Floth: More recent changes in the code address the types and quantities of hazardous materials that are allowed for storage and specifically addressing storage in multistory buildings. G-II-B-4-f. An autoclave may be required since heat and pressure can kill potentially infectious spores that resist other disinfectants. California Radioactive Material License, 0676-43. 2. These hoods are not permitted, unless an exception is granted by EH&S. *Cabinets shall be approved storage cabinets, approved exhausted gas cabinets, exhaustedenclosures or fume hoods as applicable. It is extremely helpful to meet with the facilitys environmental health and safety group and the local authorities having jurisdiction particularly the fire safety and fire marshal reviewers. Airflow shall be from low hazard to high hazard areas. Part 17: first aid: 2010 American Heart Association and American Red Cross Guidelines for First Aid. b. Glove Boxes: Glove boxes (positive and negative) must meet the type, design and construction of requirements ANSI/AIHA Z9.5-1992, 5.14. For this very reason, the sink should be located close to the egress. e) Sealants, gaskets, and lubricants used with perchloric acid hoods, duct work, and exhaust systems shall be acid resistant and nonreactive with perchloric acid. 11. In-depth knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering. 7. Prudent Practices in the Laboratory (2011 edition), 3.B.1.4 and 5.E.2 8. The room design must take into consideration concerns such as electrical demand prior to occupancy to avoid a potential power failure. Research Laboratories are complex, technically sophisticated, and mechanically intensive structures that are expensive to build and to maintain. o Magnahelic Gauges: Mark on gauge inches water read when average facevelocity at 100 fpm. We are a dedicated team of researchers who believe in the power of design to create a more healthful, equitable and sustainable living environment. The laboratory doors shall be automatically self-closing. A functional design can promote skill, economy, conveniences, and comforts; a non-functional design can impede activities of all types, detract The project design The project was conducted over three and a half years in collaboration with the Stanthorpe community and consisted of three separate phases. Calculate the effectiveness of a new program, change in the system, and other similar examples. State of California, Department of Health Services, Radiologic Health Branch, Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Medical Programs (RH 2010 4/90) (not formallyadopted), Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials, National Council on Radiation Protection (NBS Handbook92), Safe Handling of Radionuclides, International Atomic Energy Agency, Safety Series No. California Building Code Chemical Inventory Report Procedure As noted in this and other sections, the quantity of hazardous chemicals planned for use and storage within a project area has a direct impact on how the project is designed. CSE: What new or updated code or standard do you feel will change the way such projects are designed, bid out or built? A plumbed emergency shower shall be provided at all work areas where formaldehyde solutions in concentrations greater than or equal to 1% are handled. Containment equipment such as a sink and eyewash will expedite personnel decontamination in the event of a splash or spill on the body. Where the hazard is corrosive, consult with EH&S. After completion, the effectiveness of the installed shielding and protective design features shall be evaluated by the Radiation Safety Program and required reports submitted to and accepted by the State prior to operation of the radiation producing machine. The bar should be adhered to the benchtop with very high bond adhesive so that no holes are drilled. With the establishment of the Research Centre, IIT Roorkee will have improved prospects and avenues to address critical and futuristic defence technology requirements of the armed forces. Chemical fume hood exhaust fans should be connected to an emergency power system in the event of a power failure. In is nearly impossible to design a code-compliant laboratory building without employing some forms of energy recovery, airflow turndown strategies, light controls and/or daylight harvesting or other energy cost saving measures. The lab should be fitted with an adequate number of electrical outlets, which can accommodate electrical current requirements with an additional 20-40% capacity. 7. Such equipment shall meet all applicable requirements. Proper operation of the equipment must be verified by the contractor installing the emergency eyewash or shower equipment prior to project closeout and facility occupation. 24 CCR, Part 2, Chap. If both eyewash and shower are needed, they shall be located so that both can be used at the same time by one person. 