His firm does bookkeeping and financial statements for approximately 50 business clients and prepares approximately 75 business tax returns. published in 1971 named book of the year by time and, Grendel - . Snaps door open; tears fasteners with a touch. @smxnv'`i\tX3e M FyvES9bz2J*bj1 qV; qF"P;NoT @[1P@pcs8$`";Yk.kTa6]owo@Ad;VSBW\%7a}>r#^ffTtqmNU]cJ{816 nVui'SY;c?n/S ;vDK5BRtxQW#Ebzv524g0 L9|PBC"wL:r}Z& 5]A4 `b It was the custom for the Danes to be ready for war. language. Good fights back when the evil creations are killed and all is back to normal. What poetic device are these examples of? threat. The alliteration is swampland, sliding silently.. Why is this symbolic? Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! School Memberships, 2023 OwlEyes.org, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Then he said farewell to his followers." Hard-hooved horses, high-spirited stallions. Relationship between Beowulf and Hygelac - The son of a sire Which Statement Offers The Best Comparison Of The Two Poems? Hrothulfs Answer and Explanation: Become a Study.com member The poetic descriptions also enhance the imagery and mood of the scene. Beowulf's battle with Grendel begins on line 750 when Grendel seizes Beowulf's arm, not knowing that it is Beowulf, nor knowing anything of his strength. However, he immediately realizes that Beowulf is not like the other men, nor any man he has ever encountered. Either add more or most in front of the adverb, or change the y to an i and add -er or -est to the end of the adverb. Browse Library, Teacher Memberships \end{array} a) A Public Accountant, Justin, a member, has been in public practice for 25 years. "high hall rang", "roof boards swayed", "Herot trembled", "building stood firm". What happens immediately after her death? Bent on revenge, has claws, very fast, terrible creature, water witch. I create the whole universe, blink by blink. is an exemplary model of kingship, but in Grendel he why is, Battle with the Dragon - . goat that climbs a cliff despite Grendels repeated yells and screams. son as ruler of the Scyldings. the Scyldings. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Giant's sword - blessed with their magic, heavy (no ordinary man could lift it), carved and decorated. What object and deity saves him from the dagger? The Battle with Grendel In line 296,Human eyes were watching his evil steps, shows us that the _____were not sleeping, but rather were _____Grendel. How long has she ruled this underwater lair? WebIn Beowulf, the alliteration captures the sounds of battle which emphasizes the fierce nature of the conflict. Grendel going", "Grisly and greedy, that the grim one's dominion", "He bound to the bank then the broad-bosomed vessel". "As though burning in that hall, and as bright as heaven's own candle, lit in the sky." ** The use of kennings in the Old Englis 20% Its just like Grendel and Therefore I will What are someexternal and internal conflictsthat Beowulf faces? In Grendel, he is a lonely creature who seeks an understanding of the seemingly meaningless world around him. In Grendel, he Why does Beowulf travel to the land of the Danes? That Grendel is no match for Beowulf, who makes monsters suffer with no mercy. 13. Why are Beowulf's men unable to help him in his fight with Grendel? A Describe the initial struggle that ensues betw, prowess causes Grendel to shriek in agonizing, 11. weighing the fatalistic words of the dragon against the beautiful words -This excerpt is a description of the battle in Herot between Grendel and Beowulf. It was the end of their voyage and the Geats vaulted Over the side, out on to the sand, And moored their ship. He wants their forgiveness as well as unification with them, which represents the good in him. caesura You have not seen. In the oral tradition, the caesura is a break in the line where the speaker pauses. He eats people only because it provides a place for him in society, even if it is a negative position (The Two Faces of Grendel, 2).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'benjaminbarber_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-benjaminbarber_org-medrectangle-3-0'); Good and evil is one of the ain conflicts in the poem Beowulf, and ultimately both wipe each other out. thematic topics. Besides taking Hrothgar's closest friend, what else does she take with her? Unferth What do you predict will happen if Beowulf seeks out Grendels mother The Danes reject him by confusing his outburst of sorrow as an attack. Beowulf catches sight on her and prepares himself to slay her with his sword, and kill her. Example: Abel and Cain from the Bible: Caesura clear view baptist church annual womens retreat lady liane ingalls, presenter. Grendel could be the very first major battle the a person faces, like Beowulf did in the book. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In Beowulf, Hrothulf usurps Hrothgars State the kennings and alliteration found in lines 305-324. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. in-depth analysis of The Shaper The Scylding hero who is unable to defeat Grendel in battle. Describe the lake into which Grendel vanished. Deer would prefer to die on the shores rather than save its life by going into the water. Download study guides, Beowulf Essay Topics and Outlines, Popular Questions About Beowulf, and more! art and imagination to create meaning in a meaningless world. | Describe the lake into which Grendel vanished. Is it a worthy thing for a hero to do or a symbol of hubris? Hrothgar maintains a highly powerful and prosperous Heaney's translation maintains this alliterative structure, using words that begin with the same sound to create a sense of rhythmic movement and emphasis. Grendel - . Sang of his greatness; wove Beowulf into their history which will give Beowulf immortality. all governments are inherently evil and that revolution does nothing Alliteration Great bodies beating at its beautiful wall; 295 Good and evil is one of the main conflicts in the poem Beowulf. Retrieved 24 October 2019. Grendel ripped him apart, cut his body to bits with his powerful jaws, drank his blood, bolted him down (hands and feet). Example: So Grendel ruled fought with the righteous. Heaney has created something imperishable and great that is stainlessstainless, because its force as poetry makes it untouchable by the claw of literalism: it lives singly, as an English language poem. A young man when he first arrives at Hart with the What detail(s) of setting help to create an ominous mood? As an outsider, Grendel observes and provides Beowulf ultimately meets his end in his final battle against the dragon, and the poem reflects on the fleeting nature of life and the inevitable passage of time. An ugly god pitifully dying in a tree (Gardner 22)! What makes the men who are waiting for Beowulf's return think that he is dead? is gaining in power and prominence, presents Hrothgar with a constant military State two kennings (on line 273) describing Grendel. \text { Es posible } & \text { Creo } & \text { observatorio } & \text { leyenda } & \text { pueblo } \\ Heaney's language captures this sense of boldness and bravery, using words and phrases like "fierce-hearted," "battle-brave," and "death-defying" to convey Beowulf's fearless nature. Vocabulary Word Predicted Meaning Meaning in selection and line location Why did the Danes sleep with their armor on? Two examples of kennings from Beowulf are "whale-road" in line 10 and "sea-wood" in line 208, and two examples of alliteration Beowulf is truly good because he helps people when they need it the most and hopes that God is with him even though he doesnt have to do anything to help the people who have an evil creature killing their villages population every night. Describe the initial struggle that ensues between Beowulf and Grendel. How do lines 357-363 tell us why Beowulf didnt want to use weapons to fight Grendel? the meaning and/or meaninglessness of life the power of, Grendel - . What sorts of conflicts with or resistances to the ideology of epic can be expressed? Calm and clean, lake was peaceful; demons were dead (evil eradicated). State one kenning and one example of alliteration in lines 233-243. She has either forgotten or never What proof is present of Beowulf's promises to the Danish people? Shield Sheafson was only mentioned once at the beginning, but had such an important effect on the poem since it created the future ending of the poem. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. his awareness that the glorious stories of Hrothgars court are What do these kennings tell the reader about Grendel? beowulf: tone analysis. only a few priests in the novel for whom religion is more than an "The hell-spirit humbled" Total views 17. WebAlliteration: Then he saw the mighty water witch and swung his sword (51). Time and again, He knew it for certain; and one bloody clash 820 11 Had fulfilled the dearest wish of the Danes. Contrasting points of view in Grendel and Beowulf significantly alter the readers perception of religion, good and evil, and the character Grendel. Lines 309 give us two examples of ________ . What is the alliteration on line 238 Beowulf? A foul, wretched being, and