Enter your official identification and If a visitor is on controlled medication/s held by the facility, this medication will be brought to the EFV unit for the visitor to take them. The advanced tools of the editor will direct you through the editable PDF template. Enter your official identification and contact details. Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure visiting facilities are comfortable, pleasant, and Inmates in A&E status who have sexually-related offenses may be restricted fromhavingvisitors who areunder the age of 18. If you are not immediately redirected, click this link to access the COVID-19 Do not mail the application to the prisoner. Prior to your first visit at any facility, please check with the offender, facility, or at www.doc.wa.gov for Visitors Guidelines. This form is available for download in A brief hug is allowed at the beginning and end of the visit and visitors may continue to hold hands or touch below the elbow on the forearm with hands above the tables. RCW 9.73.095 Intercepting, recording, or divulging offender conversations Conditions Notice. Find out when you can visit and get directions to the facility. See the COVID-19 prison visit guidelines, frequently asked questions, and facility Please review the practice for check-ins at the prison facility you will be visiting. Disabled or stalled vehicles must be immediatelyreported to the lobby sergeant. Prior to your first visit at any facility, please check with the offender, facility, or at www.doc.wa.gov for Visitors Guidelines. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 20 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Visitors who arrive late for their confirmed visiting session may not be processed and will need to reschedule. Reading materials or other papers, without prior approval. about a person, visiting may be denied. (c) Guide an offender from one location to another. Valid Department of Transportation (DMV) photo I.D. DOC-21AAVisitor Questionnaire must be submitted for all prospective visitors, including minor children. Facilities may provide coloring sheets and small take away crayon packs for children. (The document is also available in Spanish: Members of religious groups including clergy, dresses or skirts with a high-cut split in the back, front, or side, clothing that looks like inmate clothing (khaki or green military-type clothing). Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure visiting facilities are comfortable, After use, the game will be removed from circulation. Per DOC Policy 590.100 Extended Family Visiting, the Extended Family Visit (EFV) Program is for visits in prison facilities between eligible incarcerated individuals and his/her immediate family member(s) in a private housing unit. The Department only accepts electronic visit applications for prison & work release visits. Interested in becoming a visiting scholar in the Department of Scandinavian Studies? 2 0 obj %PDF-1.5 See the COVID-19 prison visit guidelines, frequently 1 0 obj This is not a complete list of allowed items; visitors should review Potential visitor completes all remaining form fields. endobj WebFor more information on visiting with a minor visit the Washington DOC website here. The Washington State Department of Corrections wants to emphasize the serious nature of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 in congregate living environments. Having a change of clothes readily available will allow you to quickly change in the event an item of clothing you are wearing is deemed inappropriate. (10) "Evidence-based" means a program or practice that has had multiple-site random controlled trials across heterogeneous populations demonstrating that the program or practice is effective in reducing recidivism for the population. Clothing with revealing holes, tears, or slits. Visitors will follow instructions of the staff proctoring the collection. Excessive displays of affection are not permitted. The COVID-19 Visit Guidelines are available in Spanish (pdf). For student advising, please email Lauren DOC 20-441parent/guardian approval for visiting form, Department of Corrections Visitation Policy, The first step in visiting an inmate in Washington is to fill out an, Minors, or anyone under the age of 18 must be on the inmates approved visitors list, be accompanied during their entire visit by a designated escort or parent/legal guardian, a copy of their original birth certificate must be attached to the online visiting application, and. Visitors who are scheduled for two visit sessions on the same day may remain in the visit room with the incarcerated individual through the break between the visits when operationally available. Failure to follow the dress code will result in a denial of visitation. All verbal and non-verbal communication with inmates fromoutside the approved visiting area is prohibited. For more information about visiting an inmate in Washington read the. Vehicles must be secured (windows rolled up, doors locked). Corrections is thankful to the Tribes for caring for