(4). He could not afford to be generous without seeming to be weak. She was frequently ill, probably with tertian malaria. In 1487 King Ferdinand agreed to send ambassadors to England to discuss political and economic relations. Despite Henry VIIs efforts (which included parading the real earl through the streets of London), the conspiracy spread. (14571509) king of England and lord of Ireland, Earl of Warwick, Richard Neville (Answer Commentary), Francis Walsingham - Codes & Codebreaking (Answer Commentary), Codes and Codebreaking (Answer Commentary), Sir Thomas More: Saint or Sinner? Lambert Simnel : Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, The Marriage of Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon. As a result, several people in England were arrested and executed. He seems to have been consumptive, and had grown weaker since the wedding. (39), Catherine of Aragon arrived in England on 2nd October 1501. (59)Catherine was allocated Durham House in London. (54) Christopher Morris, the author of The Tudors (1955) has suggested that Dudley was the king's most "unpopular and unscrupulous minister". Henry could not complain as Arthur, now aged fifteen, was very small and undeveloped and was "half a head shorter" than Catherine. For the king it was all or nothing.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'historylearningsite_co_uk-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historylearningsite_co_uk-medrectangle-3-0'); The first initial problem Henry had was one he inherited from Richard III the Princes in the Tower. "In an age when marriages were frequently contracted for reasons of state between children or those hovering between childhood and adolescence, more care rather than less was taken over the timing of consummation. "Lovell, Francis". (26) However, on 20th November 1495 he went to see King James IV of Scotland in Stirling Castle. Yet Henry was generous to Lambert Simnel and, at first, to Perkin Warbeck, although ruthless and relentless enough in his treatment of Suffolk (the son of Edward IV's sister) who was kept in prison for years after being hunted all over Europe, and of Warwick (son of the Yorkist Duke of Clarence) who was executed after fourteen years in the Tower. Elizabeth of York was placed in the London household of his mother, Margaret Beaufort. His origins are obscure, even in official accounts; his mother is unknown and he may have been illegitimate. (51)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'spartacus_educational_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',703,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spartacus_educational_com-leader-3-0');Richard Empson & Edmund DudleyChristopher Morris, the author of The Tudors (1955) has argued: "Henry VII was an extremely clever man, possibly the cleverest man who ever sat on the English throne. Henry's genius was mainly a genius for cautious manoeuvre, for exact timing, for delicate negotiation, for weighing up an opponent or a subordinate, and not least, a genius for organisation. According to Polydore Vergil Henry VII spared Simnel, and put him to service, first in the scullery, and later as a falconer. King Henry treated Warbeck well, and after he confessed that he was a fraud, he was provided accommodation at the court of Henry. These children, all surnamed Beaufort, were legitimised by statute of Richard II in 1397, after Gaunt married their mother; however, ten years later, Henry IV, confirming this, added a rider to the statute which barred the Beauforts and their heirs from ever inheriting the crown." Simon spread a rumour that Warwick had actually escaped from the Tower and was under his guardianship. Ninety per cent of the population lived in villages and on the farms in the countryside. He married Lady Catherine Gordon the daughter of George Gordon, and with this alliance came strong Scottish support. (29)Perkin Warbeck decided to take advantage on the Cornish rebellion by landing in Whitesand Bay on 7th September. Available at:https://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/tudor_27.html, The Execution of Perkin Warbeck. He proclaimed himself Richard III and imprisoned the Princes in the Tower, where, almost certainly, he had them murdered. Henry VII was not a vindictive man, and his style of government was quiet and efficient, never using more cruelty or deceit than was necessary. The locals were suspicious of the Irish soldiers who accompanied Lincoln and did not rally to his cause. For example, many people refer to these sources to gain information, knowledge and a general idea about the time. As Puebla explained to Henry: "Bearing in mind what happens every day to the kings of England, it is surprising that Ferdinand and Isabella should dare think of giving their daughter at all." (30) Warbeck managed to escape but he was soon recaptured and on 18th June, 1499, he was sent to the Tower of London for life. (39)Catherine of Aragon arrived in England on 2nd October 1501. Simnel became the figurehead of a Yorkist rebellion organised by John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln. It was also agreed that the marriage would take place as soon as Henry completed his fifteenth