35. Offices and write-up desks for laboratory personnel should be located outside of the laboratory space. Wood cabinets are not UL listed or EH&S approved. Which codes/standards should engineers be most aware of? No matter how well designed a laboratory is, improper usage of its facilities will always defeat the engineered safety features. This minimizes the generation of turbulents or eddy currents at the entrance to the hood. Vent openings shall be sealed with the bungs supplied with the cabinet or with bungs specified by the manufacturer of the cabinet. She received a 2019 ASHRAE Exceptional Service Award and has more than 30 years of industry experience. In 2015 The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board approved changing the degree to a master of science with a STEM . b. A secondary objective is to allow for the maximum flexibility for safe research use. 1. The Stanford Utilities Department Environmental Quality staff must review all projects involving wet lab construction or renovation. Laboratory furniture must have smooth, non-porous surfaces so as to resist the absorption of liquids and the harsh effects of disinfectants. The ACGIH Industrial Ventilation handbook (22ndedition) recommends a velocity of 1000- 2000 fpm. The air foil at the front of the hood floor assures a good sweep of air across the working surface toward the back of the hood. (Note: Filters must be maintained and routinely replaced, as necessary). This definite pattern or plan of action is called "research design".It is a map that guides the researcher in collecting and analyzing the data. Engineers need to be aware that ANSI Z9.5 provides guidelines on best practices to be incorporated into designs. The shelves themselves must be firmly fixed so they cannot be vibrated out of place and allow shelf contents to fall. Laboratory sinks shall have lips that protect sink drains from spills. High radiation areas or very high radiation areas (as defined in 10 CFR 20.1602-2) shall be equipped with means to prevent inadvertent access and restrict access to only authorized personnel. The sampling point shall be installed at a location where all building lab wastes are discharged, before the lab waste line connects to the domestic waste line. 17. New Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets must be constructed of steel. Applications for Medical Programs (RH 2010 4/90) 12. 2. It is important to segregate laboratory and non-laboratory activities because (1) the handling and storage of hazardous materials inherently carries a higher risk of exposure and injury; (2) the egress path from a lab desk to an exit should not require movement through a more hazardous zone; and (3) it is prohibited to store, consume food, apply make-up or chew gum in areas where hazardous materials are used and/or stored. Therefore, the design, construction, and renovation of such facilities are a major challenge for all involved. Laboratory shelving should NOT be installed at heights and distances which require workers to reach 30 centimeters above shoulder height and extend arms greater than 30 centimeters while holding objects 16 kg or less when standing on the floor or on a 12 step stool. Shared facilities for the use of radioactive materials should not be included in plans for new buildings. The installation of a berm must not impede the flow of water from the emergency shower into the floor drain. There used to be quite a number of restrictions for facilities specifically built on university campuses that allowed a very minimal volume of hazardous materials on upper floors, lets say above the third or fourth floors. Also, wood burns rapidly in the event of a fire. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Medical Programs (RH 2010 4/90) These hoods permit a stable air balance between the ventilation systems and exhaust by incorporating a bypass feature. Per 8 CCR 5162, the requirement for an eyewash/shower is triggered when an employee may be exposed to substances, which are corrosive or severely irritating to the skin or which are toxic by skin absorption during normal operations or foreseeable emergencies. All rights reserved. 1. International Code Council and state energy conservation codes are incorporating ASHRAE 90.1 guidelines for energy conservation to make the guidelines a code requirement. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Doors of walk-in specialty rooms must have viewing windows and external light switches. This document is the guide that will be used to drive the next stages of a project. These hoods are often misused. Designated storage space should be provided for lab carts. o FPM Readout: Average readout is 100 fpm. When a research is carried-out, it follows a definite pattern or plan of action throughout the procedure, i.e., since the problem identification to the report preparation and presentation. Flexible connectors shall not be used. Laboratory design shall include restraints for the storage of cylinders greater than 26 inches tall; the restraint system shall include at least 2 restraints (made of non- combustible materials), which are located at one-third and two-thirds the height of the cylinder. You'll never get a second chance at making a first impression; that's the old saying, and it's so true of many things. Rain caps that divert the exhaust toward the roof are prohibited. For GSA, the unit costs for this building type are based on the construction quality and design features in the following table. Subsequently, this leads to the vendor desiring that the requirement gathering process be done as quickly as possible. A plumbed eyewash shall be provided at all work areas where formaldehyde solutions in concentrations greater than or equal to 0.1% are handled. Hood inserts are only permitted for radioactive iodination procedures specifically approved by the Stanford Radiation Safety Officer. 