I'd appreciate clearing this up in the next version to avoid confusion. "Most Influential Management Books of the 20th Century" (PDF). 2/6/22, 7:14 PM Ch. This text provides numbered sections for each chapter. Example: I would have motivating after leading; the structure chapter near the end and make chapter 13 - chapter 14 and chapter 14 be chapter 13. 1. The Boxed brand is also enhanced by reports of the benefits Huang offers employees. I like the style in which the text is written - simple, easy to read prose. The concepts and applications are on par with what is being taught. The text was culturally appropriate with no biases. then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a digital format, His ideas became popular because business leaders wanted to know how their companies could compete. invisible social identities Membership in an identity group based on hidden diversity traits such as sexual orientation or a . The management discipline includes . Managing Teams (maps to Chapter 14) Download Principles of Management Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. I love the way it is laid out. See old layout OpenStax Principles of Management Test Bank Student View (Opens in new window) 2 of 2 Additional test bank questions to supplement test bank provided by OpenStax for Principles of Management. Management of Technology and Innovation (maps to Chapter 17 but I dont use this one) In my opinion, that reference not only shows a different light on this company but also reminds the reader of the need for nonprofit organizations to be focused on innovation. The textbook covers Each of the concepts that are typically covered in a Principles of Management course are included in this manuscript. Moreover, several of the figures are orphaned in the text no reference/support afforded by surrounding paragraphs. A win-win! This book is written in a way that the concepts are covered thoroughly without being verbose or difficult to understand. The logical organization and simple structure of the textbook is one of its strengths. It covers all subjects adequately. Principles of Economics 2e covers the scope and sequence of most introductory . There is some discussion of creativity, although references to writers and books beyond the single book by Edward De Bono would have enhanced the section. Management is a broad business discipline, and the Principles of Management . My current textbook addresses the history of management as an appendix to Chapter 1, which seems to make sense to me. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written read more. Porter was born in 1947 and graduated from Princeton in 1969 with a degree in aerospace and mechanical engineering. read more. It has a lot of content and it is a bit packed with so many objectives that will be a lot of work to introduce updates. It is true that larger organizations have more teams to manage, but I do have many students with interests in starting a small business or start working at a small to mid-size company. At the same time, this is a key area to keep up to date on and to realize that the globe is in our workplaces everyday with our diversity. 1.2 The Roles Managers Play 1.3 Major Characteristics of the Manager's Job Key Terms Summary of Learning Outcomes I did not see any insensitive or offensive material. Some sub-sections and minor topics should have been separate sections with more details, such as the discussion of meetings, of interviewing, and of HR rules and policies. 18. Each chapter's layout is consistent and created an easy to follow framework. Discrimination, likewise, is mentioned in passing three times, once in terms of how issues of discrimination have become a broader concern for "diversity management". What is the difference between a firms vision and its mission? Each chapter is organized in subsections that could lend themselves to dividing into smaller reading sections or topics within a course. Perhaps using a different size font or bolding or italicizing the font for one of those titles may be helpful. I am not sure whether the examples will be too applicable for those studying management in other countries. For example, there is wonderful language related to the "balanced Principles of Management provides a comprehensive overview of key management and leadership principles for my professional adult undergraduate students. Ethics in Practice From my quick read of the text, it appears to be unbiased and error-free. I have not found anything in the book that is insensitive or offensive in any way. A lot of resources were during the recession or before the recession. In the introduction to Principles of Management, the authors state that there are three themes in the book: strategic thinking, entrepreneurial thinking, and active management. The overall structure of the textbook follows Fayol's POLC model of management (Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling) with the overall narrative following the different stages in the process. 