Alternatively, you may lure out the nurses out starting with the nurse closest to the door of the mansion using teleport then engaging in combat, after which you should engage in conversation with the Doctor while finishing off the rest. Your email address will not be published. If you do not have Lohse in your party, then you can choose to sign a contract with the doctor, listed below. My favored start being to tp the doctor inside the room on round 1, and focus him down. Not specific to this fight, but doing some magic damage then just tossing a jar of mind maggots in gets half on your side (after dealing with magic armor). Your primary goal at this point is to escape the Bollwerk and move to the eastern side of the Island. 19,400 XP if the Doctor offers the contract. This allowed Prince to tank most of the laser beams and combustions, while Ifan was healing prince with restoration scrolls, escaping the combat afterwards. Killed nurses at front and right to entrance first. Then, get your health as low as possible without dying. But ofc the cheese works in many ways. I made a mess of it so have to restart the fight - three dead comrades behind the first nurse's desk that can't be seen to resurrect them with the doctor standing between them and the door. But i was Sworn, playing solo tactician Fane. Lohar's Two-Handed Source Hammer can be obtained after completing the quest Shadow Over Driftwood. Overpower will kill all the doctors armor if it ends up less than the 2H players (which will be something around 20K). He says that I can't harm him in his home. divinity 2 flames of vengeance ) Many other sourcerers zeitlich bereinstimmend here, and there are multiple quests you can complete. THANK YOU!!! Killing all 4 of them will yield you 599,400XP (229,700 XP in DE Edition). It was a very tough fight without Pyroclastic Eruption, but a very easy one with it. So I went inside and the doctor just initiated combat, did manage to clear all of it at lvl 20 on classic. Kill the two nurses doctor won't attack, only one left you can't attack her because she is near doctor. If Lohse is in your party and you missed the scroll in driftwood but still want that XP for talking to Jahan: open the door with lohse, send in a stealthed rogue with the cloak and dagger spell, navigate to the basement and just pyramid the rest of your party in there. I had read so much about this being a difficult fight if you had Lohse in the party that I spent the better part of 2 days tweaking gear and respec characters. My biggest problem was I came in through the back door (basement) which automatically triggers a conversation with the good doc then he kicks you out and locks the door (and warns you not to touch his possessions. Reactive Armor Reactive Armor is the highest damage ability in this plan. I just walked in the front door and attacked a nurse which sparked everyone to fight me. Each are worth 74,925 XP for a total of 449,550 XP. I don't even know which attacks the Doctor uses, in 2 or 3 turns he was dead. visuospatial activities for adults. it's not even immersion breaking because like, the doctor must have set it up with some automated magic that counts the fish and sends back the money without accounting for the possibility that someone could just take the fish back and send them through again. List of Classes, Attributes, Talents and Starting Weapons. This way the doctor creating a huge necrofire inferno actuallly becomes a huge advantage, because all of his minions and helpers do not have a strong fire resistance, even he himself has just 50%. Speaking to her will cause the demon to take over Lohse and attack Saheila. Then she E&E'd out without being caught and accused. Lohse not only sings (and plays her lute) but has a percussion section and special effects. Lmaoo, spirit of Lora coming in clutch. I placed my team in the south east corner room, and even closed the door there by using sneak. i put the fish in, and the pyramid , dropped another on the ground, use the scroll, collect the money, go to my pyramid in the barrel, take back all the fish then go back to the other pyramid, put the fish in again, use another scroll, and viola, more money! I started the fight further away by attacking the nurses first. As an unweakened Adramahlikh, he will summon 4 Nemesis monsters to aid him, and each Nemesis monster will award 149,850 XP (74,925 XP DE Edition) when killed. Below is a comparison of his weakened and non-weakened forms: It also bears mentioning that throwing a deathfog crate on him will not affect him or his nurses. For some reason I casted dome of protection and they couldn't attack me, they just skiped their turn over and over again. Kill all the nurses before you get to doctor. 2.Start conversation with doctor. He awarded me the same exp when weakened as he did not weakened, as I did it both ways to find out. Delay everyones turn that isnt the character with Bone Cage. None of the other characters have nearly as nice a quest conclusion, although Red Prince and his lady come close. This was while my party was hidden, so I popped in the ranger behind him and did arrow spray. Just don't talk to him and attack so it doesn't get locked? This knocked his armour off so could CC him to death after that. Green Tea > Apotheosis > Adrenaline > jump into central position > aero or geo source and 0SP/3AP skills > Skin Graft > Adrenaline > repeat damage, nothing survives. Aside from the above, the main EXP boost by not weakening Adramahlikh now is the 4 Nemesis adds. Have something that makes Lohse Immune to Charm. The alternative route (besides attacking the door) to entering the Black House is to use this particular marked barrel to sneak into the Doctor's dungeon, as shown in the picture below. How to Romance the Red Prince in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Once you kill the Doctor just bring others enemys by the same method you brought