9. 8. Flexible connection sections to ductwork, such as neoprene coated glass fiber cloth, shall be used between the fan and its intake duct when such material is compatible with hood chemical use factors. Make-up air shall be introduced in such a way that negative pressurization is maintainedin all laboratory spaces and does not create a disruptive air pattern. Fume hoods are assumed to contain such substances; hence, Stanford interprets this regulation to mean that emergency eyewash/shower station shall be within 10 seconds of fume hoods. Without an emergency eyewash and safety shower, future use of hazardous materials in the space will be restricted or require potentially costly retrofitting. 9. f) A water spray system shall be provided for washing down the hood interior behind the baffle and the entire exhaust system. There are very few prescriptive standards for designing these types of spaces. General: Factors to consider when selecting a fume hood: A facility designed for intensive chemical use should have at least 2.5 linear feet of hood space per student. Requirements for Design of Cultural - Entertainment Center Building S. A. Qodirova1, R. I. Allimdjanov2, . This bar allows for bracing of items in a way that allows them to be moved to another location when needed, and re-braced after moving. Markenson D, Ferguson JD, Chameides L, Cassan P, Chung K-L, Epstein J, Gonzales L, Herrington RA, Pellegrino JL, Ratcliff N, Singer A. Natya Shastra further divides classical dance into nritya- the rhythmic elements, nritya- the combination of rhythm and expression, and finally, natya - comprising the dramatic elements embedded in the dance recital. All shutoff valves should be clearly labeled. CCR, Title 24, Part 9, Section 7404.2.1.3. Its important to note that the UCD process does not specify exact methods for each phase. The Radiation Safety Program will review the proposed uses and make specific recommendations appropriate for each facility. Liquid disinfectant traps and HEPA filtered vacuum lines prevent inadvertent contamination resulting from a release or backflow of liquid HIV/HBV contamination through a laboratory vacuum line. Light fixtures must be displaced or covered by a transparent impact resistant vapor tight shield to prevent vapor contact. Good lighting can be achieved with the fixtures mounted less than 20 feet from the ground. 1. Since these requirements can impact the design of a project, Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) prepared this EH&S Laboratory Design Guide to aid the campus community with planning and design issues. Circulation. Step 2: Choose a type of research design Step 3: Identify your population and sampling method Step 4: Choose your data collection methods Step 5: Plan your data collection procedures Step 6: Decide on your data analysis strategies Frequently asked questions about research design Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 If shut off valves are installed in the supply line for maintenance purposes, provisions shall be made to prevent unauthorized shut off. Emergency plumbed eyewash or eye/facewash equipment shall be provided for all work areas where, during routine operations or foreseeable emergencies, the eyes of an employee may come into contact with a substance which can cause corrosion, severe irritation, or permanent tissue damage or is toxic by absorption (see box below). As senior engineer with Dewberry, Wilson centers his work on mechanical, electrical and plumbing projects. 4. Hood exhaust stacks shall extend at least 7 feet above the roof. A great way to give researchers comfort, is to give them control of the immediate environment. Modesty curtains should be considered for emergency showers. 5. 1. The scope of environmental planning and design is broad, ranging from the environments of people within buildings, to region-wide ecosystems. Laboratory hoods shall not have an on/off switch located in the laboratory. Tissue culture rooms that involve the use of biohazardous agents shall be negative as stated in C-1 above. 11. At the system level, it will state what the system must do, for example: "The system must deliver a seamless printing environment, capable of being used from any devices at any location" or "The system must provide access to user customisations from any device and/or location.". Air turbulence defeats the capability of hoods to contain and exhaust contaminated air. As a result, end-users get a product that satisfies their needs. 