Project Coordinator Bob Jones University 4.3 Greenville, SC 29614 Estimated $51.3K - $65K a year We require our students to regularly attend and faithfully serve in a local church as part of their student experience at BJU (Heb. We believe God assigns distinct roles to men and women in marriage and in the church. After narrating Gods creation of a world teeming with life, the Bibles first chapter climaxes with Gods first recorded words. However, the school is well on its way. Bob Jones is no ordinary university. And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good (Gen. 1:31). Bob Jones University is opposed to intermarriage of the races because it breaks down the barriers God has established." In 2000 the university ended its official prohibition against interracial dating. The prophet Jeremiah speaks of God forming, knowing, and sanctifying him in his mothers womb. The university, with about 5,000 students, didn't begin admitting black students until nearly 20 years after the U.S. Supreme Court's 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling found public segregated schools were unconstitutional. by. BJU in recent years, has been on a course to correct past wrongs and focus on the gospel. Columbia International University, a Midlands Christian university, saw undergraduate enrollment decline 22 percent in the same period. We also have this same responsibility on our campus. Bob Jones University founded in 1927 in South Carolina said its rules on race were shaped by culture instead of the Bible, according to a statement posted Thursday on its Web site. I did not enter BJU with these doubts. In my opinion, this will not happen if we turn back the clock. When Shielagh Clark toldBob Jones University officials in 2005 that she had been sexually assaulted by her former pastor, they did not tell her to report it to thepolice. . Now eight years later, the university has admitted that its policies were wrong. 2023 STSTOP300!. You may very well get your wish. #1. 28:1620; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:4449; Acts 1:8). When I left, I had doubts about my faith and had little interest in it. Our musical choices should avoid worldliness and evidence a desire to pursue Christ-likeness. Pettit has been the best thing to ever happen at Bob Jones. She visited BJU last year with a group, and I told her I couldnt have recommended it 15 years ago, but I think that I could now. "It's unfortunate it took them this long particularly a religious, faith-based institution to realize that we all are human beings and the rights of all people should be respected and honored," said Lonnie Randolph, president of the association's state chapter. Jones III, who served as the school's president from 1971 to 2005, wrote an open letter defending Pettit's critics. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. 27:21; Gal. This story was originally published August 27, 2018 3:39 PM. We ask our faculty and staff to worship and serve in churches that are in agreement with our core doctrinal beliefs and theological positions and that substantially align with our spiritual objectives, including a doxological approach to corporate worship. 23:22). Clarkidentified herself as that former student. We believe God intended heterosexual marriage to be an enduring covenanted relationship established before Himself and man to propagate the human race, lovingly express healthy relational and sexual intimacy, and picture the covenant relationship He has with all genuine believers. When human embryos are implanted into surrogate mothers wombs, they receive no new genetic information from the surrogate mother. God values human life. Photography by Kevin Truong. We believe that whenever there is an ethical dilemma the default position should always be to protect life, including the unborn (Prov. 15:15; 2 Thess. 2:1315). That's kind of a new term in use in the higher ed landscape. Numerous other texts assume the personhood of unborn children (Gen. 25:2326; 38:2730; Job 31:1518; Ps. The warrants describe two incidents where a woman said she was sexually assaulted by Weaver at the apartment during the trip. The institution of marriage has been valued by every culture and society throughout human history. The opposition to Pettit has nothing to do with morality or doctrine, but with preferences of Christian practice, according to one alumnus. 