HTMLCollection vs. NodeList - @ArkadiuszMichalski alright, not a problem. HTMLFormControlsCollection.namedItem() Returns the RadioNodeList or the Element in the collection whose name or id matches the specified name, or null if no nodes match. length. An alternative to accessing collection[name] (which instead returns undefined when name does not exist). What exactly makes a black hole STAY a black hole?
W3C DOM Level 2 version 1.0 - Java API: Interface HTMLCollection Extend HTMLCollection.prototype with Firefox? - Javascript IE11: XML DOM strictErrorChecking XML DOM XML Document Object Model XML XML DOM XML HTMLCollection.namedItem () Returns the specific node whose ID or, as a fallback, name matches the string specified by name. methods, and - HTMLCollection - is specified as mapping them onto its - item - and - namedItem - methods. So they are very similar, but while a NodeList could possibly . .
Revision 640397 | HTMLCollection | MDN In JavaScript, using the array bracket syntax with a { {jsxref ("String")}}, like collection ["value"] is equivalent to collection.namedItem ("value"). Enable JavaScript to view data. For example, assuming there is one