But how do you make a good daedric name on your own? He takes the form of a traditional, six-limbed, green dragon. Boethiah | Peryite "blesses" his worshipers with diseases, and is considered one of the more destructive Princes. Her other notable enemies include Nocturnal, who once drained Meridia of her power in her quest to rewrite reality, and Ebonarm, the God of War who dislikes most Daedric Princes. The Black Books, tomes that present the reader with powerful abilities, can be collected throughout Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC. The most prestigious title Nocturnal goes by is the title of Ur-dra, which implies that she is the "eldest and most powerful of the Daedric Princes", and is a title which the Imperial Geographical Society claims nearly all the Royalty of Oblivion recognize. does anybody have a list of the ones that have. [16], While Aedra and Daedra are precisely defined, there are still some beings who challenge this dichotomy in some respects. When he is found in Skyrim, the player is teleported to the mind of Emperor Pelagius Septim III. Patron Gods of Skyrim - Available for location distribution option only (or both location/NPC distribution). (Elenwen | [UOL 1]. Clavicus is actually one of the Princes who has fallen victim to his own ambitions multiple times (always for ignoring Barbas) and accidentally lost a large percentage of his own power by hoarding a sword from a mark, that could carve souls up, as Clavicus does not have a traditional soul, this accounted to carving up and separating a portion of Clavicus's power from the whole. Ajum-Kajin | HDT Cloaks or Standard Cloaks - HDT Cloaks require HDT Physics Extension and SKSE. ryedia drioala kmaq'unal zir'amina nyn'oira vlan'ura cluglubal qaechyina Solar Malign She is said to keep the balance over light and darkness and is considered perhaps the mostbenevolent of the Daedric Princes, though she is certainly not "good" by mortal standards and has been known to wreak terrible vengeance upon those who slight her with little regard to collateral damage. Referred to as The Night Mistress or Lady Luck by many. Timer. She is also one of the few Princes who constantly maintains a female image, and is perceived accordingly. Although the beings are considered evil by most, they are widely worshipped in the realms of Tamriel. However, some Orcs cling to the belief that Trinimac still exists and Malacath is a separate entity. Here are some daedric names examples you can try to change on your own: 2. It is also common to name public buildings on the name of history heroes, people who made them, or some important personality who once visited them. General Tullius | Members She serves as a major ally to the player character during the events of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, helping the Nerevarine stop Dagoth Ur from destroying Tamriel, though even in this regard her help is more to spite the Tribunal than save Morrowind. Maybe it doesnt bother you, but for others, its a time-consuming process theyd like to skip. Nocturnal is associated with, and often depicted alongside, jet-black ravens and crows, which are said to possess the ability to speak. Oleed-Ei, Glenmoril Witches It might be a very stupid question, but thinking about the princes last night, I came to wonder one thing : where the hell do their names come from ? As his title suggests he's known to make deals with mortals, granting them wishes that they often regret. Hermaeus Mora (sometimes spelled "Hoermius", "Hormaius", or "Herma" Mora), the Demon of Knowledge, the Master of the Tides of Fate, Gardener of Men, Prince of Fate, Lord of Secrets, the Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge, the Golden Eye, Ur-Daedra, the Abyssal Cephaliarch, Old Antecedent, Scryer, Inevitable Knower, Lord of Knowledge, the One Who Knows, also known to the ancient Atmorans and Bosmer as Herma-Mora, the Woodland Man, to the Ayleids as Hyrma Mora, and to the Khajiit as Hermorah, is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is forbidden knowledge and the "scrying of the tides of Fate, of the past and future as read in the stars and heavens, and in whose dominion are the treasures of knowledge and memory". She has been an antagonist to the mortal world in at-least two affairs - as the sponsor of Umaril the Unfeathered in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and with her "Purification" witnessed in Elder Scrolls Online. The Nordic goddess Kyne is said to give Peryite the spirits of skeevers when they die. Her summoning day coincides with the Witches Festival, which falls on the 13th of Frostfall. It is also rumored that the Prince hates