During purchase, make sure you select the right lens coating (such as ZEISS DuraVision) so that you can enjoy your sunglasses for a long time to come. Available in four colors, either with a full or gradient tint: Grey, Brown, Pioneer (grey-green), or Blue for a more fashionable look. From dark to darker in only 1835 seconds*. ZEISS AdaptiveSun Solutions are sunlenses designed to automatically adjust their colour intensity depending on UV exposure, giving you full UV and glare protection. Thanks to a nearly unlimited selection of tints, you can revel in the different colours available just like when buying clothes. ZEISS AdaptiveSun Solutions are our latest innovation in self-tinting sunglasses lenses, expanding the ZEISS Outdoor Lens Portfolio. Sunglasses made by ZEISS with AdaptiveSun automatically adapt their color intensity based on UV exposure while maintaining full UVprotectionand glare protectionat all times to accommodate the shifting environments you encounter throughout the day. Not at all. Functional tints: for specific activities and for extreme light. Therefore, an integrated photochromic lens technology by ZEISS Adaptive Sun allows for intelligent lens tone adaption based on UV radiation exposure levels. Photochromic lenses are eyeglass lenses that are clear (or nearly clear) indoors and darken automatically when exposed to sunlight. *Photochromic performance is influenced by temperature, UV exposure, and lens material. Consumer preference test with N= 101 spectacle lens wearers in Germany in September 2021 by external market research institute (subjective visual assessment of lenses index 1.6 grey with AR coating, activated by artificial UV light source). Are contact lenses a good choice for kids? LifeRx (Vision-Ease Lens) LifeRx lenses are made of polycarbonate and are available in photochromic tints in a variety of lens designs. An added benefit of photochromic lenses is that they shield your eyes from 100 percent of the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays. Sunlenses that keep up with todays fashion trends. The better your sunglasses meet your needs, the more comfortable they are to wear. Which tint provides the best contrast in which weather? Eyewear with tinted lenses is also a must-have fashion accessory for many. During the day, we are exposed to different environments, outdoor and indoor situations and light conditions. Your file(s) couldn't be submitted. The radiation test that simulates the product lifetime is used to evaluate fatigue. Based on the average speed (%T/min) of fade-back from fully activated state to 80%T at 23C in grey 1.50 index (CR607) HC only form. NOW! Go to MyZEISS Fast changing intensity ZEISS AdaptiveSun Solutions is our latest innovation in self-tinting sunglasses lenses, expanding the ZEISS Outdoor Lens Portfolio. all clear ZEISS lenses. All About Vision and AllAboutVision.com are registered trademarks of AAV Media, LLC. of customers use sunglasses for casual events, formal occasions and to look fashionable.1, of sunglass wearers also wear sunglasses for driving.1, of customers wear sunglasses for outdoor activities.1. - YouTube In this video we review the amazing Zeiss Adaptive Sun lenses, which are probably the. ZEISS AdaptiveSun: Smart sunglass lenses for a convenient, fashionable lifestyle. It is suitable for all seasons and light intensity levels. Click here to read our statement on data protection. ZEISS AdaptiveSun: Smart sunglasses lenses for customers that prefer a convenient, fashionable lifestyle. Receive free information on your choice of topics. And featuring 100% protection against UVA and UVB radiation. Get yourself a pair of Zeiss Adaptive Sun from our nearest branch with you. Appropriate light and glare protection for driving is a must. Our experts will visit you at your practice. Even the ZEISS DuraVision Mirror UV coatings pose no issues and produce a very unique and stylish look. All tinted lenses with ZEISS DuraVision Mirrors come with DuraVision Sun UV anti-reflection coating on the back surface as standard. Customer needs and use of sunglasses show three major trends. Ask your optician for details. A comprehensive portfolio offering high-quality lens solutions, tailored to the customer's needs. These lenses ensure clear vision in medium to high light intensity conditions. ZEISS Urban. Your eyes will thank you. Unlimited vision to match your activities. If you want to be more comfortable outdoors, choose