What should I do? Q. It is also clear that IPv4 and IPv6 will coexist in the immediate future making things be more difficult to manage and further delaying IPv6 migration. Rememberthings you post online will be publicly available for a long time, so before you click Send or Submit, think carefully and review. Protecting their privacy and confidentiality is very important to us. As a founding team member, he has been instrumental in setting up and institutionalising the investment process of this fund. One of our most valuable assets is information pertaining to Wipro or the information of third parties who deals with Wipro. Create financial records that conform both to applicable standards of accounting and reporting and to Wipros accounting policies and procedures. While developing IPv6 it was envisioned that devices and network backbones would operate both IPv4 and IPv6 utilizing dual-stack mode. Following are some of the key areas where we must be guided by in our commitment to the. He was named by Fortune (August 2003) as one of the 25 most powerful business leaders outside the US, by Forbes (March 2003) as one of ten people globally with most power to effect change, and by the Journal of Foreign Policy (November 2011) as amongst the top global thinkers. Your fellow Wiproites are available to help and you have other resources to turn to including the COBCE. As we embrace the digital revolution and move to an all-IP world, communications would encompass a large variety of consumers-to-devices and increasingly device-to device communications, making it extremely important that internet protocols (IP) also evolve to the next level. IPv6 and IPv4 protocols are fundamentally incompatible creating multiple challenges during IPv6 migration - although they can both exist on the same physical network at the same time, it creates complexity and numerous migration challenges. This will necessitate a more complex network routing and management environment, as well as, an The Spirit of Wipro enshrines the following principles: . You are required to report misconduct. Prior to joining Wipro, Rishad was with Bain & Company in London, working on assignments across Consumer Products, Automobiles, Telecom and Insurance. Trade marks You need to be a freakin genius to get a patent. And you need a lawyer to get one. And to get a copyright, you need to be able to put Lack of inherent security and authentication mechanisms is another intimidating issue with IPv4. Do not disclose suppliers non-public pricing information to third parties. We strive to ensure that all advertisements of Wipros services and products are done ethically. The term is most commonly used in relation to hardware Report any suppliers and business partners who keep alternative sets of payroll records or do not welcome audits, inspections or on-site visits. Properly label confidential information to indicate how it should be handled, distributed and destroyed. For example, President Obama's inaugural address in January 2009 was streamed live over the Internet at a rate of a few hundred kilobits per second. While Wipro employs former employees of competitors, we recognize and respect the obligations of those employees not to use or disclose the confidential information of their former employers and they must join Wipro by abiding to the principles of empty pocket declaration. He is also on the board of Azim Premji Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, with a vision of enhancing quality and equity in the public school education system in India, to build a better society. Wipro has vast experience in building and managing complex IP networks on a global scale. This is particularly inefficient when many destination addresses call for the same content. After due process of enquiry, if it is established that the violation of the policy happened with the purpose of committing a fraud or any other prohibited act, or if the same employee has had a prior violation, then the concerned employee will face severe penal consequences including but not limited to the termination of employment. Employees must always make it clear that their views and actions are their own and not those of the Company and employees must never use Wipro resources to support their personal choice of political parties, causes or candidates. However, NAT profoundly complicates Device-to-Device (D2D) communications, which is an increasingly important aspect of Internet collaboration. Confidential information includes but is not limited to the following: Q I am unable to complete the submission of Technical and commercial bid document in office. Never ask another or pressure anyone to do something that is in violation of the COBCE. Do I need to get approval from the Company? Advise your colleague that he / she should inform the Function Head / HR / Ombuds person, Ombuds process requires us to be vigilant and raise concerns to make the Ethics Policy effective. In October 2005, Financial Times included him in a global list of 25 people dramatically reshaping the way people live, work or think. In 1999, he was appointed the Chief Executive of Wipro Peripherals and contributed in consolidating and growing the business. You should know and trust their sources and be sure that the knowledge they provide