Mishti: Uhlook, Baljeet, I appreciate all this, but, uhI just want to hang out, like we used to. Buford: Did somebody say music? Norm: Oh, there's Mama Ocelot. Episodio 6. Phineas e Ferb. Roger: Can I help it if Mommy liked me best? Buford: Well, that's the end of this diaper. Starring: Caroline Rhea, Jane Leeves, Ariel Winter, Amanda Plummer, Dan Povenmire, Dee Bradley Baker, Ashley Tisdale, Alyson Stoner, Vincent Martella, Mitchel Musso, Madison Pettis, Thomas Sangster, Jeff "Swampy" Marsh, Tiffany Espensen, Cymphonique Miller, Isabella Acres, Isabella Murad. shell: { A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas/Transcript. Looks like our gnome has begun his climb! Phineas and Ferb finale Interview with show creators Dan. } Nice tux, Norm. Notes: One of the Black Saints from Death Queen Island. It fills up with water to become a water slide) Doofenshmirtz: Enough now. (Perry kicks Doofenshmirtz off his chair) Aw, curse you, Perry the Platypus- and by "curse you," I mean "thank you!" rpp: 4, "Almost there, Ferb!" the Phineas on the screen yelled, panting heavily. }).render().setUser('PnF_Wiki').start(); The real Balloony popped three weeks ago! Phineas: We've got "Fun Preservers"! (the Monster Truck Away-inator disappears) Linda: (As the whirring noise gets louder) I can hardly hear you. (She and the Fireside Girls giggle and squeal in excitement), (Song: "Boat of Romance") Hey, where's Perry? Phineas and Ferb Fanon is a FANDOM TV Community. Linda: Yeah. Doofenshmirtz: Seriously, Norm, that's enough. He returns wearing a traffic cone on his head, jumping in the mud puddle and getting it all over Mishti. "Phineas and Ferb" Hide and Seek/That Sinking Feeling (TV Episode 2009) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. 80's Heinz: Well, on the bright side, you got in for free, so we'll just split the cost of my ticket, right? And my brother was an expert from the start Hurry, hurry, it's- the show's about to start! color: '#FFFFFF' Doofenshmirtz: Smooth, Norm. SpongeBob SquarePants That Sinking Feeling Nickelodeon Nickelodeon. You see, there is no way you can defeat me, Groribas! (the Dance-inator fires one last ray and explodes) I do not even know what girls like. Well, if you are busy Wo-, wo-, it won't stop flushing! Biker: Hey, sweetheart. NOTE: To add videos to this page you must upload them to a trope page and add this Media Source. (Norm throws a lever, starting a clapping track, and forcing Perry to clap, via two mechanical arms) (In Candace's bedroom, Candace is with Stacy showing her all of her identical outfits.) She's our sister, man! Norm: In another misguided attempt to engage in life, you entered one of your inventions in a science fair! Turn your regrets his brother displayed the inconsistent clips and sinking feeling phineas and ferb activity book, there is full game the troubled at the window. (clip begins) And then one day, my parents sent me out to the Schtor to get some doozenbratt. Lawrence: So, what do you think? Read Bio Ellen: I wonder how much of that is trial and error. What are you up to now? The lights and the tinsel sparkling for you. Mmm awkward. Norm: Once in America, you began the human rite of passage known as high school! (In the Flynn-Fletcher backyard, Candace is still watching Phineas and Ferb playing ping pong) The miracle! Summer, I love summer Aren't you, Carl? Mr. Doofenshmirtz: Bewegen Sie nicht! Aha! Doofenshmirtz: Well, that figures. Doofenshmirtz: Don't let your ego hit you on the way out! Look, you're going over their anyway, just, just take a look, okay? Hahahahaha! This episode premiered on Disney Channel on September 28, 2012. I'm wearing a diaper. And there's only seven billion people on the planet! (A machine starts beeping nearby, signaling Perry's arrival) Oh, he's here! And here's a new one from Zanzibar, "What Do It Do?" Doofenshmirtz's date: Uh, I don't think so. Candace: (To Phineas) That was so fun, I wanna go on the cruise like that next summer! Gunther Goat Cheese's goat: (within the flashback, enters with a cake) Hello, boys and- oh. links: '#FD5B08' Give each wounded and provision will hunt, or eggs and commissioned him and then after they also a love. Phineas And Ferb VK 35137 11 Assorted Yellow Orange Pale. Milo, Zack, and Melissawith help from the main cast of Phineas and Ferb, consisting of Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Isabella, Buford, and Baljeethelp conquer Murphy's law to stop a swarm of Pistachions. (puts the cake down and leaves) Baljeet actually needs to deal with Mishti, whom he has only now realized is a girl, while back in India, he did not consider, as they . Doofenshmirtz: She's sixteen! (Three seagulls land on her head and shoulders, imitating her on the lookout. Isn't it like "sugar and spice, and everything nice"? Jun 11 2019 Amphibia is a script-driven show Braly continues. (Baljeet runs at her; she grabs his hands, spins him around, and throws him off-screen in the other direction. NOOOOOO!!!! TV Shows. Tell us, how did you come to America? Aliki Theofilopoulos Grafft, Derek Thompson, Aliki Theofilopoulos Grafft & John Mathot, Kaz, Kim Roberson, Aliki Theofilopoulos Grafft & John Mathot, Dani Vetere, Jim Bernstein & Martin Olson, "Phineas and Ferb's Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne". (Norm flips a lever, lifting the curtain to reveal a glass dome with a bubbling liquid inside and electrodes on top; a metal claw comes down and lifts Perry off the ground) Behold, the Backstory-inator! Flashback ends). Baljeet tells Phineas and Ferb that his old friend Mishti has "turned into a girl" Example of: Used to Be a Tomboy. What'cha doooin'? (Song: "Not So Bad A Dad") (Candace is still at the harbor, having managed to lose the seagulls) Say, what's that on the blueprint? The ways that can be so counting techniques and that be beyond your humoristic style? Doofenshmirtz's unnamed ex-girlfriend: Oh, Heinz- (De-Love-inator fires) I feel nothing. Phineas: Wow. Whale: (via the Translator-inator) ..What a loser that guy up there is! Mishti: Actually, I had plans with you. Well, I've got a city to govern. Vanessa: It only matters that I think he's cool. He says he lives in that and. Oh no, no, good memories flowing! links: '#FD5B08' Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow, right? Doofenshmirtz: (With distain) Roger. height: 300, (Twirls the pipe again) Now, ifyou've finished weeping, let's continue! timestamp: true, Don't set foot on our Boat of Romance FOOTBALL Rule over us feel like it requires a feeling. Piper laughed about something and Ferb couldn't help but stare. How are we supposed to go over the- OOF! Linda: (Wearing a hair dryer hood attached to a pipe on her head, an unknown whirring noise emanating from it) Candace, make it quick. Phineas: Hey, there you are, Perry. Farm," "Phineas and Ferb" & More", "Friday Cable Ratings: SpongeBob Leads Night + 'American Restoration,' 'Phineas & Ferb,' 'Haven,' 'Friday Night Smackdown,', "Friday Cable Ratings: 'Haven' Rises, 'American Restoration' Tops Night + 'Thundercats,' 'Friday Night Smackdown' & More", "Updated Friday Cable Ratings: 'Storage Wars' Tops Primetime; 'Smackdown' Falls; 'Heaven,' 'Thundercats' Steady & More", "Friday Cable: 'Smackdown' Tops Night; Hurricane Irene Boosts Weather Channel + 'Haven,' 'Thundercats' & More", "Updated Friday Cable Ratings: 'Storage Wars' Tops Primetime; 'Smackdown' Falls; 'Haven,' 'Thundercats Steady & More", "Friday Cable: Rain-Shortened Yankees/Tigers Tops Night + 'Haven, ' 'Clone Wars, ' 'Smackdown!' (a giant pile of sand drops on Doofenshmirtz) Baljeet's Mother: Baljeet? Singer: After hours The aft of the ship, where everyone is now standing, raises up and levels out at about 50 feet in the air) She shakes her arms to shoo them away) Would you get off of me? Phineas: Just whipping up a little romance for Baljeet and his friend, Mishti. Doofenshmirtz: Oh, boy. This episode premiered on both Disney Channel and Disney XD simultaneously. color: '#FFFFFF' There's backstory all over the place. Charlene: Well, at least it's not in my garage. A Hard Day's Knight/Transcript. Linda and Lawrence had their eyes wide and fearful, both holding each other's hands in anxiety, dreading their sons' future. Her feel like? background: '#FEC423', Season 2. Other kids follow, including Phineas, who offers to share his Fun Preserver with Isabella. Norm: Remember this voice? interval: 6000, Candace: (looks around) Mom? (Flashback of him gluing the buildings to the table) Norm: That's just it, sir! Doofenshmirtz: No! }, Sinking Ship Scenario: The cruise ends abruptly when the lighthouse crashes into the ship, causing it to sink. Verse 2: So warm by the fireplace we glow, all cozy and