self-tinting lenses. A strong awareness of the environment is what motivated ZEISS Sunlens to develop a climate-friendly plano lens through the improvement of the production facilities and the use of renewable resources. Your customers wear spectacles for more than just protection. More than 50 tint colours. Black is nighttime, light blue is daytime. Inspired by ZEISS' centennial history in lens crafting, the ZEISS Originals collection offers a new edition of these authentic sunglass lens tints, dating back from 1924, revised for today's technical standards. ZEISS cleaning solutions for lenses and screens, Gentle and thorough cleaning solutions for a fast-paced lifestyle. During the day, we are exposed to different environments, outdoor and indoor situations and light conditions. An optional polarisation filter in the lens reduces the sensation of glare in traffic (e.g. Are all sunglasses the same? ZEISS Urban ZEISS Drive: Give your customers a clear and sunny road ahead. Our Urban sunglass lens category is ideal for fashionistas and individualists who want to be stylish. Transitions Drivewear (Transitions Optical) These polarized adaptive lenses are designed specifically for driving. Contrast-enhancing lenses and the traditional tints (brown, grey and green) are recommended because not all colours are suitable for driving. ZEISS Urban ZEISS Drive: Give your customers a clear and sunny road ahead. Testing by independent laboratory in USA, 2021 according to requirement in ISO 8980-3. Customer needs and use of sunglasses show 3 major trends. ZEISS AdaptiveSun sunglass lenses become very dark outside in sunlight for optimum vision at all times. ZEISS Adaptive Sun preserves the photochromic lenses characteristics to maintain color constancy. Determine your personal visual habits now and find your individualised lens solution. Below is the comparison between with the polarized and without polarized coating without polarized with polarized What are you waiting for? PhotoFusion X will become the go-to photochromic glasses choice for eye care professionals because it offers: Sunglasses provide UV protection, glare reduction and comfortable vision. Roxanne - Instrumental - Califa Azul. Skylet high contrast tint. 2000-2022 AAV Media, LLC. They adapt to changing light conditions when worn inside a vehicle, enhance contrast, and improve visual performance for driving. ZEISS AdaptiveSun ZEISS AdaptiveSun Polarised PhotoFusion X: Performance perfected. On top of that, it also delivers full UV protection and for extreme light and glare protection, ZEISS AdaptiveSun Polarized was added to the portfolio. The decision to price match is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of Pretavoir. Eyeglass temples: How do you know if they're the right length? Some sunglasses have lenses that are excessively brilliant under intense sunshine. Offer your customers increased visibility and more contrast. This fashionable accessory is indispensable for ensuring that you enjoy superb, clear vision and 100% protection against UV rays. No matter if you enjoy skiing, biking or working in your garden, ZEISS sunglass lenses are the ideal choice for people with an active lifestyle. Please abort to return to the form. Click here to read our statement on data protection. ZEISS PhotoFusion X and ZEISS DuraVision Flash UV are an ideal combination. ZEISS AdaptiveSun lenses become very dark outdoor in sunlight for optimum vision at all times: faded state transmission: 60%, activated state transmission up to 11%. Because a persons lifetime exposure to sunlight and UV radiation has been associated with cataracts later in life, its a good idea to consider photochromic lenses for childrens eyewear as well as for eyeglasses for adults. 3. ZEISS Sunlens AdaptiveSun plano lenses keep their photochromic feature of fading and getting dark over time. Malaya Optical, established in 1957 is a reliable and trusted professional optometrist centre in Malaysia. Darkest state will be achieved in cold temperatures and high UV exposure. The lenses darken up to 20% faster and lighten indoors up to twice as fast as previous Zeiss photochromic lenses. Safety and comfort with: Over 99% polarisation efficiency. The range of fashionable and functional colours and treatments available from ZEISS covers special outdoor applications. The lenses take less than a minute to darken outdoors and fade back faster indoors than other photochromic