is not protected by trade-secret laws, or non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements. He has handled various roles and responsibilities in Business Development, Product & Technical Marketing, Consulting and Systems Engineering. Do not maintain undisclosed or unrecorded funds, assets or liabilities. Most recently, he was Chief Technology Officer of SES WorldSkies and in the past he has also held an executive position at Citigroup in New York. In 2011, the Foundation established the Azim Premji University, which is focused on teaching and research programs in Education and other areas of Human Development. Previously, Marc was a member of Wipro Consultings Product Strategy Group and was responsible for selling, structuring and leading consulting engagements that focused on improving client go-to-market strategies and sales performance. Any concerns about product safety or quality must be immediately reported. He has a deep understanding of telecom networks across multiple service domains including voice, data and media and possesses a good combination of telecom vendor and service provider experience. Always be accurate, complete and truthful when submitting financial, quality or safety results. We believe in free and open competition and we never engage in improper practices that may limit competition through illegal and unfair means. The underlying tenets that drive this overall culture are that of speed, simplicity and excellence. If you give a negative answer to even one question, consider a different action or seek help. ModernizR is a software-based solution built with IBM Cloud Pak for Applications, a key technology in Wipros cloud migration and operations portfolio. Do not make false or misleading statements about them and ensure that all sales and promotional efforts are free from misrepresentations. Since laws concerning international trade are complex and are often subject to change, it is important that employees who travel internationally, or who provide services or information across national borders, remain up to date on relevant requirements. This means that video transmitted across the Internet has to be delivered in unicast mode. We select suppliers through a competitive bid process where all supplier relationships are reduced to writing in appropriate manner. One of the major concerns in the present information technology era is protection of confidential and personal information that is collected and disseminated. Those that havent yet developed a plan for migration could benefit from Wipros extensive experience in current state assessment, the development of practical transition plans and testing. Sharing of passwords such as access passwords, banking passwords or keys with another person. Your male colleague has a team that consists of only male members. The global Internet video traffic surpassed global peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic in 2010, and is expected to account for over 50 percent of consumer internet traffic by 3 2012 , further accentuating the need for IPv6. You cannot use any public cloud-hosting service such as Dropbox, SkyDrive, iCloud, Amazon Cloud Drive for back-up or storage of information belonging to Wipro or its customers. Q Why are we expected to cooperate with investigations and inquiries? Always remember when you have a tough choice to make, you are not alone. Pratik is a Postgraduate in Management from XLRI, Jamshedpur. A Under no circumstances should you give him a heads up. Your friend will be given the opportunity to respond to these allegations and every effort will be made to conduct a fair and impartial investigation. Alan has a diverse background in the satcoms, financial services, media and telecoms industries with experience across the globe. Always consult the Legal & Compliance Department before initiating business in a country new to Wipro. The extended Wipro family is also expected to adhere to the Company COBCE in equal measure while working for and on behalf of Wipro. Is this acceptable? Non-Executive Director, Wipro Enterprises. Azim Premji, a graduate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, USA has been at the helm of Wipro Limited since the late 1960s, turning what was then a US $2 million hydrogenated cooking fat company into close to $ 10 billion Revenue IT, BPO and R&D Services, Consumer Products and engineering companies with a presence in 58 countries, that it is today. Review your decisions to ensure that objective merit and business considerations drive your actions. Always consult the Legal & Compliance Department whenever an IP issue is involved or whenever you are not clear on the course of action to be taken. Follow all document retention and document destruction requirements. As the exponential growth of data based services, Internet and connected devices had not been anticipated, IPv4 was not designed to support billions of devices on such a large scale. Withholding information or knowingly giving false or misleading information or sharing information about an investigation is a serious violation of your duties as an employee and could result in disciplinary action. Demonstrate professionalism at the workplace. Create sessions, view object dependencies, run workflows, edit mappings; Create and delete Course Objectives. Reusable IP typically refers to software or hardware modules that can be reused in future projects by multiple customers. The term is most commonly Always act in a professional, honest, and ethical manner when acting on behalf of the Company. Copyright Exchange gifts, entertainment or business courtesies that foster goodwill in business relationships, but never provide any that obligates or appears to obligate the recipient. Managers are expected to exemplify the highest standards of ethical business conduct and to model the Spirit of Wipro.. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (COBCE) provides the ethical guidelines and expectations for conducting business on behalf of Wipro Enterprises (P) Limited, its subsidiaries and associate companies ( Entities ). Lead by example (walk the talk). At worst they may find themselves having to invest heavily in a hurried IPv6 transition - at a time when revenues are declining because of stiff competition. On a recruiting visit to a local college, he elaborates to the team why he does not want to have female members on his team. A Do not use the information for any purpose. A Chartered Accountant by profession, he has over two decades of experience in global financial and business management in Manufacturing and IT sectors. Also ensure that the recipient will safeguard the information. Business records and internal controls our standard. Be careful not to send confidential information to unattended fax machines or printers. He has played a significant role in shaping Wipro into a leading global player over his more than two and a half decades of association with the company. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Wipros policy is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, to be committed to conducting business in an ethical manner and to act with integrity in dealing with our customers, suppliers, partners, competitors, employees and other stakeholders. You cannot commit Wipro to any corporate political spending, donating products, services, transportation, etc. All Wipro employees are expected to conduct themselves professionally in their online activities and to respect and protect the reputation of Wipro, its customers, and business partners. This will also complicate the requirements of intercepting traffic by law enforcement agencies as private addresses are reused in multiple parts of the network resulting in more efforts to trace malicious users. To attract and retain talented and dynamic individuals from around the world, it is vital to have a supportive work environment, based on mutual respect. He was conferred in January 2011 with Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civilian award in India. Doing so will be considered as serious breach of confidentiality. An allegation of sexual harassment is a very serious matter with implications not only for the individuals involved but also for the Company. Where they do, the laws of the land will prevail. For Wipro, protection of confidential information rests on our pledge to act with sensitivity and to demonstrate respect for the individual. The employee must ensure that the services they provide do not affect Wipros interest or reputation. You also have an option to raise your concerns directly to the Chairman of the Audit Committee: [emailprotected]. All employees are responsible for using good judgment to safeguard the tangible and intangible assets of Wipro, and to ensure that our assets are not misused, damaged, lost, stolen or wasted. En Personal involvement including financial interests or dealings with competitors, clients, managers, subordinate employees or peers of Wipro that has the potential to affect the employees ability to exercise judgment in the best interests of Wipro creates an actual or potential conflict of interest. Delegate authority only where permissible and never delegate authority to any individual who you believe may engage in unlawful conduct or unethical activities. In addition, most transport layers, which handle end-to-end connectivity, have a checksum that enables error detection. To help prevent and detect money laundering and terrorist financing, watch for any suspicious payments, which may include cash or the equivalent (where cheques/checks or wire-transfers are the norms); payments made from personal accounts instead of business accounts. I would rather not get involved. You can do both, but you should optimize for one. Wipro Applying Thought in Schools (in India) and Wipro STEM Fellowships (in the US) are initiatives deeply involved in trying to improve quality of school education, while the Wipro Cares program engages with local community causes. What should I do? He is also an Non-Executive Director of the company. A. Initiate a thorough due diligence about the acquittal of the lead finder from the previous case of bribery scandal before you decide to engage, engaging with such lead finder has potential of breach of anti-bribery laws. Its public disclosure would not embarrass Wipro. Beyond boundaries of region, age, gender, ability and routine. Employees must also bear in mind that unwarranted postings on social media may also result into breach of confidentiality obligations by an employee. Know who they are, what