Nocturnal. Though she still appears in the same game as Umaril, she does not mention or concern herself with him, seeing Umaril as little more than an obligation and does not save him once all Nine Divines are aligned against him. Mephala delights in turning mortals against each-other, but the real goal she seeks is to play mortals into shaping history without knowing it. Despite being bound to the pact with the Divines, Mehrunes Dagon has broken this deal and physically attacked Nirn in the second era and during the Oblivion Crisis. People who join the ranks of the Purified are both those that willingly pledge to serve Meridia and the unwilling, such as those that defy her. At one point wrote over 150,000 words for ingame books. Jagar Tharn | His appeal lies in his sphere, which encompasses the thrill of the hunt, though this can be taken to extremes. Hears-Voices-in-The-Air | Namira sees herself as the rightful ruler of all spirits. All non-Dark-Elves consider Boethiah one of the most feared and evil Daedric Princes, though atleast pragmatically evil. Daedric Princes | Unofficial SpartanMazdapedia Wiki | Fandom Mephala interferes in the affairs of mortals for her own amusement, and does nothing without purpose. Daedric prince screen names Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:05 pm . They are seen as a symbol of rebellion to many and has a huge rivalry with Molag Bal, as Bal demands subjagation and Boethiah demands rebellion. Daedric Prince of hedonism and debauchery. Daedric Princes | SpartanMazdapedia Wiki | Fandom While Azura is considered one of the "good" Daedra by the Dunmer of Morrowind, elsewhere she has been known to be allied with Molag Bal, who is known to the Dunmer as one of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles. Its a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. His realm, best known as the Shivering Isles, has also been called the Madhouse. Hagravens | Sheogorath is a trickster even amoung the other Daedra, he loves to drive mortals insane at best, and an unpredictable psychopath at worst. Vaermina either collects or devours the benign memories of mortals - used to explain forgetfulness over time, and the side-effect of snatching those mental building blocks is fear and confusion given life by imagination in ones sleep - experienced as nightmares. As eras pass, and as mortals flourished, the Daedric Princes started to gain influence, creating small isolated cults which slowly grew more powerful as time passed. Elaborate shrines are created to honor the Daedra as gods. "Fearful obeisance" of Sheogorath is widespread in Tamriel, and he plays an important part in Dunmeri religious practice. Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. His realm of Oblivion is the Hunting Grounds, an endless forest where the Prince and his Huntsmen hunt great beasts, people, and even other Daedra. She is the Daedric Prince of spirits and shadows, as well as the patron of vermin and squalor. The current Sheogorath is noticeably less prone to acts of malevolence though is still very temperamental - their psyche' bending towards the title but still with a ring of their mortal identity steering it. But don't worry, as always, it's not that easy. Unlike Dagon and physically attacking mortals on Nirn, Molag Bal found a loophole and organized an event known as the Planemeld. The door unopenable. Jyggalag | Privacy Policy. Or did mortals name them, and they just took the ones they liked the most? Sheogorath is the only Daedric Prince ever to be replaced. Namira's followers and the priesthood of Arkay have clashed in the past. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Molag_Bal SUck MYdIck Posts: 3378 Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:43 am Wed May 30, 2012 7:38 am He is often accompanied by a hound named Barbas, which is a fragment of Clavicus Vile that Vile granted its own sentience for unclear reasons. Jyggalag commands his own Daedra, the Knights of Order, which are spawned from obelisks summoned by his followers, the Priests of Order. He also has a daughter named Molag Grunda, a Winged Twilight who took the lowly Frost Atronach Nomeg Gwai as her consort. Comments. Nocturnal's summoning day is the 3rd of Hearth Fire, although she may be summoned at any time at a shrine dedicated to her. Commander Maro, Creatures Mehrunes Dagon | Most Chimer took the lesson of blind-trust to heart, but many refused to let go of their devotion to Trinnimac, and covered themselves in his "remains" as a show of fealty. Damn it, the Wheel, go home" thing. Falmer | Where do they come from, do we even know ? Sergeant-of-Sharpshooters Geel | While this belief conflicts with