2, 100561 (2021). The hollow structure increased the contact area under pressure. Further, Matusik and co-workers designed conformal tactile textiles, in the forms of socks, vest, gloves and robot arm sleeve, to assist the calibration (Fig. 27(9), 1606066 (2017). 1(8), 16781687 (2019). The cyclic stability is related to the compressive resilience of active materials [62] and the interfacial adhesion stability between electrode and sensing layer [81], while the storage stability of devices is usually concerned with the stability of active materials in the environment and the effect of encapsulation. 28a). Oh et al. 4, 8494 (2022). The number of cycles can be determined by the daily water demand and the allowed operating time, and the maximum recommended number of cycles is eight. e Dynamic sorption curves of Li-SHC with the salt content of 40%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 95%. Together with the proposed novel eight-cycle batch alternating desorption mode with maintaining the high water desorption rate during the daytime, the portable water harvester achieved an exceptional water production yield of 311.69g day1 and 1.09gwater gsorbent1 day1 in an entire semi-arid region with an extremely low RH of ~15%, which puts the daily water productivity of portable sorption-based water harvester on the hundred-grams scale. Nat. & Cui, Y. Since for a given frequency the acoustic wavelength in the magnetostrictive material is about five orders of magnitude smaller than the EM wavelength, magnetostrictive antennas can have orders of magnitude smaller sizes compared to conventional EM antennas16,17,18. Stable potassium metal anodes with an allaluminum current collector through improved electrolyte wetting. npj Flexible Electronics Syst. developed ultralight carbonaceous nanofibrous aerogels (CNFAs) with a honeycomb structure by combining sustainable konjac glucomannan (KGM) extract and SiO2 nanofibers [114]. We thank X. Lan, P. Kanjanaboos, G. Walters, L. Levina, R. Wolowiec, D. Kopilovic, E. Palmiano, T. Burdyny and J. Tam from the University of Toronto for Au electron beam deposition, liquid products testing, AFM testing, TEM EELS measurements, discussions and additional aids during the course of study, Y. Tian from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology for electrode preparation assistance, and M. Bajdich, L. D. Chen and K. Chan from Stanford University for advice on DFT calculations. Repeatability is another key performance for reliable SERS detection. Article b The user interface and c system-level beam path diagram of the portable Raman analyzer. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201500453, S. Jung, J.H. 53, 36983701 (2014), Jackson, J. D. Classical Electrodynamics Vol. Sun, Stretchable electronic skin based on silver nanowire composite fiber electrodes for sensing pressure, proximity, and multidirectional strain. Soc. 7, 1903172 (2020). Adv. Copyright (2020) American Chemical Society. Mater. Mass loading effect arises from a thin layer of liquid close to the resonator surface which is activated by its vibration which increases the effective mass of the resonator and this increase is characterized by the parameter \({m}_{w}\). Xu, W. & Yaghi, O. M. Metalorganic frameworks for water harvesting from air, anywhere, anytime. and JavaScript. In contrast, an excessive breathing rate (>24 times min1) is generally related to fever, heart failure, or bronchial asthma. Typically, in existing works, porous foam and sponge were dip-coated with micro-/nanoscale functional materials to prepare porous sensing layer, such as CNT/TPU/silicone foam [219], (multiwalled carbon nanotubes) MWNT/(reduced graphene oxide) rGO/PU foam [217], PEDOT:PSS@melamine sponge [37], PDMS/Ag NP sponge [220], metal-coated PDMS sponge [221], PDMS/CNT sponge [222], CB@PU sponge [223], PU/graphene sponge [87]. b, Field-induced surface K+ ion concentration as a function of bulk K+ ion concentration. It is sub-mm in size, acoustically actuated by an AC magnetic field and resonantly operated at low MHz frequencies, which is ideal for living systems. c Energy balance of the SAWH device during the water release-condensation process. Nat. 31, 1902109 (2019). D EP. proposed that those active material systems that trend to be destroyed at high pressure can be optimized by introducing new contact conductive paths for a broad working range [35]. Sci. In addition, increasing the porosity of the active layer will improve the materials deformability and recovery rate. Figures 5d and e display the discrete spectroscopic signatures in sweat urea, lactate, and pH at specific time points. Eur. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Mater. Article Sci. This shows that applying an optimum bias field is critical for maximizing the signal amplitude and hence the signal to noise ratio of the resonator. Various low-modulus dielectric materials, such as polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) [66], Ecoflex [118, 154], polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) [65, 160], polyurethane (PU) [161], and ionic liquid or gels (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate ([EMIM][OTF]) [161], PVA/H3PO4 [75]), have been investigated as dielectric media. This can be achieved by functionalizing the resonators with reporters that produce a change in mass or stress in response to a change in the entity of interest17. Chem. Angew. Exp. 85, 73337338 (2013), Noda, H., Ikeda, S., Yamamoto, A., Einaga, H. & Ito, K. Kinetics of electrochemcial reduction of carbon-dioxide on a gold electrode in phosphate buffer solutions. In the literature, the fabrication ease is often compared to that of lithography, which requires specialized equipment and is suitable for the assisted synthesis of microstructure sensing materials. Sci. (Fig. Maller, J. L., Butcher, F. R. & Krebs, E. G. Early effect of progesterone on levels of cyclic adenosine 3:5-monophosphate in Xenopus oocytes. Supplementary Fig. supervised all the aspects of this work and provided financial support. Microfluidic chip-based wearable colorimetric sensor for simple and facile detection of sweat glucose. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202000351, J. Zhang, D. Sun, B. Zhang, Q. An e-skin can be used in vivo for effective and timely monitoring of changes in the blood vessel diameter and measuring blood flow during arterial pulsation after an operation to prevent disease recurrence and minimize postoperative discomfort (Fig. Energy Storage Mater. Small 11(20), 23802385 (2015). 19). reported a piezoresistive sensing sponge assembled with PANI and GO based on strong interaction, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions [111]. Nayak et al. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-07360-z, S. Bodkhe, G. Turcot, F.P. 20g). Then, the Raman signal was unobstructed through the filter group (Semrock) (more than 790nm transmittance), however, the laser signal OD10 (residual laser 1010) was filtered. Adv. 8, 1802565 (2018). Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Although the design of microcracks is often used for the flexible tensile strain sensors, some of them can also be employed to monitor the stimulation of vibration and pressure [98, 99]. ML-enabled intelligent sensing platform [57] (Copyright (2019) Springer Nature). ACS Sens. Samad, Y. Li, A. Schiffer, S.M. Cardiol. Therefore, fine analytical selectivity was found, and negligible cross influence on the Raman signal was observed (Fig. 5d. Pu, X.J. All the data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary information. He et al., Sensitive pressure sensors based on conductive microstructured air-gap gates and two-dimensional semiconductor transistors. Figure2a shows a schematic representation of the experimental setup for wireless detection of Cell Rovers. 13c). Nano Lett. 3b shows the different positions of the cell and Fig. Commun. Adv. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52003253 and 52103308) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M672283). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms4002, L. Shi, Z. Li, M. Chen, Y. Qin, Y. Jiang et al., Quantum effect-based flexible and transparent pressure sensors with ultrahigh sensitivity and sensing density. A moisture-hungry copper complex harvesting air moisture for potable water and autonomous urban agriculture. and D.S. Ng, W.S. Sensors with porous structure are suitable for the fabrication of flexible and portable electronic devices [126]. 2, 361368 (2019). These all highlights show the important role of structural engineering. 3a) using a permanent magnet attached to a micromanipulator stage. A review of catalysts for the electroreduction of carbon dioxide to produce low-carbon fuels. Nat. 15, 32233235 (2022). Moreover, microstructured electrodes have been combined with the structured sensing layer to optimize the sensing performance in some research work [89]. They utilized nanocomposite ink optimization, 3D imaging, and multimaterial 3D printing. Chem 4, 94105 (2018). Eight layers were included in the simulation domain, where the total z-directional distance was 2.5 m. d The case of Nano pronunciation measured by pressure sensor and respective short-time Fourier transform-processed 3D spectrograms [49]. Adv. 10, 645651 (2015). The peak derivative sorption mass change is ~0.5gg1h1, only 1/10 compared with the results of the desorption condition (~5gg1h1). 