lenses. Ask your eye doctor if photochromic lenses (in glasses or contacts) will help. The information entered in the contact form will be used to answer your request byCarl Zeiss Vision Care by E-Mail or phone. The initial absorption of the gradient-tinted sun lenses ranges from 75% in the darkest area to 25% in the lightest area. This way you can ensure convenient, clear and comfortable vision. When looking into the sunlight, visibility is often compromised, which can be dangerous under certain conditions. Offer your customers photochromic lenses with unique blue light protection. The lens colour stays the same. Photochromic lenses typically will not darken inside a vehicle because the windshield glass blocks most UV rays. Please abort to return to the form. Click here to read our statement on data protection. Sign Up E-commerce sales conditions Standard sales conditions Code of Conduct Product Manual Privacy About Contact Us Website LinkedIn Instagram Facebook YouTube Lenses for a connected and on-the-move lifestyle, Technology for better vision at day and night, Patient & optical equipment management system. All ZEISS sun protection lenses provide reliable protection against UV radiation. A must-have for water sports enthusiasts: sunglass lenses with a polarisation filter to minimise unpleasant glare and reflected sunlight, e.g. Your file(s) couldn't be submitted. Black is nighttime, light blue is daytime. All ZEISS sunglass lens categories - Urban, Drive & Active - feature 100% protection against UVA and UVB radiation, providing optimum protection for your eyes. 1 Testing by independent laboratory in USA, 2021 according to requirement in ISO 8980-3. Popular brands of photochromic lenses sold in the United States include: Transitions Gen 8 (Transitions Optical) Transitions Gen 8 lenses, introduced in the United States in July 2019, are the fastest light-adaptive Transitions lenses available. Lenses for a connected and on-the-move lifestyle, Technology for better vision at day and night, Patient & optical equipment management system, ZEISS Sun Protection and Outdoor Lens Solutions, Provides specific solutions to different needs. SEE RELATED: How photochromic lenses work. Derived from ZEISS PhotoFusion, the new ZEISS AdaptiveSun lens technology unites the performance attributes your patients expect: of adapting sunglass lenses they turn from dark to darker fast and stay colour consistent. ZEISS AdaptiveSun: Smart sunglasses lenses that adapt to changing light. ZEISS Sun Protection and Outdoor Lens solutions An extensive portfolio for all sunglass wearers' needs. Customers benefit from full UV protection and tinting to suit the changing environment they find themselves in throughout their day. The AdaptiveSun lenses is the latest Zeiss solution in sunglasses, expanding the portfolio of sunglasses for outdoors. You can guarantee convenient, crystal-clear, and pleasant vision in this way. Available as: Solid tints Gradient tints Polarised Effective protection against the wind when cruising in your convertible. The lens colour stays the same. Here's a tip: the more sensitive your eyes are to light, the darker the sunglass tint should be. Transitions Vantage (Transitions Optical) Transitions Vantage lenses have a slight tint indoors and polarize as they darken outdoors for greater glare control in bright, reflective conditions. in bright sunlight or when the road is wet). Full eye protection and performance with: Special colour tints with selective absorption for higher contrast. ZEISS AdaptiveSun: Smart sunglasses lenses that adapt to changing light. Powerful photochromic lenses for performance and convenience. ZEISS AdaptiveSun: Smart sunglasses lenses for customers that prefer a convenient, fashionable lifestyle. We are exposed to various surroundings and lighting conditions throughout the course of the day. Find an eyecare professional and book online in minutes! The graph defaults to current time. What do the numbers on your eyeglass frames mean? Sunglasses for driving require more than just UV protection, as its a core need for drivers to feel safe and comfortable in challenging light conditions. The information entered in the contact form will be used to answer your request byCarl Zeiss Vision Care by E-Mail or phone. How to use this. Offer your customers photochromic lenses with blue light filtering. ZEISS is taking photochromic lenses to a whole new level. Or perhaps when you're playing sports? The lens colour stays the same. Trendy tints with fashionable coatings, including anti-mirror coatings, are great for sunny days in the city. ZEISS sunglass lenses are also available as wrapped lenses. Adaptive Sun - smart sunglass lenses. 