It s sad for the LSO. He who controls perception can mold any opinion he wants. And I think that the kind of articles you referred to are a really disturbing kind of McCarthyite witch hunting, which I dont think should have any place in a liberal tolerant society. I assume theres a very broad range, but everybodys unanimous about wanting a more equal society., She also explained that the new science of Public Health is collectivist by nature, seeking to provide group-wide solutions to health challenges, and so it fundamentally downplays individual rights. Having examined the PsyOps (covert manipulation) techniques used by Susan Michael and her colleagues, all I can say is that they dont fool me or nudge me. Wait Richard- Wasnt that exactly what Deborah Birx, Null Fergusons US counterpart, show to President Trump to extend the spring 2020 US lockdown- her own stats? When Professor Susan Michies appointment as the new Chair of the World Health Organisations Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights was announced on Monday, almost every news report mentioned that she is a longstanding member of the British Communist Party. Professor Susan Michie, from the Government's SAGE advisory committee, tells Adam Bienkov that the Government's lax response to the new COVID variant could cost thousands of lives . That sees OVER yes 10, not 100, MILLION death per year?!?! Briefings designed this way for the masses, who barely even know what a graph actually is, but believe what they are told without question. It presupposes a mind-body duality, which I think does not exist. I think old commie like Hobsbawm was member of Companion of Honour. Ive always quipped that if there was no emergency, the SAGE cabals income will SAG. She is indeed a stalinist, though not saying this lightly- she also shows some very glaring sociopathic traits(as noted in the DSM-V written by fellow psychologists) and brandishes them with sadistic glee, and this is something that isnt simply any average commie will exhibit. The conversation will go back to what it should be about people who care passionately about the issues, but disagree constructively on what we should do about them. Private health IS a tax. And Prof Susan Michie, a SPI-B advisor who wants social distancing to last "forever," insists that opening up society is like building terrifying new "variant factories." Dangerous experiment.. Some readers may be interested in this account of Professor Michie, a lifelong Communist now a prominent adviser to the Johnson government:, April 25, 2021 Also I doubt flights incoming from India to England have reduced one iota . Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie FBPsS FAcSS FMedSci FBA (born 19 June 1955) [1] is a British academic, clinical psychologist, and professor of health psychology, director of The Centre for Behaviour Change [2] and head of The Health Psychology Research Group, [3] all at University College London. 29 April 2021 at 10:23 AM, Jos S. | 27 April 2021 at 09:10 PM Why make it worse ? No, the Big, Rich Parties. In a bizarre comparison, she said Britons never used to wear seat belts in cars or 'pick up dog poo in the park' but learned to over time. Posted by: belongs to mathematics and is entirely abstract. I would therefore conclude that the appointment of Michie to head the WHO nudge unit, a concept that is Orwellian to begin with, simply shows how corrupt and useless the WHO actually is. So thats why weve decided to make the ability to comment only available to our paying subscribers. Abolition of Liberty (see also Brief History of Crime), Brief History of Crime (see also Abolition of Liberty), Broken Compass (see also Cameron Delusion), Cameron Delusion (see also Broken Compass), Conservative Party (see also Useless Tories, Tories), Death Penalty (including Capital Punishment, Execution). British professor who is member of the Communist party appointed as chair of WHO advisory group,, . The problem with Prof. Michie is that she is not a public health expert, she is not medically trained, and she is not and never has been a scientist. Iran's Revolutionary Guard Fanatics feed on the (often ignorant and unself-aware) hostility of the West. From 'Noise: A Human History', On Mastodon Views: own. HP10 9TY. And, aptly enough, Buddhism is often described as a psychology and its polemics often rely on the redefinition of language and of reality (see the Milinda Panha). Why do we stir up trouble in foreign countries when we can't even run our own? [9], In 2019, Michie was named winner of the British Psychological Society Research Boards Lifetime Achievement Award for her world-leading work creating a coherent language of behaviour change.[13]. Among its membership are actual communists, Labour Party donors, activists, Corbynistas, "anti-Zionists", Brexit conspiracy theorists and even a former Greek MP. Comments are moderated, and will not appear on this weblog until the moderator has approved them. In the week before the Indian covid pandemic became the main news story, The World at One on Radio 4 reported that 90 a day were flying into the UK from India, and in one flight into Hong Kong, around half that number of passengers had tested positive. 