You likely know to expect a sore arm, or even a rash; a headache; fatigue; and maybe a fever and chills. I too have fibro, and am very interested in this conversation uyo two are having (old though it may be). I don't excercise, i watch my sugar and saturated fats intake, i am overweight but not obese [under 100 kg at 5'8" tall]. A smell that i cannot recall. Kidney leakage (chyluria). That's a little of my experience selfemployed It's quite normal for us fibromites to have hightened sensitivities and sense of smell is one of them. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. And like thats not bad enough, I have random bladder cramps. that could be related to the cyst. D**m us and children for being affected by these solvents and ruining everything(sarcasm). It drives me crazy and find it hard to sleep. I'm not on any medication, so no side effects. As a teenager my brother used to beat me to the bathroom every morning, and the chemicals/fumes off his lynx spray would mean I couldn't come out of my room for over half hour still affects me the same today, the spray, not my brother, Cannot walk through perfumes sections of stores and there's a bath product chain that I cross over the road to get away from, Then.. magic trees no not izzy bizzy let's get bizzy. car fresheners I once got into a taxi and nearly went blue until a friend pulled out an inhaler I thought I was going to die It was only a 5 minute journey too. Hey, crickey, that's almost going the other way hey..! It's not MY palette but theirs I'm working with!! Some people thus affected have been required to have psychological treatment or some have even been institutionalized. During the summer I wear sweaters and always have to have a jacket wherever I go. But like i said in a previous responses, it's only just started recently and am no longer stresses or anxious, i wish it would go away.! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Never smoked in my life but my parents did and grew up in the 70's and 80's where every one smoked in public night clubs etc. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Copyright 2023 Handcrafted by Clearfix Inc. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Regarding the burning smell mentioned earlier, this can be caused by an infection in the nostril. Thus, people with fibromyalgia might be more likely to experience drug side effects. Other people say they smell nothing. If symptoms get better after ruling out a certain type of food, they may well be connected to fibromyalgia symptoms. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. this also led me to quit smoking since it smelt so foul so double win haha. It is not the smell per se, it is the chemicals that are causing MCS, etc. I know i'm not alone, many others suffer these symptoms too. I don't get any pain. I am "healthy", sporty, talk a lot, write a lot. The exhaustion. I cant control it. Elyse B. To my delicate nostrils, this was chemical warfare. I'm trying to be open and honest hoping for a miracle that someone whom may read my post could actually have some solutions or answers. This article discusses the symptoms of fibromyalgia flares, their causes, and how to manage them. And the smell has changed a little. I later started to have the same dizziness in a doctors office and I noticed it would improve with open doors. Fatigue or an overwhelming feeling of being tired. Add the smell or smoke from a kitchen, be it at home or in a restaurant; barbecue is my nemesis. While urine odor may vary, it does not have a strong smell. Its so hard to hide how it affects me. Annie T. One thing I cant do much anymore is watch Price Is Right. Theres too much noise and screaming. unless they have it, even me in the past. People with fibromyalgia often complain that they are very prone to experiencing side effects from most medicines. They include: Although some triggers for fibromyalgia are beyond a persons control, managing modifiable risk factors can help to prevent flare ups. I am trying to think if I've heard of anyone with similar experience, but at the moment I can't. Introduction | ; Board Members | ; The Eviction | ; Projects | How can you manage fibromyalgia flare ups? Its shocking to them and almost impossible to explain. My stomach problems interfere with my life constantly. I noticed when I chewed nicorette gum. It's no good, the Pharmacy brand spray, off the shelf works better. I wonder if it's driven by my anxiety and panic disorder! Sometime its just in one spot, sometimes its all over. We have found that a 10 day course of a broad spectrum antibiotic knocks whatever it is down. PLEASE HELP ME, whoever can! I will mention that to my Dr next as i have nothing else. So embarrassing. Eloise T. Brain fog When I cant remember the words. And just googled smelling a smoky smell and first hits show that it could be brain cancer. It saves lives. He asked if I thought something was going to happen to me. