Whos there? Ben. Knock knock jokes #3 knock knock. Stopwatch Stopwatch who? Says. 75. These funny poop jokes will make you giggle in so many levels. When your kid is in time to watch Pokemon, you say this. The most effective ones actually play around with the idea of opening a door. Knock, Knock! Call the squat team. 20. 88. Hey, you can yodel! Well, now you can! The trots! Whos there? I cant hold it in. Why didnt the toilet paper make it across the road? 75 funny knock knock jokes 2022 to make you laugh. Today I learned that diarrhea is hereditary. Give me your money! Whos there? Knock, knock! Cops have nothing to go on. Knock, knock. A door! Or, is it? Because they eat way too many peanuts. best knock knock poo jokes. Mustache. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { Bathroom is a place where you dump everything dirty in and out of your body. Oakham who? Knock, Knock! Ben who? Whos there? Something is in the air and we dont like it. It wasnt his doodie. Why doesnt Chuck Norris ever flush the toilet? We know you cant. Avery who? 47. 115. Then I had probably the biggest vowel movement ever. 117. Whos there? Actually, its towhom.33. Knock, knock. Whos there? Jokes are the best way to lighten up the mood in any room, and these knock-knock jokes for kids would surely get your little one rolling on the floor with laughter. Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. Just a phew. 119 hilarious poop jokes that will make kids laugh out loud! Why arent there toilets in some banks? A door who? 37. What's more beloved than a good, old-fashioned knock-knock joke? Whos there? Poop who? Knock-knock, we've got some jokes! Harry up, its cold outside! The same is true for the phrase, explosive diarrhea.. Restart the machine and launch Outlook, which should now connect to a server running only TLS 1.1 or 1.2. Whos there? Whos there? How Much Is Too Much? If you have a kid in that knock knock joke sweet spot say 4- to 11-years-old, when they can anticipate the formula without guessing the punchline then memorize these hilarious knock knock jokes for kids, and keep them at the ready in case there are ever a dull moment. Whos there? Whos there? RELATED: The Steamiest Free Literotica-Style Online Erotica We Can Find. / no i won't smell your poo! However, too many of these jokes at once may get irritating. I love you. Her husband texted back: Im on the toilet, please advise.. Ice cream. Knock, knock. They both deal with a lot of crap. Althea. Radio who? 38. It hasnt been found yet, but the owner said hell be relieved when it is. Bat A: What was the worst day of your life? Bat B: The day I had diarrhea.. Whos there? Whos there? Dealing with it is very difficult and irritating. Jamaican me horny. Whos there? Wurlitzer one for the money, two for the showww, no thanks. Knock, knock. 55. Because its his doody! In a Neander-stall. Holly who? 16. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? Why do doctors say four out of five people suffer from diarrhea? Gorilla! Sometimes, silly jokes or bad jokes are the ones that can make people laugh the hardest. When does Denzel Washington have to hang out with the Rugrats? Poop jokes? Knock, knock. Jokes are funny when you understand them. I did up. If you are looking for some of the cleanest poop jokes, you do not need to visit your toilet. Whos there? Honey bee a dear and get that for me please! Some of them actually made me laugh out loud (especially the ones which involve poo; How do you get the bathroom unlocked in a hurry? 97. Two friends went camping. Knock knock. Foreskin who? Whos there? Whos there? Imma who? Whos there? What do you call a dog that you find in your bathroom? Whos there? What do octopuses do after using the toilet? Budweiser! Whos there? Orange you going to let me in? Otto. Viper. Knickerless girls shouldnt climb trees. Euro-pee-an! Noah good place we can go hang out? Abby. Wynaut. Cher would be nice if you opened the door! Whos there? And the truth is most of their silly jokes about poop revolve around a world that goes beyond repeating (or singing) the word poop.. Knock, knock. Anita! 79. Stop making me laugh or Ill puma pants! Canoe. The boy asks him what hes going to do with all that cow poop. Gorilla who? Wire. 12. I decided to keep the fun rolling and made a batch of knock, knock jokes for kids. Heres a joke that introduces a vegetable that looks like a top. The kind of music you should play in a toilet paper and boulder party is rock and roll. Knock knock. Norma Lee I dont knock on random doors, but I had to meet you! Will you remember me in a month? I did up. Then I went to open the door, and the doorknob fell off. A knock-knock joke usually has five lines, and goes like this: Punster: Knock, knock! Knock, knock. 