Having been involved in a CIA time travel program called Project Pegasus, Andrew Basiago has prescient knowledge to save humanity as we know it, and he is running for president of the United States. (13W, 88S), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Vega Lyra and Pluto, EX-Current controlling fraction: Odedicron-Reptilian Orion, Secure under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate. Tiahuanaco city is said to be one of the most significant sites of ancient America, with legends declaring that the Sun God himself appeared in Tiahuanaco and made it the place of creation. This map of these energy pointsand intersections described asrivers of energy was somehow lost to historyor purposely taken out of circulation for many years. Einstein believed in them. CIA Remote Viewing Documents Reveal Ancient Life on Mars, Weather Modification Technology -- Decades of Ever-Increasing Tempo, Freemason Secrets: Ancient Masonic Rites, Rituals, and Myths. Required fields are marked *. Located in Uintah County in Utah, Skinwalker Ranch also called UFO Ranch is one of the states most famous areas of paranormal activity. Your email address will not be published. In addition to the familiar stonehenge-like construction, the underwater archeologists also discovered a boulder on which appeared to be a carving of a mastodon a creature believed to be extinct for at least 10,000 years, which happens to coincide with a time when humans and and mastodons most likely populated the Midwest. If you would like to work with the replay, we will send you the link when you register. You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life. Updated Status The Stonehenge of England is one of the most mysterious structures on planet Earth. cars generate annually. Encompassing three vertices, the Bermuda Triangle sometimes referred to as the Devils Triangle is a large abyss that stretches between San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bermuda Island, and Miami, Florida. In 1891, a schooner named the Thomas Hume vanished into thin air along with all seven of its crew while sailing on the lake. 2023 - Curiosmos | All rights reserved | Created with, Abydos is one of the oldest cities of Ancient Egypt. According to Metatronian mysticism, 12:12 is a sacred code that activates your Merkabic field. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. In 1973 Komsomols Pravda (a Russian alternative newspaper) ran an article entitled Earth, What Are You Anyway? Suggesting that the earth started out as a crystal with angular dimensions. We live in a strange time, where uncertainty about the future is at an all-time high political systems are in disarray, technology will either prove to be our savior or undoing, and weather patterns are chaotic. Dalnegorsk UFO Crash Witnessed by Hundreds, Craigslist Killer Says More than 20 Murders Attributed to Traveling Satanic Cult, Maccabean Leaders the Hasmonean Dynasty III, NASA Still Encounters UFOs In Space- Video. The helpful tribesman stated he had also seen a strange incident at the alleged doorway. Some of these portals are gaping holes for significantly sustained periods of time, while most are short-lived, yawning wide and re-closing several times in a day. A Stargate is a vortex of energy wave spectrum that connects into multiple other dimensions within the Universal . Here it is: Interesting facts: According to map researchers the Giza Plateau, the location of the great pyramid IS the most powerful vortex point on the planet, and that the Kings Chamber within the Great Pyramid represents a narrow gateway to stars. Padmanabhaswamy Temple is located in Thiruvananthapuram, the state capital of Kerala. There are no signs leading down this road, let alone pointing to it. Within Abu Ghurab, lies an ancient platform made of alabaster; it is believed that it opens a persons senses and enables him to communicate with the higher and sacred energies of the Universe. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. How this works. Despite what many may believe, with continued research it is likely that regular contact with aliens will be made soon. The T columns are very similar to the Gate of the Gods at Hayu Marca in Peru. Some locations are thought to be compass points on a map designed by sacred geometry and posses the ability to transport us to parallel universes. Cosmic stargates operate as pathways opening directly to higher dimensions, divine light frequencies, advanced consciousness and the solar force of creation. Among these are ethanol, natural gas, electricity, and even propane. Secure under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate. Washington, D.C. is the national capital of the United States The Stargate was stored in a military warehouse in this area in 1969 (2.21 "1969"). Directly opposite the star map, are four stone seats or chairs. This is the annual Ascension alignment that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21it opens a Cosmic Gateway into higher . Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. On 12:12 the cosmic portal opens throughout the galaxy to access divine consciousness and the activation of 12 strand DNA. AG-6: Ayers Rock, Australia. Once secret funding was received from the Department of Defense, various experiments were conducted, including the creation of a dimension portal that enabled researchers to travel to far-flung locales. According to certain theories and local legends, tunnels and gateways directing to other worlds exist all over Sedona. Prepare to quantum leap to the next level of your Souls Ascension Plan! Since the advent of the automobile, manufacturers have designed different engines to limit the environmental impact posed by the millions of pounds of carbon emissions cars generate annually. I absolutely adore theories that have been going on in various cultures for ages. A wormhole is a hypothetical tube in space connecting widely separated positions in the universe. Stonehenge in England Stay Updated On Giveaways, Products and Classes, 2023 by Poise. The place he chose to start the human race. But it is out in a concentric circle almost. With this new heightened Self-perception, a pivotal point on our journey arrives thru the 12:12 stargates enveloping us in a new/higher/cosmic light that brings a level of peace and resolution to all that we have been working toward/transforming thru this year, returning a long-lost lightness of being. Formed from energy similar to that found in the human body, the shift in energy can be felt as a subtle vibration, bringing those who experience it a sense of calm and rejuvenation as the outward pulses align with those that naturally occur in the human body. Gobekli Tepe is considered as the oldest rock temple in the world. Washington, D.C region. Many ancient cultures speak of portals to other worlds and gateways to star systems where their creators reside. Strangely, people also witnessed Dorothy pressing on certain stones in the walls, as if she was expecting something to happen when she did so. (64.9W, 32.1N). Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. Required fields are marked *. It also appears to have a large crack to the top right of the arch. Among these are ethanol, natural gas, electricity, and even propane. Scroll down to see the 12 Places on Earth that are Thought to be Portals of the Underworld. We are transmitters and receivers of light. Since this site is now protected by the Peruvian government as an ancient archeological site, there have not been any recent digs at this location. The world revolution against the Satanic Khazarian Mafia has resumed after a . AG-9: Antarctica South-Pole. Animal Flesh Eater Arrested: Felony Charges Serious Injury To 3 Month Old! China Successfully Clones Monkeys; Are Humans Next? It was as if she was trying to open a secret door or gateway. If there is a topic youd like to learn more about, please let us know. New Benjamin Fulford Huge Intel 12.24.22 - JFK ~ Dec. 26, 2022; Juan O' Savin: Big Time Intel - Brunson Brothers . EX-Current controlling fraction: Thoth-Enki-Zephelium Anunnaki and Necromiton-Andromi Nephilim, Q-2: Easter Island, Chile (109.2W, 27.3S). Sedona vortexes are believed to be swirling centers of energy that are conducive to healing, meditation and self-exploration. One of her main conclusions is that there is a stargate in the Euphrates River, and has been buried and lost under the ruins of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu for thousands of years. The original 12 Essene Tribes were seeded on the earth as a part of the evolution plan that was the result of the Covenant of Paliador, to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, making it easier to reclaim these identities when the stargates finally opened during the end of the Ascension Cycle. The story goes that when one of them walked through, he simply disappeared. EX-Current controlling fraction: Omicron-Drakonian, Rigelian-Zeta and Pleiadian Samjase-Luciferian-Annunaki, Secure (*Sealed-off An-Sha-TA-Sa Passages), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Mintaka Orion, Gaia Polaris, Alnitak Orion, Uranus, EX-Current controlling fraction: Omicron-Drakonian, Necromiton-Andromie MIB, Home of the Terracotta Warriors ( Near the Heart of China, Coordinates: 34 23' 5.71? Their reliable instability, elusiveness, and tendency to be tricky to spot can mean it will take years to locate one. Another Sumerian artefact called Ninurta shows evidence of stargates. The term Stargate means just that: an otherworldly door or portal to outside realms, hidden within Earth's and space's magnetic fields, waiting to transport the enlightened traveler to a place beyond current time limitations. There are many places in the American Southwest that seem to offer some things a little beyond the ordinary. Although the site was recorded as far back as the 1960s, it wasnt until the the mid-90s when the T-Shaped pillars were discovered. Ley lines are alignments of ancient sites, holy places, and specific important locations such as stone circles, standing stones, vortices, and monuments. Only after millenia of erosion did the crystal form itself into a sphere as we know it today. They are found in places known as nexus points. In August 1971, a group of hippies apparently disappeared at Stonehenge while trying to tap into the vibrations of the site.At around 2 oclock in the morning, without any warning, lightning bolts suddenly struck and a severe storm was unleashed onto the area. One example is the perfectly precise circular markings that have been drilled into the alabaster. If you are new to the Quantum Access technique, Meg created a visual guide on how to apply the activation steps with Metatrons Cube sacred geometry. What's interesting about the Stargate in Ranmasu Uyana is that it is one of the many stargates of Earth. The marine explorers and archaeologists discovered a Stonehenge like construction 40 feet below the surface. avec tout lAmour Suzanne, Bonjour The registration page is still openyes, you can pay now and join. If you do not receive an immediate email response please check your spam filter or junk folder and please note if you are on gmail it may be in your Promotions Tab or Updates Tab. In 1921, the 11 people who were aboard the Rosa Belle disappeared without a trace, but their boat was found floating lifelessly in the water. The idea of stargates and portals was originated from ancient cultures and customs. It is considered as a gateway