A. Generally there is no need to withhold food or water from mice before surgery because: AAALAC International relies on three primary standards used by the Council to evaluate programs: UTSA & AAALAC Accreditation | Date of Inital Accrediation: October 26, 2010. A. Any time before the results are submitted for publication. The needle tip should be inserted behind the incisors. What is the basis for the pain/distress classification system used by most institutions? Minor changes to a protocol (such as changes in personnel [other than principal investigator], laboratory location, or change in title) do not require formal IACUC review and approval. Rodents are susceptible to subclinical infections after surgery. A. Which entity is generally given institutional responsibility for deciding if an individual investigator is properly trained and qualified to perform animal procedures? You can get your paper edited to read like this. AAALAC Accreditation demonstrates to funding agencies and the general public that the animal care provided goes beyond minimum regulatory requirements. It is designed to provide general legal information and is not a substitute for legal advice provided by an attorney who is a member of One traditional framework that has been used to express the channel mechanism is the concept of flow. C A mandated IACUC function is to conduct reviews of the animal care and use program on a semiannual basis. B. Currently nearly 900 companies, universities, hospitals, government agencies and other research institutions in 40+ countries have earned AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to responsible animal care and use. B. C. Over enthusiastic grooming of dorsal fur or haircoat. The organization, investigators, animals, and public health and welfare. To conduct voluntary evaluations of institutional animal care and use programs. C. Before any use of the animals for the project begins. Animal care and use regulations and guidelines require organizations to provide training in which of the following areas? D. Institutional Animal Control and Utilization Corps. C. The animals and investigators only Which of the following activities would EXCLUDE an animal from USDA category D? They are methods that are acceptable as a follow-up procedure for ensuring death. Investigators should enroll in the local Occupational Health and Safety Program before beginning work with laboratory animals. Which of the following can provide valuable information in assessing pain and distress in mice? A. B. A. ), "Exemptions. In this edition, we will bring you up to speed on AO VET activities over the past five months. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Animal Welfare Regulations and duplication of experiments? In 1996, AAALAC changed its name to the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International). Which of the factors below affect the routine sanitation schedule in animal facilities? C. They become less important In 1996, AAALAC changed its name to the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International). Submit a report to OLAW or USDA. B Mice and rats have a tissue fold in their stomachs known as the limiting ridge that prevents them from vomiting. D. Animals should only be used in human clinical areas during weekday work hours. Check all that apply. D. A veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization. (This is also called an exclusive or.). AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes humane treatment of animals in science through a voluntary international accreditation program. In addition, more than 60 prestigious scientific, educational and other professional organizations are members of AAALAC International. Is that even a thing? By ensuring that animal activities comply with animal welfare laws and guidelines, the IACUC ensures that animals are not subjected to unnecessary pain and distress; therefore, protecting both the investigator and organization. Which of the following statements is NOT true about AAALAC International? B. B. Retroorbital blood collection from a mouse performed under anesthesia. C Gas anesthesia offers maximal control over depth, duration, and recovery period and should be used whenever possible. Which of the following statements is TRUE about blood collection in mice? They become more vague Which of the following represents good practice in oral gavage of mice? Mouse bites can penetrate and injure the skin. A. UsingAAVrh10,Raetal.achievedgreaterefcacyin mice by either increasing the dose via combined route of administration,27 combination of systemic AAVrh10 with . A. B. Postoperative care records should be maintained at least a year after the death of an animal. They have potential biological warfare uses. Princetons animal care program is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge and to saving, improving and prolonging the lives of humans and animals. Using appropriate personal protective equipment can reduce the risk of allergies to mouse urine and pelt proteins. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding preparation of a mouse for surgery? Some use accreditation as a symbol of qualityit shows that an institution is serious about setting, achieving and maintaining high standards for animal research programs. If the species involved is regulated by the USDA (for example, rabbits), then the entity producing the custom antibodies must also be registered or licensed by the USDA. D. Retro-orbital is a preferred route for blood collection because of animal welfare considerations. The exercise must take place outside the building. If you have questions in advance of the webinar, please send them to olawdpe@mail.nih.gov. Which parameter would NOT likely be part of an endpoint policy? B. Pre-operative planning is very important. A veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization. In the years that followed, AAALAC accredited hundreds of organizations across the United States, raising the benchmark for laboratory animal care to new heights. Assist with writing the basic science portions of a grant application. A simple rule to prevent excess blood collection in an animal is to collect no more than what percentage of body weight as blood at one time? The Board appoints AAALACs Council on Accreditation, the group responsible for evaluating animal programs and determining their accreditation status. B. C. For rodents, individual postoperative care records are not usually maintained. However, the latter should be performed under anesthesia and is not a preferred site because of the potential for damage to the eye when the technique is not done properly or when used repeatedly. What best describes the oral gavage procedure? By the end of the experiments B Organizations that use animals in research, teaching, or testing are required by the regulations and guidelines of the USDA AWA, PHS Policy, the Guide, and AAALAC, as applicable, to provide training in humane methods of experimentation. D With an existing policy approved by the IACUC, a change in analgesic agent could be approved by VVC. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, Recombinant DNA inserted into the genome of transgenic mice may NOT be covered by the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules. A Because they have potential to be used in biological warfare, select agents are given additional regulatory oversight by the CDC. They become more stringent A. Which of the following is a mandated IACUC activity? Why are infectious agents and toxins listed as select agents given additional regulatory oversight by CDC? Having a selective small molecule tool to interrogate this kinase will help demonstrate that CAMKK2 inhibition can be Treatments under the program may be declined, but enrollment may not. D. Non-vertebrates, laboratory mice, and laboratory rats. B. The AAALAC International Fellowship recognizes two outstanding Registry participants each year, one IAT Registered (RAnTech) technologist and one AALAS Registered (RALAT, RLAT, RLATG, or CMAR) technician or manager, who have made (or have the potential to make) significant contributions to the field of laboratory animal care and use. Adjunctive methods of euthanasia, such as pithing frogs, should only be performed on animals that are already unconscious. Permission should be obtained from the IACUC and clinical administrators responsible for the area. A. Which of the following institutions must follow PHS guidelines for animal research? It uses mice to grow hybridoma cells on their peritoneal lining. B. This list does not contain all possible questions you yourself may encounter. This is done through AAALAC's voluntary accreditation process in which research programs demonstrate that they meet the minimum standards required by law, and are also going the extra step to achieve excellence in animal care and use. D. Mice have a low metabolic rate. These institutions volunteer to participate in AAALAC's program, in addition to complying with the local, state and federal laws that regulate animal research. Which is TRUE regarding thermal support for mice during anesthesia? B. Studies that require gastric emptying may still require pre-surgical fasting. D. If an IACUC votes to suspend a protocol or animal activity, that decision can be overturned by any administrator at the organization. one of the actions identified in the report reducing administrative burden for researchers: animal care and use in research in response to the 21st century cures act is to encourage aaalac-accredited institutions to use sections of the aaalac international (aaalac) program description (pd) in applicable parts of the olaw animal welfare assurance Over distension of the urinary and gall bladders. AAALAC accreditation also promotes scientific validitywhen research involves animals, reliable results depend on healthy animals and superior animal care. If an organization accepts PHS funds or is registered with the USDA as a research organization, any protocol suspension must be reported by the Institutional Official to OLAW and USDA. D. The names of the databases used, the date of the search, the years of citations accessed, and the search strategy. B. B. A straight needle is preferred for oral gavage in a 18 gram mouse because it prevents trauma to the esophagus. If the investigator believes the event is due to misuse, mistreatment, or noncompliance, the details of the incident should be reported to the IACUC (or use another reporting method recommended by their organization), so that the incident can be reviewed and investigated (if warranted). Once a report of mistreatment, misuse, or noncompliance is received, the AWR and PHS Policy require the IACUC to review and investigate the allegations (if warranted). What is the recommended method for the production of monoclonal antibodies? B Per PHS Policy and USDA Animal Welfare Regulations, the IACUC is given responsibility for ensuring that research personnel are properly trained to perform animal procedures. D. Cages with automatic watering systems, Which of the following significant changes to a protocol could be administratively approved (in principle) by VVC? A. To conduct voluntary evaluations of institutional animal care and use programs. In the 1950s, the Professional Standards Committee of the Animal Care Panel (ACP), now the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS), recognized a need for assuring the