12. When I facilitate a class using an OER, I like to have the entire textbook available in the very first module of my course in addition to having each assigned chapter available for access directly within the module that includes that specific chapter. The Entrepreneurial Manager While the "General Management" course at Harvard Business School was historically one of its most popular and impactful courses (pioneered in the 1960s by Joe Bower), recent Harvard MBAs did not see themselves as "general managers." The case studies are concise, practical and relevant and should be fairly easy for the publishers to update occasionally. (Shared Value Initiative/ flickr/ Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)), https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/1-introduction, https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/3-introduction, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Principles of Management will frame performance using the notion of the triple bottom-line the idea that economic performance allows individuals and organizations to perform positively in social and environmental ways as well. Example companies included Starbucks and Amazon, which are both relevant organizations that college students would know and have an interest in learning about. This book's modular format easily maps to a POLC (Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling) course organization, which was created by Henri Fayol (General and industrial management (1949). Check info Other news Principles of Microeconomics - OpenStax As CEO of Boxed, Huang has raised money to build distribution centers, hired employees, developed private-label products to offer customers low prices, and expanded supplier relationships. Reviewed by Regina Schinker, Director of Instructional Development , Trine University on 6/1/19, True to the nature of OER, I was searching for material on managerial decision-making and I primarily focused on Chapters 1 - 3 of this textbook (with special attention to Chapter 2). (Credit: Boxed.com / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)), https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/1-introduction, https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/9-introduction, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. OpenStax's mission is to improve educational access and learning for everyone. I thoroughly read most chapters and carefully scanned the others; accuracy across words, figures, and exhibits appears to be strong. For example, there is wonderful language related to the "balanced scorecard" included in this text. Moreover, the chapter content identified its course learning outcomes at the outset and circled back around to drive home key issues in corresponding chapter summaries. It covers all subjects adequately. and you must attribute OpenStax. For my needs, from what I have been taught and from what I have learned in the working world, I found it adequate. I did not find any examples of cultural insentitivity. Will utilize sections of this text as supplemental material to provide students additional information. However, the instructor will need to add extra readings and complementary contents such as videos. I have adopted this book for my core management course, and I plan to continue to use it. Again, the organization of the chapters has created relevant and applicable content. Sources: Bedeian, Arthur G and Wren, Daniel A. As a result, it is largely uncritical of large-scale organizations. Then again, in my opinion, most textbooks do a poor job with this topic. Unions are seen as a punishment for businesses that appear to be unjust (page 529). Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Overall, the index and organization works for junior students in business or someone interested in learning more about management. 8. Reviewed by JOE MESSER, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Manchester University on 4/2/21, I have been a business owner for 30 years and taught business management for the last 12 years. What aspects of management are relevant in the modern workplace (e.g., traditional organizational designs) or how new developments such as the gig economy can be understood using the management lens can easily be taught with a few additional resources that bolster this open source book material. Presently, I am using most of the book in my professional adult undergraduate business management course. I found some of the sections within the chapters to be too verbose. Summary of Learning Outcomes Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . The consistency of this book is very good. The photographs, for instance, do not support the text very well. This textbook allows more flexibility in teaching and learning. Chapter 1: Introduction to Principles of Management, Chapter 2: Personality, Attitudes, and Work Behaviors, Chapter 3: History, Globalization, and Values-Based Leadership, Chapter 4: Developing Mission, Vision, and Values. Journalism, Media Studies & Communications, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, 1.1 Introduction to Principles of Management, 1.2 Case in Point: Doing Good as a Core Business Strategy, 1.4 Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Strategy, 1.5 Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling, 1.6 Economic, Social, and Environmental Performance, 1.7 Performance of Individuals and Groups, 1.8 Your Principles of Management Survivor's Guide, 2.2 Case in Point: SAS Institute Invests in Employees, 2.6 The Interactionist Perspective: The Role of Fit, 2.8 Developing Your Positive Attitude Skills, 3.1 History, Globalization, and Values-Based Leadership, 3.2 Case in Point: Hanna Andersson Corporation Changes for Good, 3.3 Ancient History: Management Through the 1990s, 3.4 Contemporary Principles of Management, 3.6 Globalization and Principles of Management, 3.7 Developing Your Values-Based Leadership Skills, 4.1 Developing Mission, Vision, and Values, 4.2 Case in Point: Xerox Motivates Employees for Success, 4.3 The Roles of Mission, Vision, and Values, 4.4 Mission and Vision in the P-O-L-C Framework, 4.7 Crafting Mission and Vision Statements, 4.8 Developing Your Personal Mission and Vision, 5.2 Case in Point: Unnamed Publisher Transforms Textbook Industry, 5.3 Strategic