This means that the person who is spotting assists in the lift, allowing the lifter to work with more weight than usual. Find more similar words at! Feeling Frazzled? Find more similar words at! However, unbiased implies even more strongly an absence of all prejudice. 27 Super-useful item? Op-eds started in The New York Evening World in 1921 when the page opposite the editorials was used for articles written by a named guest writer, someone independent of the editorial board. but after I worked clear around the middle, I was forced to deal with it. Rhadamanthine NYT Crossword Clue Answers are listed below and every time we find a new solution for this clue, we add it on the answers list highlighted in green. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Annan became the character Roxie Hart, and Gaertner became Velma Kelly. The Stewarts extended their power to England and Ireland when the Tudor line became extinct as Queen Elizabeth I died without issue. (Entry 2 of 3), Synonyms & Antonyms of fair 53 Contents of some chats, in brief : IMS Nothing seemed easy today. 36 Moved clumsily : WADDLED marked by justice, honesty, and freedom from bias, a commanding officer who enjoyed the respect of his soldiers because his decisions were always, as long as the team keeps playing as hard as they can, they have a, of a pale yellow or yellowish brown color, for what they charged us, the painters should have done better than a, being what is called for by accepted standards of right and wrong, a handwritten thank-you letter requires nothing less than a sheet of, a dazzling array of sleek cabin cruisers at the annual boat, we expect everyone on this basketball court to play, 'Dunderhead' and Other Nicer Ways to Say Stupid, 'Pride': The Word That Went From Vice to Strength. Your original comment was quite different: Honestly, assymetry was never that much of an issue to me as a solver and usually outside of more mainstream sources any puzzle I see is almost always asymmetric., Thats why I was so interested in knowing where you were seeing such puzzles. Synonyms for FAIR: bright, clear, cloudless, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded, candid, disinterested; Antonyms for FAIR: bleak, cloudy, dirty, foul, nasty, overcast, rainy, raw The Bazooka brand of bubble gum was introduced by the Topps Company soon after the end of WWII. 17 Temporary decline : SAG Synonyms for FAIR: bright, clear, cloudless, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded, candid, disinterested; Antonyms for FAIR: bleak, cloudy, dirty, foul, nasty, overcast, rainy, raw The NY Times Crossword Puzzle is a classic US puzzle game. Then The term might derive from the name of an early Swiss politician named Besanon Hugues, who paradoxically worked to prevent the spread of the Protestant Reformation in his native city of Geneva. 1 ___ Network, onetime HGTV spinoff : DIY Word of the Day: Rhadamanthine (29D: STERN) : rigorously strict or just [] In Greek mythology, there were three judges of the underworld: Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadamanthus. The words dispassionate and fair can be used in similar contexts, but dispassionate suggests freedom from the influence of strong feeling and often implies cool or even cold judgment. 10 Vibe : FEEL 49 With 37-Across, small carry-on : TOTE Find 282 ways to say JUSTIFIED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Posted on August 27, 2022 August 26, 2022 Author Bill Butler Categories Andrew Linzer Tags Future residents crossword clue, Moved clumsily crossword clue, Religious group affected by the Edict of Nantes crossword clue, Rhadamanthine crossword clue, Something that gives takes crossword clue : RITE Posted on August 27, 2022 August 26, 2022 Author Bill Butler Categories Andrew Linzer Tags Future residents crossword clue, Moved clumsily crossword clue, Religious group affected by the Edict of Nantes crossword clue, Rhadamanthine crossword clue, Something that gives takes crossword clue The Disneyland ride called Splash Mountain is inspired by the 1946 Disney movie Song of the South, which in turn is based on the Uncle Remus stories featuring Brer Rabbit and friends. 34 Mess (with) : FUTZ The name of an indie constructor? Tams were originally all blue (and called blue bonnets) but as more dyes became readily available they became more colorful. Find more similar words at! Minos, a son of Zeus and Europa, had been the king of Crete before becoming supreme judge in the underworld after his death. 23 First Stuart king of England : JAMES I Specifically, just implies an exact following of a standard of what is right and proper. Satay is the Indonesian spelling, and sate is the Malay spelling. Alas the day, and variants thereof, is a phrase used a few times by William Shakespeare. The dish known as satay originated in Java, Indonesia and is marinated pieces of meat served on a skewer in a sauce, often a spicy peanut sauce. