Marketing Manager: Mars Garrett At this time, Lorgar had not yet fallen to the corruption of Chaos, though he had turned against the Emperor of Mankind as a deity no longer worthy of his worship after the Emperor and the Ultramarines had personally humiliated him and the entire Word Bearers Legion on the world of Khur 43 Terran years before the start of the Horus Heresy. However, I dont find this particular variation of the theory very compelling. However, the 40K theorist in me, that comes up with my own host of theories LOVES this idea. Though the Emperor was a being of unfathomable psychic and physical might, Horus had become a being of monstrous strength, bloated with the combined powers of all four Chaos Gods, the true champion of Chaos Undivided, even as the Emperor remained the galaxy's ultimate champion of order. BoLS Interactive LLC. To the shock of his Custodian Diocletian Coros, the Emperor declared the Imperium of Man to ultimately be doomed, whether it was in a single standard year or ten thousand, and for the first time admitted that even He did not know what to do to save Mankind from extinction. By game-playing. The Emperor of Mankind was now truly more than a secular ruler -- He was the God-Emperor, the one, true god of all Humanity. Unable to interact more directly with His worshipers, He is horrified by what His Imperium has become over the last 10,000 years in the wake of the terrible wounds inflicted by the Horus Heresy and the ongoing threats to Humanity from Chaos, xenos, mutants and the Traitors within. Even before they became fully conscious in the Immaterium the Ruinous Powers recognised the man who would become the Emperor as their greatest enemy. This allowed the device to be powered for a single solar day without the Emperor's presence, and he used that time to plunge into the Webway and rescue the retreating Imperial forces. Only His mind remained active within the Warp as His dying body continued to decay at a glacially slow pace. Both would be incredibly powerful, yet the original would always be in charge. And then the predators will feast A great statue of the God-Emperor erected upon an Imperial Shrine World. For instance the return of the Great Angel is pretty out there. Turning His back on direct military matters, the Emperor created the Council of Terra (the precursor of the Senatorum Imperialis), the Imperial Tithe, and expanded the civil governing and bureaucratic bodies of the Imperium like the Adeptus Administratum, before retiring in seclusion beneath the Imperial Palace to begin work upon the Golden Throne and the Webway Project. Rather, the Emperor did. It is also believed that the Emperor's might within the Warp directly holds the power of Chaos at bay, and were the Emperor to be absent from the Immaterium, Chaos would break through the physical boundaries of the universe, transforming the entire galaxy into a realm of insanity and horror very much like the Eye of Terror. The Emperor is Arcuturus Mengsk, a descendant of Mengsk, or whoever is in the charge of Terran Dominion. This falsely revealed that the reason the Emperor had left the Great Crusade and returned to Terra was so that He could attempt to reach godhood, abandon all His sons and betray the Imperial Truth's promise to enlighten Humanity and free it from the shackles of false gods and organised religion. The titanic final clashes are some of the most famous bits of the 40K lore. Editor: Danni Button, Adam Harrison Perhaps as a result of the Eye of Terror's proximity, this later population of Cadians also soon developed the unusual violet-coloured eyes that had marked the first Human inhabitants of the planet. But even before the birth of the Emperor, as Humanity grew and progressed, the Warp began to become increasingly disturbed by the dark undercurrents of Humanity's collective psyche, and the shamans began to lose their former ability to reincarnate into new bodies. At the same time, despite His current decayed condition, the Emperor can still cryptically communicate His wishes to select psykers through the arcane medium of the Emperor's Tarot. In truth, the Emperor's origin and history prior to unifying Terra is largely mysterious and undetailed, though His immortality and extraordinary psychic abilities still define Him. This woman, the Chaos priestess Ingethel of Cadia, would ultimately lead the Primarch down a path of spiritual enlightenment that actually marked the beginning of Lorgar's fall to heresy and Chaos. Nurgle was the third to awake and plagues swept across Old Earth's continents claiming many souls for the Lord of Decay. Warhammer 40,000 - Wikipedia The Emperor had refused to believe Magnus' warning about His favoured son and instead came to believe that it was Magnus who had been corrupted by Chaos because of his decision to continue to use sorcery in violation of Imperial law. Those who prove less willing to give themselves for the