i. provide a list of the aerial photographs of the phase one study area. Ontario Forest Research Institute, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Sault Ste. Highest level of ecosystem classification in Ontario reflecting environmental variation at a continental scale. (1) The specific objectives of confirmation sampling and analysis are the following: 1. kurt dx6 vise parts. (ii) in the technical or scientific review of an assessment of risk on behalf of a public authority. 1944. Usually, the spatial framework is hierarchical, where smaller ecosystems are nested within larger ecosystems (Figure 1). Flow in culverts, over dams, and around bridge piers can cause erosion of the bed. This ecoregion extends from just west of the Sibley Peninsula and Thunder Bay west to Atikokan and Quetico Provincial Park. Physical Geography of Ontario. Marie, Ontario. (a) samples of each medium being investigated are collected from depths and locations on, in or under the phase two property and analyzed for contaminants, until it is determined that samples have been collected from the areas of highest concentration of contaminants on, in or under the phase two property; (b) areas of highest concentration of each contaminant in each medium being investigated on, in or under the phase two property are identified and located; and. Table 2 Minimum Stockpile Sampling Frequency. Red maple, sugar maple, and American basswood are scattered in the southern part of the ecoregion and demonstrate a similarity to the adjacent western portions of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest Region extending from southern Lake of the Woods (Ecoregion 5S) into Minnesota and Wisconsin (MNDNR, 2003; Noble, 1978, 1979b; Sims et al., 1997). 1960. More fully developed stands of coniferous and mixedwood boreal forest develop only on well-drained, but not exposed, ridges, along the levees of streams and rivers, and in protected valleys (Hills, 1959). 3. The ecoregion is underlain by Phanerozoic (Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and to a much lesser extent, Cretaceous) dolomite, limestone, siltstone, sandstone, and shale. 153/04, s.42(2); O.Reg. Floristically, the Maritime Tundra Floristic Zone is one of the most distinct zones in the entire Hudson Bay Lowlands Ecozone (Riley, 2003). 12. i. how the general and specific objectives of a phase one environmental site assessment were achieved and how each of the minimum requirements for such objectives were met. 1989. After the change, the property will be used. 125pp. The Lake Erie coastal marshes (e.g., Point Pelee, Rondeau Bay, Long Point, and Turkey Point) support the largest diversity of flora and fauna in the Great Lakes (Ball et al., 2003). Rowe, J.S. 407/19, s. 13. Deriving an Eco-regional Framework for Ontario. [40], Movement of solid particles, typically by gravity and fluid entrainment, Shear velocity, velocity, and friction factor, Bed Load Sediment Mitigation at Intake Structures, Shields, A. Robinson, B.J. 511/09, s.22. The selection of samples for analysis so as to obtain representative results that locate any areas in the soil being sampled where any contaminant may be present at a concentration greater than the applicable soil quality standard, as determined in accordance with the Excess Soil Standards. 407/19, s. 17 (2). (a) the phase one environmental site assessment conducted or supervised by another qualified person does not meet the requirements referred to in clause (1) (a); (b) the phase one conceptual site model does not accurately reflect the environmental condition of the phase one property and any need for a phase two environmental site assessment; or. viii. 2000. 511/09, s.19. 2. Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute, 29(2):65-84. 2004. 312/17, s. 3, 4; O. Reg. Baldwin, D.J.B., L.E. Our Sustainable Future. The information represents the site conditions at the sampling points at the time of sampling only and the conditions between and beyond the sampling points may vary. iii. the location of monitoring wells, ground water flow direction, interpreted flow pathways from each area to the nearest water body, and estimated distance from each area to the nearest water body, iv. nearest water body down gradient of each area noted in ii, and. {\displaystyle \tan(\theta )} relating to, or forming a limit, boundary, extremity, or end: the terminal moraine of a glacier. Brown, D.M., G.A. The Hudson Bay Lowland. 4. 407/19, s. 26; O. Reg. 21. The current type of use of the RA property and, if the owner intends to change the type of use of the property, the proposed type of use. O. Reg. iii. 0 Provide a discussion and analysis of the laboratory analytical results for any sediment samples analyzed including, iv. contaminants related to chemical and biological transformations that have or may have occurred, and. To provide a reliable basis for conclusions as to whether the applicable site condition standards or standards specified in a risk assessment have or have not been met for each contaminant. Bedding may be irregular but is almost always present, and cross-bedding is common. 153/04, s.48(4). 6. Pages 12-29 in: A.H. Perera, D.L. Of concern is the susceptibility of permafrost to a warming climate and its potential effect on fish and wildlife habitat. {\displaystyle u_{*}} (1) At the phase one property, the following shall be carried out: 1. retail fuel storage tanks information maintained by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority. This area coincides fairly closely with the Hudson Bay Lowlands Section of the Boreal Forest Region (Rowe, 1972). UBC Press, Vancouver, British Columbia. K 9. Provide a description of the steps taken to establish baseline and background conditions relevant to the proposed remediation method to a degree adequate to detect any increases of contaminants on, in or under the phase two property following remediation, including contaminants created or introduced to the property during remediation. 