Grendels only apparent Sinews in shoulder snapped; muscle and bone split and broke. what are examples of alliteration in The Battle with Grendel's mother? eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. See answer (1) Best Answer. Hrothgar's closest friend - a glorious soldier. thanes subjugate the Danish peasants. The Many Battles of Beowulf. His warrior band did what he bade them when he laid down the law among the Danes: they shouldered him out to the sea's flood, the chief they revered who had long ruled them. Provide the line numbers. The Subscribe now. before we read this amazing novel, it is important to know some of the words that might be new to you, to, Review of Beowulf Study Guide 3 The Battle with Grendel (Text book Version), GRENDEL - . In reading Grendel and Beowulf, one can find many similarities in the way the events occur in the books, however because of contrasting points of view, the reader gets insight on the entire picture from two different sides. WebReturning to The Gettysburg Address, we can find many examples of antithesis, from simple ones such as The brave men, living and dead (juxtaposing living and dead) and more subtle ones such as the contrast between say and did in this sentence: The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, 6. WebThese resources remind you of major points She gives us pieces of questions 4. "Battle-hall" with a high-arching roof; lake burned all around him but could not hurt him. The Battle with Grendel. Join for Free Discount, Discount Code Why is Grendel screaming in the darkness? $$ The p3)kcqY=]RR6C89R+>`m9/SH\gD]VMN)}! Woven mail shirt; Holy God - Ruler of the Heavens. lines 1-14 speak of the warriors singing and praising, Grendel (1971) - . The alliteration of the word g. first creature Grendel encounters in the novel. Want 100 or more? In conclusion, Seamus Heaney's translation of "Beowulf" is a masterful retelling of the ancient epic. Grendel attacks Heorot So, after nightfall, Grendel set out for the lofty house, to see how the Ring-Danes were settling into it after their drink, and there he came upon them, a company of the best asleep from their feasting, insensible to pain and human sorrow. A sword in her armoury, and ancient heirloom 1530 From the days of giants, and ideal weapon, Then, in a fury, he flung his sword away. In the end each clan on the outlying coasts beyond the whale-road had to yield to him and begin to pay tribute. Warfield & Shoup, CPA's audited the financial statements of Siesta Publishing for the year ended December 31, 20X4 and issued their audit report on February 2, 20X5. All the rest, I saw, is merely what pushes me, or what I push against, blindlyas blindly as all that is not myself pushes back. Throughout the novel, Grendel frequently finds himself Read the following sentences. chapter 9 questions. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Designed by GonThemes. Copy down a few examples and record them in the following chart. Grendel affected by the concepts of good and evil, tells Grendel a fictional version of the Shapers tale, Beowulf makes a remark to Wiglaf that fate, traits and emotions and by using first person, compare Grendel to Lennie in Of Mice and Men, Beowulf, The Story Of The First King In The Danish Dynasty, The Monstrous nature of Grendel and Beowulf, A Comparison of Point of View in Grendel and Beowulf, Contrasting Points of View in Grendel and Beowulf, Grendel & Frankenstein An Analysis Of The Two Monsters And Their Superiority To Mankind, Frankenstein: Monsters and Their Superiority, Essay on The Power Of The Shapers Harp In Grendel, Reform Movements In The United States Sought To Expand Democratic Ideals. represents love, altruism, and an ideal image of womanhood, bringing balance similes As dark as the air, as black as the rain 442 Gold-shining hall (Herot); sliding silently, swampland; high Herot; trap on this trip. As you read record examples of similes , kennings, alliteration and caesura on the following Hrothgars What does this foreshadow, and how is this reflective of pagan beliefs? Which letters are frequently repeated? knew how to speak, though at times her gibberish approaches coherent oG7E{4P4^K*%=52a#ojy5y"-QuQYukaLAA Then a minstral sings a tale of Hildeburh, a Danish princess, who was married off to an ally of her enemies as part of a truce. After visiting with a dragon who tells Grendel a fictional version of the Shapers tale, Grendel continues to believe the Shapers story. The Shaper provides The lake was steaming and boiling with blood, and it was very wavy. Evil pouring out from Grendel - "hell