8:2939). Because the positions set forth in this statement are grounded in the biblical, moral and ethical commands clearly taught and demanded by Scripture, BJU expects all employees and students enrolled at BJU to agree with and abide by this statement on marriage, human sexuality, and gender identity. Those who, as students or employees, have chosen to place themselves under said policies will also acknowledge the need for a charitable attitude toward each other and toward those charged with the responsibility of setting institutional policies as well as demonstrate a willingness to follow the polices that are set in place. At the time of my disclosure, I was further traumatized by the people who should have embraced me and led me toward healing. The Supreme Court determined in Bob Jones University v. United States, 461 U.S. 574 (1983), that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may deny tax-exempt status to institutions, such as BJU, whose policies are "contrary to established public policy," even if those policies are based on religious beliefs. The petition reads: Our president is under evaluation for a renewal of his contract in the coming months. In our campus worship contexts, we are strongly committed to using music that is distinctly Christian, that is conservative in style, that is clearly distinct from worldliness, that promotes unity on our campus, and that clearly reflects and evokes an appropriate love, joy, thankfulness, contrition, and reverence worthy of the true and living God whom we worship. Marriage is a covenantal life-long relationship between a woman and a man who were physically created and assigned these genders by God (Gen. 1:27; Ps. 9:28; 1 John 3:23). While we recognize that not all believers who desire to obey truth agree with every aspect of complementarianism, the basic tenets of complementarianism articulated here reflect what BJU believes and teaches on this issue. According to arrest warrants, Weaver was with a group from his churchfor a visit to Bob Jones when he brought agirlon the trip into the university-owned apartment where he was staying. 5:18; 1 Tim. Death is inevitable, but not desirable. However, a few years ago I noticed things began to change. 5:1920, 1 Cor. Because we want our campus to be a place where music is appreciated, practiced, and enjoyed in ways appropriate to the various settings and contexts of a Christian liberal arts university, we want to set reasonable expectations and clear boundaries that are aligned with the philosophy set forth in this document. But on campus, behind the chain-linked, barbed-wire fence, in the cream-colored buildings, where the 6,500 students of Bob Jones University go about the Lord's work, such worldly concerns matter . 22:910; Isa. Hebrews 9:27 speaks of Gods appointing mans death and subsequent judgment. it was amazing 5.00 avg rating 5 ratings published 2003. . Bob Jones University Press. Finally, consider that the world you so desperately speak evil of is watching and further laughing and mocking Christianity. Under Pettits leadership, the school regained its federal-tax exempt status and earned accreditation. The Bible is a book about life and death. His attorney, Lucas Marchant, declined to comment. Likewise, the account of Samsons birth assumes the personhood of his fetus. In my first job after BJU in government, I was surrounded by colleagues from top schools and over time, I realized my education was seriously lacking. A. Bob Jones University believes the account of origins in Genesis is a factual narrative of historical events; that is, God created the universe, including all original kinds of living organisms (including man) in six literal days (Exod. They are quite different schools. A call to a phone number associated with Weaver in online records was not returned. 1:1621; 3:2). This is one of the most significant issues that Christians must wrestle with today, particularly in the university setting. "Your concerns for the future of the University are not unwarranted," he wrote: The prophet also indicates that death in the womb is possible, implying that while in the womb he was a living person. In Bob Jones University v. United States, 468 F. Supp. 3:3; Titus 1:7; 1 Pet. Bob Jones' spiritual experiences are extraordinary to say the least. (1 Cor. Death is a wretched and abnormal condition resulting from mans rebellion against his Creator. BJU has identified itself with the movement and has played a major role in its leadership. 19:32; Prov. 1 17, 2023. The way the school tells it, an administrator was fired for having a . 1:00 When Shielagh Clark told Bob Jones University officials in 2005 that she had been sexually assaulted by her former pastor, they did not tell her to report it to the police. So, for Bob Jones University, we like to think about beyond the four-year degree. The virgin birth of Jesus Christ, his experience of human sorrow and suffering, his vicarious atonement, and his sacrificial death on a cruel instrument of torture compellingly demonstrate that God values human life. In academic programs where we have more faculty than needed, we have notified faculty that their contracts will not be renewed following the end of this academic year in May, Page said. 15:21). We also believe that we are called to speak Gods truth in love (Eph. 1:1112). Bachelor of Arts in Piano Pedagogy, Cum laude. What I do know is the testimony of those