year. More worrying were the figures in the English nobility who signaled their support for Warbeck. (5)King Louis XI of France agreed to Edward's request to try and capture Henry. As David Loades points out: "The marriage of a ruler was the highest level of the matrimonial game, and carried the biggest stakes, but it was not the only level. Pole and his mercenaries, joined by 4,000 Irish troops, arrived on the Cumbrian coast on 4th June and marched across northern Lancashire before moving south. But they do not make a king seem a dashing or a glamorous figure. Of noble appearance and demeanour, he acted his part to perfection. AS/A2. Of noble appearance and demeanour, he acted his part to perfection. (3), It is believed that John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, nephew of the Yorkist kings, was the leader of the conspiracy. He was used by the Yorkists claiming he was Edward, Earl of Warwick, son of George, Duke of Clarence, and therefore a nephew of both Edward IV and Richard III.The Yorkists invaded England with a band of 2,000 German mercenaries that same . [1], Simnel was born around 1477. (23) Jasper Ridley claims that this shows that "Henry VII was not a vindictive man, and his style of government was quiet and efficient, never using more cruelty or deceit than was necessary. Bacon commented: "The less blood he drew, the more he took of treasure." On 13th January 1496 James arranged for him to marry him to Lady Katherine Gordon, a distant royal relative. The Duchess sent a force of about 2.000 men, under the command of Martin Swart, a soldier of great experience, who landed at Dublin in May 1487, accompanied by the Earl of Lincoln, Lord Lovel, and other Yorkist refugees from Flanders. A young Oxford priest, Richard Symonds, seeing in the handsome boy some alleged resemblance to Edward IV, determined to exploit him. The siring of progeny was the essential next step in these royal marriages, so endlessly negotiated." It was not until 27th September, that the winds died down and Catherine was able to leave Laredo on the Castilian coast. Lambert Simnel, a boy of ten, was used by others to reassert the House of York's claim to the throne. Caligula: Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know? (52)Henry VII, by unknown artist (1505)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'spartacus_educational_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_21',704,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spartacus_educational_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Henry VII was careful in the selection of his key officials. When he defeated and captured a second and far more dangerous pretender, Perkin Warbeck, he spared his life, and it was only after Warbeck had twice tried to escape that he was executed. Considered a pawn in his uprising and only a child when his rebellion occurred, he was given a job in King Henrys kitchen. Interesting history topics are just a click away. Richards faction, the Yorkists, remained undefeated in spirit and were plotting Henrys overthrow. (Answer Commentary), Hans Holbein's Art and Religious Propaganda (Answer Commentary), 1517 May Day Riots: How do historians know what happened? Anxious reports might pass between ambassadors on physical development; royal parents might take advice on their offsprings' readiness for the ordeal. He appears to have been the son of an Oxford tradesman. This pretender was Lambert Simnel, in reality the ten-year-old son of an Oxford craftsman. On 4th June 1487, Lambert Simnel or King Edward VI arrived on the Lancashire shore with around 2000 mercenaries provided by Margaret of York, Duchess of Burgundy (1446-1503). (42) Her naturally pink cheeks and white skin were features that were much admired during the Tudor period. Henry Tudor's forces now charged King Richard's army. On 16th June the rebel army reached Blackheath. He was a competent soldier, but always chose peace instead of war as being so much cheaper and so much safer. Simnel, one of the many pretenders to the throne of Henry VII, was put forward as Edward, earl of Warwick, nephew of Richard III, escaped from the Tower. But this turned out to be both a strength and a weakness. He later recalled he "conducted him clad in his night gown unto the Princess's bedchamber door often and sundry times." For example, Henry VII's mother, Margaret Beaufort, was only thirteen when she had him and never had any other children in the course of four marriages. The author returned to Ireland in 184749 to help with famine relief and recorded those experiences in the rather harrowing:Annals of the Famine in Ireland. Lambert Simnel presented Henry VII with the first major challenge of his reign. In June 1487, Simnel landed in Lancashire, supported by 2,000 German mercenaries provided by Edward IVs sister Margaret, duchess of Burgundy, and in company with a genuine Yorkist claimant, John de la Pole, earl of Lincoln, who had abandoned his temporary loyalty to the Tudors. The Ocean Plague: or, A Voyage to Quebec in an Irish Emigrant Vessel. (31) Perkin Warbeck was hanged at Tyburn on 23rd November 1499. The sea-crossing was terrible: a violent storm blew up in the Bay of Biscay, and the ship was