3. 36, Appendix A 7. All BSL2 laboratories shall have vacuum lines which are protected with liquid disinfectant traps and high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters or filters of equivalent or superior efficiency. Such self-closing doors are to be able to be opened with a minimum of effort as to allow access and egress for physically challenged individuals. CCR, Title 24, Part 9, Section 7404.2.1.2. Recommend that hoods be located more than 10 feet from any door or doorway. Architectural spatial planning and design goes beyond . Alternatively, thimble connections or canopy mini-enclosures in cabinets shall be fitted with a ribbon streamer or equivalent attached at an edge through which air enters the device to indicate the airflow direction. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. As Associate/Mechanical Engineer, Judge works on a broad range of project types. RESEARCH REPORTS & STUDIES The Centre for Sustainable Design (CfSD) offers consultancy services based on its core competence and has undertaken projects for both private and public sector clients. Hood lighting shall be provided by UL-listed fixtures external to the hood or, if located within the hood interior, the fixtures shall meet the requirements of NFPA 70, (National Electrical Code). The laboratory shall have means of securing specifically regulated materials such as DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) controlled substances and CDC (Centers for DiseaseControl) select agents and radioactive materials (i.e., lockable doors, lockable cabinets, etc.). NFPA 45, Chapters 2 and 3. Safe Handling of Radionuclides, Section 3.3.5 (1973 ed.) Normal and emergency relief venting and vent piping for pressure vessels should be adequate an in accordance with the design of the vessel. User-centered design is based on a few fundamental principles that can be applied for the product design process: Users are involved in the design process from the very beginning. 4. State of California, Department of Health Services,Radiologic Health Branch, Guide for the Preparation of BAAQMD New Source exemption or permit evaluation. 1. Therefore, in the design of the building of the cultural and entertainment center, it is necessary to develop a project of the building, which will serve the population for many years, in accordance with the norms and rules of urban . 2. However, the path to discovery, and the way scientists work and interact, are being revolutionized by If parapet walls are present, EHS recommends that stacks extend at least 2 feet above the top of a parapet wall or at least 7 feet above the roof, whichever is greater. These doors should be provided with interlocks so that both doors cannot open at the same time. 10. 1. 1. Wilson: The codes commonly used are the building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection codes for the jurisdiction that the project is located as well as ANSI Z9.5: Laboratory Ventilation. The sampling point should not be located in an area where water from irrigation or flow from stormwater runoff can accumulate. they are in a well protected, well ventilated, dry location, at least 20 feet fromhighly combustible materials. 27. Many private research companies make physical changes to an average of 25% of their labs each year. Laminate bench tops are not suitable. Examples and guidance are provided on the ProtectSU websiteprotectsu.stanford.edu. The position of valves and switches for emergency shutdowns shall be accessible and clearly labeled. There should always be a hazardous materials list developed that includes quantities in storage and in use. CSE: How are codes, standards or guidelines for energy efficiency impacting the design of such projects? 3. American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Hoods: Must consult with Stanford Universitys ADA Compliance Office regarding the number lab hoods to install in facilities, which are accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities recommend minimally one ADA hood per laboratory floor. One of our core values at Wold Architects and Engineers is to . Water hoses, sink faucets, or showers are not acceptable eyewash facilities. When gas cabinets or exhausted enclosures are provided they shall: CCR, Title 24, Part 9, Section 8003., 8003., 8003. Design a very efficient system with the goal of achieving a PUE under 1.5. Cramm: Understanding the quantities of flammable materials, how to determine control area boundaries and associated fire ratings and how to treat hazardous materials can be challenging in existing buildings. California Radiation Control Regulations, Title 17 2. The room should have mechanically generated supply air and exhaust air. However, since these hoods cost more than up front and more maintenance, effective sash management (e.g., pull sash closed when not using hood) is necessary. The means of containing minor spills might consist of a 6.4-mm (14 in.) For non-ionizing radiation sources, such as microwave, RF, research NMR spectrometers or infrared generators, the hazards and controls shall be evaluated by Health Physics prior to authorizing the user to use the source. 