Thanks. Joseph Steyn came from the Hub and was the mayor of Nipton before Caesar's Legion took over the town. The mesh doesn't exist. I stuffed it into a container somewhere. Bio This consumable item from Fallout 3 confusingly appears both on the list of the Legion's contraband as well as its list of allowed consumables, though its stats were not updated for New Vegas's hardcore mode. Has an unused repair list, RepairNVHeavyRiveter. Which is where you find the 2nd half of the Mayor's Note (Mayor Steyn's Journal 2/2). I can hardly believe my luck. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Object Graphically identical to the White Glove Society Mask. Contained in the first-person view models for the weapons. Uses the model for the Ash Tray internally, but if dropped by the player it creates a fully functioning Sentry Bot Toy (or a broken one, see unused creatures). This is really near to the Mojave Outpost somewhere, certainly someone can help me? Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Fox." ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ha! 0 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. So it says on his computer that he started a supply stockpile somewhere between Nipton and the Mohave OutpostIve searched all over and cant find a thing. The token merely kicks in a timer that, when appropriate, makes the Legion Explorer's reference cast on itself (CIOS) an AOE, touch based, spell. There are signs that they were meant to return at some point - all three are on the list of items banned by Caesar's Legion, as well as an unused form list NVFiendDrugList. I can hardly believe my luck. I place this GameMode code in an item so as not to run the script on the Actor entity. A laser rifle which inflicts 1000 damage per hit and always critical hits, thus always turning the target into a pile of ashes. You currently have javascript disabled. Contents 1Armor 1.1Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit 1.2Aura Token Kicker When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. After hearing the line "I like you. Hidden Supply Cave. It would be so nice not to have to pay Rosie. Between the Cop shop and the Mojave Outpost. The Boomer disguise would have been useful for infiltrating Nellis, and a Followers of the Apocalypse disguise would have made the Legion docile. Steyn's Stash? According to developer Joshua Sawyer, the jumpsuit was unintentionally omitted.Formspring. Form IDs: CDA5C (Weak), F7EAE (Always Crit) Ranger Station Foxtrot. Hope that helps narrow your search a bit! [2], Eventually, a mysterious young man, who called himself "Mr. Fox," made Steyn an offer of 8,000 caps, revealing himself as a member of Caesar's Legion. Nevertheless, an unused message file (FollowersMessageArcadeUpgradeGiveArmor) indicates Arcade would have been the source of this armor. They would later reappear in the Honest Hearts and Old World Blues DLCs. There are ten of these with identical contents: There are five of them (though their internal names number them from 06 to 10) and they're all empty. A promising development, if I do say so myself! Relevant noteworthy script, entirely commented out: The faction-specific currencies have junk item equivalents that are never used. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Editor ID It *has* to do it. Contents 1 Location 2 Transcripts 2.1 Prison Break (1/2) 2.2 Guess Whose Luck Keeps Rolling? They held a lottery to determine each citizen's fate. ), somewhere near the., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. You should be able to see it from the spot where you come across all those destroyed vehicles that I mentioned. Upon becoming mayor of the town, he had Tony the Tinker fix up a terminal for him to utilize. Has the appearance of a generic metal box. The suit has a +5 bonus to Guns, and +3 to Energy Weapons. I killed a Deathclaw my first time I passed Sloan. Form IDs: 140CA2 (Normal), 140CA1 (Broken). If you appreciate the work done within the wiki, please consider supporting The Cutting Room Floor on, Trail Carbine Laminate Stock and Custom Action, Tom Dooley's Player Stuff Merchant Container, Vault 24 doesn't appear in the game and wasn't even mentioned in any supplemental materials. Role Several functions may not work. His model can be found in the game files. This is a clean key. There are junk item versions of all three mods which do absolutely nothing. Joseph B. Steyn was the mayor of Nipton . A teddy bear meant to be received in Bitter Springs upon speaking to the child refugees with the unused Child at Heart perk. The actual chip is called "The Platinum Chip" in-game. Weight The problem with Internet quotations is that many are not genuine. Ha! Just now I was approached by a rather intense young man calling himself "Mr. Three of the following: Rad-X, Stimpak, Dirty Water, Purified Water, RadAway (75% chance each), 5 Stimpaks or Super Stimpaks, 75% chance each, 20-80 caps (requires Fortune Finder perk). The following developer comment is in the item's script: A pair of unused message files (FactionReminderBoomer, FactionReminderFollowers) show that it was once possible to disguise oneself as a Boomer or a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse. Town's been going to hell ever since Mayor Steyn waltzed in from out west saying he'd put Nipton on the map. Dare I say: Yeah! It has no Pip-Boy icon. I'm agape. It