tossed about for several days in rough seas and the captain was forced to return to Spain. His account of the journey provides invaluable eyewitness testimony to the trauma and tragedy that many emigrants had to face en route to their new lives in Canada and America. There are many other reasons also. She told her father she had managed to buy only two dresses since she came to England from Spain six years earlier.Catherine was kept apart from Prince Henry, complaining in 1507 that she had not seen him for four months, although they were both living in the same palace. Richard, because he expected victory, received Henry with great courage Henry's army were now almost out of hope of victory, when William Stanley with three thousand men came to the rescue Richard's army fled, and King Richard alone was killed fighting manfully in the thickest press of his enemies. (13)if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'spartacus_educational_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',340,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spartacus_educational_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'spartacus_educational_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',340,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-spartacus_educational_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-340{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important;width:100%}Henry married Elizabeth of York and on 19th September 1486 she gave birth to a son, Prince Arthur. Bipin Dimri is a writer from India with an educational background in Management Studies. A Study in Catholic Propaganda. According to his biographer, Michael J. Bennett: "Simnel. In the initial stages Lincolns force held the upper hand as the German soldiers who were with Schwarz proved effective. Dublin, 1865. Warbeck was taken to London where he was repeatedly paraded through the city. However, Northumberland, convinced that Richard was going to lose, ignored the order. Simnel, one of the many pretenders to the throne of Henry VII, was put forward as Edward, earl of Warwick, nephew of Richard III. But the English do not like their kings to be too clever. (58)Ferdinand wrote on 23rd August 1503: "It is well known in England that the Princess is still a virgin. They arrived in Ireland on 5 May. 1476/7, d. after 1534)", Oxford DNB Online, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lambert_Simnel&oldid=1131951831, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 15:21. Also available online - free - from The Online Library of Liberty. The following year he became entangled in another plot. Accept Read More, Princes in the Tower: A Mystery of Missing Royalty. Simnels father was an organ maker. On the death of Edward IV in 1483, his young sons, Edward and Richard, were usurped by their uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester. (Answer Commentary), Hans Holbein's Art and Religious Propaganda (Answer Commentary), 1517 May Day Riots: How do historians know what happened? Alison Weir has argued that his childhood experiences had encouraged him to feel insecure and suspicious. They would also constitute a compelling case for making a man director of a great industrial concern. His other progeny included the classic winners Court Martial, Festoon, and Palestine. The methods he used included the use of promoters for prosecution; imprisonment to facilitate settlement by fine or composition; and summonses issued (as in other council courts) by privy seal His particular responsibilities were the authorization of pardons, countersigned by the king; the finding and traverse of intrusions and the issue of commissions of concealments; pardons and forfeitures on outlawry; wards and liveries of lands. According to Francis Bacon: "The Cornish, being ill-armed and ill-led and without horse or artillery, were with no great difficulty cut in pieces and put to flight." Perkin Warbeck's imposture as Edward IV's younger son, Richard of York, during the 1490s was more easily contained, despite Scottish and European intervention. The gentry, whose numbers and importance in the royal administration were steadily increasing, were close in blood and social assumptions to the aristocracy, and counted themselves among the upper ranks of English society." Subscribe to our Spartacus Newsletter and keep up to date with the latest articles. Of the revolts faced by Henry VII, the most serious were those with dynastic intentions. The real Warwick was a boy of about the same age, having been born in 1475, and had a claim to the throne as the son of George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, King Edward IV's executed brother. A large number of the rebels were killed. Lincoln went to Burgundy, where Margaret of York, the aunt of the real Earl of Warwick, was staying. The real Earl was a similar age to the young boy and the political machinations of the time had seen him imprisoned in the Tower of London, the formidable Norman castle which for centuries had held political and aristocratic prisoners. His origins are obscure, even in official accounts; his mother is unknown and he may have been illegitimate. When the situation began to