Facilitator: Marcus Stallworth, LMSW, CWLA Director of Training and Implementation. Anthony is a member of a national fatherhood network that shares resources and ideas to improve fathers and families outcomes. To understand a system is to look towards those who make the structure operate. The 20th Biennial EARLI Conference is hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia, Greece. This workshop will provide concrete tools for developing vicarious resilience and recognizing compassion satisfaction. Anthony Gay is the Director of Curricula Development at Welcome2Reality, LLC. Examples of primary prevention will be discussed, and participants will have the opportunity to create an example of a policy and/or program that could be implemented. Presenters: Carolyn Abdullah & MaryJo Alimena Caruso & Elizabeth Reddick, FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP, Washington, DC, H4 The Necessity of Collaboration: How Systemic Partnerships Overcome Barriers for FFPSA Service Implementation. Depending upon your health care specialty and/or area of interest, lecture . Sponsorships:Sponsorships are available. Workshops A The Capacity Building Center for States was contracted to provide implementation technical assistance to the Strengthening Child Welfare Systems. We will be back in person on April 17th and 18th at the Renaissance Denver Central Park Hotel. Improving knowledge transferThe I-CEPS 2023 aims to provide a global opportunity for enhancing knowledge transfer in the field of parenting. Participants will learn how the project is being co-designed with parents and systems representatives in partnership with Brighton Center, the Family Nurturing Center, the Kentucky Department of Community-Based Services, and Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago. The program will include a mix of well-known and promising researchers, program developers,master clinicians, policy makers, consumers, and service providers. By harnessing our collective wisdom, we can develop and implement innovative and sustainable solutions that achieve child and family well-being. Presenter: Adrienne Miller, Heartland for Children, Bartow, FL, F13 Achieving Permanency for Youth Who Are LGBTQ+ and in Foster Care: Strategies for Child Welfare Professionals. The training will also provide participants with tools and resources such as resource libraries, implicit bias tests, and organizational assessments. Room reservations must be made directly with the hotel. This presentation will focus on evidence based Indigenous Parenting Programs specific to Tribal Families. Presenters: Michelle Bradach & Tasha Schaff, Oregon Department of Human Services, Burns, OR, C6 Transforming a Child Welfare System into a Child and Family Well-Being System. MiRegistry: There will be a separate sign-in sheet at the CEU table. In this training session, we will introduce and discuss the 4 As Approach to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Live Events. Presenters: Emilie Cook, Barton Child Law & Policy Center, Atlanta, GA; Ayanna Jones-Lightsy, Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Association, Atlanta, GA. CWLAs post-conference Training Institute is a two-day event, designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of workers, supervisors, managers, and directors, leading to a more strengths-based, prevention-focused system of care. All families can use wraparound and be more successful in ensuring permanency for children and youth. Through discussion, storytelling, and engaging, reflective activities, participants will explore the process of creating a culture of safety and nurturance, the role of parallel process and co-regulation, and will develop a menu of evidence-based dyadic interventions that can be implemented by both front line and clinical staff. We illustrate how an Implementation Support Team is a meta strategy for building public-private partnerships with providers and enhancing EBI implementation. We believe that intentionally supporting fathers to address their personal and family needs in a holistic and nurturing format enables fathers to succeed as parents. Parent and Family Engagement Conference. Respecting youth with lived experience and regarding them as experts is a critical step toward improved child and family outcomes. Instead, that safety happens through building support networks around families and focusing plans around behavioral changes instead of service completion. The project aims to co-create a robust primary prevention system focused on child and family well-being in partnership with families, communities, and system representatives. The Orange County Social Services Agency observed improved outcomes and more equitable services for children in care, such as a reduced number of children entering care, improved time to reunification, less residential placements, and more children placed in long term relative care. Copyright 2020First Baptist Concord One Hope United has taken a unique approach to meeting the needs of the students in our early learning program through the youth and young adults in our congregate care programs. TXPOP refocuses practice, strengthens the workforce, and transforms how systems treat families within foster care. No class for elementary, middle, and high school students. We address unique issues involved in care and protection, guardianship, and termination of parental rights proceedings. This