106. A funny way to greet your grandkid, niece or nephew! True, says the man. Toilet paper. Knock, knock. Whats the German word for constipation? Theodore who? Whos there? Knock, knock. Copyright - www.wanderluststorytellers.com 50 of the Best Knock Knock Jokes for Kids By Wanderlust Storytellers _____ Knock Knock 77. Punch: Will you let me in? You eat your poo?! You let it finish! He just couldnt budget. Whos there? Knock, Knock! Banana Banana who? Knock, knock! Yes, theres an art to it. Knock-knock jokes date back to the early 20th century, and as corny as they are, they're still a staple of American humor. Why couldnt the police officers find the toilet thief? Someone stole the toilet at the police station last night. Knock, knock. Ivysaur who? Fuck you said. Theyre probably in the same category as dirty riddles, puns, fart jokes (and maybe even dirty truth or dare). This poo is so intriguing in size and/or appearance that you have to show it to someone before flushing. Ewwwwwww. Knock, knock. Knock, knock! Knock, knock. 70. A special occasion warrants a special dose of humor for the kids. 87. We know that pooping is a little gross to talk about or bring up at the dinner table, but giggling about the things that pop out of our bodies has always had its own special brand of comedy. 132 FUNNY Cold Jokes To Make Your Day a Little Happier. 15+ Cheeky and Corny Love Jokes you can laugh with him and her! What are you going to do once you tear off my clothes? How do you figure out the difference between constipation and diarrhea? Abby birthday to you! Knock, knock. Whos there? Alex who? 97. What did one toilet bowl say to another toilet bowl? 8. Whos there? 0; 0; panadol syrup dosage for 2 year old . 28. You dont have to give an opinion about other peoples lives! What did the poop say to the fart? 65. While the relentlessness of toilet humor and poop puns can be trying for parents, whose only sustained interest is poop that involves potty training, its a totally appropriate developmental phase and a rite of passage for kids. Kids are weird. Knock, Knock! Your kids will love telling this joke at a birthday party! No idea. The perfect joke to tell when your kid isnt getting ready for school! 78. Annie way you can let me in? Knock, knock! 82. Whos there? 40. If you know any funny knock knock jokes for kids, share the laughter by posting them below in the comment section! I can't hold it in. Why did the baby put quarters in its diaper? But theyre a solid #2. I eat mop. Knock, knock. Process of Elimination. They can make anyone laugh aloud. Tell your kid to do what you say, Pokemon-style! Do you know the difference between toilet paper and a shower curtain? 77. Canoe. Whos there? We all poop! Toilet jokes arent my favorite 11. But theyre a solid #2. Another dessert joke, with a bit of soda on the side. What did one toilet bowl say to another toilet bowl? Why cant you hear a psychiatrist using the bathroom? We promise these jokes on poop do not stink at all! What stays up all night, watching everything around with its big, round eyes? Whos there? Poop jokes arent my favorite jokes. Howie. Knock, knock. 60. A cool way to ask for candy when you go trick-or-treating. Pasta. No Im not! So my new dog doesnt like to poop in the grass I guess someone is really knocking on the door! Who is that? I asked and thus began the game of funny knock knock jokes for kids. Whos there? 20. Frostbite who? It is an interactive activity with lots of pun. W. H. O. This one is for the cold, freezing winter! 55 dirty knock knock jokes. 1. The man says, Im taking it home to put on my strawberries. The little boy looks up at the man and says, I dont know where you come from, but where Im from we put cream and sugar on our strawberries.. For the client key under TLS 1.1, right-click on the right pane. The Times are rough. Whos there? Poop Poop who? 45. They cant keep their mouths shut long enough to. Whos there? Andrew who? What do you get when you cross a sweet potato and a jazz musician? Teach your toddler the alphabet with this funny knock-knock joke. Abby Abby who? Some. More shit jokes? Why didnt the Tenth Doctor like potty training as a kid? Your support helps us to write more entertaining articles for you and all joke-lovers . So theres always a 90% chance youd answer whos there. 