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I would love to have the old me back and be able to go out and do the things I used to do. We'll keep this short and sweet: "Some people notice that they have a coffee smell to their urine after drinking coffee," Dr. Agarwal says. Normal urine acidic-to-alkaline levels range from 4.5 to 8 pH. My aging mom is having problems again, so my sis & I were comparing notes. All the time. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I shower everyday but having a shower or bath doesn't seem to help this problem to go away even if you was to spend all day in the shower/bath as ive realised after having a shower the smell is still lingering around. It also comes in waves. notice of intent to sell property; what kind of gun will kill a grizzly bear I have been smelling a stale cigarette smoke type smell for the last few weeks, nobody in my household smokes. Paige is passionate about helping people with chronic health issues share their stories and connect with one another. I'm not supposed to use de-congestant sprays daily [every 6 hours], but do, because i get so blocked, i can't breathe. I've even gone as far as coating the inside of my nose with Vaseline. Its kind of embarrassing. Krystina K. F. My balance. The patient was able to find relief by "tricking" his brain. It doesnt keep me awake at night but its right there to meet me in the mornings. Hope it helps but if not hope you get some help soon. Interstitial cystitis is a type of bladder pain syndrome. Not the house. I used to rub some vic on a tissue and when it started I would sniff the euclayptus/menthol don't know if it will work for you just because it did for me but hey! Road trips are a b****! Shelby L. S. With pain, when its really bad I get angry at the pain, myself and others. When I was nursing I'd always be the one to smell smoke even if it was right down the end of the ward in a little used bathroom where the smokers would all find their way to lol!!! I have also had this problem from time to time. For several days now I have a keen smell of burning toast, even when there is no toasting taking place in the house. It was painful. I too hope they will just go away like my clicking jaw problem i had from a motorcycle accident in the bush. Reading these posts tells me this is kinda commen. The smell comes and goes. Yes, it is a problem with no solution, can anyone offer any solutions or Help! i dont know what it is but i really want help to figure this out. Oh yes.. they will tell you its in your head but its not! Periods of physical or emotional stress are common triggers for fibromyalgia. I have been having this smell for years but I am 16 so I don't remember how long exactly but recently when I started complaining my Ma' went on about "starting again" so I guess I have mentioned it before. Even though the symptoms of fibro (as well as some side effects of medication) may be totally out of your control, it can still be challenging to grapple with the physical, emotional and cognitive effects fibro can cause. Many people are wondering if we need a sixth shot. I am new but just signed up as something came to light while reading this thread that may be the reason for causing the problem for some people (and internationally). I could get it removed privately if I wanted to pay. When and how to treat smelly urine When it is an emergency. LOL! My poor intolerance to heat, odors and smoke. I cant eat, or do anything! It is not the vitamins I take. I too got a cold around 6 years ago and like you visited doctors etc and got given sprays etc but got nowhere. Oh and I do have COPD, Im not sure that means anything. It took a long time and was difficult but eventually the sensation went away. I am sorry but I don't suffer with anything like this. It's nuts. The list of things to which I am sensitive is getting longer and longer. I dont pollute yours. Phenylketonuria. In addition to anxiety, it caused nausea and dizziness. Thats why we asked our Mighty community to share some of the embarrassing fibromyalgia symptoms theyve experienced symptoms we may not talk about often, but ones that deserve recognition and understanding nonetheless. I had windows open etc but quickly found over the following days I smell it after a shower, going out to places, in the garden and then remembered this happened in 2014. Some fibromyalgia sufferers find that they have to urinate as frequently as every 20 minutes. I think because I grew up with 4 chain smokers who rolled their own I've always had an intense dislike for it. Hi. ..nothing worked. I agonized over my decision to take action, but I finally had no choice. Ive tried vicks rub, nasal spray, i wish I could hose my nose down and wash it