The ambulatory clinic rotation provides the opportunity to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients with a known or suspected cardiovascular issue in the outpatient setting. Philadelphia, PA 19104, The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania | Site best viewed in a Schedule to be confirmed at the start of the rotation. The following documents should be uploaded to ERAS for review: Thank you for your interest in our program. Be present and prepared for daily rounds.
Trainees are encouraged to develop a quality improvement project to enhance system based practices that will help him or her throughout their professional careers. Additional elective time for interested fellows is available. All fellows must have a minimum of two months of direct nuclear cardiology experience. The Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship is designed to prepare the fellow for a career specializing in providing comprehensive anesthetic care of patients undergoing complicated cardiac and thoracic procedures. The Perinatal Conference is held on the first Tuesday of the month from 4 to 5 p.m. The rotation will also provide exposure to transplant medicine and management of patients both pre- and post-transplant.
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship - Penn State College of This will be obtained during the combined Vascular/Imaging rotation and in aggregate exposure on other rotations. A complete ERAS fellowship application must contain: Applications will be reviewed by the internal Fellowship Application Review Committee on a rolling basis once the ERAS application is complete. Two Wednesday afternoons per month from 3 to 5 p.m.: Board Review series. More information is available by contacting program coordinator Mandi Smith at The Childrens Heart Group is a regional center of excellence in the care of children with heart disease. Attend and participate in the electrophysiology conference series throughout the year. This includes exposure to conducting research, increasing knowledge of the scientific method and enhancing the ability to critically evaluate published scientific data. Phone: (215) 662-2884. When assigned, prepare cases for the Nuclear/Cath Correlate Conferences with appropriate correlations to coronary angiography and other imaging modalities. Attend and participate in the monthly Multimodality Imaging conferences throughout the year. Large, diverse patient population. Prepare appropriate documentation of the visit (outpatient letter or visit summary). Provide education to the residents, medical students and other consult service team members. Daily triage, evaluation, continuing care and disposition of patients admitted to the general cardiology heart failure service including: Evaluation and triage of new patients from the emergency department and consultative service. Previous nominees from the Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship are listed here. Our institution provides the diverse patient population, dedicated faculty, excellent clinical and basic science departments .
Penn Cardiac Electrophysiology Faculty | Penn Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellows gain experience with the use of LVADs and ECMO and caring for patients after cardiothoracic surgery. The ambulatory clinic rotations are also a component of the fellows exposure to ECG interpretation with routine review of ECGs. Contact the referring provider with results when appropriate. Be cognizant of indications to withhold or adjust standard treatment. The program also participates in the ECG of the Week program coordinated by Dr. Glenn Wetzel at Le Bonheur Childrens Hospital. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, the people here meet you where you are and help you grow from wherever that happens to be. The research rotation provides the ability for cardiology fellows to directly participate in cardiovascular research and scholarly activity (CRSA). This rotation places an emphasis on, and provides the opportunity for, the cardiology trainee to participate in interdisciplinary care teams in the critical care environment. Participate in the weekly Structural Heart Disease (SHD) multidisciplinary meetings. Additional elective time for interested fellows is available. The conference includes presentation and multidisciplinary discussion of ACHD cases. All recommendations for new consults and significant daily updates should be communicated directed to the primary team with a phone call or face-to-face conversation. Review and confirm patient assessments performed by medicine resident and fellow coverage from night and weekend admissions. Participate in outpatient clinic three days each week. Specific curricular milestones for nuclear cardiology as they relate to the Core Competencies promulgated by the ACGME are adopted from the ACC COCATS 4 Task Force 6 document. That interest further solidified as my PICU fellowship progressed. Assist in the management of patients who are undergoing evaluation for or who have had cardiac transplantation in conjunction with designated transplant coordinators. As part of a cardiac program that consistently achieves top-tier surgical outcomes, our fellows experience the delivery of high-quality clinical care first-hand. Communicate abnormal test results to requesting/ordering physicians. The Childrens Heart Group Division Meeting occurs on the third Thursday of every month from 5 to 6 p.m. The annual Resident/Fellow Research Day was held each summer on and around the Penn State Health Milton S. Medical Center campus in Hershey, Pa., but has temporarily been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Complete the History and Physical (H&P) note for the first patient of the day. Silver clinic. Review and understand the indication for each planned procedure. Be present and prepared for all assigned outpatient clinics. Observe and participate in electrocardioversions, electrophysiology studies, ablations, and device implantations in the EP lab. Attend, supervise or perform any necessary bedside procedures based on the skill level of associated house staff team members. Attend planned cardiac CT studies when possible. Review the reason for the consult or visit. As a fellow, I felt responsible for my clinical work but well supported at the same time. This series also provides education in interpretation of electrocardiogram, Holter studies, electrophysiology studies, and exercise stress testing. Penn State Heart and Vascular Institute The cardiac critical care rotation is also a component of the fellows exposure to ECG interpretation with routine and urgent evaluation of ECGs across a variety of scenarios. The ample opportunities for hands-on experience and learning from such a wide variety of approachable faculty members made this program an obvious choice for me., Fellowship has been rewarding! Patients seen during ambulatory clinic visits will encompass a broad range of cardiovascular disease and disorders. Based on the curriculum and rotation schedule a fellow may achieve these milestones ahead or behind the suggested timeframe in the COCATS 4 document.
Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship - Penn State College of Medicine NURFs goal is to promote cultural diversity in the residency programs through community involvement, mentorship with diverse faculty, professional networking and support for the recruitment of diverse medical students into the residency programs. New Bolton Center. This is an experience which fellows look forward to each summer. International medical graduates must hold a currently valid certificate from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). The research rotation, along with longitudinal effort occurring concomitantly with other training, is designed to provide the trainee, within the standard three-year program, training that meets or exceeds COCATS Level I expectations. Fellows will gain an understanding of clinical indications of cardiac MRI with attention to published appropriate use criteria. Twenty-four months are dedicated to subspecialty clinical training, designed for the trainee to develop the needed knowledge and skills for the practice of pediatric cardiology. Senior fellows on imaging rotations typically give a brief presentation on a fetal cardiology patient for the case of the month, including prenatal imaging, diagnosis, and a brief overview of expected pre- and post-natal management. Interested applicants should review the To Apply section of the program of interest or contact the program for any additional questions regarding the interview process. Fellow attendance and participation is encouraged. They are included in this curriculum with the appropriate associated Evaluation Methods for fellows. In December 2017, the system partnered with Highmark Health to facilitate creation of a value-based, community care network in the region. Wednesday and Friday mornings in the cardiac clinic (fourth floor, Building 21) of the Lebanon VA hospital. My hope is that graduates of our program translate their robust experiences from fellowship training into satisfying careers of their choosing that enhance the health of patients and advance the field to new heights. This will be obtained during the combined Vascular/Imaging rotation and in aggregate exposure on other rotations. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status. Be present in the echo lab area throughout the working day to maximize education and learning from direct experience, faculty supervision, and focused teaching. Penn State Health Childrens Hospital Dedicated research time begins in the first year of fellowship, allowing for maximal longitudinal research experience and potential. Participate in the planned procedure in a manner commensurate with the fellows current level of experience under the direct guidance of the involved faculty. Research fellows receive $2,500 each and are required to attend the Center's weekly Mellon Research Seminar and to present . All Level I milestones represent minimum expectations during general fellowship. The Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Program at Penn State Health Children's Hospital is structured to provide pediatric physicians with exceptional preparation for careers in pediatric cardiology. Refer to and follow the Vascular/Imaging Rotation Schedule for recommended schedules. Trainee should find a faculty member to assist with the development of clinical questions and to oversee the scientific method as it pertains to cardiovascular research or scholarly activity. Integration of conferences and clinical rotations provides essential education in areas of cardiovascular pathophysiology. These include an annual pig heart dissection, weekly EKG challenges and volunteer opportunities at the Bethesda Mission cardiology clinic, targeting the underserved population in downtown Harrisburg, PA. In keeping with this, Penn State Health has an active Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with various programs, networks and resource groups, including: Learn more about the Penn State Health Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Learn more about the College of Medicines Office for Diversity, Equity and Belonging, Office for Culturally Responsive Health Care Education. When assigned, prepare one topic review for Nuclear Cardiology Conference during second and third year of fellowship. Letters of recommendation: At least three letters of recommendation must be included from faculty members with whom the applicant has worked; it is recommended that at least one letter be included from a pediatric cardiologist and one from the applicants residency program director. The yearly trip is part of a sustained partnership of education and assistance to the Childrens Hospital and emphasizes a collaborative, interactive environment with overseas colleagues.
Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship - Penn State College of Medicine Attend weekly PACHD conference on Tuesday from 3 to 5 p.m. Supervise stress echocardiogram exams when required. The trainee will participate in electrophysiology focused consultation and management in the inpatient and outpatient settings; observe and participate in EP studies, testing, and procedures; and work with appropriate staff on the interrogation and programming of implanted cardiac devices. The Fellow Core Curriculum Series is a set of structured didactic sessions occurring on the second Monday of each month from 3 to 5 p.m. The latest Tweets from Penn Cardiology (@PennCardiology). In conjunction with the Society of Pediatric Cardiology Training Program Directors, fellows are encouraged to participate in the Pediatric Cardiology National Educational Curriculum virtual learning opportunities. Provide cardiology consultation on patients in the ICU, as requested. All fellows will have a minimum of three months of dedicated research time. This includes: Timely response to all new consults. COCATS Level I (two months experience minimum). Learn more about the Office for a Respectful Learning Environment. The pediatric congenital heart surgery program has been repeatedly nationally recognized for outstanding surgical results, receiving a three-star rating (the highest possible) from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. There should be one upper-year fellow assigned and available to cover TEE each day. This will include (but is not limited to): More intensive exposure to and experience with all areas of echocardiography including: Minimum number of TTE examinations performed/interpreted: 300/750. Many Childrens Heart Group patients and families have benefited tremendously from the support and education provided by the Conquering Congenital Heart Disease Pennsylvania State Chapter. Our program wishes all applicants a successful match! They are included, with the appropriate associated Evaluation Methods for fellows, as a separate document referenced by all associated rotations. To sit for the Physicians Vascular Interpretation Examination requires interpretation of a minimum of 500 total vascular studies across the vascular testing areas. Each year at the programs graduation ceremony, one Cardiovascular Disease fellow receives the ECG Interpretation Award. Conferences are an important part of the fellowship training program. Interested applicants should review the To Apply section of the program of interest or contact the program for any additional questions regarding the interview process. Ensure effective communication with the Intensive Care Team when patients are in the HVICCU. Learn more about Resident/Fellow Research Day here. All fellows will have approximately one-half clinic day per week on average. Discussion and application of current medical research and literature as it pertains to clinical cardiology will also be an active part of all cardiac rotations. Learn more about the Penn Cardiac Electrophysiology Program Faculty. David Frankel and Gregory Supple Co-Direct the Penn EP Fellowship Program. An on call echo faculty will always be available for TEEs and as back-up for TTEs. Strives to foster a supportive environment for women in Cardiology and its subspecialties at Penn State Hershey Medical Center; Graduate level course work is available through the Penn State College of Medicines. Review each request for a TEE to determine appropriateness. Once you determine which fellowships you wish to explore. Dedicated experience in right heart catheterization and biopsies with CHF faculty. Further exposure to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging content is composed of, but is not limited to, ordering, reviewing, and applying results from cardiac MRI studies is anticipated for all fellows on the following rotations: The cardiac MRI portion of the Vascular/Imaging rotation and associated training are designed to provide the fellow, within the standard three-year program, one potential level of COCATS training: COCATS Level II training requires a minimum of three months of dedicated training in cardiac MRI. Faculty members hold positions on various national committees and boards of national societies. Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The cardiac catheterization rotations are also a component of the fellows exposure to ECG interpretation with routine review of pre-procedure ECGs. CURF aims to demystify these opportunities to help undergraduate and graduate students and alumnidetermine which fellowships they wish to explore and support them through the application process. Additional outpatient experiences occur regularly in general pediatric and subspecialty clinics, with experiences customized to trainee interests and career goals during the final years of fellowship. Applicants must have completed an ACGME-accredited residency in Pediatrics or combined Internal Medicine/Pediatrics prior to the fellowship start date. Obtain clinic schedule assignments from Pam Henderson prior to starting the rotation. The Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships serves as the University of Pennsylvania's information hub and primary support office for Pennstudents and alumni considering applying for major grants and fellowships. Develop an evidence-based, individualized diagnostic and management plan for testing and treatment based on the current ACC/AHA, HFSA or ISHLT guidelines as it pertains to each patient. These rotations also include a high level overview of radiation biology and safety training. The Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh offers: Denise Goppman There is no dedicated Acute Service Lecture Series. Assist in the scheduling of cardiac procedures in HVICU patients (cath lab, TEE). The minimum research requirement is one project, however it is strongly encouraged to spend additional time on other cardiovascular research or scholarly activity. In addition, there are numerous great restaurants with a wide variety of cuisine to choose from. Carry the TEE pager (3335) or have this forwarded to the fellows individual pager. Communicate procedural findings and/or testing results to the referring team. There are also several paths that are good for walking or biking next to the hospital for a quick run or bike before/after work. We have concluded interviews for the 2023 Application Cycle. The electrophysiology rotation is a key component of the fellows exposure to ECG interpretation. Childrens Heart Group is a regional center of excellence in the care of children with heart disease, providing care to patients in central Pennsylvania and covering a population of 3.5 million.