they do, where they are based and how they will use our services and products. Wipros policy is to comply fully with all laws and regulations that apply to government contracting and transactions. You will: A. For Wiproites, one principle is always clear: we do not accept or provide gifts, favours, or entertainment if the intent is to influence a business decision. Q Your colleague has recently joined Wipro from a competitor company. Never enter into agreements with competitors that affect prices they charge, as they may constitute illegal price-fixing. While it is not the intent of Wipro to unduly restrict the activities of employees on their own time, employees may not work for or receive payments for services from any business whether it competes with Wipros business or not. Tariq Premji is currently Vice President, Azim Premji Endowment Fund-an entity set up by Azim Premji to fund his philanthropic initiatives. in Economics from Wesleyan University, US. De, Germany & Austria Ayaskant joined Wipro in 2012 and has played multiple roles in Wipro Technologies including leading the human resources function for service lines as well as providing leadership to many COEs globally such as leadership hiring, talent management and learning & development. The Republic of France bestowed upon him the Legion of Honor and Forbes India honored him with its inaugural Outstanding Philanthropist of the Year award in November 2012. Do not make false or illegal claims about competitors or their services and products. Q In my country, our local laws differ from some of the standards in the COBCE. Make sure that third parties acting on our behalf live up to our standards of confidentiality. Be aware of the limits of your authority and do not take any action that exceeds those limits. To create an environment where our suppliers have an incentive to work with Wipro, they must be confident that they will be treated lawfully and in an ethical manner. Every Wipro employee, agent and contractor must comply with this requirement. Be vigilant and watch out for any signs of our business partners violating applicable law or regulations, including local employment, anti-corruption, environmental, health and safety laws or in violation of Wipros COBCE. The solution is designed to help enterprises move their legacy applications to the cloud by leveraging artificial intelligence to mine and analyze customers legacy applications and data. A No. He is also on the board of Wipro-GE, a joint venture between Wipro and General Electric in healthcare. Prior to Wipro, Ayaskant has worked with organizations like General Electric, Infosys Technologies and Larsen & Toubro. Employees shall neither use business courtesies to attempt to improperly influence the decisions of our customers or other third parties nor provide such courtesies in violation of the law or customers internal policies. Contact the Legal & Compliance Department without delay and handover the information. Violating relevant laws, regulations, or the COBCE, or expecting or encouraging others to do so, exposes the Company to liability and puts the Companys reputation at risk. If you have any questions, consult with the Legal & Compliance Department. Hence IPv6 opens the possibility of practically anyone becoming a broadcaster, able to do so from anywhere. A All Wiproites are governed by the principles and values embodied in the Spirit of Wipro. There is no separate code for leaders and they must also abide by the COBCE. The advent of next generation communications technologies and rapid digitization has impacted organizations and consumers alike. Understand relevant laws and regulations that apply to your work, and never intentionally engage in conduct that violates applicable laws and regulations. Lack of content/expert knowledge could cause anxiety on an employees part to believe it to be wrongthats fine. Under Pratiks leadership, Wipro was recognized as the first company in the world to be assessed at PCMM Level 5, the highest maturity level on the SEI framework of Carnegie Mellon University. The following are signs that an action may be harassment: Q While on a business trip, a male colleague of mine repeatedly asked me out for a drink and made comments about my appearance that made me uncomfortable. Look for opportunities to discuss and address ethics and ethically challenging situations with team members. Nor should we use invasive technology to spy on others. enforcement agencies. We have an obligation to identify and protect the intellectual property, trade secrets and other confidential information owned by Wipro, our customers, and business partners. He has led the companys expansion into growth markets and geographies. Q I received sensitive pricing information from one of our competitors. We also insist that our suppliers prohibit forced labour or other compulsory labour in all of their operations. Mr. Rishad Premji Anonymous calls will be considered for further action at the sole discretion of Wipro and anonymous callers may need to provide additional information before an effective investigation can take place. Wipro has vast experience in building and managing complex IP networks on a global scale. You also have the option to use Wipros Hotline. The growth of the Internet shows no