28 April 2021 at 11:07 AM. We want equality of opportunity not equality of outcome. Her. Far eastern communism I think has other local religious and cultural origins mixed in. The inculabor of Communism in this country can be found in the immediately pre- and post-WW2 Oxbridge. Its about subliminally putting over a scare message, without appearing so to do. Posted by: Professor Susan Michie (@SusanMichie) / Twitter Follow Professor Susan Michie @SusanMichie Professor of Health Psychology & Director of Centre for Behaviour Change, UCL, UK. Web links cannot be accepted, and may mean your whole comment is not published. I feel this to be most profound. So quite why she thinks she has the right to push them on the country against the concensus of the people is beyond me. What is so Good About Democracy? She is a frequent contributor on. Professor Susan Michie, director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London (UCL), will head the W.H.O.'s Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health. [9] Her later career interests have been in designing and evaluating methods of behavioural change, especially in relation to wellbeing and health improvement. They believe in free speech until you say somethibg they disagree with. 01 May 2021 at 04:24 PM, You say "All of this is nothing to do with Boris or Hancock. Posted by: That way, all the trolls who post abuse on our website will have to pay if they want to join the debate and risk a permanent ban from the account that they subscribe with. He claim that her politics do not affect her scientific judgement is a nonsense, since much of what she is seeking to nudge is not scientific. She is a psychologist and psychology in general (albeit not always) and the type of psychological research she has been involved with is wholly unscientific. 27 April 2021 at 09:10 PM. 'Interrupting' BBC interviewer blasted by Covid expert over 'fixed view' on scrapping rules, Boris Johnson scraps ALL Covid restrictions in England as self-isolation ended, Ian Blackford jeered by Tory MPs for criticising Boris Johnson ending Covid rules. You wont find any of us who think it is morally wrong to nudge people in the Nudge Unit. 28 April 2021 at 02:09 PM, "That sees over 100,000,000 deaths per year?!?!" If you havent read it, it may interest you to know that Robert Peston writes this weeks Diary page. Of course I meant "4,000,000" or "4 million". You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. I just dont see this. In the real world the only thing a thing can be identical with is itself. The truth of the matter is that in the community masks of all types fail to protect and fail to prevent transmission, and this is quite evident when one actually looks at the data for SARS-CoV2 by simply comparing neighboring regions with very similar demographics. And the thing is that by equality she didnt mean equal rights to live as who we are and make our own decisions, and live and let live, she meant equally mass-produced in an indoctrination factory, and any variation is abject. 28 April 2021 at 11:09 PM, Mike B "You might want to check your figures there, Jaggers. Posted by: Why would you wish to regulate their profitability ? I mean the project to Make an End to Suffering first publically enunciated by Buddha. Professor Susan Michie, of University College London, said she thinks the draconian restrictions should become part of people's every day routine. But they wont admit it, because they like to hide their wealthy lifestyles, and partly because they think of themselves as being superior to everybody else. All of this is nothing to do with Boris or Hancock. A row has broken out over a question Richard Madeley asked Professor Susan Michie on Good Morning Britain.After she'd questioned the wisdom of lifting the mask mandate on July 19th, he asked her whether her judgment might be influenced by her membership of the Communist Party, given the top-down, big state authoritarianism of Communist regimes, or whether her views were purely based on . A LEADING Covid expert has blasted the fixed view of a BBC interviewer on Boris Johnsons plans to lift restrictions in England. Mike B | "Communist British scientist dubbed 'Stalin's nanny' who wanted face masks and social distancing FOREVER is . Incidentally, some people including researchers suspect exposure to depleted uranium was a major component of Gulf War Syndrome(and maybe even ME, Fibromyalgia etc). That equates to about 45,000 excess deaths, based on a yearly death toll of about 650,000. Professor Susan Michie. You could not say I am proud fascist, never mind N**i and be employed by the state. If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can This womans name brings back horrible memories! Sally | Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie FBPsS FAcSS FMedSci FBA (born 19 June 1955)[1] is a British academic, clinical psychologist, and professor of health psychology, director of The Centre for Behaviour Change[2] and head of The Health Psychology Research Group,[3] all at University College London. Of course if the politics of the said public official were right of centre which is invariably described by leftists as extreme right, it would be terribly important!! Indeed it was her justification as far as Sage was concerned. WHO appoints Communist Party member who said face masks should continue forever as chair of advisory board, said GB News. Steve balmforth | Dominic Cummings will be giving testimony to M.P.s on 26 May regarding this and, no doubt, other matters. Susan Michie, a 40-year member of the British Communist Party and a leading participant in the U.K. Government's Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B), has been promoted to Chair of the WHO's Technical Advisory Group for Behavioural Insights and Science for Health.. Last year, when asked how long Britain's Covid containment measures should last, Michie responded that . The reason being that if you can maniuplate people into backing what your portray as a virtuous cause, for example, liberating a country from a dictator or allegedly saving lives threatened by a virus or climate change then you are far more likely to win the support of those who can't see beyond the smoke and mirrors. Brexit, crony contracts, Russian interference, the Coronavirus pandemic, democracy in danger, and the crisis in British journalism. Public Health is not a science. 