these lands since time immemorial and honors its ongoing connection to these communities past, present and future. EFV processing generally takes 8-10 weeks from the time that the department receives all necessary documentation. Tops, tights or leggings of this material may be worn under attire of appropriate length as identified in this section. The Washington State Department of Corrections manages all state-operated adult prisons. Extended Family Visits (EFV) scheduling resumed on September 1, 2021facilities began to create calendar dates for upcoming EFV opportunities. The Washington State Department of Corrections acknowledges that its facilities, offices and operations are on the ancestral lands and customary territories of Indigenous Peoples, Tribes and Nations. You you can request a special visit by filling out the. All visitors must ensure clothing meets the visiting room guidelines. Vending machines will be available for use by visitors at the direction of facility staff, requiring visitors to wipe down machines at touch points after use. Each individual visitor must also complete the Consent to Medical Treatment and Waiver of Liability form. EFV applications are still being processed. Changesto an inmate's visiting list must be initiated by the inmate. Prison Visit Programs Elimination of Online Scheduler, Lodging and Transportation Assistance Program, Copyright 2023 Washington State Department of Corrections. Prior to your first visit at any facility, please check with the offender, facility, or at www.doc.wa.gov for Visitors Guidelines. This document is not needed for the processing of your EFV application but will be needed should you be approved to participate, prior to each EFV occurring. A close family member,for visiting purposes, is defined as an inmates natural, adoptive, step, or foster parent; spouse; child; grandparent; grandchild; or sibling. To visit an inmate in prison, visitors must complete and submit the 20-060 Visitor Application. x}k8?8EAc,Xd$}L&7bI:Itg:") \N,EQ$EQWuUB0QjQMq{w^?=-[,o`xXQ7*>y__bW>-Ouwgjw_=tv?i7g}3Chg4CDYBe,F.u)tgHT)Y)`dE'pe=*BPQwJ1Rm;D endobj Contact visitation will require, regardless of age, all visitors to: Those who screen out due to active screening or positive rapid antigen test will not be able to participate in visitation. Individuals from one EFV group may not be within 6 feet of EFV participants from other groups within the EFV area. Visitor behavior observed by Department of Corrections staff may be electronically documented. Upon arriving at a new prison, inmates create a visiting list using the following process: In addition to the general guidelines below, before visiting. Additionally, if youknow of some other useful visiting related information leave a comment below. Sometimes an inmate may be moved to a different facility so that they can benefit from unique programs offered WebVisiting areas are intended to be an atmosphere that is appropriate for families and friends of all ages. Minors are those individuals who are under 18 years of age. Professional visitors include: Professional visitors should contact the prison facility to coordinate their visit. If the visitor wishes to be added back to the visit list of the same incarcerated individual, the 90 day wait will not be waived. Please refer to your facility webpage and visit guidelines for current information. A separate application must be completed for each proposed visitor (minor or adult). Potential visitor completes all remaining form fields. Prohibited Effective September 1, 2021, scheduling of Extended Family Visits (EFV) will begin with COVID-19 precautions in place. Skirts, shorts, and dresses that are above the knee or have a slit above the knee are not allowed. Transparent/translucent clothing. Additionally, each facility has its own visiting guidelines detailing important notices, visiting rules, family friendly events, and visit schedules, which can be accessed in the table below. Incarcerated individuals may remove a visitor from their Approved Visitor List, or request to resume visits with the removed visitor. English and International visitors must provide a copy of their passport photo page and a copy of their criminal history from their local jurisdiction, or a certificate of criminal records from the local jurisdiction that outlines all criminal history, or if there is no criminal history (misdemeanor or felony). Learn Vending machine use and the childrens area will operate dependent upon county level and facility operational status (see. Proposed visitors must return the completed form to the institution for processing. The following items are prohibited: Watches. Visitors who test positive for COVID-19 will not be granted access for a period of 20 days unless written medical clearance is given by a medical provider. The process for specials visits is at the discretion of the facility superintendent. The facility will notify the inmate of visitors who have been approved or allow the inmate to check a visitors status through a kiosk,so stay in contact with them to find out your status. Make sure your visit will be a success by carefully following these four steps. Therefore, the first step in planning your visit should be to determine where the inmate is currently housed. INCLUDING A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE WHEN THE APPLICATION IS RETURNED WILL ENSURE THAT THE PROPOSED VISITOR IS % Visit periods remain up to three hours in duration. Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure visiting facilities are comfortable, Post Office Box 41118 Restrictions apply equally to men, women, and children. It is the inmate's responsibility to ensure theirvisitors are aware of all visiting rules and regulations. stream If you have already submitted an electronic application, please do not submit a paper application unless instructed by visit personnel. These masks are disposable. Effective Monday, January 9, 2023, in-person visits at the Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF) and face-to-face visits at the Central Detention Facility (CDF) will resume for all residents and visitors according to scheduling services provided by DOC Operations Team. All visitors must complete and submit a visitor application. (17) "Inmate" means a person committed to the custody of the department, including but not limited to persons residing in a correctional institution or facility and persons released from such facility on furlough, work release, or community custody, and persons received from another state, state agency, county, federally recognized tribe, or federal jurisdiction. An official website of the State of Oregon See the COVID-19 prison visit guidelines, frequently If the incarcerated individual participating in the EFV is on medication/s via pill line, these medications will be brought to the EFV unit to be taken. Spandex, Lycra, or other stretch fabrics. facility webpageor contact the facility directly for further information: Allowed WAC 137-48 Inmate Mail and Communications, WAC 137-54 Inmate Marriages Adult Correctional Facilities, Gideon Lutheran Church's Room at the Inn for Coyote Ridge Corrections Center Visitors, Copyright 2023 Washington State Department of Corrections. To visit an inmate in prison, visitors must complete and submit the 20-060 Visitor Application. Visiting areas are intended to be an atmosphere that is appropriate for families and friends of all ages. All EFV participants require Superintendent/designee approval. DOC Visit Programs are slowly resuming throughout the state. Studies have shown that offenders who receive more visits, have closer ties to their family, friends and community and are more likely to successfully reintegrate with society once they are released. If you need help completing an application to visit an inmate, we encourage you to contact Assisting Families of Inmates (AFOI). If your vehicle is found unsecured, your visit may be terminated. If you have already submitted an electronic application, please do not submit a paper application unless instructed by visit personnel. For infants and toddlers the following items are allowed and must be stored in a clear plastic bag or container: Two empty, clear plastic bottles that can be filled with water, juice, milk, or formula, One plastic Tupperware-type childs cup with lid, Two unopened plastic containers of formula, juice, or other infant-specific fluids (e.g., Pedialyte). WebThe Washington State Department of Corrections manages all state-operated adult prisons. Medically necessary medications, which may includeinhalers, nitroglycerin, epipens, etc. This is not a complete list of allowed items; visitors should review, Wisconsin Statutes s. 302.095(2) - Delivering Articles to Inmate. You can only visit an inmate if they have placed you on their visiting If approved, inmates will be notified that a visitor has been added to their visiting list. To protect your loved one and other individuals in the facility, please stay home if you are sick or have any symptoms that could be related to COVID-19, regardless of how mild. Visiting Scholar Application | Department of Scandinavian Studies | University of Washington. Childrens Areas will be open, but physical distancing is encouraged, visitors are encouraged to allow a child to pick out a toy and return to their table rather than remaining in the play area. The following clothing items are generally not permitted but please consult the visiting policy for the You should be familiar with all visiting rules, regulations, and procedures before your visit. WebMinor Children (any child under 18) visiting application: A parent or guardian needs to complete a Form 300-01G Authorization for Minor Child Visitation and mail to the location COVID-19 vaccinations are no longer required for DOC residents and visitors. See COVID-19 Vaccination & Testing Information for Visitors and Volunteers (pdf) for more information. Due to limited space and availability, special visits will only be considered in very limited, extraordinary cases. WAC 137-28-350 Sanctions Authority to impose. A criminal records check will be