8 Mirror coatings colours and 5 DuraVision Flash colours. Use this Form to request Information on our Products and Services. ZEISS AdaptiveSun is a smart sunglasses lens solution that allows lenses to turn from dark to darker, fast. when sailing, surfing or even driving on wet roads Colour and tint perfectly tailored to your needs. Hover over it to select a different time. The molecules responsible for causing photochromic lenses to darken are activated by the sun's ultraviolet radiation. All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is available in several fashionable tints that provide protection in low to high light intensity. Speed and convenience. Does UV protection matter when choosing a sunglass? PhotoFusion (Carl Zeiss Vision) Made in Germany, PhotoFusion lenses are available in a neutral grey tint for accurate color vision in all lighting conditions, also available in brown, extra grey, pioneer green and blue. ZEISS AdaptiveSun is our latest innovation in sunglasses lenses, expanding the ZEISS Outdoor Lens Portfolio. Classic sun protection tints for medium to bright light conditions. Addresses customer needs in challenging light conditions where protection and performance are key. With ZEISS photochromic lenses, switching between glasses is a thing of the past. ZEISS is taking photochromic lenses to a whole new level. No matter if you have wrapped lenses, a polarisation filter, unusual frames or if your lenses have been optimised for driving there's a lot your sunglasses can do. Privacy & Terms, Tips on Photographing Sunsets and Sunrises, * All times are local time for Frankfurt-Ost. What sets our sunglass solutions for life in the big city apart? This way you can ensure convenient, clear, and comfortable vision. The ultimate solution for the city. ZEISS AdaptiveSun Solutions are sun lenses designed to automatically adjust their colour intensity depending on UV exposure while maintaining: ZEISS AdaptiveSun is our latest innovation in sunglasses lenses, expanding the ZEISS Outdoor Lens Portfolio. ZEISS AdaptiveSun ZEISS AdaptiveSun Polarised PhotoFusion X: Performance perfected. Let your customers choose from four fashionable colours in solid or gradient tints that provide protection in medium to high light intensity levels: AdaptiveSunis also available with polarisation for extreme light conditions, providing even better glare reduction and therefore clarity of vision and higher visual performance. ZEISS AdaptiveSun Solutions are sun lenses based on photochromic properties. 6 pm. Your eyes will thank you. Offer your customers photochromic lenses with blue light filtering. Click here to read our statement on data protection. 2. The lenses are available in all Malaya Optical outlets. Taking good care of your sunglass lenses is important. ZEISS AdaptiveSun Polarized sunglass lens. ZEISS Sun Protection and Outdoor Lens solutions, ZEISS Urban Outdoor and Sun Lens solutions, Blue light filtering and full UV protection. They see it as a fashion accessory that makes a personal style statement. Safety and comfort with: Over 99% polarisation efficiency. How do photochromic sunglasses from ZEISS Sunlens work? All ZEISS sunglass lenses are available with 100% UV protection. Our Team Are Available 24/7 Using Our Live Chat . This way you can ensure convenient, clear, and comfortable vision. ColorMatic IQ Sun 2 (Rodenstock) Also made in Germany, Rodenstock's ColorMatic IQ Sun 2 lenses are available in six photochromic tints, including brown, grey, orange and green. Lenses with gradient tints or mirror coatings are currently quite popular. How older drivers can improve their driving at night, Polycarbonate is the safest lens material for kids, 5 things to know about photochromic lenses. But even when wearing them, customers often struggle to see clearly because of constantly changing light conditions. ZEISS single vision lenses help correct short- and long-sightedness. These lenses are individualised to accommodate your favourite hobby or sport, with an optional green, red, intensive blue or silver mirror coating. Not all products, services or offers are approved or offered in every market and approved labelling and instructions may vary from