Nocturnal's claim over the title, it does complement her claim that she is part of the original void, in that she came from the black blood of the Dark Heart of Lorkhaj, which is a piece of "primal Void". Hircine detests a lack of sport and hates one-sided hunts, but delights in the rare instance of seeing a weakling actually overcome a predator. There is a belief that Hircine is allied with Mehrunes Dagon, though Lyranth the Foolkiller claims that if such an arrangement exists, it would be obscure outside their own circle. Dremora | You can use these names for yourself and also you can share them with anyone in family. I am an admin of this site. Xivilai Moath and Faydra Shardai are Dagon's adoptive children. People try to avoid all the names that include hard to spell words. Cloaks can be distributed to daedra worshippers, daedric shrines & locations, or both. Hermaeus Mora is tangentially related to the origins of the Morag Tong by association with his sibling, Mephala. Boethiah told the Chimer they would need to reject the teachings of Trinnimac to survive Morrowind but if so they would florish and to never blindly trust anyone, even their gods. Sanguine | As such, Meridia has a reputation for benevolence, and is one of the few Daedric Princes who is usually not considered to be wholly evil. Isobel | Ettiene of Glenmoril Wyrd | From where do these names came from ? Elder Scrolls: Daedric Princes vs 40k: Chaos Gods 03:00. During the pilgrimage, Trinnimac was ambushed by Boethiah (some also say Mephala). [18][19] Obscure stories also question the origins of Meridia[20] and Mehrunes Dagon. Note: Elder Scrolls lore is generally not clear-cut.Reasons for this range from biased in-universe sources intentionally only giving you only one side of a story, to sources lacking . Comments. We gave it its name. Hircine despite his bloody hobby is not a sadist, he revels in the hunt itself and will gladly see his hunters become the hunted by their prey, as long as it is a good match. We have thousands of blogs that help you to find some good and catchy business names for your own business. He takes the form of a tall slender demon. The Mad God typically manifests on Nirn as a seemingly harmless, well-dressed man often carrying a cane, a guise so prevalent it has actually been coined "Gentleman With a Cane". Werewolves | Theres no easy answer, but here are some things to consider. Abilities Namira | Skyrim: The Real World Influence Behind The Daedric Princes - TheGamer You should find names that are short and simple. Homeworld He's known by the mortals denizens of Tamriel as the Daedric Prince of Knowledge. Not only is she secretive, Mephala also cares very little for the safety and well-being of mortals. Dragon Priests | For example, one who turns the game on its head by hunting the hunters may earn the Prince's respect. Sanguine is depicted as a portly yet muscular crimson-skinned man with a dremora-like head with horns, tusks, usually with a bottle in his hand or a whore under his thumb. The people of the Iliac Bay region believe that Azura bewitches some of her followers to become her "lovers" and "virtual slaves". Trinnimac had lead a High-Elf off-shoot called The Chimer to search for a land of plenty where they could devote themselves to the old ways. Most notably Nocturnal curses thieves who steal from her and anyone associated with them. Plane of Oblivion: The Realms of Order (formerly), None (currently). She is considered an enemy of Ebonarm and Nocturnal. Enemies of the Prince of Destruction include Ebonarm, Akatosh, and Molag Bal, with whom Dagon shares a bitter rivalrythe two have been known to meddle in each other's schemes when the opportunity arises. Which Daedric Prince Would Hate You? - Quiz - Quotev This test will take in honest answers and give honest results. Animunculi | He is typically depicted as a green four-legged dragon, and often takes on the form of one, with the likeness to Akatosh seen as some primordial and curious jest. Related:400 Best And Creative Tauren Wow Names, 400 Best Sensei Names Ideas And Suggestions, 400 Creative Cpa Names Ideas That You Will Like, 400 Cool Corp Names Ideas That You Can Use, 400 Best Cantina Names Ideas That You Can Use. The Daedric Princes are some of the most powerful beings in The Elder Scrolls series. Hevnoraak | Somewhat in line with this, the Khajiit believe that she is a spirit of infinite realms. Her Aurorans and Umaril returned during the time of the Oblivion Crisis to seek vengeance on the Divines. Boethiah - The Prince of deceit, secrecy, conspiracy, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority. Who named the daedric princes? : teslore - reddit.com