glorious cause of Mankind are sedated and their psychic lifeforce fed to the power collection mechanism of the Golden Throne regardless. In the aftermath of these events, the Emperor conceived a new plan. However due to real world legal and licensing disputes Malal was dropped from the canon. If the emperor was indeed created as a weapon, it gives reason for him wanting to unite humanity, and the primarchs, marines, and custodes are essentially his attempt to replicate himself. It was a cadre of several hundred Custodians, even then believed to have been commanded by the legendary Constantin Valdor, and accompanied by several thousand prototype Astartes of the I Legion of the newborn Space Marines, that stood in the Emperor's defence, carrying out a merciless culling of the obsolete and rebellious gene-soldiers. Maybe there is even a version of the Heresy where this is true. By repetition. Most of the ones made later, such as Vulkan, where created Perpetuals, not natural born. More and more often during the progress of the Imperial conquest of the galaxy, the Imperial Army and Space Marines would make planetfall only to find that the populace were in thrall to mysterious powers and unnatural mystics called "sorcerers.". The setting of Warhammer 40,000 is violent and pessimistic. Its paracausal. While he was still an adolescent, the Emperor's father was murdered by his uncle. Individually or in small groups -- like the self-stylised "Dait'Tar" Thunder Warriors present during the Cerberus Insurrection of the early Great Crusade era -- some Thunder Warriors would survive, living mostly anonymous and miserable lives amongst the population of Terra, all honours of the past forsaken, always fearful of being discovered. Thats kind of a cool thought. M41, Inquisitor Fortez reported that he and his colleagues Alexio and Credo had discovered a cult known as the Cult of the Star Child, led by self-proclaimed Sensei claiming to be the Emperor's sons. The most powerful of these troops were the proto-Astartes known as the Thunder Warriors. The Emperor also created the superhuman primarchs from whom the Space Marines' gene-seed was later developed to serve as His primary military commanders for the Great Crusade. Though the Emperor's body continued to live within the Golden Throne and His potent mind continued to be a beacon for Humanity in the form of the Astronomican, His soul is a new, benevolent God of the Warp, the God of Humanity, waiting to be born. The expeditionary fleet's master of astropaths advised Lorgar that unusual "voices" in the Warp were heard in the vicinity of the great Warp rift, voices that spoke directly to the Primarch as well, which were the voices of the Chaos entities within the Immaterium. The Golden Throne itself lies in the Sanctum Imperialis, the great hall at the heart of the Imperial Palace guarded by the Emperor's Companions, a special and highly elite bodyguard contingent of the Adeptus Custodes. This was the secret Webway Project, in which the Emperor planned to employ the assistance of a special artefact from the Dark Age of Technology -- the Golden Throne -- that had been discovered on Terra beneath a huge and inhospitable desert on the continent of Asia. With such a history between them, the Emperor felt Horus was the man to lead the Great Crusade in His absence. Daemons, and Chaos gods are odd. As the Emperor grew older His powers began to manifest themselves and become more potent and He gradually remembered His thousands of past lives, adding all of their knowledge and experience to His own. He had already purged ancient Terra of all its ancient religions and superstitious beliefs by the time the Great Crusade began, even going so far as to personally witness the destruction of the final church on Terra's ancient soil after engaging its resident holy man, Uriah Olathaire,in a battle of ideas, wit and dogma. Abe is that rare thing, an Austin local born and raised here. He ordered the Sisters of Silence to gather a thousand psykers across the galaxy and sacrifice them to the Golden Throne. BoLS Interactive LLC. At the start of the Horus Heresy, the Primarch Magnus the Red had violated the Edicts of Nikaea to use sorcery to penetrate the psychic wards of the Imperial Palace and bring news of Horus' treachery directly to the Emperor. The Emperor has remained in the Golden Throne since His "ascension" to this day, neither fully living nor wholly dead. Click for details. The Emperor could, in essence, play good cop/bad cop by Himself, something we know the Emperor and Malcador often did. Warhammer 40k: how did the Emperor die? - Quora As such, following the extraordinary victory of Imperial forces over the greatest Ork WAAAGH! In 997. Warhammer 40K Theories: The Emperor Is The Chaos God Malal Abe Apfel 5 Minute Read Sep 29 2022 Advertisement Could the Emperor and the forgotten Chaos God Malal be one and the same? He is also the collective