the doctor, with teleport speel/scroll, or just play with them if you have ranged characters shooting them or spell on them, but they will do too.And thats all, hope you it helps. Just posting this to help out with this quest regarding the guide: Malady + teleporting to the demon plane will only happen if Lohse is in your party, same with Jahan in the jail in the prison, this is all part from the Lohse character questline. Can someone explain to me what to do without lohse in your party? /*# sourceMappingURL=*/._2JU2WQDzn5pAlpxqChbxr7{height:16px;margin-right:8px;width:16px}._3E45je-29yDjfFqFcLCXyH{margin-top:16px}._13YtS_rCnVZG1ns2xaCalg{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}._1m5fPZN4q3vKVg9SgU43u2{margin-top:12px}._17A-IdW3j1_fI_pN-8tMV-{display:inline-block;margin-bottom:8px;margin-right:5px}._5MIPBF8A9vXwwXFumpGqY{border-radius:20px;font-size:12px;font-weight:500;letter-spacing:0;line-height:16px;padding:3px 10px;text-transform:none}._5MIPBF8A9vXwwXFumpGqY:focus{outline:unset} When it's the geomancer's turn just use teleportation to teleport the last Nemesis monster+adrenaline+pyroclastic eruption. If you have Lohse in your party (dismissing her will only result in the Doctor refusing to speak to you), there will be no option for the Doctor to offer you a contract for some reason. AoE took care of the house mob when they finally showed up, Found a new cheese strat. The catch is that his attacks will heal him, so one might want to lower his health with AoE spells so that he can be easily killed and/or have Skin Graft handy for nuking after the charm wears out.I BELIEVE but am not sure this also breaks Lohse's possession - it might simply reset or delay it. I've started a honour campaign, pretending to go without lohse (2 lone wolfs, fane and sebille). He doesn't seem to be able to walk into that room, or he is also unwilling to walk through the fire. Not easy, but manageable. I totally missed how this quest was supposed to go. Lohse will be on every team I make from now on just for this. Strip the Doctors armor using Overpower, after that use Reactive Armor to deal the highest amount of damage (care for your party, it will do massive damage to everyone on the effect area). Teleport to doctor. Killing Adramahlikh also completes the quest, netting you an additional 134,750XP, so the total end result will be an absurd 1,932,950 XP. Because all he focus from the Doctor is trying to charm her and when he cant do that, his turn will end. Just a heads up. Im thoroughly impressed how large the maps are in DOS Sourcerer using Geomancy Magic against The Divine Order Heard casting is done for the Tarquin origin story series. Pretty sure the easiest way to kill any enemy in the game is just to drop a really heavy box on them. (For those, starting from the entrance area actually is an big advantage I would say) . Get a pyramid in while it is open. Talk to the front door and open it to get 96,950XP, then don't enter but go to the barrel. On DE, I think Malady doesn't appear for the candle encounter and Jahan doesn't appear in the cellar unless you have Lohse. The elven spirit gave me awards but I didn't encounter any demons at Kemm's garden and Consulate. You can then proceed to teleport him safely without the fear of him transforming far away from the mansion to an isolated location that doesn't allow for him to move. ._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa{margin-top:8px}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa ._3EpRuHW1VpLFcj-lugsvP_{color:inherit}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa svg._31U86fGhtxsxdGmOUf3KOM{color:inherit;fill:inherit;padding-right:8px}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa ._2mk9m3mkUAeEGtGQLNCVsJ{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;color:inherit} The trick was to break his magic shield and stun him ASAP with rain and aerotheurge spam since it's instant Game Over if he possesses your avatar. Next time will try without snuffing the candles. As far as I can tell, you only meet Malady (who takes you to the doctors pocket dimension) as well as Jahan in jail if you have Lohse in your party. 4. Have something that makes Lohse Immune to Charm. You can Kill the elven messenger for ~75k xp. The Doctor has a scripted 10,000 Initiative value making it impoossible to go ahead of. Very easy after that. " Any other hints? My group had one mage and 3 physical damage dealers, that was enough damage to kill The Doctor. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a88d9f02b14263c8e6f24446ed6b8d22" );document.getElementById("c08a1a06c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So proud of all the work you've put into the practice and continuing to become the best. I found the box that is the bomb in the room next to the doctor though). First, only if Lohse snuffs the candles, the party will gain 19,400XP each time she decides to snuff out the candles, for the first two candle encounters, 58,175 XP for the many candles. Thus, killing Adramahlikh, his 6 nurses, and 4 Nemesis monsters will net you an insane grand total of 1,798,200 XP. It turned out to be one of the easiest fights on DE. Another cheese tactic is to throw a teleporter pyramid next to him > leave and gather tons of Arx's corpses together > Bone Cage > pyramid > Overpower > Reactive Armor. Killing Adramahlikh in his demonic true form will net you a crazy 299,700 XP (187,300 XP DE Edition), as opposed to a measly 149,850 XP which you will get if you kill his pathetic human form. "OK, that sentence does not do justice to this scene. A prolific gambler, who even holds a wager with Malady; his gambling goes beyond himself, with clients also passing bets on her situation DOS2_DE_Planner (Russian) Basatan , The Wishmaster is a dwarven gambler on Bloodmoon Island in 1234 AD 2 2. Low-C, sing for me in the afterlife! One nurse is near him anyway, just make sure both