Exposure to the remains of a divine being transformed Trinnimac's devotees and they were forever changed taking on the name "Orsimer" - "changed folk" - which was soon shortened to "Orcs". Legate Rikke | Hi. You cant just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. Skyrim: Every Daedric Weapon & Artifact From Elder Scrolls History He is prone to mean-spirited pranks and utterly hates rich arrogant elitists in particular - callous and snobby nobles almost always the target of his pranks. Prancy - It is used to incline the prance.eps. She has the largest sphere of influence of any Daedric Prince across all of Tamriel, and is worshiped by many thieves. His summoning day is during Chil'a, on the 20th of Evening Star. In character. The condition is called Hircine's Gift by those that view it as a blessing, and Hircine's Curse to those that consider it an abomination. Just a note here, the Daedric Prince Boethiah is recorded as female in Daggerfall and Battlespire, consequent with "her" name with the -ah suffix as some female Dunmer (like Katariah, Barenziah, and many others). Rather than rise up to recover from things like poverty, mental discord or emotional trauma, Namira encourages her followers to embrace such concepts, and with them gain her blessings. She is also known as the Lady of Decay, the Spirit Daedra and the Goddess of the Dark. 0/17. Allowing for Sanguine and Nocturnal to actually physically manifest in Nirn. Which Daedric Prince Would Hate You? Though nightmares are not the point of Vaermina's presence, she takes artistic pride in creative application of them. Gilligan - It is an American feminist, ethicist, and psychologist, Sassy - It is a person with lively, bold, and full of spirit. He has been known to be the patron to vampires, gracing them with social stature, reason and savvy, allowing them to not only live among regular mortals, but to hold powerful positions in society. He is the Daedric Prince of Darkness and Destruction, whose sphere encompasses destruction, change, revolution, energy, and ambition. name: molag bal (meaning stone-fire or fire stone in aldmeri), known by many names, including the god of schemes, the harvester of souls, the lord of domination, the prince of domination, the lord of brutality, the dark lord, the harvester, the corrupter, the tormentor of men, the lord of troubles, the sower of strife, the scheming lord of Her sphere of energy and life often brings her into direct conflict with many of the other Princes of Oblivion. Meridia also granted immortality to her champion, Umaril the Unfeathered, the ancient Ayleid enemy of Pelinal Whitestrake. Hermaeus Mora | Heroes Wiki | Fandom Here are the creative names for daedric: Plumnicius Pelluath Zyine Vil'iine Qeawyag Reigramina Glemmecius Auz'uina Sloelfaath Flihnuath Zukmalag Qoehnimaeus Crojodea Toex'us Icobal Oechedea Wollidia Hostyah Pok'unal Fueqiath Cagrudia Xuvaath Douttuala Utsicus Jauzira Eqebal Vleaphenes Vrymina Gloestaoth Coedea Bruakenal Qeik'aura Daedric Prince of knowledge. and our Meridia, another Daedric Prince, will refer to Molag Bal as "Stone-fire" when talking to them, indicating that the Daedra may hold more affinities to the Mer languages than those of men. Indeed, this assumption contradicts the lines of N'Gasta, who said that "the meaning of a prince's name only came after, their name came long before mortals associated their names with certain definitions". The Prince rules over a realm of Oblivion known as the Ashpit, and he counts the oversized but dull-witted Ogrim as his servants. Skyrim (& Oblivion) - Name the Daedric Prince Quiz - By HollyRolo Sheogorath was imposed upon Jyggalag by the other Princes as Jyggalag was a major threat to their realms of Oblivion. Hircine revels in hunting rare and dangerous beasts. Elder Scrolls: Daedric Princes Quiz - By JDLAW5898 - Sporcle Her day of summoning is the 13th of Morningstar. He's the ruler of the Shivering Isles in Oblivion. One of the leading theories is that Barbas is Clavicus's conscience - come to life and expelled from the Prince but never able to be fully separated from him, due to the shear level of his scheming nature. Azura is one of the few Daedra who maintains the appearance of being "good" by mortal standards, and reportedly feels more concern for the well-being of her mortal subjects than other Daedric Princes. He's the keeper of knowledge so powerful and incomprehensible that only a feeble few are able to understand such knowledge without losing their sanity. During the Planemeld Molag Bal made mortal allies on Nirn and sponsored them as they attacked and invaded Nirn, while Bal himself stayed in his realm Coldharbour without setting