No matter how you feel about Katherine or Rebekah, theyve both made the astute observation that other characters seem to value her life above everyone else. She is the oldest daughter of King Raul and Queen Lucia and the current ruler of Avalor, who, before she could become Queen and succeed her parents, learned to rule as the Crown Princess until she came of age to be named Queen. Its just kind of strange that a lot of people took this to mean that Elena is destined to be with Damon. The adoptive daughter of Miranda Sommers-Gilbert, Elena Gilbert, survived thanks to the help of her adoptive. Other than threatening to beat up Jeremy a few times, he hasnt done much. Rebekah shares Elenas desire to be human, and a lot of her cruel actions come from a place of hurt and abuse. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Katerina was born in the 15th century and Elena was born in the 20th century, they are both doppelgngers of their ancestors, and they lived in the same time period. At first, the foster mothers chose her for her pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. I didn't get into TVD until last summer so forgive me if this has already been posted and disputed over before. Copy. My parents died going over this bridge. Stefan and Elena finally had sex, Damon learnedthat theres someone else trying to open Katherines tomb, and mostshocking of all, Elena was in a horrific car accident. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. After losing her parents, Elena probably had to grow up pretty fast. Are Elena's parents died in the books? She was Elenas mother and a relative of the Gilbert Family. Mr. and Mrs. Pelekai were characters mentioned in the 2002 Disney animated feature film, Lilo & Stitch as the late parents of Nani and Lilo. Fans of the television show The Vampire Diaries are waiting for the ninth season to start. In the latest episode of the Binge podcast, Dobrev andWesley talked about their experience on the show. Its a wonder she got into college at all, since she and most of the characters seem to forget they attend Mystic Falls High School. In the 8th season of The Vampire Diaries, Dobrev reprised her role as Elena Gilbert. He was forced to raise the immortality, who drained him of his blood and snapped his neck, after he helped free ProfessorShane from his tomb. In the books, Klaus is in Germany for hundreds of years, while in the TV series, he is in England. Falling in love with a vampire is bad enough, but just imagine if Elena learned that her parents are also vampires. In American History, why is Elena so happy on the day of President Kennedys death? Therefore, it doesnt make a lot of sense that, as a baby vampire, Elena managed to have a hand in eliminating two Originals. Why is she partially sorrowful that night? The car was being driven by Elenas father when he drove off the bridge. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". After studying together for awhile, he invites her over to his house to study. Elena Michaels is a fictional character in the Women of the Otherworld novel series. At least she pulled through somehow. We all thought Stefan came into her life first when he saved her from the car accident at Wickery Bridge. While Elenas humanity switch is off, she takes a lot of actions that she would later regret. The real town behind the name of Mystic Falls is not a fictional one. It was a happy day for Damon and Elena fans when the news dropped that Elena actually met Damon before Stefan. However, she actually has a lot of hate that bubbles up for certain characters. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. There were also many instances when we see her wake up in Stefan or Damons bed and wonder what time it is. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, the narrative shifts from Elena's mother being worried about Elena possibly being enticed into fooling around with boys to her worrying about Elena not honoring the recently shot president. Stefan hears the accident and goes to help. He wanted to save Elena's dad first, but he insisted on saving Elena first. I intertwined some scenes, and hope you like it!! If she was really as compassionate as shes made out to be, wouldnt she be sensitive toward Rebekah's painful history? She was a good friend of the vampire she often collaborated with. Its amazing that she planned this out well in advance, even with this knowledge. At the very least, though, we always expect Katherine to look out for herself and be unapologetic about it. Damon also mentions that it is rare among vampires. The Salvatores rarely forget to remind us of Elenas pure and kind-hearted soul. The writers of the show had to come up with something on their own to justify Elena and Katherines identical appearance. The couple died in a car accident sometime before the events of the original film (though Lilo implied that rain made road conditions treacherous), and they have not appeared in the franchise apart from three photographs . When Jo is about to say her wedding vows to Alaric, she suddenly stops and she is stabbed. Looking back, a lot of things leading up to the beginning of their relationship make it questionable that Elena falls for him in the end. Bonnie died in season 4 after saving Jeremys life. Jake could feel the disgust building in . Even if its somehow possible for Stefan to resist compulsion, it must be super painful to try. The Vampire Diaries doesnt feel like a show thats willing to support deadweight, so either Tyler is going to die soon or hes a lot more important than we think. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". For instance, when Elena's mother hears that her daughter would rather go see a boy than stay home and respect President Kennedy's death, she seems to be more disappointed about that than she is about Elena's present decision to visit a boy. The second car accident occured in October 3, 2010. Matt and Elena were driving in his truck, on their way back to Mystic Falls. Why did Miranda Gilbert call the sheriff? "Okay we'll foster parents died I'm gonna live my bios now in New York That's why I got called to the office" I said to them. Turns out, he was on one of his occasional visits to town last spring when Elena's parents' car went off the bridge. Caroline has made it no secret that she cant stand Damon, who compelled and abused her in season one. The couple are sleeping together for the first time in the movie. The problem is that Elena doesn't even really try. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In the past, if a pregnant woman was in danger, they would transfer the babies. 136K 8.8K 24. Latest answer posted September 10, 2020 at 12:31:00 PM. eNotes Editorial, 25 Apr. Then last season Elena and Matt are in the car, but this time we see Rebecca in front of the car, causing it to swerve off the road. L J Smith, the author of the books, was fired because she wanted to have Elena end up with Damon, which was against the publishers desire, according to an article. "Fucking finally there dead" they cheered. When it was found that she was sired to him, she had to please him. Her wolf appearance is similar to that of a husky or another big dog. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. They never touched her after this since they realized she was not an innocent child anymore. Does Elena die in vampire Diaries Season 8? I know the show was based on a book and I don't think there was any evidence from that on this theory, but just hear me out. Answer: Elena fell in love with Stefan when she had lost her parents and was vulnerable. This is an interesting observation to make. The crash is Nepal's deadliest since March 2018, when a US-Bangla Dash 8 turboprop flight from Dhaka crashed on landing in Kathmandu, killing 51 of the 71 people on board, according to Aviation . As much as everyone was trying to preserve Elenas innocence, Damon realized she couldnt get away with being the same type of person as a vampire. But . You knew that. She believed had there been a supernatural reason they died, it would've been easier. Miraculously,she remained conscious after the trauma, but the real bad news camewhen she saw the person she hit put his or her bones back into placeand walked ominously towards Elena. The sire bond does not influence feelings, only actions. Elsewhere in the episode, fans will see Jeremy contemplating his decision to leave Mystic Falls following a violent confrontation with Enzo , and "Matt finds his own life on the line after Enzo lures him and Sarah Salvatore into his dangerous plan." Produced by Blur Studio, it consists of stand-alone episodes that contain different narrative and animation and are produced by different animation studios from a range of countries . Were usually meant to see Elena as a beacon of compassion and goodness. It was really some of the production teams decisions that affected Elenas appeal the most. I always expected the unexpected. Later in the series, though, they might as well not even be called the Petrova doppelgngers, since this phenomenon didnt begin with Katherine. They ended up growing old with each other. This is the story of how Elena's parents died. Ana gives Elena the nickname Mrs. Robinson, a reference to the 1967 film The Graduate. The way the writers weaved the two scenes together was both beautifully done and brutally heartbreaking. Tyler Lockwood. While other characters have flaws, too, a lot of them recognize their own limitations, which paradoxically ends up making them more endearing. Despite the fact that shes surrounded by vampires who are centuries older than her, she has a tight grip on the decision-making and doesnt always choose the right path. Both of them found peace after they died, and were able to communicate with their loved ones. She was taken in and raised by her Aunt . I have wondered this from the very start when I started watching TVD, there death was simply an accident and there was no supernatiral involved in itit was confirmed by the writers from very start, Elena had went to some party and when she had a fight with Matt there she called her parents to pick her up..after that their car passed from the Wickery Bridge where the accident happened and Stefan came to save them..Elena's father convinced Stefan to save Elena first and by the time he retunred back for her parents' they were dead. And just like many teenagers, Elena feels as though her mother is too concerned for . Elena had been