that have been there under Steve Pettits leadership and the huge (good) difference I have seen in that progression. In light of this, policy makers will accept the responsibility to lead in the meekness of wisdom (James 3), regularly evaluating institutional choices and cultural trends on the basis of virtue, appropriateness, expediency, and artistry, while taking care to avoid wounding consciences of other believers (1 Cor. Nov 28, 2021. God especially values human life. Students further steward their musicianship skills through participatory, experiential learning in ensembles, in private or group lessons, and in opera, musical theatre, and concert productions under the caring guidance of our credentialed and highly skilled music faculty. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), o r contact The Trevor Project or Trans Lifeline. Bob Jones University Archive Obituary BJU Hall of Fame BJU Alumni Association 2022 Class of 1951 Jean Wideman Sandy Allen, Marcia Virginia 93, of Seminole, Florida, passed away peacefully July 13, 2022. 4:16) and to proclaim, defend, and live worthy of the truths of the Gospel that comprise the Faith that has been fully delivered to the Church in the Scriptures (Phil. This requires that each gender treat the other with dignity, respect, and love. And God demonstrates that He values human life in the humanity of His Son. 1The Charter of Bob Jones College [University]. Ariel Gilreath is a watchdog reporter focusing on education and family issues with The Greenville News andIndependent Mail. We will use music that encourages the broadest possible participation within our assemblies, both in singing and reflecting on doctrinally accurate, scripturally rich truths (Col. 3:16). To watch an administration stop and train leadership (from the top down) to help the student body live as authentic Christians changed me. I was a student during the transition years of Stephen Jones and Steve Pettit. From its founding, BJU has been and continues to be identified with orthodox, evangelical Christianity as expressed in historic Fundamentalism. The leader of the South Carolina National Association for the Advancement of Colored People said the civil rights group welcomed the statement. 15:4249). Conor Hughes contributed to this report. 1:57). It is vital for the student body, faculty, and any others to show their support for Dr. Steve Pettit.. All rights reserved. 5:9). God values all created life. 13:7) and humbly acknowledge our prejudices when they are exposed (Acts 11:4-17 . 13:13; Rom. Professors are not only there to teach but guide. Whether composing an instrumental work, creating a new setting for an ancient hymn text, singing in gathered worship, performing in a recital, attending a concert, or building a playlist for recreational listening, we will seek to make musical choices that are marked by virtue, appropriateness, expediency, and artistry. The New Testament teaches that the local church is indispensable to the spiritual growth and health of every genuine Christian (1 Pet. In doing so, we also seek to model for our students how to think intentionally about their own decisions about music for the glory of God and the good of others. Since the fall, humans have usurped Gods sovereignty over the limits of human life. 18:618; 1 Cor. Praying for wisdom and grace for all in the days ahead. After conception the only physical requirements necessary to sustain fetal life are the same requirements necessary to sustain adult lifenutrition, water, and oxygen. BJU will associate with individual local churches in our community based on their doctrinal beliefs, theological commitments, and alignment with our positions and spiritual values. Greenville , SC 29614 If people on the board would rather see the school close then become liberal, congratulations. We would handle this situation much differently if it were to happen today. 9:2528) but efficient only for those who exercise faith and believe (Rom. We stand on what we believe the Scriptures articulate in specific texts; and therefore, where these two systems accord with the clear, normative teaching of Scripture we agree; where they do not, we disagree. 21:2225). Due to the modern rise in the usage of other addictive substances, this statement furthers the application of our position. Anyone violating this position will face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or suspension. Gods invitation of salvation is freely offered to all men (Rev. The challenge is starker at Bob Jones University, the bastion of American fundamentalism for nearly a century. It is the Universitys position that total abstinence from alcohol usage is crucial to the believers unhindered and unobscured testimonyin the home, among fellow believers in the church, in the workplace and in society at large. Late last month, the man who Clark said assaulted her was arrested by Greenville police. We believe God made humans in His image as rational creatures who are charged with investigating and maximizing the usefulness of Gods creation (Gen. 1). 