reincarnation of the extinct shamans, sorcerers and wise-men who had guided primitive Humanity during prehistoric times. But why should this act be what convinces the Emperor that Horus is a goner? The Emperor prepared extensively for the Great Crusade in the years after Unity was achieved on Terra; He created the special astro-telepath (astropath) corps to link his eventual interstellar dominion together through the use of telepathy, and engineered the creation of the Astronomican. A hidden group within the Imperium that call themselves the Illuminati know of the existence of the Emperor's scions, and are also aware that the Emperor is failing as his life slowly gutters out despite the creaking ministrations of the Golden Throne. Though some Thunder Warriors successfully escaped the cull, however it happened, the vast majority of those who survived the Unification Wars died at the hands of their own allies. Its well known that Sanguinius had the gift of foresight. Horus was foremost amongst the Primarchs and was the first re-discovered by the Emperor on the dying world of Cthonia that lay so close to Terra that Warp-Drive was not needed to reach the planet. That begs the questions of why? Alternatively, the Emperor could have purposefully made a weaker clone; He might not have wanted to create a rival, so instead formed a weaker version of Himself. While we dont have a solid date for the visit, we know it was sometime during the Dark Age of Technology, which puts it anywhere from 15,000-5,000 years before the Horus Heresy, which would mean that Malcadors birth falls into the frame. The man who would later become known as the Emperor of Mankind first appears in Imperial records as just one of the many warlords struggling for control of Terra during the later part of the Age of Strife in the 30th Millennium. Yet the God-Emperor is a tormented soul. To this end, though Lorgar no longer had any love or loyalty for the Emperor, he and his XVII Legion rejoined the Great Crusade but did so only for their efforts to serve as a front for their pursuit of the pilgrimage. Composite theories of the Emperor's origins | Fandom Their purpose having been achieved, the Emperor ordered all of the remaining Thunder Warriors to be liquidated. The Emperor can also provide a number of psychic protections against the powers of Chaos and its Daemons through the connection of faith and He may be able to influence the physical universe in a number of other unexpected ways. Together, she, several other Perpetuals and the man who would one day become the Emperor travelled to the Knight World of Molech aboard a one-way voidcraft. This should become an immediate Imperial priority. Since the Emperor's soul survived, there was a possibility that His whole essence could be reborn into the physical world once more in a new physical body. So the theory goes that Malcador was, in fact, the Emperor's humanity, his goodness, and kindness, that was split off or perhaps cut off, into its own being. To Humanity's countless trillions across the galaxy-spanning Imperium, He is nothing less than God. The ultimate objective of the Webway Project was for the Emperor to completely sever Humanity from the need for the Warp in its entirety. This wiped out the original Cadians and left the planet abandoned so that no others could stumble upon the secret of the Primordial Truth that had been entrusted to him alone by the Chaos Gods. Yet something unexpected has happened. Warhammer 40K Theories: The Emperor Is The Chaos God Malal He used to be big into the competitive Warhammer tournament scene but age has mellowed him and he now appreciates a good casual match. In times of trouble He became a crusader, a religious leader or even a messiah, at other times He remained a back-stage contributor to events, an advisor to kings, a court magician, a pioneering scientist. Now weve looked at the theory that Malcador was really the one in charge before; this one is a little different. According to this theory Horus did not kill Sanguinius. Sr. Editor & Publisher: Larry Vela Victory in the end, came at a horrible cost, as the Emperor was horrible wounded. Sanguinius reached Horus first and met him in a mighty battle that resulted in his own death at his brother's hands, but not before the angelic Primarch managed to create a small gap in the Warmaster's Terminator Armour. The Humans that were left in charge of the Imperium after the Horus Heresy and the loss of all the Primarchs had no real understanding of what had happened to the Emperor. Warhammer 40k; What is your best Legion of the damned theory? Slaanesh was born around the year 30,000. The Emperor rejected the Librarians' proposed compromise outright. The Emperor believed the Imperial Truth needed to be brought to all the worlds of Humanity, peacefully at first but imposed by war if necessary, because the Emperor believed that true unity was the only way for