struggling to live a normal life since her adoptive parents died in a car accident at the age of seventeen. Her spirit was put into the corpse of Josette, and she was thought to have been resurrected by the stone. With Legacies season 4s continued absence from the show, it has become more and more difficult for her to be believable. It's at that point that Elena's mother must realize that if her daughter won't even respect the fact that President Kennedy has just died, then Elena is grown up enough to face the consequences of her other choices, such as going to visit a white boy. Style seen on screen. He was born into a wealthy family. In the first 10 episodes, Michael Trevino has been sorely underused as the town bad boy. What else makes no sense about Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries? 79 Stories. Smith. The car they were in ran off of the bridge and into the water. With her doe-eyed expressions, Elena instantly differs from Katherine. Here are 20 Things That Make No Sense About Elena In The Vampire Diaries. The first car accident took place in May of 2009. In a fictional world inhabited by a myriad of supernatural creatures, there's bound to be a high mortality rate. the car went off the bridge. She does whatever she can to save her friends and family, even if it means being self-sacrificing. A glaring example of this has to be when she sends Jeremy out of town, and takes away his choice in the matter completely with the use of compulsion. At first, the foster mothers chose her for her pretty blonde hair and blue eyes. My mother said this in Spanish in a resigned tone that surprised me, as if she had not intention of stopping me from "heading for humiliation and pain.". Reports of two unidentified victims at County-USC hospital on Saturday sent them . Its just weird that she doesnt call off the search or be more vocal about what she wants. It makes sense for her to value her brother over a wicked original vamp, but she knew full well that offing Kol would also destroy his entire bloodline, which could be thousands of vampires all over the world. Other than threatening to beat up Jeremy a few times, he hasn't done much. With no living relatives, she was placed in the state care system and lived with foster families. Someone get this girl an alarm clock! Of course, this has nothing to do with Nina Dobrevs acting skills, which are incredible and were greatly missed once she left the show. The fact that Rapunzel and Flynn later attended Elsa's coronation (they can be seen making a small cameo in Frozen) confirms this theory in the minds of many. Let us examine the text a bit more closely to help us answer this question: "You are forgetting who you are, Nina. :3 ~comment&subscribe~i do not own this song, nor any of th. There was nothing supernatural about their deaths, it wasn't caused by anyone, it was just an accident plain and simple. To be fair, the Salvatores (especially Stefan) were the most concerned with getting Elena the cure for vampirism. However, its problematic when she doesnt own it and everyone still pretends shes the most caring person in the world. Of course she should be able to look out for him, but becoming his guardian at age eighteen was pretty weird. Since even damon was unaware that katherine had a child, since she kept it a secret. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Elena's parents died in a car crash in 1973. And just like many teenagers, Elena feels as though her mother is too concerned for comfort when it comes to her wanting to study with a new friend named Eugene. Then thats when everyone started talking? This explains why they took Wickery Bridge that night. The first season began in September of 2009. You are heading for humiliation and pain." Why did Elena's parents car crash? the car went off the bridge. Answers: September 22 1968 , January 15 1962 , 197. In the 8th season of The Vampire Diaries, Dobrev reprised her role as Elena Gilbert. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Caroline was compelled for a long period of time, and its unlike Elena not to be understanding of this kind of trauma. It was a coincidence. Then where does this story go???? Download the entire American History study guide as a printable PDF! Elena's "death" brought us full circle from the beginning, the night Stefan saved her and she lost her parents. Why is it so difficult for people to see the difference Yall are sleeping on Michael Malarkey; unpopular opinion Say what you want but this scene has a separate fan base. Who is this mystery character? Was Elena sired Damon? Elena was adopted by a number of people. Though it made for an interesting storyline later, this moment made no sense. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Theres no doubt all Elena wanted was to be human again immediately after becoming a vampire, and a lot of characters thought that suited her best. How does Elena feel about her home and Eugene's home? I think the vampire thought Elena was Katherine and wanted to kill her. While many believe that Elena met Stefan for the first time at Mystic Falls High school, as the series progressed, it was revealed that he had already crossed paths with her before. She needed a job to fund her college years, and Clay suggested she could be his teacher's aide. Since the sire bond was gone, she threatened to go back to the man she loved the most. The Adventures of Queen Elena by Livelovelaugh118. The Vampire Diaries character Jeremy Gilbert was back in his hometown in the latest episode of Legacies. I get my money, weapons, clothes, makeup, jewellery And some work stuff and anything else I need. Stefan's evil plan worked, Elena stayed in mystic falls after the tragic crash. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Elena becomes Pack Alpha after Jeremy Danvers steps down. Elena is involved in a car crash while trying to avoid a man in the middle of the road, but realizes that the man is more than human. When he came back for Elenas parents, it was already too late to save them. She then moved from home to home. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. There was an ambulance, the fire had been extinguished at this point." When he . After all, she went to high school at the same time as him, but talks to the teachers about his progress and absences. Rayna Cruz put Florence in the Phoenix Stone. Even her sire bond to Damon didnt influence the way she felt about him, only how she acted. Black Hole Sun is the fourth episode of the sixth season of The Vampire Diaries. "What do you want, Elena?" He really couldn't bear it when she started crying. will help you with any book or any question. Thats the million dollar question, but since I dont believe in coincidences on The Vampire Diaries, Im going to assume its also the same person who turned Logan and who knows how to open Katherines tomb. Since The Vampire Diaries seems to take place in real time, and since he was 25 years old when he was turned into a vampire, he was 180 years old when the show ended. Elena is the world's only female werewolf. Rayna Cruz put Florence in the Phoenix Stone. Still, it almost didnt make sense to see them without Elena driving the story and conflicts. What does Elena feel on the day President Kennedy gets shot? The last time fans saw Elena was when she said goodbye. Elenaalso known as Skinny Bonesis Puerto Rican, but her family moved to Paterson, New Jersey. She also daggers Rebekah, and lets not forget the time when she ended a skilled vampire hunter. Is Authoritarian Parenting Better Than Authoritative Parenting? What episode does Elena and Damon sleep together? Her mother clearly knew it would happen and let her daughter have that experience in a physically safe environment instead of letting her remain sheltered from how people might judge and treat her. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Privacy Policy - Affiliate Disclosure. Later in the series, she tries rescuing him from an agitated vampire hunter on her own, despite potential consequences. As we see her go through a whirlwind of mystical journeys and emotional traumas, she does develop as a person. Her parents were killed in a car accident when she was young. Instead, she lets her have the negative experience so that she understands to some extent what she might have to face in the future. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Because, for those who don't watch True Blood, It was just found out that Sookie's parents were thrown off a bridge and drowned due to a vampire.. Yeah, I think I got TVD and True Blood mixed up in my head just then. Bonnie has been brought back from being a severely underused side character in order to make her a huge focus of the back half of The Vampire Diaries season 7. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Also, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has made me naturally distrustful of mayors. In fact, most of the plotlines revolve around others trying to save Elena because of her kind and sympathetic nature. Billy was born to Kathryn Brown and her husband Billy Joe Brown in Fort Worth, Texas, on December 3, 1953. This creates a whole different issue. Stefan carried her to the shore and when he came back for Elena's parents, it was already too late and they had drowned. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It must be painful for her to remember, but that doesn't mean she didn't owe it to Caroline to talk things out. It is stated in the books that Elena has not worn makeup since the 1990s, but despite this she has "wholesome good looks" and people have stated that if she made an effort to fix herself up, she would be very beautiful. A lot of the time, its Elenas way or the highway. I hate to burst your bubble but your theory won't be happening. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Its not her fault, but are we really going to overlook the fact that she tries to excuse it? Home and Eugene 's home t done much relative of the Vampire?! Diaries character Jeremy Gilbert was back in his hometown in the category `` Performance '',... Do not own this song, nor any of th, he &. Billy Joe Brown in Fort Worth, Texas, on December 3, 1953 of... Teams decisions that affected Elenas appeal the most relevant experience by remembering preferences. Help us analyze and understand how you use this website uses cookies to improve your experience you. 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