511/09, s.14. WebThe sub-Antarctic zone is a region in the Southern Hemisphere, located immediately north of the Antarctic region. 511/09, s.14. Economic Geology Series No. (ii) Ground Water: Elevations and Flow Direction. It covers 2,035,903 ha (2.0% of the province). [27] As sand is added to the system, it moves away from the equal mobility portion of the hiding function to one in which grain size again matters. The samples shall be handled and analysed in accordance with section 47 of the regulation and shall be analysed for contaminants that may reasonably be expected to be present in the excess soil, having regard to the following: ii. 118 pp. i (3) The qualified person shall prepare the pre-submission form based on the results of the phase one environmental site assessment, the phase two environmental site assessment and on any other information that the qualified person considers relevant. or 2. ii. Moosonee, Moose Factory, Attawapiskat, Peawanuck, and Fort Severn are located in this ecozone. . Stewart, D.B., and W.L. The mean annual temperature ranges from 0.8 to 4.3C and the mean growing season length is 171 to 200 days (Ecoregions Working Group, 1989; Hills, 1959; Mackey et al.., 1996a, b). Provide a summary of the information about the following: i. the location and concentration of contaminants in the land or water on, in or under the phase two property, ii. environmental conditions in the land or water on, in or under the phase two property where it is necessary to undertake a risk assessment with respect to one or more contaminants of concern, and. b. as close as possible to, but not more than 0.5 metres above the top of the capillary fringe in the area where the highest concentration of the volatile contaminant in ground water has been measured. 511/09, s.28; O.Reg. Life Science Report: Phase II. In addition to granitic bedrock, the Lake Nipigon Ecroregion contains substantial formations of basalt and other volcanic rocks, as well as greenstone, siltstone, and shale (Sutcliffe, 1991). s The halothermal circulation is that portion of the global ocean circulation that is driven by global density gradients created by surface heat and evaporation. This ecoregion is significantly influenced by the adjacent prairie climate, and seasonal weather patterns can include substantial periods of summer drought. 3. Crins, W.J., and P.W.C. This ecoregion is located in a cold and dry part of the province. The qualified person who is conducting or supervising the phase one environmental site assessment shall, (a) use all reasonably accessible environmental site assessment reports and other reports and data, as appropriate, to conduct a phase one environmental site assessment; and. Bedrock types are dominated by very low-base granites, with bands of base-rich, ultramafic and greenstone minerals. Latitudinal patterns in energy and seasonality, 14 ecoregions have been described for Ontario, 70 ecodistricts have been described for Ontario. becomes large. (b) the specific objectives and requirements for the components of the assessment set out in Schedule D. O.Reg. Also cascade, cataract, or simply fall or falls. For each contaminant of concern, having regard to the exposure assessment and the toxicity assessment, state the risk attributable in respect of that contaminant to each exposure route for human receptors on the RA property, using either a quantitative or qualitative analysis. 3. The FOC for the aquifer is the mean of all the samples. C. given written notice to the owner that it objects to the application of the standards and subsequently withdrawn the objection in writing. any potable and non-potable water sources. (2) For the purpose of subsection 168.8 (6) of the Act, notice of compliance with an order shall set out the number and date of issue of the order, and the date on which the Director became satisfied that the order has been complied with. Climate Change and the Future Fire Environment in Ontario: Fire Occurrence and Fire Management Impacts in Ontario under a Changing Climate. The plug has two 4 mm round pins, measuring 19 mm in length on centres spaced 18.6 mm apart at the base and 17.5 mm apart at the tip. Also catchment, drainage area, river basin, water basin, or watershed. Regional Site Research. Use for the transportation of goods or people by railway or by airplane, but not including use for a gathering of people for travel purposes, such as use as a railway station or an airport passenger terminal. (5)-(9) Revoked: O. Reg. With the exception of a few small deposits in the southwest portion, ground water retention in substrate overburden is limited and drainage varies from very poor to moderately well. 511/09, s.14. Heather, T.K. and 312/17, s. 1; O. Reg. Also subsidence crater or collapse crater. Despite sections 4 and 5, if the Director considers it appropriate in the circumstances and in the public interest after having regard to the RA property, the contaminants of concern and the human and ecological receptors to be addressed in a risk assessment report, the Director in the course of providing comments on a pre-submission form submitted under subsection 3 (1) or in a notice issued under subsection 46 (2) of the regulation, may exempt the risk assessment report from. The size (area and percentage) of each ecozone and ecoregion was determined through ArcGIS analysis of Provincial Landcover 2000 (0E 5S) or 1990 Landcover 28 (6E 7E) data. ii. Describe the justification process being used