11, 2149 (2020). Sens. Adv. Condens. Two crucial factors are functional materials with appropriate intrinsic properties [94, 95], morphological and geometric design of the sensing layer [77, 102]. Kim, I. Ha, P. Won, D.G. Lett. Electrochemical deposition mechanism of sodium and potassium. reported a flexible piezoresistive sensor based on 3D-printing and spray-coating [260]. Phys. 27(15), 24332439 (2015). Copyright (2016) WileyVCH. The lightweight sorbent Li-SHC produced with low-cost and sustainable raw materials, facile and easily scaled-up fabrication procedures show excellent water sorption performance, adaptability, and stability, which allows fast deployment into practical applications (Supplementary Information Section6). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2018.05.038, J. Xiao, Y. Tan, Y. Ye, M., Hwang, J. Y. Ding et al. There, the Aloading and Aunloading are the area of loading and unloading under the curve of R/R0-P, respectively. Sorption-desorption cycles performed over 186h confirmed the stable equilibrium and dynamic sorption performance without degradation and LiCl leakage (Fig. 4, 883891 (2019). J. Phys. Adv. Rev. Additionally, the versatility of the portable Raman analyzer in wider scopes of analytes should be further inspected by collecting more experiment data. 32, 1906739 (2020). With micro-to-nano hierarchical porous structure, the e-skin has high specific surface area for contact electrification and numerous capillary channels for thermal-moisture transfer. Flexible microfluidic nanoplasmonic sensors for refreshable and portable recognition of sweat biochemical fingerprint. Rev. The range of optimum magnetic field gradient for successful injection is shown between the dotted lines. Mater. 3e). The ultrathin protein-bonding layer functioned as a key mediator to tune the silver conductance dynamically in response to external pressures and strains. Chem. 3f, the equilibrium-state surface temperature of the one-layer sorbent can reach up to 106.8C within 15min under the heating temperature of 107.1C. ML includes the parts of collecting data, preparing data, selecting a model, training, evaluation, parameter adjustment, inference and prediction. However, fabricating a sub-mm EM antenna which can be resonantly operated at low MHz frequencies is practically difficult15.
Flexible microfluidic nanoplasmonic sensors for refreshable and Hassani, T. Yokota, M.O.G. h Impedance vs Frequency of the Cell Rover in water measured using a VNA and the corresponding equivalent circuit model fit which gives a resonance frequency of 4.452MHz, quality factor of 80.0 and magnetomechanical coupling coefficient (\({k}^{2}\)) of 1.12%. Soc. The measured lactate (with a main peak at 853cm1) contents were low (less than 1mM) when the exercise started, and increased to 9mM at the later stage of exercise activity. 4, 511520 (2022). Wang, On Maxwells displacement current for energy and sensors: the origin of nanogenerators. All data were recorded and processed by PC. a Transparent Ag NP electrode with high aspect ratio and b transmittance [93]. a Schematic illustration of pressure sensor with microcrack and interlocking structure [35]. A zoomed in view of the mid-plane of the resonator is also shown. Cell Rep. Phys. 11a-b) [93]. Through adjusting the concentration of Ag NW and the selection of PVA and PLGA, the antibacterial and biodegradable capability of e-skins can be tuned, respectively. Figure 5 depicts the on-body biofluid monitoring enabled by the microfluidic SERS device. All the results discussed in Fig. Chem. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. used a thermal method at different annealing temperatures to create wrinkles with different wavelengths () and amplitudes (A) (Fig. With the upsurge of modern competitive sports, an increasing number of athletes and coach teams carry out training according to scientific customized personality planning. Mater. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201304248, J.O. Chem. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2014.10.034, Z. Zhang, W. Gong, Z. Bai, D. Wang, Y. Xu et al., Oxygen-rich polymers as highly effective positive tribomaterials for mechanical energy harvesting. The morphology of the wrinkled GNWs was easily controlled by adjusting the thickness of the GNWs film and the annealing temperature. The conventional heavy Raman instrument limits wearable SERS analysis in standardized laboratory settings, which dramatically weakens the practicality and applicable circumstances. Meng, H.Y. Wearable colorimetric17,18,19 and fluorescent20,21,22 sweat sensors have offered visual sensing access via observation of color/absorbance/fluorescence depth related to the chromogenic/luminous reaction between indicator and analytes. By combining simulations and experimental approaches, the portable water harvester with the volume of 5.6L and the weight of 3.2kg was designed and optimized. An efficient polymer moist-electric generator. Each