is no quest, it is only mentioned in the notes on his PC. I found a note in the Nipton Rest Station about a stash someone was hiding between the Mojave Outpost and the Rest Station. My intention was to clean up the area without missing the original design. This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. Icon You know they went for that deal. Mayor Steyn's journals are miscellaneous items in Fallout: New Vegas . The terminal is in the Nipton House to the right of Nipton Town Hall. Posts: 3443. The base IDs for all the items are identical in both games. Further evidence of this scrapped mask can be seen in the Powder Ganger's reputation icon. I sent the Jims out to make contact with the prisoners (or "Powder Gangers," rather - they insist on this name) to let them know Nipton's open for trade - with free turns with the girls as door prizes. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Fallout: New Vegas Mentioned only in the empty levelled item list VendorAmmo25mmGrenadeWP. (2/2) 3 Related quests Location Prison Break (part 1) can be read on Mayor Steyn's terminal in Nipton Hall. Mayor Steyn's journal You know they went for that deal. This is a clean key, and similar to the one above, related to the quest "How Little We Know". About that bunker at Fortification Hill Journal 1 (the miscellaneous item) is cut, but the note itself can be read on. Mentioned-only character Both of these are pretty self-explanatory. It was likely omitted to allow the player to wear separate headgear, as very few pieces of armor take both the head and body equipment slots. The only thing I found between there is a camp FILLED with giant radscorpions, 5+ of them. Continuing on I found an old race track (map marker) and the like. There's nothing particularly valuable in their house, so it's uncertain what this would have opened. Nipton Mayor *SPOILERS*. Signed, with a steady hand, Uses Psycho's mesh and carries a risk of Psycho addiction. Fixed up a terminal for Mayor Steyn too, so he can run his numbers, and got a free turn with Rose as payment! Huh? Ha! Who is the. Differently-named Ant Refuse Piles, in several different varieties. Ha! Mayor Steyn's journals are miscellaneous items inFallout: New Vegas. This was later used in the game's final DLC Lonesome Road as the model for Ulysses' weapon, Old Glory. Reading says this dude started stockpiling supplies (eyes light up! He knew that NCR troops and Powder Gangers often spend time in Nipton. Very exciting! Differently-named ant refuse pile. Just now I was approached by a rather intense young man calling himself "Mr. Ambassador Phillip Granger's final report, Eastern reflector control terminal password. I found a note in the Nipton Rest Station about a stash someone was hiding between the Mojave Outpost and the Rest Station. Incidentally, there is an unused message file that describes the construction of white phosphorous shells at The Fort (based on editor ID) but this is probably unrelated: Form ID: 15FD42 Fallout New Vegas Improved is an everything mod, it does a lot of things. Form ID: EFB3C Page 2 of 2 - Mayor Steyn's Stockpile - posted in New Vegas Spoilers: I just found this on the FONV wiki : Heading down the road that takes you to the Outpost you can find a turned truck that is full of barrels. Icon WeapNVHeavyRailCannon and WeapNVLightRailCannon are two unused weapon names found in the unused NVMissFortuneGunScript. Technical The base ids for all the items are identical in both games. Enter the truck and you will see a toolbox that has a unique name "secret stash". A useless junk item referring to the weapon that was later renamed to "Mantis Gauntlet". As sold by Little Jim, anyway. vNiptonMayorSteyn As sold by Little Jim, anyway. Rum & Nuka is set to give the player an agility boost for 240 seconds. The name of the mesh for the default 10mm view model lists it as a 'Heavy Frame' mod in the GECK. Despite being a Legion-related item (called LegionExplorerAuraToken internally), it was mistakenly placed in the inventory of Crandon in North Vegas. All I have to do is convince the Powders to kidnap the NCR troops at night. Form ID: 1300B0 The armor-piercing homemade claw weapon from Fallout 3 was set to return but didn't make it into the final version of the game, making Deathclaw Hands useless. It is possibly a vestige of a cut location. Carolyn Goodman is the mayor of Las Vegas, Geno Martini is mayor of Sparks, and Andy Hafen is mayor of Henderson. (on the keyboard) :(. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. When i try to enter the (player.additem000000f) cheat it doesnt work, Why? The life of a Mayor suits me just fine. his journal makes reference to him making 8000 caps by setting up the powder gangers and NCR to get captured by the Legion in Nipton. Mayor Joseph B. Steyn, Esq. An unused alternate skin for the unique Sawed-Off Shotgun. if you dont recall this. One is lying around in the test map "backups". When both groups are in town, the Legion boys will scoop everyone up. Form ID: EF40D Notable loot: Pugilism Illustrated, Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle cap, Mayor Steyn's journal 2/2. When both groups are in town, the Legion boys will scoop everyone up. All for 30 caps worth of Rosie. Another Fallout 3 leftover adjusted for hardcore mode and featured on the Legion's contraband list. I think the place he's on about in the message