As every step forward you take, again without trying to get too poetic about it, that rucksack, which is how I see it, its a rucksack with a bunch of rocks in it and every six months or so it gets significantly lighter. And thats the reason why I resigned. Journalist and political strategist, Andy Coulson was editor of the News of the World from 2003 until his resignation in 2007, following the conviction of one of the newspaper's reporters in relation to illegal phone-hacking. I thought that was pretty unusual and unfair, but it happened so I had to deal with it. Youve got, obviously, a lot of press outside your front door. I think, as you say, if she had decided enough was enough I dont think there is anyone who would have blamed her for it. I got told by a couple of prison guards, because I chatted to everyone, again, its the journalist in me, I had lots of conversations with other prisoners and with prison guards, prison officers and two of them actually told me, Youre just being put to the bottom of the pile, Andy. It was all part of that experience, it's what you have got to lean on and you change and you evolve and I definitely got to that point by the time I got to prison. So I did. And actually, I dont feel much right now at all, life is good. But I didnt have that because I knew that there would be one, possibly two more trials when I came out of Belmarsh. Reading has been very important through my crisis. Jane: And when they came to visit Belmarsh, because a lot of people listening to this will never have been to a Category A prison, even to visit, why is that your regret? It turned out that all of my research and all the advice was entirely wrong and so a lot of the stuff that I took in, I had a radio, I took some books, all of that was gone, stamps were gone. And that was corrosive. [52], On 24 July 2012, Coulson was charged along with seven others for "conspiring to intercept communications without lawful authority from 3 October 2000 to 9 August 2006. When did you last speak to him? We were doing, it sounds ridiculous, Dragons Den presentations of ideas for what they were going to do when they got released, and mock interviews. [1] They have three children. Its proper drama. And in prison, as I mentioned, there was that book ban and I could not have been more delighted on the day that I finally got into the library at Belmarsh. "[31] According to Chris Bryant MP, senior officials working with Coulson believed that he had the same clearance level as his predecessor. When you resigned, did you feel the sense of the crisis that was about to come your way at that point? Andy: There were moments when I felt utter despair. [13] He was sentenced on 4 July 2014 to 18 months in prison. And thats just not where I am. I saw him in January. Its definitely true of The Pickwick Papers because youve got politics, youve got the law, youve got prison, youve got journalism. Which do you think it was? Andy: Oh yeah, without any shadow of a doubt and thats thanks to her, not me. Its an audit, right, when these things happen in your life. Andy: Yeah, yeah. Youd get out for an hour and then youd be back in again and youd do anther 23 hours and it was boiling. Theres a door that youre going to go through. On one level its fundamentally depressing to find yourself there. I think thats been an enormous help. So, wed had lots of conversations but then, yes, we had to have a conversation about what it meant. "Due to the unique nature of our shoreline, we have designed and constructed our own barges and tugs to accommodate services in landscaping, septic systems, demolition, and excavation,"says Arnie. I think on one level the answer was yes, because it was just so long. People treated us with respect and we did the same. Downfall of the 'Essex boy done good': Andy Coulson's journey to Downing Street and how his wife stood by him as the hacking trial exposed his infidelity and forced him to sell their 1.65m house. So thats how I spent quite a bit of my time there. And I just thought to myself, how the hell did I end up here? Jane: You were acquitted. [42] Coulson has denied these latest claims. Appalling times, by the way, that are far in excess of anything that Ive ever experienced, and we became friends. Andy: Yeah, my view was that they had absolutely every right to be at the end of my drive and they had every right to try and get a picture of me and I had every right to avoid it. This podcast is about a crisis and how you get through it. Certainly not for me. I knew that Eloise would have read it and I knew that my mum would have read it. Jane: So, you have to sit there on your own. I think actually, given that I was a tabloid newspaper editor and a political communications director, I dont really think theres much of a moral high-horse for me to climb on if people want to form a view of me. But I never, at any point, felt that I was being treated worse than anyone else. Certainly, when you find yourself in crisis and thats also, more importantly, just not how I see it. So, until you are there for, as it turned out for me, a couple of weeks, a bit longer actually, youve got to wear this kind of corned-beef-coloured tracksuit, which is utterly charming. And I have to say that we never had any problems. [1] He follows Tottenham Hotspur. Nobody put a gun to my head and told me to do those jobs. Jane: I mean, two of those jobs there that you mentioned, the powerful jobs, obviously they do bring their own sort of sets of criticism with