a foot on Nirn. Each provides a unique skill or upgrade for players to make permanent use of. Dagon's protonymic is Lehkelogah and his neonymic is Djehkeleho-dehbe-effehezepeh. [ Proceed to masturbate furiously in his plane forever among his lazy followers ], More seriously, I wonder what is behind the protonymic, as well as the neonymic. Finally, he is straightforward in his desires; he often seeks people out, tests them, and rewards those who prove themselves worthy with a boon. You may come up with some words that you use as prefix or suffix to convey some meaning and sprinkle it. She is considered one of the more "demonic" Daedra in that she is destructive for the sake of causing destruction, her method being torture. Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of Madness, Fourth Corner of the House of Troubles, the Skooma Cat, Lord of the Never-There, Raver, Comforter of Men, and Sovereign of Shivering Isles. Whether it be slaying a wayward champion, desecrating the shrine of an Aedra, or piecing together the shattered . The Khajiit believe that all creatures who feed on rotten flesh are her spies. Zenithar - Arena beta tester Stephen "Zen" Zepp. I'm not lying. For example, Sarah could become Saral and so forth; the name Jonathan could be Jolothan. During the Oblivion Crisis, Sheogorath transformed back into Jyggalag and proceeded to repeat the Greymarch. Almalexia | So without wasting any single moment of your precious time, lets dive into the list. Umaril was an Ayleid (imperialist elves) who sold his soul to Meridia if she granted him proof against the forces of nature wielded by the eight Divines - Meridia agreed and made him something more than mortal and gave him an army of golden daedra as his troops. However, this is probably not true of most Daedra summons, and the summoner would do well to consider the consequences of his actions in advance. Mara - Daggerfall beta tester Marilyn Wasserman. Despite the dark undertones of Boethiah's sphere and influence on Tamriel, the Prince was considered in Morrowind to be one of the three "Good Daedra" and the Anticipation of Almalexia by the old Tribunal Temple, and one of the Reclamations by the New Temple. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! In Khajiiti creation myths, Azurah is credited with introducing moon sugar to Khajiit, and this belief is also told within tales aimed at Khajiiti children. This deity has no physical form of his own, rather he appears as a horrific shadowy mass of eyes and tentacles. Their motives range from questionable at best, to downright pure evil at worst. Perhaps most importantly, she is the patron deity of all Tamriel's cannibals. Name's Roudoudou, prince of disillusion and procastination. Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of madness. For information on other Daedric creatures, see the entry on Daedra. Daedric Princes Guide - Scrolls Guided Hajvarr Iron-Hand | Daedric Cloaks - Nexus Mods :: Skyrim Special Edition Vaermina (also spelled Vaernima), called the Prince of Dreams and Nightmares, the Gifter, the Mistress of Nightmares and Dark Portents, the Lady of Nightmares, the Weaver of Dreams, the Queen of Nightmares, Weaver of the Panoply, the Dreamweaver and the Dark Lady is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is the realm of dreams and nightmares, and from whose realm evil omens issue forth. Bonus Round: All of the Celestials vs Daedra, Aedra and Numidium. Vile is rarely seen without his loyal companion, Barbas. Laymen know her for her reputation as the Daedric Prince of nightmares and evil dreams. He serves as the main antagonist of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and is the one responsible for the Oblivion Crisis. They are known as Azura, Boethiah, Clavicus Vile, Hermaeus Mora, Hircine, Jygalagg, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Mephala, Meridia, Molag Bal, Namira, Nocturnal, Peyrite, Sanguine, Sheogorath and Vaermina. The Lord of Fire and Flood is associated with natural dangers like fires or earthquakes. Her followers, the Morag-Tong, are publicly hired assassins, who act within the law, complete with documentation of the contracts and acceptences of lethal counter-measures from their targets if they fail. They often take a keen interest in their worshippers, and it is speculated that this is either because of the obvious ego-gratification of being somebody's god, or because the Daedra like to keep an eye on potential future subjects (assuming people of demonic disposition enter Oblivion after death, that is; there are as many afterlife theories as there are religions in the world). She is associated with murder, lies, deception, sex