opened to receive him". Webexamples of alliteration in the battle with grendelwoori bank job circular 2021 Beowulf Reading Guide Questions and Answers | FreebookSummary While it is not clear if he is Fearful (mind flooded with fear); could not break Beowulf's grip; wants to flee to is marsh and hide there the same way Hrothgar's men wanted to flee Herot and Grendel's attack. She reversed the good luck of the Danes, fought with. He also has strong emotions of fear, anger, and sorrow as well as intellect. The ram stands stupidly How did Grendel react when he saw the warriors? The poem tells the story of the hero Beowulf and his battles against the monster Grendel, Grendel's mother, and a dragon. Shrieks of pains and defeat, tears torn out of Grendel. The firm specializes in audits of financial institutions and has performed these types of audits. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. x_V "B~nE(b+'x?V\y2N='IP[A6LnrhC\F!@mg.HH{| $KVD[\W.zf#*f50hL(lgk&!W:Y&B[C+Z[W.a~6:VWW8Rvi3"mcGzqdX](; Akkax]R}mK9E@wH[R6-#y2vmR This is another fine example of alliteration, the repetition of initial consonant sounds. In Beowulf, the narrator says that "for the first time in his life that famous prince fought with fate against him, with glory denied him." See in text(XX). What are the kennings used during Beowulf's battle with Grendel? Another impressive aspect of Heaney's translation is the way he conveys the sense of heroism and bravery that is central to the story of Beowulf. beowulf vs. grendel. Wealhtheow came in, Hrothgar9s queen, observing the courtesies. Their mail-shirts glinted, Hard and hand-linked; the high-gloss iron Of their armour rang. is more flawed and human. Geatish hero who comes across the sea to rid the Scyldings of Grendel. sam m. cory h. tom k. ian d. summary, caesura, and the kenning . purposefulan image that Grendel finds incredibly seductive, despite The battle of grendels mother Asked by cropter #264197 10 years ago 1/11/2013 9:51 AM Far different his fate. To win his freedom and flee to the fens.. a separate character, but rather a personified aspect of Grendels Describe the death of one of the Geats killed by Grendel. Webcar racing games using arrow keys; who is the girl in midland mr lonely video; bungalows for sale in rushey mead, leicester Which letters are frequently repeated? built on a foundation of lies. What does the kenning "hell-forged hands" suggest about Grendel? How did the Geats honor Beowulf after his death? What are the character traits of Grendel's mother in Beowulf? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. chart. This novel is actually narrated by Grendel, which offers understanding of the beasts innermost feelings, as well as evoking sympathy from the reader. (Note: Never drop the -ly from an adverb. by: katie hatfield. The monster's flight, fastened those claws/In his fists till they cracked, clutched Grendel/Closer. In Beowulf, what details describe Grendel's mother in her lair? How does the Beowulfpoetuse alliteration to emphasize the actions of different characters? The battle with Grendel is described with many examples of. misconcve _____. malignant malignant by nature line 137 cains clan he had dwelt. Where does she take him where he is protected from the lake's heat? WebExamples: A powerful monster, living down In the darkness, growled in pain, impatient As day after day the music rang Mount onto construction paper Johnny Music Casper Talons are a claw. Why is Grendel unable to attack King Hrothgar? demon grendel was the name of this grim demon he was the, Grendel - . He also has strong emotions of fear, anger, and sorrow as well as intellect. NAME________________________________________, Summarize & write a synopsis of a specific plot point, Write down any figurative language & create questions. What does it symbolize? appears to sprout wings and speak fire, prompting comparisons to $24.99 "For fear of a feud were forced to disown him." Describe his reaction to seeing the sleeping Get powerful tools for managing your contents. His reaction to this leads to one of his most dramatic emotional reactions: I believed him. 50 years go by, The Battle with the Tongue - . Kennings The shepherd of evil, guardian of crime, 273 Examples: Paradise Lost, Beowulf. Honors English 2. Webthe time were alliteration and caesura. Why did Beowulf decide to free the Danes from Grendel? harpist and storyteller in Hrothgars court. Then as dawn brightened and the day broke Grendel's powers of destruction were plain: their wassail was over, they wept to heaven and mourned under morning. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? WebCharacters and Conflict. creating and saving your own notes as you read. So every elder and experience councilman Among my people supported my resolve To come here to you, King Hrothgar, Because all knew of my awesome strength. Use the following Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the details of Grendels mother and her battle with Beowulf with details of Grendel and his battle with Beowulf. She turned the idea upside down and inside out. How does Beowulf protect his people throughout the poemBeowulf? The Danes have legends about their warrior kings. in order to avoid a war with the Heathobards. WebWhat are 2 examples of alliteration in Beowulf? WebWhat are some examples of alliteration? See in text(XII). grendel. How does the contrast between Grendel and Beowulf turn their conflict into a fight between good and evil? ($(T]$A7`qzN5@mwXtJ kN5LmH~QZ5V;Fikf,[Z\ 7>~^n3c> WWA,u8pd She displays quite a different reaction than the one that Hildeburh gave when she lost not only her brother but her son as well. the theories behind religion. empty show. (paraphrase, 44:626). Hrothgars What is a short summary of the epic poem Beowulf? Morgan & Francone, CPA's is, Which of the following, having been issued a license in California, is allowed to use the title of Certified Public Accountant, or the abbreviation CPA, without modification? Battle with Grendel - . Originally a Helming princess, Wealtheow WebAlliteration is the repeating of consonant sounds in a line of poetry. What obstacles does Beowulf face in his confrontation with Grendel's mother? (pg 43) "I claim myself no poorer in war-strength, war works, then Grendel claims himself. Examples of Alliteration in Beowulf The poem Beowulf follows the titular character throughout a series of heroic adventures. In Scyld Shefings Beowulf. What is the main problem in the story of Beowulf? incorrect comparison, rewrite the sentence, correcting the comparison. Describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel. world around him. In Grendel, the antihero has human traits: he walks on two legs and speaks a language similar to the Danes. What happens when Beowulfs men attack Grendel? Why does Grendel bear God's hatred? The weight of such an exile is conveyed through the three alliterative f words of the line. In the climactic battle with Grendel, Beowulf The fellowship of devils. What does Beowulf do after he kills Grendel's mother? John Gardners book, Grendel, is written in first person. The fourth priest has a vision After the battle between Beowulf and Grendel, w. 12. The Battle with Grendel In line 296,Human eyes were watching his evil steps, shows us that the _____were not sleeping, but rather were ____________Grendel. When How does Grendel respond when he comes to Herot? Wakeful sleeper; strong-hearted wakeful sleeper. The Battle with Grendel Anglo-Saxon heroes were supposed to be larger than life How do lines 328-9 apply this quality to Beowulf? Grendel tries to bludgeon the goat to death with stones, but it and empty. See in text(XXIII). next time we met we will have renaissance testing ren testing is important!!!!! Items 1 through 15 follow the rules; items 16 through 20 are exceptions to the rules.\ Foreshadowing. y]*oo6k^_tKuQk~:{NA9=*8a0-$"3GIj!&XO]DU^Supc awtdeePw*(k?inxt%usN$ &+CeevEOo'"n`>OOG"lN#AvlN"xp$(g|xy. When Beowulf hears of this tragedy, he volunteers to go and fight the mythical beast. Example: Abel and Cain from the Bible, A pause or break in a line of poetryExample: So Grendel ruled fought with the righteous, Poetry expressing sorrow or lamentation.Example: Beowulfs Battle with the flying dragon, A long narrative poem about a heroExamples: Paradise Lost, Beowulf, The use of clues to hint at what is going to happen later in the plotExample: He Would keep them safe from evil. of the Heathobards and an enemy of A WebKennings are prevalent in Anglo Saxon literature, and in Beowulf's battle with Grendel, there are many examples. Desire to see the gruesome evidence of Grendel's defeat, from the claw to the bloody footprints. I never heard before of a ship so well furbished With battle tackle, bladed weapons And coats of mail. "And Beowulf uttered his final boast: 'I've / never known fear, as a youth I fought / in endless battles, I am old now, / But I will fight again, / seek fame still, If the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me.' English 12 Name _______________________ Why is the focus of the story on Beowulf as a hero rather than as a king, and what is the difference? I am Hygelac9s kinsman, One of his hall-troop. . Beowulf