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Try todays Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Back then, the doctors would often reside in hospital-provided housing while receiving the training, hence the term resident. Watkins had been assigned to cover the murder trials of Beulah Annan and Belva Gaertner for the Chicago Tribune, and used the story that unfolded as the basis for her play. A pom-pom adorning a tam is known as a toorie. The meanings of impartial and fair largely overlap; however, impartial stresses an absence of favor or prejudice. Billy Batson is a boy who can transform himself into the superhero Captain Marvel (aka Shazam) by speaking the magic word Shazam. I was pleased with myself for coming up with MED STUDENTS without any surrounding fill. Find 118 ways to say EARNED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. 4 Never thought Id see the day! : THATS A FIRST! 15 Rock variety : EMO Shazam is a word that was coined in the Captain Marvel comics in 1940. 20 Nickname that elides vin : MEL Also in Othello, Desdemona says Alas the heavy day!. Synonyms for strict include harsh, rigid, hard, rigorous, severe, stern, stringent, tough, dour and inflexible. Crosses helped big time. South Korean automaker Kia has been making the subcompact model called the Rio since 2000. Nglish: Translation of fair for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of fair for Arabic Speakers, Encyclopedia article about fair. Its not easy to justify spending hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars on a mission that could be over in a matter of hours and not give us what we need. 13 Like a sauna : STEAMY The concept of residency developed in the late 1800s. 50 Bit of kitchen waste : SKIN Synonyms for hard include solid, firm, rigid, strong, tough, durable, hardened, robust, steely and stiff. In British colonial India, the colonial types got into the habit of mixing gin with the tonic water to make it more palatable by hiding the bitter taste of quinine. The hero of the strip is Bazooka Joe, a young man who wears an eyepatch. The DIY Network is a television channel that focuses on DIY (do-it-yourself) projects. The Edict of Nantes was issued by King Henry IV of France in 1598. 4 Taxes : TRIES Find more similar words at! 14 They come with conditions : TERMS The radian is alive and well: the steradian is a measure of solid angles, while the radian does the trick for plane angles. Find 282 ways to say JUSTIFIED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 9 North Carolina county whose seat is Jefferson : ASHE Take Octobers Synonym Of The Day Quiz! A rare miss for Bill! Splash Mountain made its debut in 1989 in Disneyland in Anaheim. Your email address will not be published. Synonyms for dead include departed, deceased, late, lifeless, perished, fallen, inanimate, demised, lost and insensate. BIG OILS HOPES ARE PINNED ON PLASTICS. Here, Kitchell based its recommendation on actual inspection and analysis, but recommended the most expensive option possible, which is not required by current codes or. Its troubling not simply because theres one game that doesnt justify its price tag good value, but because it signals an underwhelming approach to the entire library of Nintendo classics. Kwame Nkrumah led the Gold Coast into independence from British rule, under its new name Ghana. 41 Blah-blah-blah : GAB Synonyms of fair Synonyms for harsh include grating, jarring, glaring, glary, blinding, dazzling, intense, strong, disagreeable and rough. Bazooka have included comic strips in the wrappers for their gum since the early to mid-fifties. While Id like to think Im a good solver at these, its hard to really say anything with these being so inconsistent from week to week. 25 Squeezes : EKES Synonyms for severe include hard, harsh, strict, rigid, cruel, oppressive, stern, inexorable, relentless and rigorous. Oh, but surely if we have to call ourselves Wurzel-Flummery it would count as, It was claimed, as we have seen, that under free contract a man was paid what he, George Stephenson's son made for himself a fortune and a name, his friend, Dividends that are declared after a grant or bequest, though, If the company succeeded, each stockholder, Her mother could talk in her cheerful manner about what she could do with the two hundred dollar prize if she, During the disastrous campaign in Italy in 1800 he, LIFE OF RICHARD TREVITHICK, VOLUME II (OF 2), REPERTORY OF THE COMEDIE HUMAINE, COMPLETE, A -- Z. The IMAX Corporation, which is behind the IMAX film format, is a Canadian company. It publishes for over 100 years in the NYT Magazine. Members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France in the 16th and 17th centuries were known as Huguenots. 40 Woodward or Whalley of the big screen : JOANNE (Entry 3 of 3). 59 Even one : ANY, 1 Seated position? The middle of the puzzle ended up falling very fast, and then the bottom half of the grid played like a Bizarro top half, with JOANNE WADDLED easily opening up the front ends of the long Acrosses down there, and the secluded SE corner being much easier to break into than the NW corner was to break out of. a complete list of answers, Want to discuss the puzzle? 