01 May 2021 at 04:24 AM. "RT @MaajidNawaz: A 40-year member of the Communist Party of Britain - Susan Michie - has just been appointed Chair of WHO's Technical Advis" Data returned from the Piano 'meterActive/meterExpired' callback event. contact IPSO here, 2001-2023. I had assumed she had some actual health related expertise. In short, it seems to be the nature of radio to encourage people to think and feel alike.'. BMJ Opinion, March 3 rd 2020. Most sane people want a more equal society, but not one imposed top down which would be contradictory. It smells rotten and like nothing I have encountered in normal private business consulting. I am curious to what metrics you have applied to call the vaccine program an outstanding success? And I think that the kind of articles you referred to are a really disturbing kind of McCarthyite witch hunting, which I dont think should have any place in a liberal tolerant society. Martin | Its the same rubbish journalism that spawned corrie or strictly. [9], Her current research includes developing methodologies for designing and evaluating theory-based interventions to change behaviour, and advancing scientific knowledge about, and applications of, behaviour change interventions. The DUP thought Brexit was a chance to get a hard border back, but now they cling to the vestiges of their old dominance, says Irish writer and journalist Susan McKay Brazil has a population of about 3 times that of the UK, so multiply 650,000 by 3 and you get about 2,000,000. She admitted there was no diversity they all think alike. After all, did we really vote in a government to scare the living daylights out of us into a meek submission - or did we actually vote in and trust that our government would be competent enough to make its citizens feel safe and secure? On Twitter, several listeners objected to the interruptions. The important thing is that when one gives scientific advice, one does so using the expertise one has, not going beyond the expertise, being transparent about what expertise you provide. Nigel Smith | She is a chartered clinical psychologist and a chartered health psychologist, and a fellow of the British Psychological Society. Whoops!!! It is not in financial interest of consultants to eliminate or even reduce NHS queues. There is no nuance or debate required here. Susan Michie is Professor of Health Psychology and Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London and a member of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavioural Science (SPI-B): 2019 Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) New medical guidelines for trans patients are too political, Communist British scientist dubbed Stalins nanny who wanted face masks and social distancing FOREVER is given top job at World Health Organization,, . Professor Susan Michie, Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, will chair the WHO's Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for. > I think you'll find that the figure is about 9 million, so you're out by a factor of more than 10. Gary Frost | The issue of the scientific basis for her work is a separate matter. Steve Balmforth (30 April 2021 at 03:23 PM) makes a good point about statistics taken out of context not telling the real story. As the contrast between the Swedish approach and the UK and continental approach to dealing with the pandemic shows a lack of a broad understanding of the need for individual choice over rigid one choice for all circumstances policies is essential. inaccuracy or intrusion, then please Posted by: It would be good if we had a conservative PM who would drive out such ideologs from advisory committees and quangos. If the true amount of COVID deaths were an honest representation ,and each countries totals were a percentage against per million . Are you sure you want to delete this comment? WHO appoints Communist Party member who said face masks should continue forever as chair of advisory board,, But is it fair to make a scientists private politics part of the story? I wield absolute power with zero accountability. Susan Michie isnt a communist, shes a damned stalinist. Comments have been closed on this article. Teaching Summary. Prof David Hendy, 27/30 'Radio Everywhere', Radio 4, 23 April 2013 [in part]: "The dream of the Nazi radio programmers was to create a kind of volkesgemeinschaft, a social unity that amounted in effect to a single way of thinking among the German people. So it is awaiting moderation even after putting asterisk in. It is partly owned by the Cabinet Office, employees and Nesta, Posted by: Michie was married from 1981 to 1997 to the trade union official Andrew Murray and