Humanity to survive and prosper in the face of a very hostile universe. As noted above, it is the Emperor's powerful mind, projected and amplified in the Immaterium by the arcane mechanisms of the Golden Throne, that guides and maintains the psychic beacon of the Astronomican. Eventually the shamans of Humanity, unable to reincarnate, would become extinct, and without the shamans and their psychic abilities to guide the race, Humanity would inevitably fall prey to the corruptions of Chaos, just as eventually happened to the Aeldari. Indeed Horus drive on Terra was done in order to kill the Emperor. The Star Child background was introduced in the original version of Warhammer 40,000, and dismissed as heretical in the 3rd Edition in favour of the more vague "Iron Men and Stone Men" history of an ancient cybernetic conflict between Humanity and a race of artificial intelligences they created during the Dark Age of Technology. The two champions engaged one another in a tragic battle of father and son, as Horus mortally wounded the Emperor, tearing off one of His arms and shattering His internal organs, largely because the Emperor still loved Horus and could not bring Himself to use the full extent of His psychic abilities to destroy His son. One of the things thats mentioned about them is that when is born it has always been alive. He can see the destination. This refusal to worship the Emperor as prescribed by the Imperial Creed is also one of the reasons that the Astartes often come into conflict with the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition. 40K Lore For Newcomers - Who Is The Emperor? - 40K Theories No one could be truly sure who or what had benefited in the deal. One account of the Emperor's origin goes so far as to say that He had mortal brothers and sisters and claims that He was born in the 8th Millennium B.C. Sitting Down With Designer of Grim Dark Dungeon Master! Note: This section discusses material that was once considered canon but whose canonicity is now questionable. Well lets think back to the Imperium Secundus. One particular trait of Malal was that he particular hated all of the other Chaos gods and loved to wage war on them. The Golden Throne had been built during the Dark Age of Technology to allow Human access to the Webway and took the form of a heavily mechanised throne created from an unknown type of psychically-reactive, gold-complected alloy that was suspended over a pair of massive doors composed of the same golden alloy. The Emperor had despatched Leman Russ and his Space Wolves Legion to bring Magnus back to Terra to account for his actions, but Horus tampered with the Emperor's orders. Lets assume perhaps rightly that the Emperor has done the same.. He has been contributing to BOLS since almost the start, back when he worked at and then owned a local gaming store. So if a Chaos god were to be born out of the Emperor, if He was in essence forcibly turned into one, you really would expect that god to be something like Malal. The Sigillite's body and mind had been burned out by the strain of holding the Golden Throne's portal closed for the time that the Emperor had been aboard the Warmaster's flagship. He entered the Imperial Palace and spoke with his father the Emperor for the first time in ten thousand standard years. This theory comes from the folks over at Reddit and was originally posted by Legio Tempestus, lets take a look at what theyve got to say. He says to Ra that the only way to know is to set sail time and time and time again.. This extraordinary undertaking would become known as the Great Crusade. Abe has decades of experience with a wide range of tabletop and RPG games, from historicals, to Star Wars to D&D and 40K. Let us know what you think about this theory, down in the comments! When reading it a certain section stood out to me in particular. Slaanesh was born out of the corruption of the Aeldari, but it seems like that took a long time to happen. With iron resolve, He gathered the full strength of His mind at last and delivered a massive psychic attack through the chink in Warmaster's Terminator Armour that killed Horus almost instantly and obliterated his very soul from the Warp so that the Chaos Gods could not resurrect their champion. To this end, Lorgar used his Legion's First Chaplain Erebus as his agent. So His god never really formed, whatever it was ceased to exist. The New Wave of Leagues of Votann! The landing party, led by Lorgar, was greeted by a large number of barbaric Human tribes, tribes described as "dressed in rags and wielding spears tipped by flint bladesyet they showed little fear." He had entrusted only Magnus with the true secrets of the Warp to which only they remained privy, but now it appeared that His son had disobeyed His edicts and at the very least dabbled in the occult and the forbidden black arts of psychic sorcery.
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