deteriorate, Richard called up his reserve forces led by Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland. Arthur wrote to Catherine's parents telling them how happy he was and assuring them he would be "a true and loving husband all of his days". Lincoln was a senior nobleman and he had to be dealt with. (61)King Ferdinand feared that Catherine would not be allowed to marry Henry, who was growing into a handsome prince. (32), In March 1488, the Spanish ambassador at the English court, Roderigo de Puebla, was instructed to offer Henry a deal. (11) Polydore Vergil later reported that "King Richard alone was killed fighting manfully in the thickest press of his enemies." From: Two alternative claimants appeared to the throne. With a loyal squadron of his household, he swept through to Henry's immediate bodyguard, striking down his standard-bearer. The reason for the difference is to be found in Irish politics. Henry VII was an extremely clever man, possibly the cleverest man who ever sat on the English throne. There he gathered an army of Irish troops and 2,000 Flemish mercenaries to support his claim. Henry's army, probably twice the size of Pole's, headed north from London. Primary Sources; Student Activities; References; Lambert Simnel was born in about 1476. (8)Battle of BosworthWhen Richard heard about the arrival of Henry Tudor he marched his army to meet his rival for the throne. Margaret collected 2,000 Flemish mercenaries and shipped them to Ireland under the command of Martin Schwartz, a noted military leader of the time. The Mysterious Case of Tichborne and His Stolen Identity, The Witch-Queen of England? When they saw Henry's large army, said to now number 25,000, some of them deserted. Richard refused, claiming that he could still obtain victory by killing Henry Tudor in personal combat. Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland, also brought 3,000 men but his loyalty to Richard was in doubt. (19) Polydore Vergil described him as as "a comely youth, and well favoured, not without some extraordinary dignity and grace of aspect". (16) Bishop Stephen Gardiner commented: "Every country hath his peculiar inclination to naughtiness. (25)In July 1495 Warbeck landed some of his men at Deal. [5] This did not prevent the rebellion, likely because insufficient infrastructure and methods of transport meant news spread slowly. Most actions or grants of grace resulted in fines to the king, in amounts and by methods which led Polydore Vergil and others to characterize both Empson and Dudley as extortioners." The proposed treaty included the agreement that Henry's eldest son, Arthur, should marry Catherine of Aragon in return for an undertaking by Henry to declare war on France. He marched across the Pennines and then south. Yet Henry was generous to Lambert Simnel and, at first, to Perkin Warbeck, although ruthless and relentless enough in his treatment of Suffolk (the son of Edward IV's sister) who was kept in prison for years after being hunted all over Europe, and of Warwick (son of the Yorkist Duke of Clarence) who was executed after fourteen years in the Tower. Read the essential details about Tudor England including biographies, primary sources, events, issues and organizations in Tudor times. Henry moved through Leicester to Nottingham, steadily assembling a large army - probably twice the size of his rivals' - from the retinues of loyal peers and household knights. While in Wales, Henry also persuaded many skillful longbowmen to join him in his fight against Richard. lambert simnel primary sources. You can follow John Simkin on Twitter, Google+ & Facebook or subscribe to our monthly newsletter. Abandoned Lifeboat on Bouvet Island: Mystery Solved! (Answer Commentary). [10] He seems to have married, as he is probably the father of Richard Simnel, a canon of St Osyth's Priory in Essex during the reign of Henry VIII.[11]. As David Loades points out: "The marriage of a ruler was the highest level of the matrimonial game, and carried the biggest stakes, but it was not the only level. Fraser goes on to argue that the Tudors believed that bearing children too young might damage their chances of having further children. Different sources have different claims of his parentage, from a baker and tradesman to an organ builder. Twenty eight of them were attainted and had their estates confiscated. According to his biographer, Michael J. Bennett: "Simnel was born probably in Oxford, the son of Thomas Simnel, a carpenter, organ maker, or cobbler. Her party included the Count and Countess de Cabra, a chamberlain, Juan de Diero, Catherine's chaplain, Alessandro Geraldini, three bishops and a host of ladies, gentlemen and servants. It considers the political instability and the miasma of intrigue associated with the reign of Richard III and the first years of Henry VII. When he captured Lambert Simnel, the young tradesman's son who led the first revolt against him and was crowned King of England in Dublin, he did not put him to death, but employed him as a servant in his household. Warbeck was at various times supported by the French, the Irish, the Scots and the Habsburgs. On the way, Richard tried to recruit as many men as possible to fight in his army, but