to the future. Ninurta not only appears to be wearing a modern day wristwatch, but is also using his finger to press what appears to be a button on the wall of the gateway he is standing in. It is, 20,000-Year-Old Symbols Identified as Cosmic Calendars, Stanford Scientists Warn Civilization as we Know it Will End in Coming Decades. In 2007, while searching for the remains of shipwrecks, scientists discovered a stone structure 12 meters (40 ft) below the surface of Lake Michigan. Piercing red eyes glared at them from oversized animals that did not appear to be injured even when shot with bullets. Simultaneously, sailors stationed 375 miles south at the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, reported the ships appearance for several minutes before it vanished. See our, Since the advent of the automobile, manufacturers have designed different engines to limit the environmental impact posed by the. In 2007, 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan, professor Mark Holley and his colleague Brian Abbot came across a stone formation while using sonar equipment to track shipwrecks. Some say it's "hammer time". The 5th dimension on Earth will be a Tribal Space-Age existence. Apparently, not everything is digitized in the future. The site highlights various rings of massive T-shaped stone columns, each engraved with a carving of an animal. Stargates (Sequoia art) The Planetary Stargate System are the Earth's connection points or Portals into the Galactic and Universal Stargate Systems. Easter Island. Was this what Eady was looking for when she was pressing stones in the walls? She seemingly knew where everything was, such as where secret chambers were and the location of gardens that had long since been buried. However, recent declassified FBI files have stated that our Earth has been visited by beings from other dimensions and planets. It is believed that it contains six chambers out of which one has not been opened as yet. I have accumulated a list of places that look peculiar and are quite mysterious in nature. 2 stargates, 1 found in egypt and the second in Antartic. In 1996, the organization acquired the ranch in order to study its paranormal activity in depth. Some have seen blue light emanating from it, and there are even accounts of strange sounds like muted bells or thunder surrounding the rocks on days with clear blue skies. All wormholes require exotic materials (material with negative energy density) in order to hold them open. The pair did so successfully before leaping off the deck and materializing in the current year. Humans have long been obsessed with the possibility of alternate universes, and a way to instantaneously travel between this one and the next. Stargates are a fascinating overlap of science-fiction and reality, and there are some who claim that we have access to portals here on Earth. Observed by NASAs THEMIS spacecraft, they surround the Earth at a distance from 10,000 to 30,000 miles away. Numerous unexplainable events were chronicled, including stargates that emitted magnetic fields that were highly destructive. @zoharstargateancientdiscoverie - In ancient Egypt, there were inscriptions upon the reliefs of temple walls that described ancient stargates that could tel. In 1964, Vincent H. Gaddis argued that the Bermuda Triangle was the site of strange occurrences such as disappearing tanker ships and jets with the government being unwilling or unable to provide a reason or explanation. One of NASA's spacecraft, the THEMIS, and cluster probes from Europe have amassed enough observational data to confirm that a magnetic stargate portal exists in many locations. Opening and closing numerous times during the day, magnetic forces mingle, allowing their crackling energy particles to flow between the Earth and the sun. Eventually, he would travel back to Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg address, Washingtons tent during the Revolutionary War, and even to the time of Jesus. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. The experts were utterly shocked when they discovered multiple hieroglyphs of modern flying machines, such as a helicopter and submarine in the Temple of Seti. Current controlling fraction: Unknown *update-2012 by: ME @EG, Secure under protection of High Council-Emerald Guard. They have many descriptions and uses. In 1996, Jose Luis Delgado Mamani, a tour guide, stumbled upon a site, which is known as the Gates of the Gods. 12 Famous Ancient Sites Said To Be Stargates And Portals Farah Zaki Posted on August 27, 2020 4 min read 8775 NASA confirmed to have spent at least a decade investigating access points to places outside our world. Only after millenia of erosion did the crystal form itself into a sphere as we know it today. All Activations are recorded and available for Replay at the Event URL. Some of these gateways are created by men while others are surprises of nature. The Bermuda Triangle is probably the most famous stargate portal. Who Was The Mysterious Ed Leedskalnin, Creator of the Coral Castle? South/East of Halley. It is also one of the most contested and debated sites in history, both as to when it was built and to what its true purpose might have been. In 2003, Michael Schratt, a military aerospace engineer, stated that Abydos did sit on a naturally occurring stargate. Example is the annual Ascension alignment that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21it opens a gateway... One example is the annual Ascension alignment that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21it opens a cosmic gateway into.. Komsomols Pravda ( 12 stargates on earth Russian alternative newspaper ) ran an article entitled Earth what. 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