139:1316; Matt. If they would rather see it close than support their agenda, then I can equally say that I would rather see it close than regress to its former state. 19:46; 1 Cor. #7 John of Japan, Apr 23, 2008. The University does not allow the use, purchase, sharing, or possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, any illegal drug, or the recreational use of any drug, misuse of legally prescribed medications, or use of synthetic street drugs or medical marijuana. Here are some of the comments on the petition: Being almost forced to attend BJU in 2016, I imagined I was going to a BJU very similar to the one my parents attended in the 1980s emphasising desired Christian lifestyle out-workings above nearly everything else. In 1983 . Although Bob Jones University does not hold to a King James Only position, and from the founder to the present administration, we have never taken the position that there can be only one good translation in the English language, we continue to use the King James Version (KJV) as the campus standard in the undergraduate classroom and chapel pulpit. The theme of God valuing human life is found throughout the Bible. Bob Jones University Exposed: A peek behind the scenes at BJU. The following article is a personal analysis of this interview. The Old Testament begins with the creation of man in Gods image. One year before he became involved with the famous Scopes trial, which was a showdown between evolutionists and creationists in 1925 over teaching evolution in public schools, the former United States . Human sexuality is part of Gods divine design for human beings (Gen. 1:28). A woman was caught on video using a racial slur and it exploded on the internet. We believe that followers of Jesus Christ who are governed by the Bible are ethically obligated to preserve, promote, and defend the sanctity of life. Clark said she reported to Greenville police in November that Weaver assaulted her 19 years ago, when he was 37 and she was 16 years old, while he was herpastor at Hyde Park Baptist Church in New York. We believe the genealogies recorded in Genesis 5 and 11 indicate a date for the creation week less than ten thousand years ago. is a college. Filed Under: Way of Improvement Tagged With: Bob Jones III, Bob Jones University, Christian colleges, fundamentalism, Trump says evangelicals who have yet to back his 2024 candidacy are disloyal. We believe God intended heterosexual marriage for the propagation of the human race and the loving expression of healthy relational and sexual intimacy, and to picture the covenant relationship He has with all believers (Eph. In Bob Jones University v. United States, the Supreme Court considered the constitutionality of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) denying tax exemptions to religious institutions that practiced racial discrimination. Bob Jones University 1985 1988. Located in South Carolina, which is a city setting in South Carolina, the campus itself is Urban. Bob Jones University v. United States, 461 U.S. 574 (1983), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that the religion clauses of the First Amendment did not prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from revoking the tax exempt status of a religious university whose practices are contrary to a compelling government public policy, such as eradicating racial discrimination While I will always be grateful for the rock solid education and strong Christian impact it had on our lives, I strongly believe that God used Steve Petitt to save BJU from perhaps having to close its doors as other Christian colleges have been forced to do in the recent past. The further it strays from man-made law and coercion the better. This framework is derived from a philosophical framework on which institutional practices and policies are built and regularly reviewed. We believe in the visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ at His Second Coming (John 14:3; Acts 1:11; 1 Thess. 7:116; Eph. Your concerns for the future of the University are not unwarranted, he wrote: Over the last year some embarrassing, antithetical things, historically uncharacteristic things, which would have never happened in the past have occurred. by. First and foremost, we require faculty, staff, and students to attend churches whose doctrinal statements and practices fully agree with the following core biblical doctrines set forth in the Scripture and those articulated in the BJU Creed. The Scriptures teach that God created man and woman in His image (Gen. 1:2728), brought them together in the life-long covenant relationship of marriage and blessed this union (Gen. 1:28). Greenville , SC 29614 Cuppa Jones Express Cuppa Jones Express Closed 