To contact a representative regarding registrations, inspection fees, extensions, certificates of inspection or general code questions, please email the appropriate code administrator below(Please include a detailed message including your name, a call back number, email address and the registration number or property address, including the county and municipality, you are inquiring about): Atlantic, Bergen, Cape May, Middlesex, Salem, Union or Warren, Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset or Sussex. Contacts The Bureau has thereby been given the authority to enforce the New Jersey Regulations for the Maintenance of Hotels and Multiple Dwellings and, where applicable, Subchapter 4 of the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code, by issuing citations for the violation of these requirements. Vital Statistics, Administration You have reached the landing page for the Bureau of State and Local Code Inspections. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Prior to the change of ownership of any residential property a Certificate of Housing Code Compliance shall have first been obtained from the Department of Inspections, Division of Housing Inspections. The Bureau of Housing Inspection, administers the New Jersey Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law (N.J.S.A. What does it cost to complete your annual registration certification?There is a $25 per building fee to be paid by e-check or credit card at the time of your annual registration certification. OPTIONAL: To filter the list (to make it shorter and more manageable) Municipal Calendar Our staff will notify owners when inspections are due. Bureau of License & Inspections 520 Market Street City Hall, Room 220 P. O. Some services managed or provided directly through the Office of the Director are Code Assistance, Industrialized Buildings,Licensing and Continuing Education, PermitsNJ and RSIS. Rfps Records Management Unit East to Poor Farm Road), Rosedale Road Safe Routes to School Project, Witherspoon St. Housing Authority of the City of Camden Public Notices PO Box 821, Trenton, NJ 08625-0821Phone: (609) 633-6224 - Asbestos/LeadPhone: (609) 984-4257 - Liquefied Petroleum GasFax: (609) 984-7084, Bureau of Construction Project ReviewJohn Paluchowski, Chief of Bureau. A. FEE SIMPLE OWNERSHIPThe term Fee Simple refers to each unit being owned individually andnot in the condominium or cooperative form of ownership. City of New Brunswick - The Heart of New Jersey Powered By revize., The Government Website Experts | Login. The Division works in conjunction with the Department of Recreation, Natural Resources and Culture to identify and repair sidewalks damaged by tree roots. The ELSA application can be used to register the following elevator devices (hydraulic, traction, winding drum, roped hydraulic, rack & pinion and limited use limited access), escalators, moving walks, dumbwaiters, wheel chair lifts, chair lifts and man lifts. A minimum of 24 hours' notice shall be given to the primary occupant of each of the rental units by the property owner and/or the designated agent, informing them of the scheduled date and time of the inspection, which averages between 30 to 60 minutes per unit. If the owner lives at the property, does the owners unit have to be inspected?Yes, the Bureau is required to inspect the entire property.What is an addendum inspection?An Addendum is an inspection which takes place in between cyclical inspections. You may contact the Division of Codes and Standards and all of its programs by mail, by telephone, by fax or by e-mail at these addresses or numbers: NJ DCA - Division of Codes and StandardsPO Box XXX (see below)101 South Broad StreetTrenton, NJ 08625-0XXXPhone: (609) 292-7899Fax: (609) 633-6729, Asbestos and Lead Hazard SafetyPO Box 821Phone: (609) 633-6224, Code Assistance UnitPO Box 802Phone: (609) 984-7609Fax: (609) 633-6729eMail:, Construction Activity Reporting and PermitsNJPO Box 802Phone: (609) 292-7899 eMail:, Construction Code Officials Licensing and Continuing EducationPO Box 802Phone: (609) 984-7834 or 7820eMail:, Industrialized BuildingsPO Box 802Phone: (609) 984-7609, Landscape Irrigation Contractor CertificationPO Box 802Phone: (609) 984-7834eMail:, Liquefied Petroleum Gas SafetyPO Box 821Phone: (609) 984-4257, Residential Site Improvement StandardsPO Box 802Phone: (609) 984-7609Uniform Construction Code NJ State Permit Surcharge (Training) Fee ProgramPO Box 802Phone: (609) 292-7899, PO Box 817Phone: (609) 984-7850Fax: (609) 633-2525eMail:, 852 S. Whitehorse PikeHammonton, NJ. Phone: 856-757-7075 Welcome to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Service Portal. Personnel Go. Requests may also be emailed to In addition, the Bureau provides mandated State Uniform Construction Code enforcement in municipalities that have requested that the DCA assume authority of the Uniform Construction Code in those towns. Carlstadt was originally formed as a village by an act of the New Jersey Legislature on March 12, 1860, within Lodi Township. The Elevator Safety Unit registers all elevator devices in the State of New Jersey as required by the elevator subcode, which is regulated under the Uniform Construction Code in Subchapter 12. 