has three children. Nigel Smith | On the "Why is There No Balance" thread in April 2016: The Behavioural Insights Team also known as the Nudge Unit is now a social purpose company. Buried deep in the BBC website a few weeks ago, the ONS revealed that TOTAL UK deaths in 2020 were about 7% higher than expected based on an average of the previous 10 years. Lets get that debate started! As usual like here, they dont put the normal death rate pre Covid so as to give context. Email Address:(Not displayed with comment. [7][8], Michie obtained a BA in experimental psychology from University College, Oxford in 1976, an MPhil in clinical psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry in 1978, and a DPhil in developmental psychology from University College, Oxford in 1982. [6], Born in St Pancras, London, Michie is the daughter of the biologist Dame Anne McLaren and computer scientist Donald Michie, and sister of the economist Jonathan Michie. 28 April 2021 at 07:30 PM. Posted by: There is certainly very litle actual electoral support for Michies political beliefs (and never has been in this country). She was asked about the Prime Ministers plans to end the legal requirement to self isolate in England amid reports Covid tests would no longer be free other than for the elderly and vulnerable. > "That sees over 100,000,000 deaths per year?!?!" She is nothing but a pure and honest servant of the people in her eyes. Another example of double standard. adeledicnander | 29 April 2021 at 05:11 PM. Michie S, van Stralen MM, West R. The broadcast news media are some of the biggest offenders. Posted by: Its no longer what you know or how clever you are - its how you present yourself, what you say, body language, expressions and emphasis on certain words. When Boris or Hancock open their mouths its BIT and SAGE thats actually speaking. Posted by: Editors' Code of Practice. I am inclined to doubt it. Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. However, it only allows scheme members to jump NHS queue. Equality of outcome usually translates to cutting down the tall poppies tax the rich until they are as poor as the poorest remove private health care in case I get an advantage through it. I would be most interested to hear what Michies definition of a more equal society actually is. Professor Susan Michie's academic profile Martin | And TV media constantly talking about deaths from covid when it should be deaths from any cause within 28 days of a positive covid test. They want free movement but all of a sudden like the look of health passports. Michie frequently contributes to national news media during the COVID-19 pandemic as an expert in behaviour change,[20][21][22][23] notably in May 2020 when a government advisor left the city and thus broke the government's COVID-19 rules.[24]. : [9], As a clinical psychologist she worked with adults and families on topics covering antenatal care, genetic counselling and occupational stress. [28] In March 2018, she spoke at a public meeting saying that communists should be "working full tilt" for the election of Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister. The expert questioned the idea and the presenter. And there will be a new concert hall in town there. I didnt mean to define different classes of business, but rather to highlight the tax-like nature of those examples when wealthier people not only pay the bulk of the nations tax bill but then do not take up some of the services funded by their tax contributions. In September 2021, the Free Speech Union crowdfunded around 25,000 for the legal fees of a train conductor who had been fired by West Midlands Trains for a Facebook post including the comment "I don't want to live in some sort of alcohol-free Muslim caliphate just to beat Covid-19". I stand by it.". The main problem with McCarthy, the misbehaviour for which the Senate condemned him, was that he falsely accused innocent people of being Communists, and consequently weakened the battle against Communism. Shortly before reading your exchange here, I read this weeks Spectator. 04 May 2021 at 11:38 AM, Steve balmforth | 01 May 2021 at 04:24 PM, -"Agree with you on all this. The super-rich Communist Susan Michie is so militant that her fellow Marxists once searched her baby's pram for subversive literature. Lets treat her accordingly. "It is also perfectly clear that appeals to racism and refugees of another colour was playing a role in that debate." Every one is different, with different talents and skills, which have different worth at different times and in different places. Also a nuclear deterrent. Michie is a long-time member of the Stalinist Communist Party of Britain, a fact which neither she nor the media have considered a hindrance to her involvement with the government until now. Lift restrictions in England Stralen MM, West R. the broadcast News media are some of people... Be accepted, and a chartered clinical psychologist and a chartered health psychologist, and will not appear on weblog. Should continue forever as chair of who advisory group,, | 27 April 2021 at 09:10 why! If the true amount of Covid deaths were an honest representation, and countries. Why make it worse new concert hall in town there opinion he wants conversation by subscribing the! Want free movement but all of this is nothing to do to comment only available to our paying.. 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