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd. Though they are both Fundamentalist, Maranatha is strongly Baptist, but BJU is interdenominational, having been founded by a Methodist evangelist. The conservative, Christian university in Greenville said it spent more than expected because of increased health care costs and a larger demand for student scholarships, according to an emailed statement from university spokesman Randy Page. A persons entire genome (full complement of chromosomes) exists in the zygotethe single cell formed by the union of the male sperm and female ovum. Further, the zygote contains the entire genetic information necessary to navigate the entire process of intrauterine development, growth, birth, puberty, and adult maturation. Sanctification begins at regeneration (Titus 3:5), progressively increases throughout a believers life (Rom. Solomon affirms that for each person, God determines a time to be born, and a time to die (Ecc. If BJU chooses to let Dr. Pettit go and reverts to focusing on externals, I wont be able to recommend BJU anymore. The Bible contains many warnings on the use of alcohol and teaches the need for discernment (Prov. 3:9). The statement said the university also is adding new programs such as a French major, a bachelor of music composition degree, a concentration on civil engineering and a Ministry Studies program focusing on church revitalization. 3:1516; 2 Pet. Jonesianism is a bigoted devotion to BJU and the Joneses. As an orthodox, historic fundamentalist, non-denominational Christian liberal arts university, Bob Jones University has taken a consistent stand for complete abstinence from the use of alcohol since our inception in 1927. Pettit heretically teaches that "THE RACE" we run as Christians is necessary for salvation. Im an alumnus and I would never recommend anyone go to BJU until Pettit started implementing reforms. Because of these truths, we expect our faculty and staff to be active members in good standing of a local church. Education. Bob Jones University enjoys a rich, musical heritage from a conservative Christian culture for which we are thankful and to which we are committed. Bob Jones University is reducing its staff by 50 people after it overshot its budget by $4.5 million, the university said in a statement. We will avoid musical choices that encroach upon our full cooperation with Gods redemptive plan for human flourishing, both in our own individual lives and in the lives of those whom we influence. With this in mind, we are applying the framework of virtue, appropriateness, expediency, and artistry in our contexts of scholarship, worship, and recreation as follows. 10:31). In 2017, 2,606 undergraduate students attended the university. The school then changed its policy but still prohibited any interracial dating or marriage. An emphasis on grace-enabled sanctification that conforms to the moral and ethical mandates of Scripture and that resists the current corrupt culture displayed in worldliness. suggesting that people should be exposed to coronavirus to keep. The Bible clearly prohibits not only non-consensual sexual misconduct (Deut. 16:9; 84:2; 150). The IRS notified Bob Jones University officials on November 30, 1970, of the pending challenge to its tax exemption, and in early 1971 the IRS issued Revenue Ruling 71-447, which required all charitable institutions to adopt and publish a nondiscrimination policy in compliance with the common-law concepts in sections 501 (c) (3) and 170 of the IRC. 6:23; 10:910; 1 Cor. I knew immediately this was leadership I wanted to learn and serve under. Furthermore, they are accompanied with commitments to promote the unity of the Body (John 17:2023; Eph. BJU holds a complementarian position which affirms that men and women are both created equally as full bearers of the image of God, have equal value and standing before God, and equally enjoy the blessings and grace of God. Clark, who attended Bob Jonesfrom 2004 to 2005, said she was included but not identified in a report the university commissioned to investigate its handling of sexual abuse allegations. "We failed to accurately represent the Lord and to fulfill the commandment to love others as ourselves. 2:1213). BJU requires its faculty, staff, and students to seek churches who continue to proclaim, practice, and protect these cardinal truths. 29:29; Acts 2:2324; 2 Thess. Bob Jones University is a 73-year-old institution grounded in academic excellence and Biblical doctrine. 5:3; Col. 3:5), adultery (Exod. 3:2). To happen today members in good standing of a local church everything that He had made, and a to... & # x27 ; s kind of a new term in use the... Speaks of God valuing human life is found throughout the Bible Carolina, University! Love ( Eph contains many warnings on the use of alcohol and teaches the need for discernment Prov... 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