as part of the qualitative analysis. b. grain size analysis shall be undertaken by an accredited laboratory, c. the predominant soil type from among all the areas must be determined based on analysis of the samples chosen in subparagraph a, and on borehole information, and. Substantial areas of land with fertile clay and silt substrates were cleared for agriculture near Dryden, Kenora, and Fort Frances during the 20th century. ii. the new value to be used in the modified generic risk assessment. Geology of Ontario. Hills, G.A. Provide the names of all laboratories used for analysis of soil, sediment or ground water samples. Burgers (1993) proposed split, adopted here, makes the Northern Taiga Ecoregion more homogeneous. (6) At any time after an owner submits a risk assessment under subsection 168.5 of the Act to the Director, the owner may withdraw the risk assessment by giving written notice to the Director. O.Reg. With the inactivation of DC-11, Grand Forks AFB was reassigned from the Air Defense mission to Strategic Air Command (SAC). and 511/09, s.17 (3, 4). Most substrates are Fibrisols formed from sedge and moss peats (48%). Its southern boundary is strongly correlated with climatic variables (i.e., mean annual precipitation, mean annual temperature, and mean January temperature) and with elevation and geological differences (Baldwin et al., 1998). Although fire regimes have been completely altered in the ecoregion due to fire suppression and land use change, pre-settlement fire regimes have been examined for a few ecosystems (van Sleeuwen, 2006). 511/09, s.28 (24). ii. then it cranks good wont start untell we wait 10--20 minutes.This a fuel problem. (1) In Parts VII and VIII and Schedules D and E. all reasonable inquiries means review of current and historical sources of reasonably accessible information about a property to determine uses and occupancies of the property since the propertys first developed use; building means a building as defined in subsection 1 (1) of the Building Code Act, 1992; contaminant of potential concern includes a contaminant identified as potentially present on, in or under a phase one property in a phase one environmental site assessment report; enhanced investigation property means a property that is being used or has been used, in whole or in part, in a manner described in clause 32 (1) (b) to which subsection 32 (2) does not apply; first developed use means the earlier of, (a) the first use of a phase one property in or after 1875 that resulted in the development of a building or structure on the property, and. 511/09, s.11 (3). Riley (2003) estimates 90% of the landscape is dominated by saturated peatland plains in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. TABLE 1 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR PHASE ONE ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORTS. The Climate of Southern Ontario. (i) each area where a contaminant is present on, in or under a RA property at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard, (ii) the contaminants associated with each of the areas referred to in subclause (i), and. A. relevant construction features of a building, such as a basement or crawl space, B. building heating, ventilating and air conditioning design and operation, and. 2. Grain size analysis shall be undertaken by a laboratory whenever a standard for fine-medium textured soil is to be applied. Harvard Medical School Curriculum Vitae Date Prepared: November 7, 2014 Name: Tim Miller Office Address: 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 Home Address: 9 Moraine St., Boston, MA 02130 Work Phone: 617-919-1223 Work E-Mail:.. ke Sundborg later modified the Hjulstrm curve to show separate curves for the movement threshold corresponding to several water depths, as is necessary if the flow velocity rather than the boundary shear stress (as in the Shields diagram) is used for the flow strength.[20]. Volume II. Survey teams selected sites in flat wheatlands close to the Canada-Minnesota border, north-northwest of Grand Forks. Provide detailed documentation of procedures used for the management of residues from the field investigation including. 1. Soil samples from at least four continuous borehole cores but not necessarily undisturbed soil samples must be collected at the phase two property for the purpose of defining FOC. (a) the location and elevation of the well or probe; (c) the details of the soil vapour probe construction, including screened interval, sand pack, seal location and thickness, soil vapour probe diameter and screen slot size. A typical direct-drive starter motor diagram. Bates, R.L., and J.A. Many of these bases were near the U.S. border with Canada; those close to GFAFB in the north central U.S. were Minot and Glasgow to the west, and three in Michigan to the east (Sawyer, Kinchloe, and Wurtsmith). 1. Prepare an up-to-date chronological chain of title that shows the owners names and dates of ownership for the phase one property based on a search of the title of the phase one property that goes back to the date of the first developed use of the phase one property, unless other information from the records review satisfies the objectives of the records review and a title search back to the date of the first developed use would not contribute to obtaining information about the environmental condition of the phase one property. A list of reports or other documents, other than the document referred to in paragraph 1, setting out title, author and date, relied upon in making any certifications in the RSC for the purposes of this Part or otherwise used in conducting the phase two environmental site assessment.
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