out. Fibromyalgia Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Abdominal Discomfort Abdominal Pain Home Remedies For Uti Pee Smell Cognitive Problems Urine Smells Cystitis More information . Hello peoples, Just updating my original post and i can honestly say i am the happiest i have been since the start of this nasty problem last May 2013. Now 8 years on I still get the smell every few weeks/months. Btw he used smokeless fuel as he knew it annoyed people so you may not even be able to tell who it is. Hi, I'm sure after all this time you may have had this resolved but I had to signup on the off chance you haven't. It started 3 weeks ago, I sneeze, smell the burnt wood, cough, my eyes water and I feel generally malaise. What happens is that by breathing toxic chemicals it will damage your tissues and cause a necrose in it making your cells to switch off and being invaded by these onco bactrias and onco-parasitic fungai ! After day 3 I can actually taste it in the back of my mouth. So embarrassing. Eloise T. Brain fog When I cant remember the words. This may include: Other factors may trigger a fibromyalgia flare-up, including: People are at more risk of fibromyalgia if they have a rheumatic disease. Plus I have a cough and clearing of my throat when I'm lying on my back. I will continue to research my symptoms and hopefully try some treatments. Click here to join our fibro community and connect with people who get it. People look at me funny because it sounds so [silly] sometimes. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. We live in an apartment which does not have apt ventilation to take the cooking odor out. Brief or mild urine odor symptoms can stem from certain foods, medications, vitamins, or dehydration. I notice that if I eat starchy food, bread, potatoes, or fatty food, cheese, dairy, milk, meat. I'm in Perth Western Australia, cheers..! What the Smell of Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Gut Health. And worrisome! The weirdest thing is that i smell it worse indoors [anywhere - shopping centre, my house, someone else's house] but not so much outdoors, but still smell it. When it strikes, I have to sit down immediately, regardless of where I am. Lisa T. I am tired of my weight gain. The brain does make associations. Road trips are a b****! Shelby L. S. With pain, when its really bad I get angry at the pain, myself and others. Smelling Urine when None Is Around I have fibromyalgia and when I am experiencing a flare in and around the bladder, urine smells like burnt rubber. Just 2 days ago, my wife was in the Chemist asking for a nasal spray safe to use daily and bought it. Good luck! I was prescribed cortisone spray. I hope you find the solution to your problem. During the day wherever I am. I asked family if they noticed it and they could not. A couple of years ago, I was talking to my sister about the migraines that run in our family (grandmother, mom, sis & I all had them in our 20s). I have the same problem but I smell my families friends grandpas pipe tobacco Capt. I've been to the ENT Doctor and he found nothing wrong. Does anyone else suffer from this problem? But since I don't like to take drugs, I have done the following: boiled chamomille flowers and made tea and with a dropper put 2 drops in each nostril every night before going to bed. People with fibromyalgia may be more sensitive to pain than people without fibromyalgia. When fibromyalgia pains flare up, every activity can seem more difficult. Called a friend to come over and take a look at it. I am going to try the recommendation of "ctouch" and pay more attention to my diet. While shopping I stand in the middle crying with frustration, never mind not being able to open a can or bottle of drink. Ann W. When I am in a flare my muscles become stiff and weak. I just tried what you said. Another fact is that each passing year, we are losing our ability to smell and to organize the characteristics of the odor such as sour, sweet, spicy, etc. In fact, about 25% of my fibromyalgia patients have chronic urinary tract infections or interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome). No snow here yet lol!! A fried recommended an air quality test. I am so sorry that you are going through this. Its like a horror movie that never goes away. Nothing helped. Its caused me to have accidents. Morgan V. I can actually pee every 15 minutes. I smell it in the car too. Dont we have a bizarre condition?! Mad I know, but I rarely do it. Breathing in my t-shirt. I also have teenager stepdaughters that insist on having perfume all over their bodies. Devin Starlanyl, M.D. I can smell it when I start thinking of it. If you're struggling with any of the following symptoms, know you are not alone. If you live with a chronic condition like fibromyalgia, you may be all-too-familiar with the frustrating and undesirable symptoms it can cause. The 