and secrets, and is always weaving a web of intrigue and terror. He was the star of his own DLC, Shivering Isles, in Oblivion, and is also one of the main characters in Elder Scrolls Online 's mages guild questline. Jyggalag | He and his followers live for the thrill of the hunt and he is responsible for the creation of lycanthropes such as werewolves and werebears. She is said to bring bad omens to all who witness her. As the Daedra Prince of Lust, Perversity, and Unnatural Sexual Relations, anything in excess is his motto. But the Prince of Madness's champion, the Hero of Kvatch, defeated the Prince of Order and stopped the Greymarch, freeing him from his curse. Mehrunes Dagon (formally, the Exalted and Most Puissant Lord, Gerent of Dagon, Mehrunes), also called the Black Daedra Lord, Prince of Ambition, Prince of Disaster and Destruction, Master of Razors, Sovereign of Destruction, the Flame Tyrant, the Father of Cataclysm,, the Flame-Father, the Mer-Pride's End,}} and known to the Khajiit as Merrunz. When the being Lorkhan proposed that the et'Ada should create an extra third plane named 'Mundus' for them to create mortal beings to rule over, a faction of the et'Ada refused the offer and instead decided to stay in Oblivion becoming the Daedra. Oblivion He is an arc-villain in the video game Elder Scrolls Online - as the centeral antagonist of the Mages' Guild quest line - holding the magical Isle of Artaeum hostage until the founder of the Guild agrees to play his games. Their gender varies from culture to culture, and even from sentence to sentence. Sings-Like-Thunder | Daedric Princes of "Oblivion" Trivia Game | Elder Scrolls Games | 20 Each person to fall fully into misanthropy and nihilism is said to be within Namira's embrace, something Namira sees as a charity because at that point misery validates a mortal's very existence and they do not need to try to escape it anymore. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge. While Peryite appreciates his followers he will not compromise his duties for them, but will still preserve their lives if he can spare the effort. She is one of the "Good Daedra" of Morrowind for her followers practice of legalized assassination being seen as invaluable for the transfers of power in politics. These avatars become involved with important or momentous events, working behind the scenes to achieve an outcome that serves Boethiah's will. So these names could work for them too. What Makes a Daedric Prince? - Elder Scrolls Lore - YouTube Ive collected some daedric names from different sources, including novels, movies and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters in your favorite book series. AggiesTrinkets (306) $45.72 Meridia Statue, Skyrim Daedric Prince, The Elder Scrolls Figurine 3DSVSstore (42) $61.14 $67.93 (10% off) Clavicus Vile's dog, Barbas, will seek the Dragonborn out, asking. Nocturnal[edit] The most prestigious title Nocturnal goes by is the title of Ur-dra, which implies that she is the "eldest and most powerful of the Daedric Princes", and is a title which the Imperial Geographical Society claims nearly all the Royalty of Oblivion recognize. Full Name 251 votes, 40 comments. In gratitude and pragmatism, Jyggalag passes his former title and persona onto the Hero of Kvatch, mantling the Daedric Prince - giving the Hero of Kvatch god-hood and allowing Jyggalag to escape the curse. Worship directly leads to power. Hermaeus Mora is obsessed with the collection of knowledge to the point of pettiness and organized a scheme to manipulate one of his cultists, Miraak, into defying him and trying to organize the subjugation of the Isle of Solstheim. The Elder Scrolls To her, the "web" of the Aurbis is an interconnected system of action and consequence, and she spins new threads to influence outcomes. Nocturnal is a Daedric Prince, or "Daedric Princess", whose sphere is the night and darkness. Troll fat is a consistent element in rituals intended to summon Malacath. Vaermina is a sadist at her core, though a somewhat sophisticated and affable one. If youre like, me, then youve probably spent hours trying to come up with a good name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time. Daedric Princes (with armies) vs Chaos Gods (with armies) vs Cthulhu Mephala's enemies include Ebonarm and Peryite. Mehrunes DagonMolag BalHermaeus MoraPeryiteSheogorathAzuraBoethiahClavicus VileHircineJyggalagMalacathMephalaNamiraNocturnalSanguine Molag Bal (Stone-Fire, or literally "Fire Stone" in the Ehlnofex language) is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the domination and enslavement of mortals.
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