one country to another. This test shows almost no loss in photochromic power, meaning the lens tint basically doesn't vary. The answer to every driver's needs. Our experts will visit you at your practice. The horizontal line signifies the horizon, the vertical lines show the times of sunrise and sunset. With ZEISS photochromic lenses, switching between glasses is a thing of the past. GfK 2015 | OMO Optical Monitor Winter Trends 2014/15 March 1, 2015 Simone Cornelsen, Giampaolo Falconio Source: Yougov Omnibus research, Feb2015. Some people even go outdoor and indoor . Glasses with ZEISS self-tinting lenses prevent the (annoying) need to switch glasses: they darken quickly outside, but clear automatically indoors. Transitions XTRActive (Transitions Optical) These lenses were developed for wearers who are light-sensitive indoors and desire a darker lens when driving and outdoors. Or maybe while taking a walk through the park? ZEISS Drive: Give your customers a clear and sunny road ahead. This unique technology offers a high-definition visual experience since the polarization continually adjusts outdoors to match the level of reflective glare. More colours. With ZEISS photochromic lenses, switching between glasses is a thing of the past. Polycarbonate is the safest lens material for kids, providing up to 10 times the impact resistance of other lens materials. Contact lenses can also now come with photochromic technology. 8 Vibrant colours to choose from like happy yellow and space blue. Vast range of tints with 34 solid, 14 gradients, 4 double gradients and three Skylet colours. The Day and Night World Map shows the Sun's current position and where it is night and day throughout the world at that point of time. ZEISS Urban: The perfect combination of style and protection. ZEISS AdaptiveSun Solutions is our latest innovation in sunglass lenses, expanding the ZEISS outdoor lens portfolio. ZEISS is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of eyeglass lenses, and is committed to delivering maximum precision and comfort. Click here to read our statement on data protection. Initial light absorption from these prescription sunglasses is at 60%. Just like a tailor-made suit, ZEISS progressive lenses are adapted to precisely meet the wearer's needs. Sun solutions that offer your customers a clear road ahead. Illinois residents have rights with respect to biometric information we collect. Mirror coatings can be applied to the front of the lens. Because of this, some people including some eye care practitioners refer to photochromic lenses as "transitions lenses" or "transition lenses." Depending on the shape, size, lens power and centration data, compared to standard ZEISS Sport lenses. Derived from ZEISS PhotoFusion, the new ZEISS AdaptiveSun Lens Technology unites the performance attributes your patients expect: of adapting sunglass lenses they turn from dark to darker fast and stay colour consistent. ZEISS sunglass lenses the best choice for your sunglasses. Every customer wants optimum protection and to look good at the same time - which is why full UV protection is standard in all ZEISS lenses. ZEISS Urban ZEISS Drive: Give your customers a clear and sunny road ahead. Skylet high contrast tint. Click here to read our statement on data protection. All ZEISS sun protection lenses provide reliable protection against UV radiation. Sun solutions that offer your customers a clear road ahead. ZEISS AdaptiveSun Solutions is our latest innovation in self-tinting sunglasses lenses, expanding the ZEISS Outdoor Lens Portfolio. The invisible rays can penetrate the eyes where, in the worst case, it can cause photokeratitis. ZEISSAdaptiveSunSolutions are our latest innovation in self-tinting sunglasses lenses, expanding the ZEISS Outdoor Lens Portfolio. We have applied technology based on photochromic lenses properties to ZEISS Sunlens AdaptiveSun Solutions, enabling the intelligent adaptation of the lens tone depending on the level of exposure to UV radiation. Powerful photochromic lenses for performance and convenience. Zeiss Adaptive Sun Lenses - 3 Reasons why you need them! Please abort to return to the form. Filter category 0 (0 - 20% light absorption) and 1 (20 57% light absorption). PhotoFusion X will become the go-to photochromic glasses choice for eye care professionals because it offers: Sunglasses provide UV protection, glare reduction and comfortable vision. From dark to darker in only 18-35 seconds*. The technical team of Zeiss has applied a technology based on photochromic properties, which allow the transition of the tone of the lens depending on the level of light that the scenario submits. However, if clouds appear, they can swiftly turn into lenses that are too dark. An extensive portfolio for all sunglass wearers' needs. 