signs of slowing down and has steadily created a new pervasive paradigm in computing and communications. In simple words, they cannot talk to each other without a translator or an extra layer that helps them coexist. Non-Executive Director, Wipro Enterprises Vice President, Azim Premji Endowment Fund. Prior to this, he was part of the founding team at PremjiInvest, the family investment office, where he now serves on the Investment Committee that oversees the management of $5 Billion in assets. When sending personal and business confidential information across borders or to third parties, make sure that such transmissions are for legitimate business reasons and that they comply with local law. The investigation is necessary to protect individuals, Wipro, and, in some cases, the public. Keep in mind that all content such as pictures, videos and articles available online could be copyrighted and cannot be copied or used without written approval from the copyright owners, even if it is for internal training purposes. Alan has a Masters degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from the University of York in the UK, is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. But in raising the concern the employee is advised to exercise due care to ensure good faith. Inaccurate records can adversely impact Wipro in many ways, including weakening of our internal controls over financial reporting. Currently, NAT impedes this innovation from translating into reality. Follow empty pocket declaration policy while joining or leaving the organization. The key brands in the portfolio are Santoor, Yardley, Chandrika, Enchanteur, Romano and Bio Essence. Raising a concern about safety does not cause trouble, it is being responsible. In 1982, he became the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Wipro Consumer Care, then the largest business of Wipro Limited. This means that network operators, such as cable providers, will need to replace billions of dollars worth of infrastructure in the coming years with IP-based technology and favorably IPv6 to take it to the next level. Never contact competitors to seek their confidential information. Every country place restrictions and controls on how trade must be conducted within and across its borders. It is simple: when we take action to safeguard confidential information and Company assets that have been entrusted to us, we are delivering on our commitments and living up to the assurances we have made to others. Report to your Level II supervisor considering it to be a case of conflict of interest and Financial transactions with colleagues brings conflict of interest and adversely impact the professional relationship. NAT allows a single publicly accessible address to be shared between multiple, private (i.e. The In December 2013, Economic Times bestowed Mr. Premji with Life Time Achievement Award. Do not use public file hosting services (such as Dropbox, SkyDrive, iCloud, Amazon Cloud Drive) to backup customer or other business information and documents. There is a theoretical maximum of ~4.3 billion IPv4 addresses. No other manner of gifting is permissible except as specifically set out above. There are several methods utilized to help the transition, however, managing the coexistence will definitely mean additional planning requirements, operational issues and added costs. We will live up to and champion a commitment to human rights among our employees, business partners and suppliers, and comply with the applicable laws in every country in which we operate. Further information: Policy on POSH and Me-Too Policy. During his stint, he launched the Innovation Initiative and Six Sigma consulting. Make sure that financial entries are clear and complete and do not hide or disguise the true nature of any transaction. Developing IP using parameterized RTL is the most common IP development methodology in the industry. In addition to protecting Wipros own intellectual property rights, Wipro respects the valid intellectual property rights of others. Contact the Legal & Compliance Department or your HR manager. What should I do? Promptly report concerns about possible violations of the COBCE to your manager, managers manager, HR manager, head of the business, any member of Senior Management, any member of the Legal & Compliance Department or the Ombudsperson. We have a responsibility to protect the confidential and personal information of our fellow Wiproites and others. Specific regulations and rules apply to customs, imports and exports, technology transfers, as well as how companies should respond to trade boycotts enforced by one set of countries against another. Employees must be careful to avoid even the appearance of offering or accepting an improper payment, bribe or kickback. Employees with a role in the preparation of our public, financial and regulatory disclosures have a special responsibility in this area, but all of us contribute to the process of recording business results and maintaining documents. Government officials include employees of government companies, public sector undertakings, departments, institutions of any government, and foreign officials including officials of public international organizations.
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