of the nurses are knocked down so they don't run around when it's their turn. Drank some tea, popped apothisis and then proceded to use every skill I had twice due to skin graft. Loot the area and leave. uw . Doesn't matter how strong he is, it's a war of attrition at that point. Getting through the fish barrel and taking position in the torture chamber helps a lot to avoid add interference. Enter his cellar if you haven't already and you will find two of his poor prisoners. This battle is way too BS. . Malady will be waiting there, so speak to her and she will teleport you to the Demon's home plane (starting Crippling a Demon). Not sure if this is mentioned before and contains spoilers: Finishing the game without killing the doctor and having Loshe alive gives a special ending (yes end-ing). Which we did. Once the Doctor is dead, speaking to Lohse at this point will cause her to rejoice at finally being free, and you can listen to her sing a special song. Now a fight start with the doctor and all my characters, but is the second fight, between sebille and the rest, hence, the first turn is sebille's. On DE Tactician (no candles, Lohse in party, no Tea, full fuffs pre-battle, all enemies present) Adramahlikh can be charmed. You can accept the contract, steal the blood and attack him to get one hit in before he transforms.However, depending on whether you snuffed out the thousands of candles at the end with Malady, he will either be weakened, or not. DE honour mode, full power Adramahlikh with all of his minions. After the battle - killing the Demon Adramahlikh, 4 Nemesis, and all the Nurses - I still needed 1,338,850 XP for Level 21 - a difference of only 892,950, and only half of what this Wiki says.The battle itself was very easy. Yes, don't! Divinity Original Sin 2 - Ending, Lohse and Doctor 36 subscribers Subscribe Like Share 46K views 5 years ago Divinity Original Sin 2 Explorer Mode, SUB Final with Doctor.. portugal vs italy world cup qualifiers 2022. la liga 2012 13 standings. SHARE. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. You can now repeat this two extra times and you'll get gold for all the Void-Tainted fish every time.I personally got 1.5M in gold from doing this. Is it possible to fight the Doctor without Lohse in your party? Now Sebille is talking with the doctor assistant and the dialog has two option a) attack b) something a did not read (lol). A. Kind of cheap, but while Lohse is in conversation mode with the Doctor, I moved all three of my characters behind him and thus blocking him from moving and set Flanked status. GL! Only one of the two connected display cases can open, but they are all pretty useless anyways. The climax to Lhose's story is simply brilliant. Yes, you need to rain blood (rain also worked for me) to shortcuircut the locks - maybe the demon is actually a time traveller? The key word here is positioning! To open the cabinets, short-circuit them using water or blood. the dome at america's center bag policy. I was one of those people who entered into a pact with the demon because I thought it might unlock some interesting alternate content. 1 guide. Lohse Walkthrough This quest is automatically acquired when played as Lohse. I think that might have forgoten how to play, or this fight is really difficult, like many broken things in this game. I opened the door with Loase and started the dialogue with the doctor. 20 Lone wolfs? One of the nurses came out and opened the door, kill them and threw a pyramid in so I could get back in any time. We got her a hat that gave her immunity to charm. In DE: I didn't snuff out the final thousands of candles for more XP to level 21, but Adramahlikh only give me 18X,XXX, 4 Nemesis + 6 nurses + Adramahlikh + quest completed= 1,0XX,XXX XP. As mentioned before, if you speak to him at this point after killing the Doctor and completing this quest, you will receive no XP whatsoever. This will trigger aggro from the townspeople but if you run away after he dies they will go neutral again. You can in der Folge Keep the leg and give it to Kniles the Flenser later, to avoid fighting him. There are a few ways. Speaking to him will net you 19,400XP; you will not receive this XP if you already killed the Doctor (and thus completed the quest) before speaking to him. I used my 10k armor Prince's reactive armor and arrow storm from Ifan, which did the trick. Head inside and speak to the Doctor. (reposting, the first post ignored all my formatted): Found a new cheese strat. Make sure your characters have enough room to not be in the area of Reactive Armor, or have Comeback Kid on every character, that makes everything easier. At this time you can teleport the doctor, while still in conversation onto the bench in the main hall just outside his office. Works for any boss with minions and require minimal setup. It skips their turn and allows the group to kill them off. Hardly any damage. Fought him on Tactician with Lohse as avatar and only Sebille as companion both Lone Wolf and without snuffing candles. Buy any potions of resistance that might weaken your team to prevent him from using them against you. Sparked everyone to fight me as i did it both ways to find.... It 's a war of attrition at that point, they just skiped turn... To clear all of his poor prisoners Initiative value making it impoossible to go of... When played as Lohse and without snuffing candles acquired when played as Lohse arrow spray strong he is it... To avoid fighting him will find two of his poor prisoners allows the group to kill any in! My team in the torture chamber helps a lot to avoid add interference not. 229,700 XP in DE Edition ) Wolf and without snuffing candles Hammer can be obtained after completing quest... Playing solo tactician Fane potions of resistance that might have forgoten how to Romance the Red Prince in divinity Original... 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