1. Adaptive Sun - smart sunglass lenses. Because UV rays penetrate clouds, photochromic lenses will darken on overcast days as well as sunny days. ZEISS AdaptiveSun Solutions are sun lenses based on photochromic properties. While your customers are driving or participating in outdoor sports, they rely on optimal vision at all times. TikTok video from QueRS Optometrist (@quersoptometrist): "Zeiss Adaptive Sun Gradient Lens Your Clarity, Our Priority #quersoptometrist #fyp #kedah #alorsetar #optometrist #jagamata #matasihat #optom". These lenses ensure clear vision in medium to high light intensity conditions. In this video we ask the question of whether you can truly replace your sunglasses with photochromic lenses. Compared to traditional sunglasses lenses, Skylet lenses display higher transmission in the light spectrum range in which the eye is particularly sensitive (V = 555 nm). Join forces with us and benefit from a strong partnership. ZEISS PhotoFusion X and AdaptiveSun self-tinting lenses are ideal for those who want convenience. The darker blue shadings represent the twilight phases during dawn (left) and dusk (right). An extensive portfolio for all sunglass wearers' needs. Performance when it counts. The ultimate daytime driving lens: ZEISS DriveSafe withPolarised Skylet. Try them out maybe they're a perfect fit for your favourite outfit! At Malaya Optical, we have 10 practising optometrists to give you the assurance of quality vision care using the latest vision care technologies. Compared to a well-known photochromic brands latest generation in 1.5 grey. Lenses that change from clear-to-dark and back. On overcast days, sunglasses lenses may become overly dark in the shadow, while on sunny days, the color tone may be off. All ZEISS sunglass lens categories Urban, Drive & Active feature 100% protection against UVA and UVB radiation, providing optimum protection for your eyes. The answer to every driver's needs. ZEISS Adaptive Sun Polarized lenses have a full tint in Grey, Brown, or Pioneer to provide complete UV protection and great glare protection in very intense sunshine for outdoor activities and sports. Polarisation filter with contrast enhancing Skylet tinting. Sunglasses with special sun protection lenses or outdoor lenses will help the wearer to squint less, and can possibly reduce tearing. 5 Tints: Brown, Grey, Extra Grey, Pioneer and Blue. We then tend to take them off, leaving our eyes unprotected. This ensures greater wearer tolerance, faster adaptation and all-around clear vision. The ultimate solution for the city. Functional tints, lenses with a mirror coating and wrapped lenses for good vision protect your eyes and help you see clearly. Sunlenses that keep up with todays fashion trends. Enjoy comfortable vision when you're outdoors in the sun. Customers benefit from full UV protection and tinting to suit the changing environment they find themselves in throughout their day. The versatile photochromic technology builds on the ZEISS PhotoFusion Technology, ensuring that clear and comfortable vision is always delivered during changing light conditions. Your optician will be happy to discuss what sunglasses would be right for you. Lenses for a connected and on-the-move lifestyle, Technology for better vision at day and night, Patient & optical equipment management system, Tinted lenses with trendy mirror coatings in any colour, Unimpaired vision with anti-reflective back surface coating, Extensive selection of modern tints available. Read more about our Optometrists, Optometrist | Optical Shop - Malaya Optical. ZEISSPhotoFusion X Lenses adapt quickly to changing lightconditons. Available as finished single vision in Brown and Grey. Customers benefit from full UV protection and tinting to suit the changing environment throughout their day. Contact us for more information. An extensive portfolio for all sunglass wearers' needs. These lenses are fitted to the individual wearer and are optimised for good vision even in the periphery of the lens. You can guarantee convenient, crystal-clear, and pleasant vision in this way. Price Matches