cycle consisted of a 60-min heating stage and a ~20-min standby stage (Fig. The high transparency was attributed to the low fill content and the small particle size of the UHCSs. The port extension technique is utilized in the calibration step of the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) to calibrate out the coaxial cable that was used for the S-parameter measurement. ADS The energy consumption for each cycle is displayed in Fig. The inset indicates the portable Raman analyzer. Although it is challenging, we explore the relationship between the microstructure design and the sensing performance of pressure sensors in this section. b Resonance frequency detected from different oocytes injected with different sized Cell Rovers as a function of their size. a Schematic diagram showing different Xenopus oocytes injected with Cell Rovers of different sizes. Cell Rovers can be further miniaturized for application in smaller cells using conventional microfabrication techniques such as sputtering and photolithography. Bin, D.-S. et al. A pressure sensor with electrodes consisting of ultra-thin transparent porous Ag NWs/polyimide (PI) film exhibited 90.4% transparency (Fig. Robot. The weight change of the sample was recorded by the analytical balance. Au NWs were mixed with the polyacrylamide (PAAm) hydrogel to enhance conductivity. X.T. Article Sci. show that electrodes with sharp nanometre-sized tips produce local high electric fields that increase local CO2 concentrations near the active electrocatalyst surface. 141, 110802 (2021). elastic-plastic stiffness matrix. Nat. Nat. Truong et al., Automatic strain sensor design via active learning and data augmentation for soft machines. Characterization of magnetomechanical properties in FeGaB thin films.
Codoped porous carbon nanofibres as a potassium metal host for Self-assembly produces structures with regular morphology. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202113082, C. Ma, D. Xu, P. Wang, Z. Lin, J. Zhou et al., Two-dimensional van der Waals thin film transistors as active matrix for spatially resolved pressure sensing. The PANI was grown uniformly on the GO sheet, producing moderate wrinkles. We acknowledge funding from Joint Fund of the Ministry of Education for Equipment Pre-research (8091B022142), Shenzhen Stability Support Plan (20200806163622001), Shenzhen Overseas Talent Program, and Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Nano-Biosensing Technology (ZDSYS20210112161400001). : In order to study the Marangoni- and buoyancy-driven convection in smaller Reynolds number flow field, a new electrochemical machining model was established by coupling various physical fields, in which the machining gap was defined as 20 mm and the electrolyte conductivity was equal to 8.74 S/m.Through the numerical simulation and experiments, the mechanisms of Self-sacrificial template involves dissolving (sugar, salt, sponge) [108, 245, 263], evaporating (microfluidic droplets, frozen ice crystals, water droplets of breath figure method) [84, 114, 264, 265], and gasifying (polymer microspheres, sponge) [113, 246], whose sacrificial templates are created using sugar [263], salt microparticles [108], polymer microspheres [113], sponges [245], or microfluidic droplets [84] distributed in the active matrix. fabricated a piezocapacitive sensor using a dielectric layer consisting of a graphene/PDMS sponge with a 20% concentration of the NH4HCO3 foaming agent and a 2% concentration of graphene (Fig. Filipe, D. Ljubic, Y. Luo et al., Development of a Highly sensitive, broad-range hierarchically structured reduced graphene oxide/polyHIPE foam for pressure sensing. The sensor was also suitable for detecting dynamic tactile signals due to the piezoelectric properties of the ZnO NWs. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201804944, P. Zhang, W. Zhang, H. Zhang, A triboelectric nanogenerator based on waste polyvinyl chloride for morse code generator. 8b-c) [79]. 29(45), 1905015 (2019). SERS is a commonly used analytical technique capable of achieving high enhancement of Raman signals through localized plasmon-enhanced excitation and scattering29,30,31. 30, 749761 (2016). This mechanism of obtaining a transparent sensor can be extended to other systems. (6) N c = where N c is the capillary number, is Darcy velocity, is displacing fluid viscosity, and is IFT. d The mechanism of pH SERS sensing showing the probe molecule of 4-MBA labeled on the Ag surface, which can be protonated at an acidic pH and deprotonated at a basic pH. Komaba, S., Hasegawa, T., Dahbi, M. & Kubota, K. Potassium intercalation into graphite to realize high-voltage/high-power potassium-ion batteries and potassium-ion capacitors. Comput. 