West Penn Hospital Cardiovascular Institute: Clinic | AHN The Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship is a well-established program, providing fellows with state-of-the-art training in all aspects of cardiology. Fourth-year medical students also accompany the team on this trip as part of a global health elective, lending an outstanding opportunity for fellow-coordinated teaching. Third-year fellows in the program are offered an opportunity to participate in a global health elective at the Hosital de Ninos de Roberto Gilbert Elizade in Guayaquil, Ecuador, a 400-bed Childrens Hospital with a dedicated CICU and pediatric cardiac intensivist team.
CARD Fellowship | Department of Medicine - University of Pittsburgh Twelve months of the fellowship program are dedicated to clinical or laboratory-based research training. 11 PCAM South Pavilion. Fellows are encouraged to attend in real-time for interaction and questions, though also have the opportunity to view the recorded lectures. At least 50 of these should involve coronary angiography and 25 should involve hemodynamic assessment of valvular, myocardial, pericardial, or congenital disease. Local Penn State Health clinic: Shared with a core clinical faculty. The acute service rotation provides the opportunity to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients admitted to the hospital with a primary cardiovascular issue, encompassing a broad range of cardiovascular disease and disorders. Program fellows can choose either a July 1 or . Triage any 1, 2 pages (from outside calls) which may be directed to the inpatient consult team during the day. All fellows are expected to directly supervise at least 10 stress echoes. Read ACHD Echocardiograms at least a half-day a week (when not in clinic or ACHD rounds). Contact Us Penn Cardiac Electrophysiology. The program is designed to meet all of the requirements for board eligibility in Cardiovascular Disease upon completion of the fellowship. Previous presentations from the Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship are listed here. Can be done at any time, but is recommended in the second or third year before taking boards. The Adult Congenital Heart Disease rotation is typically offered during the second or third year of fellowship training. These lectures incorporate both fellow- and faculty-led didactic review of basic electrophysiology concepts. There is no official limit for the number of USMLE Step examination attempts, or official board score cutoffs; however, the number of times the exam has been taken and board scores may impact the strength of an application. Communicate with the patient as necessary during the time surrounding their testing. Throughout training, fellows learn to manage a wide variety of complex congenital and acquired heart diseases in a setting in which one works closely with faculty mentors. Develop an understanding of the issues concerning scientific integrity and ethical conduct. Trainees will encounter and treat a wide spectrum of pediatric acquired and congenital cardiac disease, with experiences ranging from preventative cardiology to complex single ventricle management. Pediatric cardiology fellows at Penn State College of Medicine will develop a solid foundation of medical knowledge, including cardiac embryology, anatomy, and complex pathophysiology. Hershey, PA 17033, Phone: 717-531-5458 I found that the things that drew me to critical care are very much a part of the everyday practice of pediatric cardiology, paired with additional patient/family continuity and relationship-building. Pediatric cardiology attending staff and senior fellows will support trainees throughout this journey with one-on-one mentoring and supervision, allowing for increased independence as skills progress. Additional elective time for interested fellows is available. A minimum of 100 TEEs is strongly recommended. The clinical cardiac electrophysiology rotation provides direct exposure to the fundamentals of diagnosis and management of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders. Interaction and questions, though also have the opportunity to view the recorded lectures rotation will also provide to... Requires interpretation of electrocardiogram, Holter studies, and device implantations in the ECG interpretation with routine review pre-procedure... But well supported at the same time approximately one-half clinic day per week on average activity... Physicians vascular interpretation Examination requires interpretation of a value-based, community care network the. 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