will not be considered post purchase. The information entered in the contact form will be used to answer your request by Carl Zeiss Vision UK Ltd by E-Mail or phone. Smart sunglasses lenses that adapt to changing light. Take our test to find out which outdoor lenses from ZEISS are best for you. These tinted lenses offer your customers excellent vision and reliable UV protection for every taste, look and occasion. Every customer ultimately wants optimum vision while still looking good. How to use this, The Moon's path in Frankfurt-Ost today. They are also sporty, durable and fashionable as well as extremely comfortable: the mirror coating prevents annoying reflections on the back surface of the lenses. | Photochromic Sunglasses 8,725 views Nov 2, 2021 249 Dislike Share The Spectacle Factory Opticians | Preston 4.7K subscribers Zeiss. Hover over it to select a different time. 4. The lenses can either be too dark in shady areas or too light in bright sunlight. This way you can ensure convenience, clear and comfortable vision. They are designed to automatically adjust their colour intensity depending on UV exposure, giving full UV protection and convenience. See your eye care professional to discuss your blue light exposure risks and which type and brand of photochromic lenses is best for your specific needs. Day, night, and twilight times in Frankfurt-Ost today. Speed and convenience. The horizontal line signifies the horizon, the vertical lines show times and headings of moonrise and moonset. Below is the comparison between with the polarized and without polarized coating. ZEISS is taking photochromic lenses to a whole new level. Optometrist Jobs / Vacancy in Kuala Lumpur (KL) PJ, Subang, Digital Marketing & SEO by Leadesire Malaysia, Optometrist in Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur (KL) | Petaling Jaya (PJ) | Subang, 71, SS21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Sunglasses lenses can either become too dark in the shade on cloudy days, or the colour tone can be too light on sunny days. For those customers who want style, convenience and premium UV protection. Altitude and heading are displayed below the graph. There are three categories to choose from: Urban, Drive and Active. All of this is available in a single lens. It is available in four fashionable colours - brown . Do photochromic glasses make good computer glasses? Compared to the previous generation of ZEISS PhotoFusion. Light-adaptive lenses that adjust to varying light conditions. ZEISS AdaptiveSun is a smart sunglasses lens solution that allows lenses to turn from dark to darker fast. Its dedicated to all the cosmopolitan sunglass wearers, for all seasons and light intensity levels. ZEISS Urban ZEISS Drive: Give your customers a clear and sunny road ahead. X27 ; s needs ) indoors and darken automatically when exposed to environments! In bright sunlight or when the road is wet ) with zeiss photochromic lenses to darken are activated the! Protection and tinting to suit the changing environment throughout their day walk through the park liferx ( lens! 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Lens category is ideal for fashionistas and individualists who want style, convenience and premium UV protection and performance:. Typically will not darken inside a vehicle because the windshield glass blocks most UV.! Lenses help correct short- and long-sightedness possibly reduce tearing perfectly tailored to your needs wants optimum vision still. In your zeiss adaptive sun lenses product lifetime is used to evaluate fatigue lens designs according to requirement in ISO.. For more than just protection DuraVision mirror UV coatings pose no issues and produce a very unique stylish... S needs is wet ) at 60 % filter in the contact form will be to. By Carl zeiss vision UK Ltd by E-Mail or phone or mirror coatings can be to! Lenses ( in glasses or contacts ) will help blue shadings represent the twilight phases during dawn ( ). Outdoor sports, they rely on optimal vision at all times accessory that makes personal! A comprehensive portfolio offering high-quality lens solutions, blue light filtering and full UV protection and tinting to suit changing... Perfect combination of style and protection PhotoFusion technology, ensuring that you enjoy superb, clear and road., which can be dangerous under certain conditions the sun 's harmful UVA and UVB..
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