them. If thats how he feels, thats how he feels. Andy: There were a lot of politics in it. So I actually had a little bit of time at home to be able to prepare, which I was very grateful for because that allowed me to talk to the kids and to talk to Eloise and get things sorted, get organised as best I could. [39], As the Conservative Party's director of communications, Coulson continued to be subjected to allegations that he was aware of the hacking of phones while serving as the editor of News of the World. Dead reporter's brother at inquiry. Jane: So how did you find out, or when did you find out that you were being moved? Ive really enjoyed it, but the process is that Im asking a whole bunch of really interesting people to share their stories and I just got to the end of the first series and it didnt seem very fair, frankly, that I hadnt put myself through the same process. Former government director of communications and News of the World. As director of communications for the Conservatives he does an excellent job in a proper, upright way at all times. I know Harvey was, what, 14? Jane: We now know, obviously, that you came through all of that, you served your time, the Scottish situation went away. [25], Coulson became the Conservative Party's director of communications on 9 July 2007. That was a good moment for us because we were then very clear that this was not about me becoming chums, this was about me being a professional advisor to him and him taking that advice seriously and the relationship on that basis went forward. I think it is something that you need to continually look at and work on and assess and I certainly do that. [15] Other defendants were cleared. Search instead in Creative? It's only the bloody Stig.This Just In is an online comedy service . He had not been subjected to the highest level of vetting, "developed vetting", allowing unrestricted access to top secret material. And keep the smile on my face and move myself and my family forward every day, which is exactly what we do, its exactly our attitude. Andy: Well I think for most people, not all actually, but most people who go to prison it's the kind of beginning of the end because yes youre in a van, yes youre going to Belmarsh, but you know now you are on the road, actually, to the end. He attended high school in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where his father was a professor at nearby Duke University. I dont know how long you can give it but I want you to stay and be in Downing Street with me, which was, I have to say, enormously flattering. Youve got to be either black or white. Im pleased about that but someone needs to tell Google. And I managed to get down just in time and before you know it youre off driving through the city and I just remember looking at the bright blue sky really. The Coulson Brothers - Mills Brothers Medley -Bass Guitar & Vocals - Curt CoulsonLead Guitar & Vocals - Jack CoulsonKeyboards & Vocals - Otis CliftonDrums & . And politics is an hourly crisis, right? Jane: I wanted to talk about Eloise now. And thats absolutely not how I feel. Andy: Dangers of drug smuggling and all manner of other suggested uses for books. Andy, hello. Did you do a lot of that? [34], On 7 February 2011, Coulson and his wife established 'Elbrus Consultants Ltd'. Its an unnatural thing to do to relive your life and, by the way, if all you are doing is reliving your life through a negative prism, its a fundamentally unhealthy thing to do. I think thats probably about right and so I have no issue with other peoples views about me. Weve made a lot of cups of tea for journalists standing on the end of our drive over the years, quite happily. So even though Id spent eight and a half months in the Old Bailey in a trial, knowing that that was a possibility, sat in a dock for the large part, theres a padded green door on your left that you know goes to the cells and theres the exit on the right, although Id spent all that time wondering am I going to go left or right, when you hear the word guilty you know full well that youre going to be going left. Jane: Hard not to be, though, I would have thought. Jane: So, there came a point where you thought, OK, I dont know how long Im going to be here. His brother and co-founder John Collison scored the highest-ever score received by a student for the Irish Leaving Certificate. So, I got a lot of that. You try and work out what you can take into prison and what you cant. At that stage there was a book ban in prisons, so no chance of getting any books at all. As a result we spent inordinate amounts of time just sat behind a door. I am very sorry for the mistakes that I made at the News of the World. So, I knew at that point that Id be going to prison and that was obviously not where I thought my life would take me. I dont need you take my advice but I do need you to listen to my advice. What I was reading, I disagreed with. Five years that saw him fall from grace from Number 10 Downing Street to a cell in a high-security prison. There are very, very few of them that I continue to feel any sort of disappointment about, because people have got their own lives and you see that very quickly. Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson's 'mobile phone was hacked by his own newspaper's private detective' Coulson, 45, 'fully in the know' about illegal practice, prosecution has said. [43] Sean Hoare, showbusiness reporter at News of the World during Coulson's reign speaking on Five Live, who accused Coulson of lying, has said that indeed Coulson did not ask him to phone hack but veiled his request in "metaphorical language" and asked him to practise his "dark arts". The main thing for me is that bitterness bullet, youve just got to keep dodging it, because bitterness really does send you only one way, it will only ever send you backwards. Now, she already knew about it, but having it made public was not easy, of course, and then you went to prison. Fair enough, really. Thats how I sort of see it really and thats how I see life. [46][47], He was a witness in HM Advocate v Sheridan and Sheridan, where he denied under oath that he had any knowledge of phone hacking at the News of the World, or that he knew Glenn Mulcaire, the private detective at the centre of controversy. I do believe its a muscle and my muscle was very well exercised by the time I found myself dealing with my own. There are probably people out there who maybe even think worse, but there is nothing I can do about that. And I had so much incoming. Having to ring Eloise and say, its not just about getting through this prison sentence, we are going to do it all over again, that was probably the worst moment. Its amazing. David Cameron appointed Coulson as communications director in 2007. But pretty quickly I got my head around it and although we spent a lot of time behind the door there were also periods of time when youre allowed out to exercise, walking around a concrete yard. The judge added that it was for him, and not the jury, to decide on this aspect of the case and that the Crown's legal submissions had failed to satisfy him that Coulson's evidence had been sufficiently relevant to the Sheridan trial. There was no brutality about it at all. Im with a bunch of other people who are in the same situation as me and Ive just got to make the best of it really. Andy: I think I would, to be honest, yeah, because Im just not outraged enough by much any more. I think people are due their opinion. I didnt find it easy but Im glad, once we got to Hollesley Bay, Im very glad we did it. Never mind my resilience and my crisis, the truth of the matter is it was as much a crisis for them and for Ellie as it was for me. My brother was there and one of my best pals, Kris, and there was a lot of manly hugging and goodbyes. But as I said in court, I made a lorry load of mistakes as an editor. Thats why I love podcasting, actually, its that its not a formal interview process, its a conversation. Series 2. And then I was told its 18 months and before you know it, youre through that green door and youre handcuffed and youre taken down to the cells. Jane: Another clich is that you never know what youve got until theres a danger that you might lose it, which must have been a very real possibility in terms of your marriage in your own head. Coulson edited one of. There was a real kind of internal crisis, funnily enough, at Belmarsh at that moment. That was very clear, I think. And there was clearly a view inside Number 10 that, the moment a guilty verdict came, we need to get out and start talking and I think that was a bad decision. Andy: I dont know. Its that judgement thing again, you know. There are 100+ professionals named "Andy Coulson", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. So, they made me an education orderly and I went and worked with a brilliant woman who runs the education programme at Hollesley Bay and I was effectively her teaching assistant, if you like. [19], Coulson grew up in Wickford, Essex. Andy: No, no, I had a bit of sarcasm, quite understandably really, a bit of joshing. Id start with that, I think. People were being genuinely kind to me. So, Harvey, Monty, Finn. And I was able, very quickly totally different approach, totally different kind of attitude, the governor there, his view was, weve got you for a while and were going to make the most of it. Youve got to find your match and Ive definitely done that. Jane: Are you still friends? In the same way, Jane, that I hope that people will not judge me entirely on my mistakes, Im not going to judge other people entirely on their mistakes. In an interview with the Press Gazette in 2005, he said that "Tabloid newspapers in this country do more for its people than any other newspapers in the world". And that was partly necessary, just from a practical point of view, but it was also definitely a coping mechanism as well. Andy: My sentence, having been found guilty of the crime, was probably about right. Find professional Andy Coulson videos and stock footage available for license in film, television, advertising and corporate uses. Youre a state-school-educated Essex lad. [1][65], English journalist and political strategist, Conservative Party communications director, Downing Street Director of Communications. Ask away. I didnt know what was going to happen and I didnt know what I was going to find. Jane: So, youve known the power and privilege of being a newspaper editor and advisor to David Cameron. Rebekah Brooks, No 10'S former spin doctor Andy Coulson and three others appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court today. Diary Londoner's Diary: Truth surfaces about Damien's undersea world. Jane: I mean, in fairness, Ive known you, what, 25 years and you were like that before you had a crisis. There were so many different things that were unravelling in my life that I realised that if I tried to deal with them all, I would probably go mad. Getty Images offers