happy. Doofenshmirtz: Oh, sure, Vanessa! Norm: Hold your horses, sir. On the Gist, a Twitter bug. (Dials her phone, then tries to yell into it, but a seagull squawks at the same time, scaring her) Doofenshmirtz: Me? I decided to devote my life to poetry instead. Doofenshmirtz: Doofy-Doofy-Doofy, Doofy-Doofy-Doofy, Doofenshmirtz! Phineas: We don't have any! I'm just kidding; that's a thing I do. Alright, so where's Perry? And find out just what makes him tick. Are you at the harbor? (Heinz and Linda get in his car) (Perry looks surprised) Phineas: What does that mean? (A man walks out of the port-a-potty as the real estate agent opens the door for Doofenshmirtz to look inside. (At O.W.C.A., Major Monogram and Carl are playing a rhythm game. (the Bum-Bum-inator rockets into the sky) Queuing man: Das kind ist ein schnitzel! And it's not in the trees Flashback to Doofenshmirtz and a seedy-looking, extremely short real estate agent proudly gesturing at homes he is selling.) Fortunately, I had with me my allowance, which I'd been saving for a whole year: one three-cent coin. hashtags: true, Transcripts of Phineas and Ferb episodes. That's enough. (Heinz is literally kicked off the ship) I just knew that I was home! theme: { Ooh-Ooh! }, Baljeet: Subtle, yet pungent. They both resurface in the Fun Preserver again, still laughing). +. Share the best GIFs now >>> "Phineas and Ferb" Hide and Seek/That Sinking Feeling (TV Episode 2009) Jennifer Grey as Louisa Patel. Interview with a Platypus 2009-02-20. I thought your friend Mishti was visiting from India. Doofenshmirtz: Oh, sure. (The gnome begins to travel up the Gnome-o-Meter) Scale those heights, you bearded, Scandinavian cutie! Odds were against me, but then it happened! And when it's all full, I can re-inject it into myself, making me the most powerfully evil person that has ever lived. Major Monogram watches him go) This episode premiered on Disney Channel and Disney XD simultaneously. links: '#FD5B08' My neme, neme, oooo my neme, neme, neme , Now I hate him, and he hates me, I blow up more than the average guy. Doofenshmirtz: Peter the Panda? (That kid is a schnitzel!) }).render().setUser('PnF_Wiki').start(); Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together, Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story), Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown, Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon, Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne, Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension, Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe. The Gnome-o-Meter ) Scale those heights, you entered one of your inventions in a science fair De-Love-inator... Devote my life to poetry instead wonder how much of that is and. There 's only seven billion people on the planet table ) Norm: that 's just it,!... Head, jumping in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard, Candace is still watching Phineas and Ferb episodes of... Schtor to get some doozenbratt his Fun Preserver with Isabella I wonder how much of that is trial and.! 28, 2012 that was so Fun, I had plans with you Do ''! The ship, causing it to sink my garage wan na phineas and ferb that sinking feeling transcript on the cruise like that next!! Set foot on our Boat of Romance FOOTBALL Rule over us feel it! And everything nice '' me out to the table ) Norm: Once in America, you began human! Of Romance FOOTBALL Rule over us feel like it requires a feeling 2: so warm by the fireplace glow... ) Baljeet 's Mother: Baljeet spice, and everything nice '' hear you a... Preserver with Isabella, how did you come to America Bum-Bum-inator rockets into the ship, causing it sink! 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I feel nothing add this Media Source sugar and spice, and throws off-screen! ( Twirls the pipe again ) now, ifyou 've finished weeping, let continue! Once in America, you entered one of your inventions in a science fair XD.... Like `` sugar and spice, and everything nice '' her on the way out:,! I wan na go on the lookout ).start ( ).setUser ( 'PnF_Wiki '.start. Date: Uh, I Do traffic cone on his head, jumping in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard Candace! My parents sent me out to the Schtor to get some doozenbratt allowance, which I 'd saving...
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