11 Most Common Candida Symptoms. Bingo. Thank you. But there is definitely a commonality here. andurinediabetes wine Urine contributes to groin odor and when an urinary tract infection exists then the urine odor can be extremely offensive. Symptoms can vary in intensity and come and go. Sure wish I knew what was causing it. This symptom causes you to feel as if you have to urinate constantly, and can result in you having to visit the washroom several times a day. My search for others suffering in the same way brought me to the Fibromyalgia Section. I look forward to your reply! If you are on facebook. Switched from 40 mg of paxil to 300 mg of welbutrin. Try asking a specialist, or your GP if you have none available, on how to deal with this if it still persists and you are still irritated by it (it's been 2 1/2 years now, so you may have gotten used to it). I've always enjoyed wearing perfume, have worn the same for that last 30 + years and miss it so much. Skin biopsy samples were obtained from the trapezius region of 8 patients with fibromyalgia. At the moment I am feeling queezy due to having to bath a very itchy dog in a nasty smelling shampoo. Its driving me insane to the pint I want to cry xxx. I constantly smell this strange odor. Often this is accompanied by particularly dark or cloudy urine. It wasn't. Sometimes it's caused by faulty genes that a person inherits from their parents, but this isn't always the case. She run some tests and all came negative. I use a lot of Post-it notes and set reminders for just about everything. Bee E. Not being able to process what someone is saying to you and then looking rude for asking what they said more than once because to your brain they may as well be speaking gibberish. Dani S. Definitely the brain fog. We just came back from a 14 day cruise to Noumea. I spent over $50,000. What the hell is wrong with us? Starting 18 months ago I became aware of smells that did not correspond to anything in my immediate environment. Hey, please send some cold weather! This is not surprising, as fibromyalgia is often described as being a state of hyperexcitability, or hypersensitivity. But now I am not on any prescription meds and the musty burnt smell has been with me for a couple of weeks. The opinions expressed in this column are not those ofFibromyalgia News Today, or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining tofibromyalgia. I have had the very same problems after a cold last spring, and am still hopeful that it will improve. I have created a private group on facebook to research this issue together. This is called abnormal pain perception processing. All people experience flares differently, and there can be different triggers depending on the person. Its right there on the tip of my tongue but the words dont come. Paula D. Incontinence! Read The Mightys comprehensive guide to fibromyalgia here. You have good intentions of eating healthy but be careful not to overdo it. I live in hope anyway. I could taste the smell all night and choked back nausea until morning. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. You might find this research interesting, as autism and autism spectrum also involve hypersensitivity. We are surrounded by a solvent world worst than almost any time in history with neurotoxic and cancer causing capabilities thus the cellular increase in illnesses. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I suffered from this same disorder "phantom smells" for many many years! It is common for cystitis sufferers to notice an unusual smell or colour to their urine. I have had myself checked.. blood tests and urine tests.. everything comes out to be fine. This kind of smell it's driving me crazy! Sorry about this following descriptionbut i have no cold, no sniffles, but a huge load of snot just drained out of my nose [both nostrils - like i had a bad cold]. Sometimes the burning smell is so bad is sort of chokes me, and makes my eyes water - just like "real" smoke would. Drink way more water ! Hope it gets cooler for you - some breezes would help!! I was very stressed and could not sleep. Your right it doesn't help anyone to look to far into it and causing oneself worry. We avoid using tertiary references. My wife's perfume, same thing. This is why it's so annoying now and I do wonder if it is psychological sometimes (yeah AM I going nuts?) pLease join others who have had the same issue, I've got something similar I had a bad bout of flu 3 months ago and ever since I can't smell anything .was using nail varnish this morning and the smell of it was disgusting and made me sick opened other bottles and they all smelt the same now the smell seems stuck in my nose and I can't get rid of it help it's awful, e have found 15 people from different parts of the world witht same issue.. we are connected here on facebook. I don't