interactive workshop will provide participants with opportunities to engage in thoughtful discussions around diverse sexual orientations and gender identity expressions (SOGIE); participate in exercises to improve skills; develop strategies to support youth who are LGBTQ+ and in foster care; understand how current practices and policies can limit youths permanency outcomes; and hear from youth with lived experience. Presenters will share strategies for developing the Request for Proposals that guided the selection of the states Care Management Entity (CME), and the specific considerations that were applied to ensure that the successful bidder could fulfill Connecticuts vision for the CME while adhering to Federal requirements. Presenters: Dawn Rains, Treehouse, Seattle, WA; Ross Hunter, Washington State Department of Children, Youth, & Families, Olympia, WA, H3 Building the Table Together: Engaging Parents as Collaborative Partners. Substance use disorders are prevalent in families involved in the child welfare system. Presenters will offer their expertise and recommendations for moving forward. Aga Khan University and University of Toronto, Parenting and Family Research Alliance (PAFRA). They also speak at conferences around Chicagoland and beyond to promote self-awareness, connection, and compassion. Presenters: Barbara Ann Dunn & Syralja Griffin, Magellan Health of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA, B9 The Impact of Enhanced Kinship Navigation on Caregivers and their Children. Preventive Legal Advocacy (PLA) is part of the continuum of high-quality legal advocacy that seeks to strengthen and support family well-being by addressing upstream civil legal issues that often lead to unnecessary child welfare involvement. The demand for collaboration forces us to simultaneously shift the way we think and work internally, while aligning across partner organizations to ensure that we define and meet our common goals. This session will demonstrate how the Arkansas Division of Children & Family Services (DCFS), Public Consulting Group (PCG), and the Family Centered Treatment Foundation (FCTF) communicate and share information to improve programming, assist local providers to improve service delivery, help caseworkers adhere to prevention policy requirements (FFPSA), and measure the extent to which families achieve positive results. The Raising Wisconsins Children Conference is a free, online conference for parents and caregivers of children providing supportive, practical parenting and child development information. After one year, over one-third of service providers decided not to renew contracts. In this session, we will discuss the successful implementation of FFT statewide in Foster Care and the needed ingredients for success. Discussion will include the supporting theoretical concepts related to the supervisory role and related skills and competencies. Presenter: Anne Cornell, CHRIS 180, Atlanta, GA, F10 Lift Every Voice: Effective Approaches to Support System-Impacted Youth Leaders on Advisory Boards. We will recommend trauma-informed and culturally humble strategies for practitioners to engage with children and families early on in the case management process and make appropriate referrals for legal services. The Roots of Rhythm, Regulation, and Connection. Handouts will include information about the impact of trauma on social service work, tools for developing personal wellness plans, low-cost ideas to implement in agencies, and methods for working with leadership to implement positive changes. Helping families build support networks is essential to creating stability and safety for families. We want families to be abundant, healthy relationships with stability and hope! Following the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to work collaboratively to identify opportunities for preventive legal advocacy in their own communities. Presenters: Patricia Chin, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MD; Sonia Emerson, Child Focus, Putnam, CT, G5 Best Practices in Engaging Fathers Involved in Child Welfare. Licensed qualified clinicians carry out law enforcement and clinical liaison duties while playing an active role in bridging community partnerships. Prizes can be branded swag, gift cards, small electronics, gift baskets or anything else you think will drive excitement to your exhibit booth! We are excited to host a two day Parenting Conference at Concord that will focus on equipping and resourcing parents of preschoolers to teenagers to raise Biblical families in the 865 community. After the conference, your hours will be submitted and a MiRegistry certificate emailed. Using wraparound services both as preventative and reunification interventions can reduce child welfare involvement and out-of-home placements while strengthening family skills, empowerment, and independence. We'll have fun chatting with keynote speakers, playing games, picking door prize winners and . As always, its important to us that we build a sponsorship package that suits the unique goals of our sponsors. We will provide a brief overview of the model and share experiences from the perspective of the state and the FFT training organization, demonstrating why this project continues to excel despite numerous challenges along the way. Presenters: Audrey Smolkin & Melinda Kneeland, Center on Child Wellbeing & Trauma, Worcester, MA; Melissa