completed on all applicants age 15 and over. (9) "Earned early release" means earned release as authorized by RCW. Visitors and incarcerated individuals must practice hand hygiene upon entry and exit of the EFV. Below are Department of Corrections (DOC) publications that apply to Visitation. (2) "Base level of correctional services" means the minimum level of field services the department of corrections is required by statute to provide for the supervision and monitoring of offenders. See the Extended Family Visits section for COVID-19 guidance specific to EFVs. Face masks and social distancing are not required during the EFV once inside the EFV unit. Webapplication to the mail room or deliver to the information desk of the facility you are requesting to visit. When mask use is required, failure to keep masks in place for the duration of the visit (except when actively drinking), may lead to a suspension of the visitor and/or incarcerated individual from all visit privileges. Special Accommodations Accommodations for visitors who are unable to successfully walk through and clear the metal detector due to a medical appliance/assistive device should be requestedusing a All visitors must pass through a metal detector and may be searched. WebTips on how to complete the MDC visiting app form on the internet: To begin the document, utilize the Fill camp; Sign Online button or tick the preview image of the blank. DOC Visit Programs are slowly resuming throughout the state. All positive test results will be reported to the local health jurisdiction and the Washington State Department of Health. WebEffective Monday, January 9, 2023, in-person visits at the Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF) and face-to-face visits at the Central Detention Facility (CDF) will resume for all residents and visitors according to scheduling services provided by DOC Operations Team. All clothing must be clean and free of tears rips, and holes. (except those identified as a visit supervisor for a, DOC Policy 450.300 Visits for Incarcerated Individuals, Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women, Restrictive Housing Level System Grid (Attachment 2), COVID-19 Vaccination & Testing Information for Visitors and Volunteers, DOC 20-441 Parental/Guardian Consent for Minor Visit And/Or Escort, DOC Policy 590.100 Extended Family Visiting, DOC 21-415 Extended Family Visiting Visitor Acknowledgment, DOC 21-415 Reconocimiento del Visitante para la Visita Familiar Extendida, DOC 20-279 Consent to Medical Treatment & Waiver of Liability, DOC 20-279 Consentimiento Para El Tratamiento Medico & Renuncia De Responsabilidad, DOC 16-102 Visitor Medication Questionnaire, DOC 16-102 Cuestionario Sobre los Medicamentos del Visitante, temporarily suspended effective January 4, 2022, WA State DOC COVID-19 Screening, Testing, and Infection Control Guideline, Prison & Video Frequently Asked Questions, Copyright 2023 Washington State Department of Corrections. Attn: EFV Application If the incarcerated individual is incarcerated on a serious violent or sex offense, the EFV Review Committee must review and authorize EFV privileges. Inmate completes their portion of the form and mails a copy to each potential visitor. Including a self-addressed-stamped envelope when this application is returned will ensure that you receive notification of Individuals participating in an EFV will not leave the EFV unit area for the duration of the EFV. WebThe Washington State Department of Corrections manages all state-operated adult prisons. The inmate is told when a person is not approved to visit and it is the inmate's responsibility to notify that person. See Prison Visits Frequently Asked Questions for more information about visiting a prison facility. Professional visitors are processed at the prison facility where the incarcerated individual is incarcerated. When masks are required, they may only be down while a person is actively taking a drink of water and must immediately be pulled back into appropriate positioning at the conclusion of the drink. The Washington State Department of Corrections manages all state-operated adult prisons. Scandinavian Studies Department Statement Condemning Genocide in Ukraine. In addition to what is applicable for all visitors, below are guidelines that apply for friends and family depending on the nature of the visit. WebEffective Monday, January 9, 2023, in-person visits at the Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF) and face-to-face visits at the Central Detention Facility (CDF) will resume for all residents and visitors according to scheduling services provided by DOC Operations Team. WebCOVID-19 Prison Visit Appointment Request | Washington State Department of Corrections. If you are visiting with an infant or small child you may be allowed to bring additional items with you into visitation including diapers, baby bottles and wipes. If there is a limited area or facility-wide COVID-19 outbreak, EFVs may be suspended for a period of time. In addition to the above forms, there are several criteria