Management in the P-O-L-C Framew. read more. I feel the examples are a little dated, but that is something that could easily be augmented on the Internet. The concepts and applications are on par with what is being taught. The progression of the information in each chapter flows well and supports the practical outcomes such as discussion forums, presentations or writing assignments in my course. My adult professional undergraduate students are able to engage with the content and apply it to their personal and professional lives. Uploaded by I like these three in-text examples of how to apply each chapter's concepts very much: 6. International Management (same) I did appreciate that some of the PowerPoint slides included embedded links to TED Talks and other example videos, including scenes from Apollo 13, as well as including discussion questions regarding those videos. Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. I pulled the book up on three different forms and systems. They also contain WAY too much text, often including full paragraphs. I am proud of the way the text presents itself to our professional adult undergrad students. This text book is one that we selected a few chapters from for our course. While the book is generally consistent overall, it book sometimes strays from a discussion of the "principles" of management and does not adopt a consistent idea of what kinds of businesses are being talked about. For a textbook on industrial-focused management, the relative silence to the contrast between union and at-will employment conditions is unfortunate. In fact, a comparison of management before and after the Industrial Revolution shows that the former is only a shadowy comparison to the latter. I appreciated the current examples that were used. A textbook on management principles will become less relevant over time as updated information becomes available and new thinkers offer different concepts and models. I didn't see any obvious areas of inconsistency. Why is strategic analysis important to strategy formulation? citation tool such as, Authors: David S. Bright, Anastasia H. Cortes. If my student behaviors shift and I could expect them to read each week I could easily adopt this textbook. I am looking forward to returning to the textbook as I create future courses on management. Management basics were covered very well. Managing and Performing (same) I would single out the coverage of Uber in this text as it raises points that I have brought up in my lectures as a counterpoint to coverage in other older editions of books. consent of Rice University. are licensed under a, Major Characteristics of the Manager's Job, How the Brain Processes Information to Make Decisions: Reflective and Reactive Systems, Administrative and Bureaucratic Management, External and Internal Organizational Environments and Corporate Culture, The Internal Organization and External Environments, Organizing for Change in the 21st Century, Ethics, Corporate Responsibility, and Sustainability, Dimensions of Ethics: The Individual Level, Ethical Principles and Responsible Decision-Making, Leadership: Ethics at the Organizational Level, Ethics, Corporate Culture, and Compliance, Emerging Trends in Ethics, CSR, and Compliance, Cultural Stereotyping and Social Institutions, Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs, Trends in Entrepreneurship and Small-Business Ownership, Strategic Analysis: Understanding a Firms Competitive Environment, Gaining Advantages by Understanding the Competitive Environment, A Firm's External Macro Environment: PESTEL, A Firm's Micro Environment: Porter's Five Forces, Competition, Strategy, and Competitive Advantage, The Strategic Management Process: Achieving and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, The Role of Strategic Analysis in Formulating a Strategy, Strategic Objectives and Levels of Strategy, Planning Firm Actions to Implement Strategies, Measuring and Evaluating Strategic Performance, An Introduction to Human Resource Management, Influencing Employee Performance and Motivation, Talent Development and Succession Planning, Benefits and Challenges of Workplace Diversity, Situational (Contingency) Approaches to Leadership, Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership, Transformational, Visionary, and Charismatic Leadership, Opportunities and Challenges to Team Building, Factors Affecting Communications and the Roles of Managers, Managerial Communication and Corporate Reputation, The Major Channels of Management Communication Are Talking, Listening, Reading, and Writing, Formal Organizational Planning in Practice, Management by Objectives: A Planning and Control Technique, The Control- and Involvement-Oriented Approaches to Planning and Controlling, MTIIts Importance Now and In the Future, External Sources of Technology and Innovation, Internal Sources of Technology and Innovation, Management Entrepreneurship Skills for Technology and Innovation, Managing Now for Future Technology and Innovation, (Gawler History/ Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)), Michael Porter: Harvard Professor and Management Consultant, The Monitor Group, Michael E. Porter leads a conversation with three leading public and private investors, Jin-Yong Cai, Tony O. Elumelu, and Arif Naqvi, on the panel Investing in Prosperity: A Conversation with Global Leaders at the Shared Value Leadership Summit. Updated the PowerPoint slide deck, I would be very interested in adopting this text. 1999-2022, Rice University. References are provided throughout the content (including the business cases) with additional explanation for new or "involved" topics. To the