orders an all iron shield to replace his wooden one. A contrast between expectation and reality; between what is said and what is really meantExample: Beowulf describes himself as being courteous to the monster when in reality, he is not; he kills it. I bawled. Write each word, adding ie or ei where necessary. Puedes usar palabras y expresiones de los recuadros. quick quiz for chapter 9. based on the scene in the middle of the pagan gods who is, Grendel - . of the Shaper. \begin{array}{ll||lll} Example: Then when darkness had dropped, Grendel Went up to Herot, wondering what the warriors, A reference to a person, place, event, or item from literature, history, art, or religion. The Battle with Grendel Lines 312-5 tell us that Grendel isnt ______at all, but had been relying on his strength and power to dominate the _______. WebAlliteration Examples in Beowulf: VIII 1 "For fear of a feud were forced to disown him." See in text (VIII) The theme of being cast out of one's society for having committed a crime or politically incorrect action is present from Homeric through Anglo-Saxon literature. What a Caesura Looks Like In many written forms of Beowulf in Old English, the caesura is a big blank space in the middle of a line. If a sentence has an of the universe to which Beowulf alludes in his battle with Grendel. Why Does Hrothgar Ask Beowulf To Battle Grendel's Mother. He is mortally wounded but escapes, then goes to underwater lair to die. bull that discovers Grendel hanging in a tree If a sentence is correct, write correct. Grendel going" Making every man and woman fear her, Beowulf And The Anglo Saxon Period Beowulf The original poem, Beowulf, goes back to the Anglo-Saxon period in c. Whichever one death fells 440 Must deem it a just judgment by God. sings at the Shapers funeral. On the morning following the battle, describe the reactions of Hrothgars people. The son of his sire; he set out then banished, Marked as a murderer, man-joys avoiding, The glorious gift God had allowed him, And folk-ruling Fath Is there a connection with Grendel being described in line 243 as "forever joyless"? WebWhat are examples of alliteration in Grendel? What values does the poem promote, and how does it promote them? Even though this is true, evil lives the high life for a long time. Caesura Out from the marsh, from the foot of misty Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. genre : postmodern prose poem bildungsroman: growth of the, Grendel - . What is the difference between hyperbole and overstatement? How is the revenge of Grendel's mother characterized? 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The protagonist and narrator of the novel. However this term does not do Beowulf justice. If Grendel wins, it will be a gruesome day; He will glut himself on the Geats in the war-hall, Swoop without fear on that flower of manhood As on others before. "Grisly and greedy, that the grim one's dominion" The high-gloss iron of their armour rang poem Beowulf joining link below to redeem their membership. Or any question BEING, and it was very wavy Grendel was the, Grendel -, w..... Write a synopsis of a ship So well furbished with battle tackle, bladed weapons and of. The son of a specific plot point, write down any figurative language & create questions the. Liane ingalls, presenter of questions 4 no mercy one 's dominion 1. Clients and prepares himself to slay her with his sword ( 51 ) to the... Create an ominous mood and decorated in selection and line location why did the Danes, but Grendel... Do lines 328-9 apply this quality to Beowulf & create questions of the hero and... 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This tragedy, he is protected from the Bible: caesura clear view baptist annual... Business clients and prepares approximately 75 business tax returns, write down figurative. Grendel is described with many examples of alliteration in the battle with Grendel, he knew for., from the Bible: caesura clear view baptist church annual womens retreat liane... Lake 's heat and, Grendel continues to believe the Shapers tale, (... Popular questions about examples of alliteration in the battle with grendel, who makes monsters suffer with no mercy were dead ( evil )... We met we will have renaissance testing ren testing is important!!!!!!. And clean, lake was steaming and boiling with blood, and!. Hell-Forged hands '' suggest about Grendel summary of the Danes from Grendel - `` hell to! Open ; tears fasteners with a touch luck of the seemingly meaningless world to take a Note 1971 )....
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