4 are for a 500m200m28m intracellular antenna. This method is ideal for complex or curved surfaces. Chem. The X-ray photoelectron spectrometer of Ag nanomushroom arrays was acquired from Thermo Scientific K-Alpha+, USA. CAS Sci. According to the further simulation results, the natural convection and the direct thermal radiation between the condensation surface and sorbents were remarkably reduced after installing this panel (Fig. LaPotin, A. et al. Chem. Fan, H.A. 9, 2458 (2018). 29, 1702061 (2017). Mater. Technol. Xue, L. et al. Nat. ADS Resonance frequency decreases with increase in size as expected from Eq. b Schematic of all-in-one biofluid flowing, store, and SERS analysis based on a microfluidic plasmonic device. Mater. 40, 37033727 (2011), Ghuman, K. K. et al. (Copyright (2020) American Chemical Society), b piezocapacitive [66] (Copyright (2017) American Chemical Society), c transistor [68] (Copyright (2017) The Authors), d piezoelectric [25] (Copyright (2015) WileyVCH), and e triboelectric pressure sensor [70] (Copyright (2017) WileyVCH). Integration of AI or machine learning to the sensor provides new functionality that could not be possible for the traditional sensors [275]. It can not only be used for wireless intracellular sensing, modulation and cell tracking but also for energy harvesting to power active nanoelectronic devices, which enabled by 50years of advancement in information technology, provide an extreme combination of complexity, accuracy and speed. Virtual issue dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR, Singapore View the article. 11, 753 (2020). The electrons at the Fermi level of the double MXene originate from Ti and Mo atoms (Fig. Potroz et al., High-performance, flexible electronic skin sensor incorporating natural microcapsule actuators. J. ACS Nano 13, 93069314 (2019). Adv. As mentioned above, pressure sensors can realize many intelligent applications. Lee, D.I. Commun. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan Key Laboratory of Advanced Nylon Materials and Application, Henan Innovation Center for Functional Polymer Membrane Materials, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, 450001, Peoples Republic of China, Zhengya Shi,Lingxian Meng,Juzhong Zhang,Qingqing Sun,Xuying Liu,Jinzhou Chen&Shuiren Liu, Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenzhou, 352001, Peoples Republic of China, School of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, 225127, Peoples Republic of China, You can also search for this author in Jeong, K.M. All data generated in this study are provided in the Source Data file and Supplementary Information. Maung, N. W. & Smolke, C. D. Higher-order cellular information processing with synthetic RNA devices. 7d shows the measured S11 response for the Tx coil containing the resonator in water and the S11 response of the model for the best fit parameters. For K deposition tests, different hosts, including Cu foil, cPAN, cPAN-Zn, MSCNFs and etched MSCNFs, were assembled into coin cells with K metal foil as the counter/reference electrode and a glass fiber membrane (Whatman, GF/D, porosity of 2.7 m, thickness of 675 m) as the separator. Adv. Adv. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201808829, M. Wang, Y. Qiu, J. Jia, C. Wang, J. Deng et al., Wavelength-gradient graphene films for pressure-sensitive sensors. Furthermore, techniques such as western blotting and histological methods are not real time and involves destruction of the cells. ISSN 0028-0836 (print). Nat. 3, 4757 (2019). Several printing methods have also been used to obtain a patterned design of active materials [116, 253, 254]. Sci. Thus, an intrinsically connected SERS substrate with fine structural entirety is chosen and independently embedded in the well-defined vessel of microfluidics for in situ and continuous SERS sensing. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201703456, X. Qu, X. Ma, B. Shi, H. Li, L. Zheng et al., Refreshable Braille display system based on triboelectric nanogenerator and dielectric elastomer. Correspondence to Mater. Electron. Typically, a multilayered structure is always based on textile materials [50] or other types of interlocking structures [107]. Similarly, the urchin-like hollow carbon spheres fabricated by Wus team show a temperature noninterference from 25 to 160 [83]. Xu, J. et al. This can be useful for energy harvesting for electrical stimulation as well as powering active nanoelectronic devices and circuits. Illustration of pressure sensor with microcrack and interlocking structure [ 35 ] learning to the low content. Of bulk K+ ion concentration as a key mediator to tune the silver conductance dynamically in response to external and... Complex harvesting air moisture for potable water and autonomous urban agriculture a pressure sensor with electrodes of! 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