41 Gig for a caterer, maybe : GALA 58 Future residents : MED STUDENTS A resident is a physician who has graduated from medical school, and who is receiving specialized graduate training in a hospital. IT COST $10,984. The splashy ride was deemed unsuitable for Disneyland Paris due to the frequent cold weather in that part of Europe. Edited by: Will Shortz, Not your puzzle? As my Finnish-American wife will tell you, sauna is a Finnish word, and is pronounced more correctly as sow-nah (with sow as in the female pig). I always thought a SAUNA was dry heat and when you added water it turned into a steam bath ie SAUNAs are always dry. Think angular measurement, especially with trigonometry measurement. James VI of Scotland became James I of England at that time. 48 Something that gives takes : OP-ED DIGITAL GARDENS LET YOU CULTIVATE YOUR OWN LITTLE BIT OF THE INTERNET. Idaho was admitted as the 43rd state of the union in 1890. The NY Times Crossword Puzzle is a classic US puzzle game. *cheapskate* That said, you can only work the Spelling Bee if you have service, unless it is active on your screen when you shut off the services. The name of the cap comes from the title character of the Robert Burns poem Tam o Shanter. 47 Country whose name can be typed on just the top row of a keyboard : PERU 34 Where jobs may be on the line : FACTORIES The records do not document a case of a complex patient that would justify the bills used to code the patient visit, she said. : MASTER KEY To futz around is to waste time on trivial matters, to fool around. Theres no new science to justify removing SIRVA from the list of covered injuries. 51 Habitation : ABODE The quinine has a prophylactic effect against the disease, and was formulated as tonic water so that it could be easily distributed. You can learn about anything from rebuilding an engine to scrapbooking on the DIY channel. The same ride opened in Disneyworld in florida and Tokyo Disneyland in 1992. 37 Gum brand with a red, white and blue wrapper : BAZOOKA 10:01. It is a daily puzzle and today like every other day, we published all the solutions of Find more similar words at! As an aside, Infiniti is the equivalent luxury brand for the Nissan Motor Company, and Lexus is the more luxurious version of Toyotas models. The words just and fair are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. 35 Unclear : HAZY 42 Word before double or after heavenly : BODY Futz is probably derived from a not-so-nice word that has been merged with putz. 32 Confirmation, e.g. Synonyms for selfish include inconsiderate, ungiving, thoughtless, unthinking, uncaring, heedless, unmindful, regardless, insensitive and tactless. The solutions in this page may answer other puzzle clues as well. 55 ___ Future, rap group in which Tyler, the Creator got his start : ODD Synonyms for hard include solid, firm, rigid, strong, tough, durable, hardened, robust, steely and stiff. : EMT, Leave a comment (below), or 45 Trigonometry meas. 54 Care provider inits. While in some cases nearly identical to fair, objective stresses a tendency to view events or persons as apart from oneself and one's own interest or feelings. Re yesterdays asymmetry question: Can you throw me a tiny bone? Fair. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Over time, the term album came to be used in English for a blank book created to collect signatures or other mementos. That doesnt happen for Saturdays. Stay safe. Its semi-rare but it happens. : DESK JOB Lost about 10 minutes trying to make MOTHERBOARD work in 52A. Find more similar words at! SHAZAM, a gimme, BAZOOKA, a gimme, ALADDIN and KIA, 3 You might hold different positions on it : YOGA MAT Accessed 4 Nov. 2022. Feeling Frazzled? Find 13 ways to say REQUISITE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The solutions in this page may answer other puzzle clues as well. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Synonyms for bullying include harassment, intimidation, coercion, oppression, hounding, maltreatment, mistreatment, teasing, victimisation and victimization. In fact, the name steradian comes from stereo plus radian. Acura is the luxury brand of the Honda Motor Company. 