that must be met for family, minors and incarcerated individual to be eligible for an Extended Family Visit. Vending machines may be available inside the visiting room. Facilities determine when EFVs begin at their locations. Visitors may call the facilityto determine if an inmate has any visiting restrictions.Behavior While Visiting Visitors must conduct themselves in an appropriate and courteous manner and must follow all visiting rules at all times. Corrections is thankful to the Tribes for caring for these lands since time immemorial and honors its ongoing connection to these communities past, present and future. Inmates who have transferred out of A&E status at DCI, MSDF or TCI,or who have been moved to another facility, are allowed up to 12 adults on their visitors list. Photo Program operations are dependent upon county level (see. Headwear (provided it does not conceal identity). Participate in active screening, which includes a series of health-related questions and a temperature check. WebThe Department of Corrections (DOC) recognizes the vital role families play in the reentry process, and will support incarcerated individuals in maintaining ties with family, friends, and the community through personal visits and engagement with community stakeholders and partners. See the Prison Alerts & Notices for information that may impact your travel plans. Most visiting applications are completed within 21 days of their receipt. In certain circumstances such as when an inmate first enters prison or is transferred to a new prison, a visiting list might not exist yet. Please refer to your facility webpage and visit guidelines for current information. WebBelow are Department of Corrections (DOC) forms for visiting that may be applicable. See the COVID-19 prison visit guidelines, frequently asked questions, and facility visitation status for more information. Scandinavian Studies Department Statement Condemning Genocide in Ukraine. x=]s7f7;*WQS_GF[W3C A@|f9__nz>+~}v~o?_Z6on}Ig7oQtRoBOUSTrY+/(/9ylD.I|1hhn3@e)M72^^'^jo&g!> U$PJ-+Os_zE%*RS/oEXv6ER[ij /1Ui|? Active screening includes a series of health-related questions (pdf) and a temperature check. 20-060 Visitor Application If you are not immediately redirected to the form, click this link to access 20-060 Visitor Application. WebFor more information on visiting with a minor visit the Washington DOC website here. Skirts and dresses that do not reach fingertip length plus three inches when the visitor stands with upright posture, arms straight down, fingers extended. Physical restraint does not include momentary periods of minimal physical restriction by direct person-to-person contact, without the aid of mechanical restraint, accomplished with limited force and designed to: (a) Prevent an offender from completing an act that would result in potential bodily harm to self or others or damage property; (b) Remove a disruptive offender who is unwilling to leave the area voluntarily; or. Application Assistance. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with the Indigenous populations and communities, and strive to work with our Tribal partners to improve the lives of Indigenous People and non-Indigenous neighbors throughout the state. All persons aged two years (24 months) and older must wear a DOC issued face mask. The email is sent to the email provided on your application. endobj The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. Any clothing that may have the potential to cause undue attention. DOC Visit Programs are slowly resuming throughout the state. For application status information, please contact our staff. Department of Corrections Visitors who are not dressed appropriately may be denied entrance. Visitors appearing to be under the influence of intoxicants will not be allowed entrance.Parents are responsible for the behavior and supervision of their children at all times. Transparent/translucent clothing. "Immediate family" includes the immediate family of an inmate who was adopted as a child or an adult, but does not include an inmate adopted by another inmate. The Washington State Department of Corrections acknowledges that its facilities, offices and operations are on the ancestral lands and customary territories of Indigenous Peoples, Tribes and Nations. 20-060 Visitor Application If you are not immediately redirected to the form, click this link to access 20-060 Visitor Application. , which includes a series of health-related questions ( pdf ) non-verbal communication with inmates fromoutside approved! Status information, please do not submit a paper application unless instructed by visit.. Very limited, extraordinary cases work release visits be initiated by the inmate currently! Of this material may be electronically documented, or slits group may not be within 6 of... Efv area provided on your application or stalled vehicles must be submitted for all prospective,! When a person is not approved to visit an inmate in Washington read the completes their portion of staff... 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