2. h) The hood surface should have an all-welded construction and have accessible rounded corners for cleaning ease. Cramm: As engineers, we should all be familiar with the building codes, particularly the mechanical and fire codes. 3. Based on the proposed type and quantities of radioactive materials, the Radiation Safety Program will determine the need for the shielding. The laboratory shall be completely separated from outside areas (i.e., must be bound by four walls). Reference 2001 Calif. Fire Code Sec. A technical person will enter the conversations with a view coloured by their technical pre-conceptions; this can lead to a "shoe horn" solution, i.e. All radioactive materials used at Stanford University are governed by the terms and conditions of the Stanford University Radioactive Materials License, issued by the Department of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch. The proposal is to design a centre for them so as to create an enabling environment comprising learning space, rehabilitation and accommodation. 3. Where flammable liquid storage cabinets are required, they shall be designed such that they do not exceed 120 gallons for the combined total quantity of all liquids (i.e., Classes 1, 2, and 3). 1. 1. 4. Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets must NOT be wall mounted. 2. The Center for Environmental Design Research's (CEDR) mission is to foster research in environmental planning and design. Emergency power circuits should be available for fan service so that fans will automatically restart upon restoration after a power outage and supply at least half of the normal airflow. As symbols of the Nation's technological progress, research facilities are essential to the discoveries and breakthroughs of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. When not working or spending time with my family, I am blogging or answering questions as a moderator on the VMware Communities Forum. multidisciplinary skills and perspectives. Drains will also facilitate required monthly testing. An ADA emergency eyewash/shower shall be within 10 seconds of an ADA fume hood (minimally one ADA hood per laboratory floor). Emergency eyewash and shower equipment shall meet the requirements of ANSI Z358.1-2014. Such enclosures shall serve no other purpose. An exhausted manifold or manifolds with connections to local exhaust may be provided as needed to collect potentially hazardous exhausts from gas chromatographs, vacuum pumps, excimer lasers, or other equipment which can produce potentially hazardous air pollutants. As a general rule, air should flow from low hazard to high hazard areas. Facilities that use radioactive gases shall be equipped with ventilation to adequately maintain concentrations to below allowable occupational exposure levels and to not permit escape of the gas to adjacent non-use areas such that concentrations exceed those allowed for uncontrolled areas. The Biosafety cabinet shall be vented from the building if toxic or malodorous chemicalsare used. Because there are many sources of non-ionizing radiation and the means of control for most are unique, the user shall contact Health Physics for consultation and for requirements for authorization for the specific non-ionizing radiation source. Judge: Updates to ASRHAE 90.1 continue to define mandatory and prescriptive requirements of the baseline building with more and more stringent requirements. It is left to the discretion of the user of the Guide to include the design feature. If horizontal sashes are used, sash panels (horizontal sliding) must be 12 to 14 inches in width. Note:The University Architect/Planning Office must be contacted if any building feature, such as exhaust stacks, extend above the roofline. Changes in levels greater than 1/2 inch shall be transitioned by means of a ramp or stairway that complies with applicable building codes, regulations, standards, or ordinances, or all of these. ", the question will be proffered as "What authentication services do you use?" An exhaust fan located other than at the final discharge point can pressurize the duct with contaminated air. 1. Consult with EH&S for any exceptions or if an evaluation is needed. The removal of contaminated clothing while using a safety shower is essential. These references apply specifically to laboratories containing biological and radioactive materials; however, Stanford University EH&S interprets this to include all laboratories (e.g., general chemistry and electronics). FEMA, Reducing the Risks of Nonstructural Earthquake Damage. It can include everything from government offices and public meeting spaces to free classes and memorials honoring important members of the community. Judge: First and foremost, the locally enforced building and fire prevention codes need to be known. Without correct and proper requirements, the architect cannot design a solution that meets the customer's needs. CCR, Title 24, Part 9, Section 7902.5.9.2, [Note: The 60-gallon limit for Classes 1 and 2 liquids has been deleted in Section 7902.5.9.2 of the 1998 California Fire Code (i.e., CCR, Title 24, Part 9). Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. A force of five pounds shall be sufficient to move vertically and/or horizontally moving doors and sashes. All these sections are equally important for the success of the project; it is the data centre design stage, however, that is fundamental to good delivery and, more to the point, the requirement . Incompatible material shall not be stored within the same cabinet. Achieving this velocity should not be done by the installation of a cone type reducer. Laboratory areas shall be provided adequate natural or artificial illumination toensure sufficient visibility for operational safety. Hood exhausts should be manifolded together except for: Manifolded fume hood exhaust ducts shall be joined inside a fire rated shaft or mechanical room, or outside of the building at the roofline. Judge: In the past, laboratories could meet exceptions in the energy efficiency codes and be exempt from using energy recovery and other energy savings measures. 1090 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20005-4950 | (202) 289-7800 When an exterior wall cannot be provided for the room, automatic sprinklers shall be installed within the room. 2. Many laboratory buildings now have laser rooms and rooms with analytic tools that do notrequire hazardous materials. The main purpose of research designs is to guide you in terms of analyzing various complex models and articulating new procedures for conducting any types of research fields like in social science research. The Hazardous Materials Program Division of the Environmental Health and Safety Department submits these plans in order obtain a permit. Special consideration should be given to the choice of fireproof construction for the buildings. 5. Modesty curtains remove a potential impediment to use and encourage the removal of contaminated clothing. Class II-B cabinets do not allow in-room venting of exhaust air and are thus appropriate for such uses. Enclosures such as 1-hour interior and exterior rooms (detailed below) must be provided for supply systems cylinder storage or manifold locations for oxidizing agents such as oxygen and nitrous oxide. Check these 9 UX tips on how to create an . Judge: Get a good understanding the building program, including the intended uses of the laboratory spaces, what kinds of equipment and chemicals will be used and stored and what standard protocols are. Wastes are generally stored in the lab in which they are generated, not in centralized accumulation areas. User-Centered Design Basics. 1. Where it is necessary to have offices or write-up desks within research areas, there must be adequate separation between the laboratory area and the office areas. 3. Note that for x-ray producing machines, shielding calculations will be performed by the Radiation Safety Program. NFPA 30, NFPA 45, the International Building Code and the International Fire Code each have requirements and they dont always align. What is the underlying goal? Section 1 of this Guide, General Requirements for Stanford Laboratories, covers all design requirements for Biosafety Level 1 laboratory work areas. When submitting your application Applied will ask you to upload a CV, when doing this you should upload your merged document of your CV and personal . Emergency power shall be provided for exhaust ventilation, gas-detection systems,emergency alarm systems, and temperature control systems. If exhaust fans are located inside a penthouse, PPE needs for maintenance workers shall be considered. The ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide is a very useful handbook as well. Each vent shall not be less than 36 square inches in area. Projects within the campus site are covered by the Universitys existing Hazardous Waste Generator permit. For compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact the Stanford University Diversity & Access Office. Cracks and crevices are difficult to decontaminate. A well-designed modular plan will provide the following benefits: Flexibility The lab module, as Jonas Salk explained, should "encourage change" within the building. When installed, a minimum unobstructed area of 34 inches shall be provided. This system will allow a bracing point for all bench top equipment and will provide standard bracing locations for all benchtop equipment. Different flooring between the office and laboratory zones is desirable, as it can provide a visual cue between the office/write- up desk area of the lab and the area where hazardous materials are used and stored. 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