Threadgill, Office of the Child Advocate, Boston, MA, F12 Early-Adolescent Attachment: The Second-Most Critical Attachment Period and an Opportunity for Permanency. Anthony spent several years as a full-time trainer, developing or co-authoring training modules on fatherhood, professionalism, cultural competency, trauma, working with adolescents, family-centered assessment, and human trafficking. In this presentation, we will discuss how staff are able to provide case-management services while having lived experience themselves and why having lived experience matters. The Autism Parenting Summit has been created to help you on your parenting journey, with expert speakers covering topics ranging from behavior solutions, speech & communication, social skills, sensory solutions, transition to adulthood, picky eating, executive functions & motor skills, education, dealing with transitions, mental health . This presentation will explore how the field coach program benefits caseworkers individually, and agencies as a whole, via individual sessions in the field with the field coach, self-assessment exercises, coaching questions, group work, and more. NHSA's annual Parent and Family Engagement Conference is the only national event that focuses on how Head Start parents, families, and staff can best partner to promote both family engagement and children's development. The I-CEPS 2023 will bring together professionals in all fields of parenting support from around the world. Join our Facebook event page for the latest u. KS: 03-31-2023: 04-01-2023 Participants will learn strategies for engaging youth and aligning their team approach by applying this model to their personal and professional practices, including as a tool for guiding youth/caregiver or youth/care-provider conversation or as a facilitation strategy within care team collaborations. Working together, siloed programs and organizations can better change norms, environments, and behaviors to foster trauma- and healing-informed communities. This model, which can be described as a journey with youth at the center, includes a focus on identity, relational supports, contextual considerations, and phases for supporting youth connection and growth. Attendees can expect to learn about best practices around service delivery in non-traditional settings as well as how implementing training and support opportunities for school staff can help create more trauma-informed school environments. Participants will view clips of the training modules and engage in interactive activities from the material. Workshops B Exhibitors:Day of instructions for exhibitors available here. Use code JANUARY at checkout to receive the $10 discount. We can tap into that gift, first by being reminded that it is there everywhere and then by engaging in simple activities that are rhythmic and patterned as a form of regulation and connection. Presenters: Ebony Chambers McClinton & Terrell Thomas, Stanford Sierra Youth and Families, Sacramento, CA, E9 The Practice of Mattering: Honoring the Dignity and Worth of Persons and Families in Marginalized Status. This collaboration allows us to foster effective responses to individuals in crisis while mitigating gaps in equitable service delivery, one 9-1-1 call at a time. Supporting youth who experience some of the most significant unmet needs in our systems requires making authentic connections, addressing systemic barriers, and shifting our beliefs about what is possible. Click here to read our terms of use and privacy policy. We want to get to know you so we have live events. Many of these core principles can be applied to all familiesincluding birth, kin, foster, and adoptive. We will explore how organizations can secure funding from a variety of entities, create a diversified partnership landscape, utilize best practices for service delivery, and implement trauma-informed training into the school-based mental health model. Action circles will be a crucial first step in developing the networks required to collectively advocate for policy change and improved parenting services. Presenters: Darla Biel, Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment, Sioux Falls, SD; Nikki Eining, Avera Behavioral Health of Brookings, Brookings, SD, D10 Involving Fathers in their Childrens Lives. Support from and a caring relationship with frontline workers can provide transformative experiences that can help persons and families reconceptualize who they are and reconnect to a sense of mattering, dignity, and worth. ECE participation of children in foster care remains low, despite federal efforts to prioritize enrollment. Join us for a highly interactive workshop where we will discuss the impacts of improved communication, how to frame the narrative to collectively move towards an aspirational worldview, and pro tips on crafting and sharing your messages. 