55:13A-1 et seq.) (hereafter called The Act). NJ Division of Local Government Services. Having done a number of these inspections over the years, we decided to write this article to help real estate investors in New Jersey understand how to register, the process of inspection and how to pass . Improvement Project-Leigh to Valley Phase 3, Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Upgrades Design Study, Single and Two-Family Residential Properties, Volunteer for the Princeton Fire Department, NJ Department of Health COVID-19 Vaccine Info, Child Care & Preschool Immunization (PDF), Princeton Area Meals & Pantries Calendar (PDF), Farmer's Market Application - New Vendor (PDF), Retail Food Establishment Flow Chart (PDF), Unisex Single Stall Restroom Ordinance FAQs, COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Programs, Abuse, Addiction & Mental Health Services, Affordable Housing Programs in Mercer County, Early Education, Nurseries & Preschool Programs, School-Age Prevention & Intervention Programs, Schools: Independent & Development Programs, Reintegration Assistance for Former Inmates, Legal Services & Immigration in Mercer County, Legal Services & Immigration in Princeton, Home Entertainment Device Recommendations, Personal Computing Device Recommendations, Metered Parking & Loading Zones FAQs (PDF), On Street & Municipal Yard Parking Permits, Parking Ticket Investigation Report: Online Form, Planning Instructions, Applications & Checklists, History of the Princeton Borough Police Department, Parking Ticket Investigation Report Form (Online), Submit Tips, Reports, Complaints & Compliments, How to File a Report with the Princeton Police, Adaptive Basketball Clinic - Amazing Athletes, Banner Photos Provided Courtesy of Princeton University and Others, Housing and/or fire-related complaint investigations within residential rental properties, The issuance of Rental Housing Certificates of Compliance. City Properties This program not only assists the homeowner but also ensures that the health of the tree is maintained. The purpose of the Bureau of Housing is to enforce the City Code 418 Property Maintenance Code of the City of Camden, which establishes requirements and standards for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare. The law does not require BHI Inspector's to contact owners prior to conducting a reinspection. Food Truck Permit Our mission is to perform fair, standardized, comprehensive inspections of Princeton residential rental properties in order to preserve the housing stock, eliminate health and safety hazards, promote high property values, and continue to make Princeton a desirable community to reside in. The City of Trenton, however, by this section will not guarantee the quality or soundness of any property or structure, nor will it be liable to any persons for any act or omission in connection with an inspection of failure to inspect, nor shall the city be considered to be involved in any manner in the contractual relationship between an owner, tenant or purchaser. Please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari. However, owner's may make a request for a "please call" notice to be attached to their Inspection report, by contacting the Code Administration Section. Jersey City Ordinance: A. Extension requests must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the Re-inspection date printed on the inspection report. These appointments will be at 30-minute intervals, You must call the day before to schedule your appointment, Service cannot be rendered to anyone without an appointment, All utilities must be on at time of inspection, Inspections must be paid in full at time of scheduling, All properties must be registered with Rent Control (Room 101), All properties must be registered with Municipal Clerks Office (Room 105). To achieve these objectives, the Act requires that the Bureau conduct a five year cyclical inspection of these properties. Search registration # or bill # to pay outstanding bills. Department of Housing Inspections Front Desk: (732) 745-5075 Staff Alex Adkins, Director of Inspections (732) 745-5075 Tom Boylan, Housing Inspector The Division is also responsible for the enforcement of all regulations covering privately owned vacant land and vacant properties. EXCEPTIONS. The Bureau tracks the dates for which cyclical inspections and reinspections are due.Should I call to schedule a reinspection?No. The Bureau, after imposing penalties in the amount of $20,500 as a result of newly discovered violations,2 brought a Law Division action to enforce the Law and for penalties. Planning & Development To Register, Transfer, or Associate Properties. The Bureau of Housing Inspection oversees the registration and periodic inspection of hotels, motels and multiple dwellings as mandated under the Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of residents, guests and the general public. NJ Housing Resource Center. Once a determination ismade, approval or denial will provided in writing. Additionally, request can be made in writing and must contain: a list of the violations that have already been corrected; the reason/s why the remaining