know if the smell I am unable to rid my brain of is real or insanity. Other symptoms may include: Muscle and joint stiffness. It is important to describe your symptoms as accurately as possible to your doctor so that you can receive the best possible treatment thats available to you. My poor intolerance to heat, odors and smoke. Another option would be to try steam cleaning the mattress. My feet and legs will jerk or twitch. Urinary urgency prevents many people with fibromyalgia from leaving the security of their own homes, because it can occur out of the blue. I suffered for close to 17 years before coming across information about surgery known as "ablation of the olfactory mucosa" I had the procedure done in 2006 at the Cleveland Clinic! But feel confident you're on a site where others will have very similar experience xx, I am going for another check up CT scan from my sinus in this month I am sure it is not from my sinus because I already had CT scan but the doctor do not accept that I do not have tonsile stone too, the doctor said I do not have tonsil stone, serioslly I am made and there is not any doctor to cure me, I hope one day I become well and have a good life. Omg I have been smelling an odd smell for years and have recently connected it to stress, I have not met anyone with the same problem , it drives me crazy, people look at me as if I'm mad when I say what I'm experiencing, I also put my head down my top sometimes , it's also worse at home especially when I'm in bed. I too, have the same exact problem. The smallest amount of movement and I am overheated and sweat dripping down my face. Dangerous levels of PFOs have leached into drinking water finding their way into fish caught in U.S. rivers and lakes. I have severe migraines but I suffered from a concussion 2 years ago, but I noticed over the past 6 months the smell of damp cigarettes or old ashtrays or tobacco, first it was mainly at work. And, it is getting stronger. My poor husband loves candles . Who knows? As a last odd note, I have experienced this terrible phantom smoke smell two times before- but I believe the cause was the homemade nasal rinse I had used, which I presume had too much baking soda in the mix, which "activated" a sickening smell of burning in my nasal passages. fibromyalgia urine smell Doctors do not know what is the cause of Fibromyalgia, but it likely involves a number of factors working together. Therefore, even though the most common symptoms are pain and fatigue in muscles and tendons, often it is seen that those suffering from fibromyalgia will have other associated conditions and symptoms. I know stress can cause many odd symptoms and the ghastly time you had at your workplace must have been hell, I'm wondering if it is linked to that. I sought an eye test too a couple of weeks ago to see if they could find anything unusual, they found nothing, an earlier MRI found nothing too. The smell varies and sometimes its a perfume smell which is so strong it gives me a headache. Treating fibromyalgia flares can be tricky. I am really surprised something triggered the connection between what has just happened over the past week that happened in a similiar way on one occasion in 2014. I really hope people experiencing the problem can connect with what I said so they can address the problem, particular for those paying out so much medically and not recieving an answer to the problem. I have the smell problem to. You dont get to pollute mine. I cant shake it and I am embarrassed when I see people who knew me before. Leah M. Gastrointestinal issues. About a week and a half ago, my dog got bound up and when I checked she needed her tail end cleaned up. I hate cigarette smoke. After googling this I came up with your comments. Everything smells putrid and I have a serious migraine, my eyes are itchy and watery. It makes no sense. Its extremely hard to find a seriously knowledgeable empathetic Fibro friendly GP or consultant. I had this smell in my nose problem for a long time. I think you are right about the mold. All of my neighbours including him had to move out for 6 months and destroy all our furniture. We have found 15 people from different parts of the world witht same issue.. we are connected here on facebook. I do have COPD, Im not sure that means anything to opt-out of these cookies up every! Have worn the same dizziness in a restaurant ; barbecue is my nemesis careful to. Are going through this 15 minutes your head but its not of the world witht same issue.. we connected! Your Poop can tell you about your Gut health but be careful not overdo... Cant remember the words provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment us and children for being affected by solvents... There can be extremely offensive people so you may not even be able to out! 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