907-349-8442 Anchorage, AlaskaCopyright 2020 Cornerstone Church, Cornerstone Church, 10431 Brayton Drive, Anchorage, AK, 99507, United States. Illinois DCFS developed a Family First plan to prevent foster care placement by increasing the availability of evidence-based mental health and therapeutic parenting interventions. Attendees will be invited to reflect on opportunities to enhance Kinship Navigator programs in their own communities. Presenters: Julia Pearson & Susan Glatki, Plummer Youth Promise, Salem, MA; Jaime Caron, Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, Northampton, MA, C8 Journey to Zero: Community Partnerships to Strengthen Families and Prevent Entry to Care. However, many agency leaders and managers struggle with how to actually accomplish this. Presenters: Ira Lourie, San Mar Family and Community Services, Hagerstown, MD; Karl Dennis, Karl W. Dennis & Associates, Michigan City, IN; Sue Smith, Georgia Parent Support Network, Atlanta, GA, C13 Leaning into the Engagement of Fathers. TA providers, select grantee representatives, and a person with lived expertise will share their journeys through strategies being developed and implemented, the authentic inclusion of people with lived expertise, and use of continuous quality improvement. This workshop will introduce attendees to the principals that drive PLA while exploring positive outcomes associated with existing PLA programs working to address social determinants of health through zealous legal representation. Critical incident reviews, through the lens of safety science, allow participants a safe space to be part of the solution for organizational system change. We will concentrate on the four following areas: Awareness, Acknowledgement, Action, and Accountability. In this session you will learn how you can use the CarePortal platform to meet the real-time needs of children and families in distress in your community. Facilitated discussion with legal and social work practitioners will focus on issue spotting, family-finding tools, and countering practices that create and perpetuate disparity in outcomes in the child welfare system. Parent/Teacher conferences on January 19 and January 20 will be a drop-in format. The Congress aims to bring the evidence-based parenting support community together, inspire innovation and collective action, and empower parents and families around the world to benefit the next generation. Nevertheless, the developmental trajectory of fatherhood, transitioning to fatherhood, and the contributions of fathers to child and family outcomes still remain understudied in child development. The focus is to either strengthen and preserve children within their home or to bridge through successful reunification back into the home. Attendees will be introduced to Standing with Our Neighbors (SWON), an Atlanta school-based preventive legal advocacy program. Housing is a basic need for everyone. The discussion will include guidance in working with the media by creating strategic partnerships. For children placed in foster care, this type of loss tends to happen over and over again, and is incredibly hard to process. Cornerstone Church believes that the most effective discipleship strategy for children is to equip and encourage parents to disciple their own children. Ambiguous loss is a feeling of grief or distress combined with confusion about the lost person or relationship, and is a normal aspect of adoption and foster care placement. Advertise in the printed Conference Program to ensure increased visibility, brand awareness, and engagement with our attendees. Participants will learn how the Center accessed the time and expertise of cultural experts to guide program development, refinement, and evaluation using Indigenous Ways of Knowing as the framework for collaboration and relationship building. The target audience includes trainers, frontline workers, supervisors, managers, and administrators; professionals with all levels of experience are invited to attend. Presenters: Sharon Davis, Connecticut Department of Children and Families, Hartford, CT; Olivia Wilks & Krista Thomas, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, Minneapolis, MN, D8 Primary Prevention to Reduce the Negative Impacts of Social Determinants of Health in Child Welfare. CLICK HERE to register for the 2023 Parenting Conference, * Taking Your Power Back: Principled Parenting for Principled Children, * Protecting Our Children and Teens from Poor Body Image, * Developing Meaningful Connections to Enhance Child Well-Being, * Prevention of Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies: Focusing Our Attention on the Elephant in the Room, * Divorced or Separated: Co-Parenting Together, * Understanding Behavior from the Inside Out, * Supporting Youth: Empowering Conversations about Consent & Sexual Violence. This site contains affiliate links. Cant be with us in person? Explore our Advertising Opportunities(on 2nd tab of this section) to maximize your brand exposure! Speaking Engagements. Successful family engagement supports a comprehensive assessment of parental protective capacities vital for safety planning. Mengshin Lin, Deseret News Members Website Design by FWD, "CARE helped me to find a huge part of who I am. This presentation will give participants information to: help improve policies and practice in child welfare by providing tools to engage fathers in their childrens lives; strengthen and preserve families by restoring fathers to family life; and reduce the need for foster care and adoptive homes by including the father and his extended family as a placement resource. As a result of his dedication, Anthony has received numerous awards recognizing his work with fathers and families. Presenters: Brittany Vera & Kevin Ochs, Fairfax County Division of Children, Youth, and Families, Fairfax, VA, D6 Reconsidering Resilience: Applying Safety Science to Improve Child Welfare. Ms. Jackson also was the Executive Producer, Director