is at the foot of the hill leading up to Mojave Outpost. This would have gone in Hidden Valley, so Aster was almost certainly Brotherhood of Steel. But if I did, this would be it. Form ID: 11D9C8 Race Uses the Barter skill to calculate damage. The mod, if it existed, would have increased the durability and weight. Though if you go further west up into the mountains there is a campsite with a little bit more loot. Form ID: 1046F8 For this simple task, I have been offered 8,000 CAPS!!! He knew that NCR troops and Powder Gangers often spend time in Nipton. This is a junk item, not the functional (unused) note. Investigate Keith's gambling and drug operations. p.s. Contents 1 Locations 2 Transcripts 2.1 Mayor Steyn's journal 1/2 2.2 Mayor Steyn's journal 2/2 3 Notes 4 Gallery Locations Journal 1 (the miscellaneous item) is cut, but the note itself can be read on Mayor Steyn's computer in the Nipton Town Hall. I'm agape. This key is related to the quest "How Little We Know". Likely cut due to because of Quantum's region-specific nature, though a banner advertising it can still be seen in Goodsprings General Store. The Nipton terminals are a collection of terminal entries from Nipton in Fallout: New Vegas . How do I attach the ballast to the B-39 ? note to the player's Pip-Boy. I'd better stop here. Form ID: 11D9C7 Don't smile ever. Tony was kind enough to build this terminal and set it up for me. Is there a companion for a legion player. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. I can drop the journal and leave it in a container. Though the Fallout 3 weapon itself has been deleted from the game's files, the faction MS13 Can be Mezzed with Mesmetron is full of New Vegas NPCs, indicating that player-initiated slavery may have been planned at some point. It's misleading that the 2nd note is found there and not back in Nipton, but it's just a copy of the note found on the computers in Nipton. Joseph B. Steyn The Evil Gnome's internal name is "ScottEGnome", named after one of the developers. And the local "shops" are all giving me a percentage of sales to the troops because it's my girls who bring them in. 001618AE The other is named WeapPlasmaRifleAlwaysCrit, which functions more like a Multiplas Rifle, except it always crits and always turns the target into a puddle of goo. I'm not sure, but I think it might be that. For maximum impact, only show one Gutsy to gal, let admiration take hold, *then* reveal second Gutsy. A minor healing item which increases poison resistance. An early version of the Legion slaves' backpack, equipped as a weapon. Note the uncapitalized name. Likely similar in concept to the above. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. They think they're shrewd negotiators for getting me to accept a 15% cut instead of 20%. It turns out that the Legion hates and wishes to make an example of both groups, the NCR for obvious reasons, and Powder Gangers for harassing Legion raiding parties on this side of the river. All I have to do is convince the Powders to kidnap the NCR troops at night. Back to top #10 WuphonsReach Where does my faction armor go when I have Ed-e store stuff? An evil gnome identical to the unique one you find in Fire Root Cave, but with a different internal name. Mayor Steyn's journals are miscellaneous items in Fallout: New Vegas . You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Their graphics exist, but the specifics for the mods themselves are incomplete. Luckily, the troopers only come at night (double entendre), so if the Powders will only come during the day (again), I'll have them coming (third time, the charm) and going. Ha! I, Harry Collins, hereby declare sole proprietorship of vital essence and claim hereto all legitimate rights in defending said essence versus all comers, QED. GECK race Fallout: New Vegas cut miscellaneous items. I found the Nipton mayors journal's (2), one in Nipton and the other at that gas station to the West. Male the only info it gives is that it is inbetween there and the Mojave Outpost. As sold by Little Jim, anyway. Like its name states, it was clearly used for debugging purposes during development. Big Jim was killed during negotiations. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus Mods, ya i found that tobut wasnt much of a stash. This helmet and this armor can be found on a second unused Papa Khan NPC. Despite not being available in the game, the Courier can be seen wearing the jumpsuit in the very last ending slide. As far as the house Hoooo mentioned, haven't been there yet, unless you mean the burnt out open house with Viper gangs in it, that had a camp fire and foot locker with some mines. Signed, with a steady hand, Is there a developers area with all items like in fallout 3? The mesh for the unique one you find the 2nd half of the Apocalypse disguise would have made Legion! Stash & quot ; secret stash & quot ; terminal and set it up for.! The Legion slaves ' backpack, equipped as a 'Heavy Frame ' mod in the inventory Crandon. Nuka is set to give the player an agility boost for 240 seconds items are identical in both.... And set it up for me the Honest Hearts and Old World DLCs! Increased the durability and weight Outpost somewhere, certainly someone can help me, named after one of mayor... I place this GameMode code in an item so as not to have to do is the! 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