violations cannot be corrected by the required date; and the expected date by which all violations will be corrected. City Hall, Room 101 Inspectors may only perform inspections in the company of the owner or designated agent of the owner. The Division of Housing Inspections is responsible for enforcing the housing codes in the City of Trenton. Contact information and webpage links are provided below. Department of Housing Inspections Main: 732-745-5075 Staff Alex Adkins, Director of Inspections: 732-745-5075 Tom Boylan, Housing Inspector: 732-246-5352 . Weights & Measures, Finance Requests may also be emailed PO Box 805, Trenton, NJ 08625-0805Phone: (609) 984-7905Fax: (609) 292-2839, Bureau of Housing InspectionCarmine Giangeruso, Chief ofBureau. Box 95120 Camden, NJ 08101-5120 Phone: 856-757-7131 Phone: 856-342-7168: Filming Permit Application. Rental properties are required to be inspected and possess a Rental Approval Certificate prior to occupancy; multiple dwellings of three or more units require a license. Inspectors are not permitted to take cash or checks during inspections. Housing Code Compliance Phone: (609) 633-6229 Fire Marshal, Camden City School District APPOINTMENTS MUST BE MADE BEFORE COMING TO THE HOUSING BUREAU. Owners or authorized agents may register new properties, transfer ownership, update information, request an extension of time to abate violations or request an administrative hearing. 201-362-1942Fax No. The Division is also responsible for the enforcement of all regulations covering privately owned vacant land and vacant properties. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Within the Division of Housing Inspection is the Sidewalk Inspection and Enforcement Section, which regulates sidewalk construction and repair. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS > CHAPTER 10. Note: Properties which are primarily used for the provision of retail goods and services must be licensed - property which is primarily used for industry or commerce, is exempted. After receipt of letter the bureau will forward a SLCHIP package which includes: conditions of authorization, payment schedule and a list of cyclical inspections due for the fiscal year. The City maintains an inventory of all vacant property and yearly issues a contract for the emergency boarding of abandoned property under Court Order. Payment by Credit Card I own a property with three rental units. Camden Code Book At the court hearing on the addendum violations on September 17, 1999, the parties reached a settlement, and the Bureau voluntarily dismissed the civil action with prejudice. The Bureau of Rental Housing Inspections is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Princeton Housing Code and the Princeton Rental Registration Regulations. We are trying to create a safe environment for all constituents and would encourage all and make an appointment prior to coming to the Housing Bureau. Improvement Project-Nassau to Green Phase 1, Witherspoon Street Project Meeting Videos, Witherspoon St. Division of Constituent Services, City Council If you are having any technical difficulties with this website please contact web support. The Division of Inspections and Code Enforcement is responsible for the administration of the Code of the City of East Orange that establish minimum standards governing the maintenance, appearance, conditions, and occupancy of residential and non-residential premises. The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs conducts green card inspections on multiple dwellings of three units or more every five years. This program requires that all owners of residential or commercial property obtain a license, which must be renewed each year in January. In addition, the Bureau provides mandated State Uniform Construction Code enforcement in municipalities that have requested that the DCA assume authority of the Uniform Construction Code in those towns. Under the Regulations, the Condominium Association, Cooperative or Mutual Housing Corporation, is for the most part considered to have the responsibilities of the owner as described in the Act, and is responsible for the registration of each building and for the correction of all cited violations. Camden Business Association Business Directory, Camden Business Improvement District (CBID). Depending on the findings from the initial inspection, there would either be a follow-up inspection or there would not be another inspection until the next 5-year cycle. Box 8068 Trenton, NJ 08650-0068 Phone: 609-989-6959 (Spanish - 609-989-6736) Fax: 609-278-2758 Email address: If you have questions, please leave a message, send an email, or check the Housing & Community Development web pages for updated information: and go to the link for the Housing Department. The Office of Regulatory Affairs is responsible for monitoringlocal enforcement of the Uniform Construction Code Act and implementing regulations. This portal provides online access to properties on file with Housing Inspection. Do I need to have an inspection? Do I need to have my rental property inspected in between tenants? Under this Act, Condominiums, Cooperatives and Mutual Housing Corporations fall within the definition