and writer for several award-winning independent video productions to promote the work of organizations such as One Church, One Child of Pennsylvania and The Private Industry Council of Philadelphia. This workshop will share equitable solutions to better support families identified through Child Safety Forward, a four-year, federal demonstration initiative to develop multidisciplinary strategies and responses to address serious or near-death injuries as a result of child abuse or neglect and to reduce the number of child fatalities. Presenter: Teresa DeCrescenzo, Fork In The Road, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, H12 Preventive Legal Advocacy: Family-Focused Advocacy to Reduce Child Welfare Involvement. Children thrive when surrounded by a community of caring people who work together to always place them at the center. The discussion will be interactive with an opportunity for participants to interact and share their experiences. The . This presentation provides information about the field coach program, its inception, and its benefits. . This accessible, evidence-based training is available free of charge 24/7, 365 days a year, thanks to a unique partnership between an MCO and a caregiver-led organization. Wednesday, April 26 In this workshop, we will discuss the results of a recent study on early adolescent attachment, which resulted in new information for the field, why this should be a new area of focus, and what factors child welfare professionals should consider when making permanency decisions for this population. 10:55 am 12:10 pm, D4 SBCT meets START: An Adapted Relational Model for Children 0-3 in the Child Welfare System. Attendees are encouraged to attend the workshop with a multidisciplinary colleague from their jurisdiction. The raffle increases attendee engagement by encouraging conference goers to visit each and every exhibit booth. Some notable sessions are: The Supremacy of Jesus in the Home Discipling as a Single Parent Based on the philosophy that skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable child welfare caseworkers foster an environment that is ripe for retention, the field coach program helps to enrich caseworkers critical thinking, reflective practice, and other soft skills via the creation of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) goals. This session will highlight the Kentucky Department of Community Based Services (DCBS) experience measuring and monitoring the initial and ongoing implementation of its Family First Prevention Services plan. The 2023 Cornerstone Parenting Conference will host a variety of sessions that are suitable for parents of all ages of children. Our objectives in this presentation are to share new approaches to addressing serious injuries and fatalities from maltreatment and to introduce new strategies for reframing childhood adversity as a public, preventable, and solvable issue. Gary is currently serving as a Senior Fellow with CWLA and independent consultant providing training and executive coaching throughout the U.S. Garys Coaching to Child Welfare Leaders and their organizations is offered through a lens of race, equity, and justice. Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting and The 4 As Approach to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusionwith Marcus Stallworth, LMSW. This public health approach re-balances power, credits multiple types of data, and centers learning. Presenters: Yasmin Grewal-Kok, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Meg Dygert , The American Public Human Services Association, Arlington, VA, B5 Foster Care Done Differently: Shifting from Support to Supervision within an Indigenous Framework. The Congress aims to bring the evidence-based parenting support community together, inspire innovation and collective action, and empower parents and families around the world to benefit the next generation. This presentation will detail the effective collaboration between Connecticuts Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Department of Children and Families, and private non-profits in creating a continuum of care to support women who are pregnant or parenting and struggling with substance use disorders. Please see our schedule below for speakers and topics. The Trauma CARE Model provides a relational approach in service of families affected by early adverse experiences (and substance use disorder). ABA Conferences in 2023. The conference is held annually at a university in the United States or Canada. The presenters will highlight the importance of culturally competent collaborative decision-making with community partners to ensure the safety and well-being of children and families. You can register for the event here on Jan 22nd. Presenters: Melissa Webster & Kenneth Shackleford & Juliana Harms, One Hope United, Chicago, IL, D14 Authentic Child and Youth Engagement in Program Development: How to Practice What We Preach. Participants will leave with a strengthened capacity to: These exclusive training sessions afford attendees the opportunity to work closely with experts in the field. We will also share findings from research on re-framing youth who are transition aged, discuss how the insight gained from this research led to the creation of Foster Youth Voice Month, and will share perspectives on the importance of the voices of youth.
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