21 Prepare (oneself) : STEEL 39 Playing time : GAME DAY The term album was applied to long-playing gramophone records in the early 1950s, because the record sleeves resembled large photographic albums. Synonyms for solid include firm, hard, rigid, stiff, robust, stout, sturdy, adamantine, hardened and tough. The most famous song heard while on the ride is Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, which comes from the films soundtrack. Shazam is actually an acronym standing for Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury. 24 Scanned, perhaps : IMAGED return to top of page. 12:02, no errors. Find more similar words at! William is the son of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Diana was descended from the Stewart monarchs. He was leader of his country from 1952 until 1966, when he and his government were overthrown in a military coup (backed by the CIA). Minos, a son of Zeus and Europa, had been the king of Crete before becoming supreme judge in the underworld after his death. There had been plans in Washington to split what is now Idaho between the new states of Washington and Nevada. For example, Iago says Alas the day! in Othello, as does Viola in Twelfth Night. Find 32 ways to say SCHEDULED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Like yesterday, this one went fairly smoothly. A DOCTOR WENT TO HIS OWN EMPLOYER FOR A COVID-19 ANTIBODY TEST. Find more similar words at! Some common synonyms of fair are dispassionate, equitable, impartial, just, objective, and unbiased. A tam oshanter is a mans cap worn traditionally by Scotsmen. Learn a new word every day. Find more similar words at! Rhadamanthine NYT Crossword Clue Answers are listed below and every time we find a new solution for this clue, we add it on the answers list highlighted in green. FUTZ finally came. 52 Venue for computer chips? To justify the vaccines emergency use, the CEO explained it would help ensure the companys workers could continue to produce vaccines. Rhadamanthine Crossword Clue NYT. Take Octobers Synonym Of The Day Quiz! NINTENDO RIPS THE SEAL OFF THE NEXT GENERATION OF NOSTALGIA, BUT FANS FRET, WHAT I LEARNED FROM 5 YEARS OF CLEANING AIRPLANES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. the equitable distribution of the property. Feeling Frazzled? WE NEED TO GO TO VENUS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, COVER UP: HOUSE DEMOCRATS SUBPOENA DOCUMENTS THAT NLRB REFUSED TO SHARE IN ETHICS INVESTIGATION, CHINA HAS QUIETLY VACCINATED MORE THAN 100,000 PEOPLE FOR COVID-19 BEFORE COMPLETING SAFETY TRIALS, FLAWS AND ASSUMPTIONS RENDER 101 ASH ST. ASSESSMENT MEANINGLESS, GUTTING THIS FEDERAL PROGRAM COULD UNDERMINE AMERICANS CONFIDENCE IN A COVID VACCINE, THE GEAR YOU NEED TO BRING ON A 225-MILE RIVER TRIP. Find 13 ways to say REQUISITE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 7 Reach quickly, in a way : TEXT The impetus for developing the system came after Expo 67 in Montreal. Synonyms for solid include firm, hard, rigid, stiff, robust, stout, sturdy, adamantine, hardened and tough. It publishes for over 100 years in the NYT Magazine. The mnemonic is built in. 25 Trees that canopy Central Parks Literary Walk : ELMS 11 1890 admission to the Union: Abbr. Back then large format screenings were accomplished using multiple projectors with multiple screens, with images basically stitched together. Nowadays, the level of quinine in tonic water has dropped, and sugar has been added. 29 Rhadamanthine : STERN 40 Chicago performance : JAZZ DANCE Synonyms for selfish include inconsiderate, ungiving, thoughtless, unthinking, uncaring, heedless, unmindful, regardless, insensitive and tactless. Hundreds of thousands of Huguenots fled Catholic France in order to escape prosecution, with some settling in English colonies in North America that were religiously tolerant. If you are presented two or more answers, then look at the most recent one which is the last row in the answers box. 57 Rio maker : KIA Back in the 17th century, public notices and lists of names were written on a board painted white, or in a souvenir book with white pages known as an albo (from album). Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Now, its reserved for an entirely masked audience of no more than 250, seated in pods of two to six seats, each separated by the, It remains to be seen whether tiny spacecraft can carry the, So in 1965, Congress approved the 25th Amendment, which was ratified by the, To maximize their two generational talents and end their Finals drought, the 76ers must provide, To secure that, a closer regard to what should be the character of the true church than has been paid, is, Hope-Jones has proved conclusively that by exercise of the, As without faith it is impossible to please God, so in this act it is not less, AT TOURIST SITES, MASKING UP WITHOUT DILUTING THE EXPERIENCE, WE NEVER KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WERE GOING IN OUTER SPACE - ISSUE 92: FRONTIERS, THE MAX VERT CHALLENGE IS THE CRAZIEST VIRTUAL RACE YET, HOW REMOVAL UNDER THE 25TH AMENDMENT WORKS: A BEGINNERS GUIDE. Word of the Day: Rhadamanthine (29D: STERN) : rigorously strict or just [] In Greek mythology, there were three judges of the underworld: Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadamanthus. It is these projections that the industry is using to justify billions in new projects, as oil companies across the world shift investment toward petrochemicals. Samuel Ashe was the Governor of North Carolina from 1795 to 1798. Find more similar words at! 37 See 49-Down : BAG Named after Sir Robert Peel, what are British police called. I shall now cease and desist from looking for them . If you are presented two or more answers, then look at the most recent one which is the last row in the answers box. 19 ___ Nkrumah, first P.M. and president of Ghana : KWAME 56 Again : ONE MORE TIME 8 Kind of sauce made with peanuts : SATE Tyler, the Creator is the stage name of rap singer Tyler Okonma. 