general public that laboratory animal research was conducted on a professional level, and that standard procedures were applied. AAALAC International leads the way in global accreditation for EN. B. Which of the following statements about postoperative care records is false? The IACUC can exempt an animal for scientific reasons. Which of the following is a mandated IACUC activity? Which of the following sets of IACUC members are required by the AWA and/or PHS? Conduct reviews of the animal care and use program on a semiannual basis, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. C. Applicable federal mandates require the use of aseptic technique for survival surgery in mice. C. Intervention must occur to remove an animal from a study, sometimes by euthanizing the animal. Today, nearly 1,000 organizations worldwide (as of 31 December 2017) are accredited by AAALAC International. Currently, which of the following organizations does not include laboratory mice and rats in its oversight activities? Ignore the size of the hot air inlet vent. D. Contact with wild mice in field studies is a risk for exposure to zoonotic diseases. Along with meeting all applicable local and national regulations, AAALAC accredited institutions must also demonstrate that they are achieving the standards outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National Research Council, 1996). C. The Guide to Animal Facility Design and Operation Collecting tail snips from adult rodents for genotyping under local or general anesthesia. Ether is explosive and should be avoided because suitable alternatives exist. Which is NOT a factor in deciding the location (room) where surgery can be conducted? C. Mice will continue to groom themselves, even when in pain or distress. B According to the AWR (3.81.d. C. Dogs, pigs, and sheep. Give the BNAT exam to get a 100% scholarship for BYJUS coursesNo worries! : Which statement is true about mice in the age range of 11 to 14 days? The use of improved assays that provide better data precision, so that fewer animals are needed per group. B. USDA (Animal Care Section) The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals provides: The basic information needed to develop an institutional occupational health and safety program. C. Non-survival surgery C If an IACUC votes to suspend a protocol or animal activity, its decision cannot be overturned by any administrator at the organization (including the Institutional Official). Mouse urine and pelt proteins are an allergic hazard to people. Studies in which animals are allowed to die without pain relief. Which Public Health Service (PHS) organization is responsible for monitoring organizational compliance with PHS Policy? The name change reflects the organization's growth in other countries, and its commitment to enhancing life sciences and quality animal care around the world. C Category D of the USDA report form applies to " animals upon which experiments, teaching, research, surgery, or tests were conducted involving accompanying pain or distress to the animals and for which appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs were used. The name change reflected the organizations recognition and expansion in other countries, and its commitment to enhancing life sciences and quality animal care around the world. C. To provide a narrative justifying the use of the animal model based on experimental data. Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? A. D. They become less stringent. To supplement the nutritional deficiencies of standard animal chow, Environmental enrichment should be applied consistently to all animals that are part of a study. Surgery that penetrates and exposes a body cavity or produces substantial physical impairment is described as what kind of surgery? A dedicated surgery suite must be used for which surgery? Participating institutions receive an independent, unbiased expert assessment, and those that meet or exceed applicable standards are awarded accreditation. B. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. What group determines if a euthanasia method is acceptable for use in a particular species? Mice are such small animals that the risk of vomit gaining entry into the trachea and causing pneumonia is very small. D The Animal Welfare Acts (AWA) definition of animal pertains to warm-blooded animals and explicitly excludes laboratory mice and rats, birds bred for research, and farm animals not used in biomedical research and teaching (AWA Section 10301, as amended 2002). The standards in the Guide go above and beyond what is required by law. It requires annual reports from its accredited facilities C. It conducts site visits every 3 years D. It is a government - sponsored agency 16. B. European Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians, The National Association for Biomedical Research. While restraining a mouse, a technician should check for which of the following? What is NOT a recommendation for postoperative care of mice? Thermal support is required by USDA regulations. What is the maximum number of emission lines possible for a hydrogen atom in the n 4 state? The mandibular vein, lateral saphenous vein, and retro-orbital sinus are acceptable survival sampling sites. Which types of animals must have access to environmental enrichment, as mandated by the Animal Welfare Regulations? B. Sponsors an accreditation program mandated by U.S. typically transmitted from animals to humans? D. Before any procedures are performed unless they receive a waiver from their supervisor, Animal care and use regulations and guidelines require organizations to provide training in which of the following areas? In the years that followed, AAALAC accredited hundreds of organizations across the United States, raising the benchmark for laboratory animal care to new heights. More than 1,000 companies, universities, hospitals, government agencies and other research institutions in 47 countries have earned AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to responsible animal care and use. Also, for long-term anesthesia there is an increased risk of pain due to recovery of pain sensation between repeated doses. The floor space of the cage should be adequate to accommodate all mice on the cage floor, and respiration and heart beat cessation should be confirmed before disposal. The five flows in marketing channels discussed in the text are. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) A hot-air balloon must be designed to support a basket, cords, and one person for a total weight of $1300 \mathrm{~N}$. $$ AAALAC Internationalis a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. AAALAC endorses the use of animals to advance medicine and science when there are no non-animal alternatives, and when it is done in an ethical and humane way. Which of the following statements about identifying mice is NOT true? The campus' animal care program is also accredited by the International Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC). Major survival surgery on rodents The Guide to Proper Procedures in Research Facilities If the funds used to contract for custom antibody production are from the PHS, the IACUC should ascertain that the commercial enterprise has a current Animal Welfare Assurance with the PHS. B. Which statement concerning survival experimental surgery is FALSE? Remove the animal from the threat if safe to do so and contact the attending veterinarian or IACUC. The fur should Creates additional regulations and guidelines that govern animal use. A. B. Sponsors an accreditation program THE ASSOCIATION PROVIDES ACCREDITATION SERVICES TO APPROXIMATELY 1,037 ORGANIZATIONS BOTH IN NORTH AMERICA (U.S. AND CANADA) AND IN 47 OTHER COUNTRIES. Pioneers cut bricks from sod-basically, prairie soil as a matrix, and grass and its root system as reinforcement. An organization that receives PHS funds must report any suspension to OLAW; however, OLAW is not authorized to overturn IACUC suspensions. Which of the following statements about caging for mice reflect the information that is in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals? C. Gas anesthesia (using a vaporizer) is generally optimal for providing extended anesthesia. Which of the following is a role of AAALAC International? B. Inoculation of nonrecombinant infectious agents into animals Try BYJUS free classes today!No worries! B. However, hard inquiriesthose that are made because you applied for more To convert any value in liters to gallons [liquid], just multiply the value in liters by the conversion factor 0.26417205235815. Which activity would place a study in pain category B? Which of the following is true about mice in the age range of 1-5 days? D. Major non-survival surgery on non-rodent mammals. To protect individuals who have frequent contact with animals in a research facility. Which of the following statements concerning euthanasia in neonates is true? Assessment of wound repair is the only objective of post-operative monitoring. I went through the test 5 times and encountered these 63 questions on November 29th, 2018. People who hear about our body shop often wonder what exactly is an auto body shop? C. Dry ice is an acceptable source of CO2 for euthanasia. True A. The IACUC is charged with ensuring that all personnel involved in animal research are offered enrollment in the organizations occupational health program. Mammaries become visible on the females around 9 days. C. Mice lose body heat rapidly under anesthesia. Investigators must participate in all aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Program, including immunizations. Which of the following statements is true if an investigator wants to use a human clinical area for animal research? B. IACUCs are not responsible for investigating allegations of mistreatment, misuse, or noncompliance, as it is the investigators role to do so. The Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching (the Ag Guide) Those organizations that sell vertebrate animals for research, teaching, or testing. According to the Guide, social animals should be housed in pairs or groups whenever possible. Daily observations are usually recorded during the postoperative period, and these written records should be maintained for at least a year after the death of an animal. AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes humane treatment of animals in science through a voluntary international accreditation program. An increase in the number of procedures to be performed on an animal. The IACUCs activities to ensure compliance benefit whom? A. Non-survival surgery is surgery in which the animal is allowed to regain consciousness after the surgery. C. Solid bottom cages with contact bedding What is generally a superior anesthesia choice for mice undergoing major surgical procedures? A public relations specialist is not part of this mandate. B. B. Assist with writing the basic science portions of a grant application Techniques for creating transgenic animals Which organization is responsible for monitoring institutional compliance with PHS Policy? Wild birds. Both OLAW and AAALAC require oversight of all vertebrate animal species. THE GREAT GATSBYChapter 7: Heat SymbolismWeather symbolism? C Sterile surgical techniquethe goal of which is to prevent contamination of the surgical siteis required for major and minor survival surgery.
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