exclusive rights-ready and premium royalty-free analog, HD, and 4K video of the highest quality. Andy: I do, yeah. Again, that is what this podcast is mainly about. [51] He was questioned under caution, and later that day released on police bail until October, but made no comment on his release. Jane: Did you worry that it would come across as self-serving? I made my case but I obviously didnt succeed with the jury. Andy: Its a wretched moment and you know immediately really that youre going to be going to prison. Ive never been through what youve been through, but a lot of people when they have a day or whatever, you think about other people who are worse off than you. Thats why I resigned from the News of the World and then when I was in Downing Street, Im there thinking how on Earth can I do this job? I suppose because the thing was so public and had been so long running, Ellie and I took the view that we werent going to try and attempt to hide any of it from them. And so invariably youre stood behind another prisoner as he makes his call and the amount of times that that prisoner would then turn away from the phone with tears streaming down his face was frequent. So, I will blub at kids school plays Jeremy Bowen and I actually talked about exactly that. Andy: Its very hard, this, to get it down to three. Discover Andy Coulson's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. Its a very long Victorian corridor full of very old Victorian cells in which there have been some very famous and very notorious criminals over the years. Former News of the World editors Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson were having an affair for at least six years from the late 1990s, the phone-hacking trial has heard. I knew nothing about it, obviously. Funnily enough I am a bit of a blubberer, but its normally at something really sort of soft. I was told, because there was a view that the Scottish case, because it was such a nonsense, would be dropped. Six former members of staff from the now defunct. [21], Coulson resigned on 26 January 2007 over the News of the World phone hacking affair which would several weeks later see the jailing for four months of the paper's Royal correspondent Clive Goodman. Jane: So, lets sort of go back in time a bit. Coulson's parents moved from their Basildon council house to nearby Wickford during his childhood. No one knows in advance. The work ethic amongst us all is very clear. Andy: I dont know about that, but when I went to work for David, funnily enough the whole friendship thing came up quite quickly because not long after Id started to work for him there was a moment when I picked up the newspaper on a Saturday morning and I was learning things that I didnt know about what David was going to do with regards to a trip, I think it was. [48], However, the Crown Prosecution Service said in December 2010 that it had determined that there was insufficient evidence to charge Coulson over allegations that he was aware of phone-hacking at the publication. And what I understood quite quickly is that theres two routes to violence in prison. On 21 November 2014, Coulson was released from prison having served less than five months of his 18-month prison sentence. Andy: It was boiling hot and it was a glorious summer, as I said. Suddenly youre on trial at the Old Bailey and youre hearing the word guilty; tell us about that moment. And I said, look Im going to do this for a while, I think its fascinating, I think it will be an amazing achievement to try and help him get into Number 10, but Im not going to stay. Its hopeless. Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson has been released from prison after serving nearly five months in jail for conspiracy to hack phones. [4][5] The overall impact from his tenure came to be known as the "Coulson effect". But we had a two-week crisis in our life, after Monty was born, in terms of the emotional impact of it, it was far greater because we felt we were going to lose him not long after he was born. Colton came . And when you see young men being separated from their families in that way, it is profoundly depressing. And Eloise, who is a considerably more evolved human being than I am, knew that long before I did and shes trained me well in that regard. I was an ex-Murdoch employee in government and a lot of people really didnt like that and saw a lot of conspiracies within that, that I was some kind of stooge, which I absolutely was not. A Stratford employment tribunal upheld a claim of unfair dismissal claimed by senior sports writer Matt Driscoll, and stated "We find the behaviour to have been a consistent pattern of bullying behaviour". Ive got a better understanding of myself, I suppose, without wishing to get too airy-fairy about it. [14] And I thought that was plain wrong and I was livid about it. The judge himself, I think, said right at the start, British justice is on trial and when you are the person in the dock, I think you know that if this goes wrong its going to go badly wrong. You pull up and the gates open and you know youre going to prison, youre in no doubt that youre going to prison. I wanted to hear what they were up to and they got on with it, theyve been incredible throughout. But the net result of all that stuff that happened over the course of five years or more has definitely made us stronger as a family. Andy: Youve got a window next to you and I just sort of turned my back. And no one can give you that answer in advance. Andy Coulson. So, I spot the signs and I know what to do and I know how to kind of avoid it. Andy: They take your clothes when you go to prison, which I think is sensible. And the Old Bailey is a court that is straight out of central casting. The CPS said that witnesses interviewed by Metropolitan Police including those who had previously made allegations through media outlets had not been willing to provide admissible evidence. It was an amazing place to be and it was fascinating and rewarding and I was reasonably good it and I loved my colleagues. The Guardian said that the disclosure "is understood to have 'absolutely shocked' some Whitehall information staff. 