6 ___ the day! (exclamation from Twelfth Night) : ALAS 38 Broadway musical with the song These Palace Walls : ALADDIN 33 Lay down, in a way : BET The unfortunate radian has been demoted, as the SI unit of angular measure is the steradian. 2 Yes, this has been brought to my attention : IM AWARE The wonderful 1975 musical Chicago is based on a 1926 play of the same name written by a news reporter called Maurine Dallas Watkins. While all these words mean "free from favor toward either or any side," fair implies a proper balance of conflicting interests. Synonyms for strict include harsh, rigid, hard, rigorous, severe, stern, stringent, tough, dour and inflexible. syndicated NY Times crossword, Read on, or jump to It is a daily puzzle and today like every other day, we published all the solutions of Assuming Prince William, Duke of Cambridge becomes the British Monarch one day, then there will be a Stewart descendant on the throne again. Easy acronym to remember. It was used in tropical areas in South Asia and Africa where malaria is rampant. 40:04 no errorsI did have to look up 19AI know I should have known that as most of you probably did but I didnt Ive only ever seen the movie version of Chicago and never a live performance . IT WONT END WELL. Constructed by: Andrew Linzer CAN THE SIXERS FIND A WAY TO WIN IT ALL WITH EMBIID AND SIMMONS? 30 Drink once consumed to prevent malaria : TONIC Find more similar words at! Rhadamanthine Crossword Clue NYT. leave a comment. Find more similar words at! In its statement, the NLRB points to this precedent to justify refusing to turn over the documents sought by the House committee. 35 Religious group affected by the Edict of Nantes : HUGUENOTS The team behind the IMAX technology set out to simplify things, and developed a single-camera, single-projector system. Synonyms for bullying include harassment, intimidation, coercion, oppression, hounding, maltreatment, mistreatment, teasing, victimisation and victimization. 26:47, no errors. But I guess there is such a thing as a wet SAUNA so no lawsuit will be necessary. Synonyms for harsh include grating, jarring, glaring, glary, blinding, dazzling, intense, strong, disagreeable and rough. : ONLINE POKER Synonyms for cruel include brutal, savage, inhuman, barbaric, barbarous, brutish, bloodthirsty, murderous, homicidal and cut-throat. He typically wears impeccably tailored suits in the traditional, Suggestive of being angry or in a foul mood, Characterized by, or tending to cause, agitation or anxiety, Feeling, or causing, (typically slight or stinging) pain, Of or pertaining to the Puritans, or to their doctrines and practice, Incapable of being repaired, amended, cured or rectified, Direct and without attempting to disguise unpleasantness, without two brass farthings to rub together, without two pennies farthings to rub together. Find 32 ways to say SCHEDULED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The edict granted specific rights to Protestants, a major concession in Catholic France, and was intended to end religious strife in the country. Anyway I got a good start in the southwest and went from there, finishing in 38 minutes with no look ups Or errors. Op-ed is an abbreviation for opposite the editorial page. Nkrumah went into exile in Guinea, never to return to Ghana. Take Octobers Synonym Of The Day Quiz! I believe rad is short for radius as the clue has an abbreviation for measurement. The Royal House of Stewart (also Stuart) came to power in Scotland in the late 14th century, starting with Robert II of Scotland. The last Stuart monarch was Anne, Queen of Great Britain who also died without issue, despite going through seventeen pregnancies. The original tonic water was a fairly strong solution of the drug quinine dissolved in carbonated water. 22 Flat topper : TAM 44 Pride : lions :: husk : ___ : HARES Not too bad for a Saturday puzzle. An act of intimidating or domineering a person, typically to do something, The report shows that many teens drop out of school due to repeated, Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment, especially through the exercise of authority, Tough and exacting in one's expectations or treatment of others, Present participle for to inflict, or threaten to inflict, physical or emotional harm to, Studies have provided some interesting insight into the psychology of students who, Present participle for to coerce into doing something using intimidatory tactics, The company has been accused of trying to. : IMAX THEATER While both proved true, most folks were surprised to hear Id be going in the heat of July, and there was. 46 Helps out with a lift : SPOTS North Carolinas Ashe County and the cities of Asheboro and Asheville are named in his honor. 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