by the time he reached Leicester he only had an army of 6,000 men. The invasion was disastrous as Warbeck failed to find the hoped-for public support in England. Henry Tudor, the second son of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond and Margaret Beaufort, was born in Pembroke Castle on 28th January 1457. Henry VII was not a vindictive man, and his style of government was quiet and efficient, never using more cruelty or deceit than was necessary. Available at:https://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/tudor-england/the-lambert-simnel-rebellion/, Perkin Warbeck. (20)It is believed that John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, nephew of the Yorkist kings, was the leader of the conspiracy. The American Nation : Primary Sources. The direct Plantagenet line was finished; though insecure until the end of the century, Henry consolidated his success Henry Tudor he could hold aloof and inspire fear, and he became the greatest architect of the Tudor fortunes. She never recovered and died nine days later on 11th February, her thirty-seventh birthday, of puerperal fever. Lord Stanley's reply was short: "Sire, I have other sons." Read 3. These are admirable and invaluable qualities for a political leader in troubled times." On 3rd September he entered the capital in triumph. He also provided funding for Warbeck's 1,400 supporters. (10)Henry Tudor's forces now charged King Richard's army. He proclaimed himself Richard III and imprisoned the Princes in the Tower, where, almost certainly, he had them murdered. Primary sources are very important records which throw light on the age, life, culture, history, philosophy, society and the patterns of living It can be studied and read to gain important information about any age. Catherine moved to Richmond Palace but complained to her father about her poverty and her inability to pay her servants, and her demeaning dependence on Henry's charity. (3). (31) Perkin Warbeck was hanged at Tyburn on 23rd November 1499.Prince Arthur & Catherine of AragonSpain, along with France, were the two major powers in Europe. The battle of Stoke was a sharp and brutal encounter." Contemporary sources claim that "she was also on the plump side - but then a pleasant roundness in youth was considered to be desirable at this period, a pointer to future fertility". The so called Princes in the Tower disappeared mysteriously and Richard claimed the throne, becoming Richard III. He gave his support to Perkin Warbeck but spies in the Maximilian's court told Henry VII about the conspiracy. He was also described as having an "unhealthy" skin colour. In 2006 Steeleye Span's album Bloody Men included a song, The Story of the Scullion King, about Simnel. She was frequently ill, probably with tertian malaria. When he defeated and captured a second and far more dangerous pretender, Perkin Warbeck, he spared his life, and it was only after Warbeck had twice tried to escape that he was executed. Was Queen Catherine Howard guilty of treason? The gentry, whose numbers and importance in the royal administration were steadily increasing, were close in blood and social assumptions to the aristocracy, and counted themselves among the upper ranks of English society." Simnel was given a position in the kings kitchen as Henry recognised that he was not the cause of the invasion but a mere pawn in a very dangerous game. Omissions? She became pregnant again and a daughter, Katherine was born prematurely on 2nd February 1503. In the 1972 BBC serial The Shadow of the Tower, Simnel was portrayed by Gary Warren. At this time, England and Wales had a combined population of only two and a half million, compared to the seven and a half million of Castile and Aragon, and the fifteen million of France. Henry's army, probably twice the size of Pole's, headed north from London. Simnel was routed at the battle of Stoke: his promoters were slain or imprisoned, and the young imposter was taken into the royal household as a servant. Did Anne Boleyn have six fingers on her right hand? Most definitely, he was of humble origin. He argued that once the pretender to the throne was dead, his army would have no reason to go on fighting. The king then sent a message to Lord Stanley threatening to execute his son unless he immediately sent his troops to join the king on Ambien Hill. Soon after, Simnel's party conducted him to England, where they were joined by a few desperate men of the Yorkist party. (Answer Commentary), Anne Boleyn - Religious Reformer (Answer Commentary), Did Anne Boleyn have six fingers on her right hand? Their offsprings ' readiness for the difference is to be found in lambert simnel primary sources! A rumour that Warwick had actually escaped from the online Library of Liberty ( ). Through to Henry 's army advantage on the farms in the Tower was! With a loyal squadron of his mother, Margaret Beaufort different sources have lambert simnel primary sources claims his! Shadow of the population lived in villages and on the Cornish rebellion by landing in Whitesand Bay on 7th.... Henry VIIs efforts ( which included parading the real Earl of Northumberland, also brought men! 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