50. Knock, knock. What is a bathroom fairy called? Dr. Dre. Knock, knock. I have one ready for you.. Howard! Poop In Your Jeans Riddle. Thermos who? They need to go to the bottom. Tank. Arfur who? Box of puns is a media company that publishes the best and funniest puns, jokes, and riddles. Ben Hur. 100 funniest knock knock jokes for kids to roll in laughter 1. How do you get the bathroom unlocked in a hurry? Your email address will not be published. Look, right there! 25. Imma. Knock knock jokes aren't exclusively for children. 80. 27. Whos there? When its time to do homework, this joke is just what your kids need! She was a party pooper. The other day I called in sick with diarrhea. What do you call a planet that poops? Not someone who will get you laid. Is farting a missed call? Knock, knock. Do you have the Poke-balls to use these Pokemon lines to impress her. But he didnt care because he went number two on them, anyway. Im stuck on the toilet! Honey bee. I sincerely hope you have a really sh*tty day. But you can help them elevate their poop joke game. FYI: January 18th is Winnie the Pooh day.Any day is a good day to share Winnie the Pooh jokes, but Winnie the Pooh day is the bestest day of the year to do it. What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea? document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { 19. 58. 22. Youre looking flushed. Iona. Pileup! I did up who? Knock knock! Knock, knock! So if you cant beat em, join em. Be sure to check back with us soon for even more jokes. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditing. 55. 42. Donut who? Whos there? Flush Gordon. Ice cream who? This article was originally published on April 2, 2020, A Mom Tracked Down Her Daughter On Roblox & Asked Her To Defrost The Lasagna. Knock, Knock! I da hoe? Most youngsters, in spite of everything, are already obsessive about poop jokes and poop puns. Roach you a letter, and Im putting it in your mailbox! Punch: Ben waiting for Halloween all year! But what makes a good knock knock joke funny, anyway? Learn more about our Knock, knock! I think knock-knock jokes are great as they are interactive says creator of Knock-Knock Jokes for Children. Whats big and brown and behind the wall? xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); No, a cow saysmooooo! Norma Lee. Your eight-year-old kid would like this one! Banana. 57. Phillip who? Knock, knock. 65. Water. How many people does it take to make the bathroom smell? I cant hold it in. Will you remember me in a minute? Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Whos there? Whos there? Whats the similarity between poop and talent? Knock Knock Joke N. Yule log the door after you let me in, won't you? MOO! Yukon. On potty training day. Avenue knocked on this door before? In fact, we'd wager that some of the first jokes you heard and . Huh? Ready for a giggle? Im a pile of who? This sounds like dirty ice cream! We definitely have more for you. Lets go out. Because they had nothing to go on. Everything about a dirty knock knock screams high school hallways and were here for it. Al give you a hug if you open this door! Althea later alligator! Wolvesly. Knock knock jokes can keep both adults and children engrossed for hours together. What did Spock find in the Enterprise toilet? } else { I was going to tell you a poop joke but its really crappy. Besides this, we highly recommend to check out my 30 favorite dad jokes. Luke. Bless you! Whos there? Poop-corn! Laugh more: Banana jokes that are totally ap-peeling. A herd who? Alectricity. Knock, Knock! Scold enough out here to go ice skating! Icy. You dont need to tell jokes that are so clever that it goes over peoples heads. Poodini. Iguana who? Children are like farts. Don Juan who? Parents are clueless on what to do with their little ones but we got you. Punch: Radio (ready or) not, here I come! Abbot. You're not a shoe! 68. Punch: Needle little help in the kitchen. What is something you never appreciate until its gone? 63. Turnip. Ice Cream Soda who? 23. 75. What is a piece of poops favorite dance move? Frayed. Next time your kid says tell me a knock knock joke, youll be ready! What do you get when you poop in your overalls? Because he plays with Pooh. My love for you is like diarrhea. Its to take your dump and it doesnt discriminate, young and old, whatever gender you are, and just like our favorite seat, these toilet puns are for everyone to sit on and enjoy. Amarillo nice person. Welcome to school because were about to school you in the art of the dirty joke. The best zingers in a timeless format. RELATED: 100+ Funny Dirty Jokes That Are Damn Hilarious RELATED: 70+ Mexican Jokes That Will Make You Fall In Love With The Country Urine trouble if you don't open the door. 14. Fuck you said who? Impatient cow Mooo!! Simply put, knock knock or knock jokes have a simple formula that begins with one person saying the words, Knock knock as if theyre knocking on a door. A broken pencil. Amos. And Jerry answered 'Do you see what I . Whos there? 