contrary, the authors added to the readers understanding of the topic by presentation of findings related to the GLOBE study. Human Resource Management (maps to Chapter 10) It was different from other materials that focus on the POLC and cover each section individually in order. I have reviewed numerous books related to management over the past 15 years and this text includes several components that I often need to add to the textbooks I am using. In the introduction to Principles of Management, the authors state that there are three themes in the book: strategic thinking, entrepreneurial thinking, and active management. It is a contemporary text and does not feel dated. The way in which terms are presented are not in bold but mainly italic or overly emphasized. The book is focused on ideas and problems connected to American private-sector management. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, Principles of Management is an engaging resource for my professional adult undergrad business students because it provides a general overview of key management and leadership topics with the opportunity for practical application through examples, cases, questions, and relevant frameworks that I can then incorporate into my weekly assignments. Managerial Decision-Making (maps to Chapter 3) The sequence of managerial functions is well organized and explored in the text. I found zero issues with the accuracy of the book with respect to the management concepts or discussion of organizations and leaders outside the typical lionization of the largest companies and most famous founders. Be the first one to, Houston, Texas : OpenStax, Rice University, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). With some exceptions, the references are to short articles that could easily be retrieved by a Google search. It appears the entire textbook addresses a vast number of management topics thoroughly. The content flows easily and should be agreeable to a wide audience. The text was not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. After reviewing the chapters and topics though, this would provide an opportunity to cover different chapters as needed. Non-profits are discussed on a single page in the context of internal controls. The books content was very accurate to the date that the sources were presented. Chapter 2 is quite comprehensive on the topic of managerial Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. To find the correct copyright date for the web-based version of the textbook, go to the Table of Contents area, select "Preface" and then look for the "Attribution" section (it may be all the way at the . Kinetic by OpenStax offers access to innovative study tools designed to help you maximize your learning potential. This sets the tone for the book and might send a signal to my students who are mostly students of color. Obama only occurs as a marginal participant in a group shot of world leaders. Each chapter has consistency in layout and design. 1 online resource (664 pages) : Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. are licensed under a, Major Characteristics of the Manager's Job, How the Brain Processes Information to Make Decisions: Reflective and Reactive Systems, Administrative and Bureaucratic Management, External and Internal Organizational Environments and Corporate Culture, The Internal Organization and External Environments, Organizing for Change in the 21st Century, Ethics, Corporate Responsibility, and Sustainability, Dimensions of Ethics: The Individual Level, Ethical Principles and Responsible Decision-Making, Leadership: Ethics at the Organizational Level, Ethics, Corporate Culture, and Compliance, Emerging Trends in Ethics, CSR, and Compliance, Cultural Stereotyping and Social Institutions, Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs, Trends in Entrepreneurship and Small-Business Ownership, Strategic Analysis: Understanding a Firms Competitive Environment, Gaining Advantages by Understanding the Competitive Environment, A Firm's External Macro Environment: PESTEL, A Firm's Micro Environment: Porter's Five Forces, Competition, Strategy, and Competitive Advantage, The Strategic Management Process: Achieving and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, The Role of Strategic Analysis in Formulating a Strategy, Strategic Objectives and Levels of Strategy, Planning Firm Actions to Implement Strategies, Measuring and Evaluating Strategic Performance, An Introduction to Human Resource Management, Influencing Employee Performance and Motivation, Talent Development and Succession Planning, Benefits and Challenges of Workplace Diversity, Situational (Contingency) Approaches to Leadership, Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership, Transformational, Visionary, and Charismatic Leadership, Opportunities and Challenges to Team Building, Factors Affecting Communications and the Roles of Managers, Managerial Communication and Corporate Reputation, The Major Channels of Management Communication Are Talking, Listening, Reading, and Writing, Formal Organizational Planning in Practice, Management by Objectives: A Planning and Control Technique, The Control- and Involvement-Oriented Approaches to Planning and Controlling, MTIIts Importance Now and In the Future, External Sources of Technology and Innovation, Internal Sources of Technology and Innovation, Management Entrepreneurship Skills for Technology and Innovation, Managing Now for Future Technology and Innovation, (Credit: Steve Pisano/ flickr/ Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)), Chieh Huang, founder and CEO of Boxed. 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