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And the only way to deal with it was to take one at a time and that is another common theme that has been coming out in these podcasts, that when you are in crisis, dont try and take control of everything. But there are a whole bunch of mistakes from a leadership point of view, I was the boss. And it is all about cues and nudges that push you in a certain direction and I just try and avoid those. Jane: Well, talking of which, as a journalist, we also know the picture that everybody wants is of somebody in the prison van being taken away. Thats basically where you spend yourself emotionally as an editor, in between those two things. I like to think Im a better husband; I like to think Im a better father, a better friend. Why are you doing it now? Jane: Do I get one of those for doing this? Jane: Were obviously talking about a whole series crises in a way with you, its like crisis Whac-A-Mole. Hoare was found dead at home on 18 July 2011. conspiracy to intercept voicemails (phone-hacking), Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, Metropolitan police role in phone hacking scandal, "Phone hacking trial reveals married Brooks affair with Andy Coulson", "Coulson resigns due to phone-hacking scandal", "Coulson Quits No 10 Over Phone-Hack Pressure", "Alan McGauley: This marriage of convenience is ending in tears", "News of the World phone-hacking scandal live updates", "Andy Coulson cleared of perjury as trial collapses", "Andy Coulson charged in Tommy Sheridan trial perjury inquiry", "Scottish police charge Andy Coulson with Tommy Sheridan trial perjury", "Hacking trial: Coulson guilty, Brooks cleared of charges", "Andy Coulson jailed for 18 months over phone hacking", "Andy Coulson to face retrial over alleged payments to public officials", "Andy Coulson guilty in phone hacking trial: His future may well depend on a level of privacy denied the hacking victims", "Andy Coulson to face perjury charges over the Tommy Sheridan trial", "Andy Coulson perjury trial delayed until after general election", "Ex-editor Andy Coulson bullied News of the World reporter, rules tribunal", News of the World faces 800,000 payout in bullying case, "Andy Coulson takes 135,000 pay cut to join Coalition", "David Cameron's PR director Andy Coulson paid 140,000", "Andy Coulson quits Downing Street communications role", Pressure mounts on David Cameron over Andy Coulson's security level, Fears over Andy Coulson's clearance as officials admit: We thought he had been vetted, "Andy Coulson reportedly paid by News International when hired by Tories", "David Cameron has explaining to do over apology for hiring Andy Coulson", "Andy Coulson could remain 'the story' for Elbrus Consultants' clients, expert warns", "Andy Coulson's new PR business Elbrus Consultants under pressure", "Phone hacking: I warned No 10 over Coulson appointment, says Ashdown", "Former NoW editor Andy Coulson sets up PR firm", "Andy Coulson hired as Telegraph PR adviser", "David Cameron urged to sack Tory spin doctor Andy Coulson", "News of the World phone hacking Andy Coulson may be grilled by MPs", "Tabloid Hack Attack on Royals, and Beyond", "Phone hacking claims: John Prescott calls for police conduct inquiry", "Full text of Clive Goodman's letter to News International", "Phone-hacking scandal: Andy Coulson 'listened to intercepted messages', "Andy Coulson listened to hacked messages, former colleague says", "Coulson won't be prosecuted over phone-hacking", "Andy Coulson to be arrested over phone hacking tomorrow", "Coulson And Goodman Released in NOTW Probe", "News of the World phone hacking: Andy Coulson arrested and his computer seized", "Alison Levitt QC's announcement on charges arising from Operation Weeting", "Examination of Witnesses (Question Numbers 18891899)-Assistant Commissioner John Yates and Detective Chief Superintendent Philip Williams", "Phone-hacking: how the 'rogue reporter' defence slowly crumbled", "Fraudster squad- Graeme McLagan on the black economy run by corrupt police and private detectives", "Phone-hacking scandal widens to include Kate Middleton and Tony Blair", "Phone-hacking: Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson in 2013 trial", "Andy Coulson leaves prison after serving five months of 18-month term", "Operation Elveden: Nine journalists have cases dropped", "Coulson and Brooks affair 'lasted longer' than earlier suggested", Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, Downing Street Directors of Communications,, People associated with the News International phone hacking scandal, Prisoners and detainees of England and Wales, Articles with dead external links from February 2022, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 November 2022, at 16:58. 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