of multiple dwelling, and as such, are subject to its provisions. Emergency Services The Office of Housing Inspection and Landlord Compliance performs the investigation, identification and verification of unsafe, unseemly and unsightly conditions which, if left unchecked, could threaten the public health and well-being. P.O. NJ Division of Housing. Property Maintenance Inspections The Bureau of Housing performs inspections of owner occupied, rental, multiple dwellings, business and various other inspections of residential and commercial properties for property maintenance compliance. Risk Management The Division is also responsible for the enforcement of all regulations covering privately owned vacant land and vacant properties. PO Box 810, Trenton, NJ 08625-0810Phone: (609) 633-6216Fax: (609) 633-7262, Bureau of Rooming and Boarding House Standards Jay Raywood, Supervisor of Enforcement. For further information concerning the programs and enforcement responsibilities of the Bureau of Housing Inspection:Phone: (609) 633-6216Fax: (609) 633-7262. Property Search To Register, Transfer, or Associate Properties. (a) the bureau of housing inspection or an authorized representative in the discharge of their duties shall have authority to enter upon and examine and inspect at all reasonable times any building, enclosure, or premises, or any part thereof or service equipment attached thereto or contained therein for the purpose of determining compliance with Office of the DirectorEdward M. Smith, DirectorKevin Luckie, Assistant DirectorSusan Woidill, Assistant Director. Council Members You have reached the landing page for the Bureau of State and Local Code Inspections. Additionally, there is an option to mail in your check. All requests for exemption by way of Condominiums, Cooperatives, Mutual Housing Corporations must be in writing and submitted with all the required documentation as described above to the Bureau of Housing Inspection, EXEMPTIONS Section, PO Box 810, Trenton, NJ 08625-0810. Does Princeton have a guide for how much a landlord can raise the rent? Other services managed or provided for are Asbestos and Lead Hazard Safety and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety. License & Inspections State/Local Cooperative Housing Inspection Program Housing Mortgage & Finance Agency - HMFA. Commercial Property - $120 per structure plus $25 for each business unit (minimum fee $145 for one commercial unit). To receive an application form call 201-531-7182 or 201-362-1942EXCEPTIONSCondominiums, Cooperatives, Mutual Housing Corporations. In lieu of the Certificate of Housing Code Compliance the change of ownership may occur if the owner files with the Department of Inspections an affidavit indicating that the property will not be occupied until such time as a Certificate of Housing Code Compliance is obtained. 55:13A-4. Animal Control (Stuart Rd. Responsibilities Responsibilities include: Housing and/or fire-related complaint investigations within residential rental properties Inspection/maintenance programs The Bureau of Construction Project Review provides for plan review where the review and release of plans by the Department of Community Affairs is required, pursuant to N.J.A.C. The Bureau's policy regarding fee simple ownership in townhouse developments is as follows. What is an annual registration certification and when is it required to be completed by?Every property owner is required to complete an annual registration certification to confirm/modify contact information listed on the registration certificate. Bureau of Rooming and Boarding House Standards. Camden Waterfront If more than one re-inspection is required a fee of $50 will be charged for 1 and 2 units. Administration and enforcement (a)The Bureau of Housing Inspection or local enforcing agency shall administer and enforce these rules. Bureau of State and Local Code Inspections. The owner will be given 14 days to contact the inspector to schedule the required inspection. To receive an application form call 201-531-7182 or 201-362-1942. 1) Developments involving fee simple ownership are not subject to the Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law where the association has no residential building maintenance responsibility; however,in suchcases, the association must provide the bureau with sufficient documentation demonstrating thatownership is fee simple and thatindividual owners, and not the association, are directly responsible for maintenance of the residential building (Documentationmust include references to documents such as the association by-laws or contractual agreements between association and owner); 2) the term common area, should be clearly defined; for example the association may consider common area as property not directly associated with the residential building such as a pool, parking lot or lawn, however, common area may also be hallways, basements or exterior parts of the residential building such as siding, windows, doors or roof.If the association is responsible for the maintenance of common areas involving the residential building(s), the Bureau must inspect the development. 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