72. Carrot who? Knock, knock. Cows go who? Knock, knock! Weve been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. No, youre not! Needle. My daughter made that up. 2023 Kitchen Design Trends, According . What do octopuses do after using the toilet? The joke is over. Ima Reilly. Whos there? Knock Knock Poo Jokes. Why did the toilet paper fail to cross the road? This is a knock-knock joke on Raichu, the cute orange-colored Pokemon. The Superbowl! Tonight, my place, you and me. Did you hear about the constipated composer? He was looking for Pooh! Amos. Ice cream! Because its also called a restroom! Knock, Knock! Honeydew who? I once had a case of diarrhea. Asshole! Knock, knock! She says people are profiting from "a crime.". Lettuce in, its cold out here! Robin. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? Alex-plain later! Humptys Dump. Al. Its not a pleasant feeling in the stomach and if you find yourself sitting on the toilet and waiting for something to drop then at least get loose to these jokes about pooping instead. Toe the line of impropriety without crossing it. Haha, you just said poo-poo! Why couldnt the police officers find the toilet thief? Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a27803c3b924ea3b56183b16549e15a0" );document.getElementById("h2249d7876").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Claire. Who's there? Punch: Icon tell more knock-knock jokes than you can. Whos there? Somebody too short to ring the doorbell! Whos there? Well, you either stink or swim! Does your kid know his way home? Have you ever wanted to find out which New Girl character is most like you? Whos there? Water! 68. Whos there? Whos there? Punch: Orange you glad I didnt say banana? 34.Toilet paper is a great example of "you never know what you have until it's gone". Because there was a surprise birthday potty. 146 Funny Knock-Knock Jokes Guaranteed to Crack You Up. Whos there? Whats the problem? Admitted the first, I wake up at 9 a.m., 120. Spell. Knock, knock. Why can you never hear a pterodactyl using the toilet? Well, try these on him and youll have yourself one. Whos there? Kids love knock knock jokes. A punny way to wish kids on their birthday! VIEW MORE JOKES TAGGED WITH: Knock Knock. When youre done with this page of knock knock jokes about winnie the pooh and his friends, like eeyore, tigger, rabbit, roo, kanga and gopher, head over to our big collection of winnie the pooh jokes for even more laughs. Whos there? No! 23. When where. Waste to Engine - Low Temperature Combustion of Sustainable Green Fuels. Knock, knock! 95. Knock, knock. Knock, knock Whos there? Knock, Knock! Punch: Orange (arent) you glad there is no school on Saturday? 8. Knock knock. What do women and toilet paper have in common? / Candice. If you are crying, send me your tears. Howard who? To who? By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. 27. Amos. Punch: I dont know, why dont you tell me! Fart jokes and toilet humor are things that are loved by kids. Will you remember me in a year? But you know what they should be called? 53. / Who's there? Khan who? Its really hard to find funny knock knock jokes that are actually good. Its just a joke. Knock, knock. Whos there? 6. If you are eating, send me a bite. Of course, moms and dads and family members laugh because it is the first joke they hear their kids tell. Where do sheep like to play? Mary who? It never came out. But theyre a solid number two. Poop Jokes? Whos there? So, don't let age get in your way. Do you want two CDs who? 9. What are kings farts called? Knock, Knock! Whos there? When a janitor is fired for refusing to unclog the toilets, what is it called? 46. Wanda! Knock, knock! Whos there? Both will come out when its time for them to come out. May I come in? I cant believe it took this long to combine the two! 10 facts about Diarrhea. These are the latest gags on the block exclusively for kids! Whos there? 19. It is unknown why Li'l Petey stopped doing this since Fetch-22. 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