[21] According to Darkstalker's soul reader, Arctic's soul was severely damaged, but he was not completely evil. To expel the centuries of accumulated dust and other damages. Tribe [111] However, the tragedy of Foeslayer's presumed death shattered him, and he became indifferent towards her free will and happiness, although later apologizing to her imagined presence. The two talked and flirted for a while. Like Share SubscribeSponsored: http://roguehoundstudios.co. [42], Whiteout was Arctic's daughter, and, according to Darkstalker, he often acted as though she was his only dragonet. Whiteout was also one of the only dragons Darkstalker truly loved, according to Clearsight, along with her and Foeslayer. Mentioned in Why are you moving the eggs like that?! When he arrived at his destination, Turtle realized it to be the lost city of night. Diamond placed two guards inside Arctic's room to make sure he slept; ergo, he could not meet with Foeslayer. He has appeared in every game with the exception of Vampire Savior 2, from which he was omitted along with Rikuo and Sasquatch. She was once in a school for humans, where they all treated her poorly for being a vampire, so she then moved to a monster academy, hoping she could make friends. Later, when Queen Vigilance is with Clearsight, Vigilance sent an assassin after Darkstalker. In the middle of the night, Darkstalker suddenly left his tribe to fly somewhere, and Turtle was forced to follow him. Any time a dragon wanted to use the scroll, they only had to write down their specific enchantment, and it would happen, just like natural animus power. Mentioned in Unnamed IceWings He broke his animus vow for Foeslayer, and longed for her to view him as a dragon who did not care much for rules. The contemplation that Hamlet undergoes reveals that failing to revenge for his father's death means allowing other people in the kingdom to kill others at will since they know that their actions will not have consequences. He desperately wanted to safely like Darkstalker,[121] as well as badly wanting to trust him. Moonwatcher was Darkstalker's best friend when he emerged from Agate Mountain. [142] She flinches whenever she hears his name.[143]. That. Darkstalker asked if she would be his friend forever if he changes fake Clearsight back into whoever it was. Arctic resented Darkstalker. [92] He encouraged her to use her magic but tried restricting her only to use them with his permission. Is this even safe? [82] He was desperately lonely[75] but did not trust other animus dragons; each one was a threat to his absolute power. [78] When Moonwatcher explained how fundamentally wrong killing the entire IceWing tribe was, he only growled that they had started it. Diamond [1] Enchanted around 3,011 AS to hold Darkstalker 's animus powers, it was created to be able to use animus magic without the fear of affecting Darkstalker's soul, in the hope to gain Clearsight 's trust. [11] Allknowing described him to be "seething with darkness. Later, Qibli looked into the Obsidian Mirror again and looked at Moon first. To return to her pillow every night if lost. [111] He refused to lose all of his memories and become a new dragon as he did not want to forget Clearsight. At one point, Darkstalker even said that even Arctic knew he deserved what he got. Later during the spell casting, there was a glimpse of Darkstalker's good side, suggesting he was not completely evil. He later snuck into their room to read the letter to himself. Darkstalker was born under three full moons, which imbued him with the NightWing powers of mind-reading and the gift of prophecy to an unparalleled degree. Hamlet kills his uncle near the end of the play. Darkstalker mistook Turtle for Fathom and blasted fire at him. Arctic was an adult male IceWing prince and was one of the three main protagonists in Runaway. Affiliations [38] Foeslayer was one of the only dragons that he truly loved, according to Clearsight, along with Clearsight herself and Whiteout. Clearsight moved him into the cave before covering the entrance with rocks before going to another mountain and waiting for an earthquake she predicted to bury him further. [9], In later stages of their relationship, Arctic threatened Foeslayer after she made a joke towards him,[11] and Darkstalker sensed that his mother was in danger. Current And now, some of the stars from the Paramount drama. When Qibli refused the deal, Darkstalker threatened that he would have to kill him otherwise, but when Qibli suggests that it is evil to kill him, Darkstalker suggested ripping his earring off and putting a powerful spell on him. [27] Darkstalker was dangerous, quiet,[101] angry, and crueler than necessary towards his father,[40] and the only slight liking he had towards Arctic was due to his love for Foeslayer. [41] He began hiding certain enchantments from both Clearsight and Fathom[42] and despite Clearsight stating she would never be okay with her feelings being manipulated[36] and Fathom pleading with him not to use his animus magic anymore[43] he used his powers without regard to either of them. Qibli denied that, but Darkstalker tested him for animus magic by telling Qibli to enchant his scroll to roll up. To make Fathom forget his animus oath, stop loving Indigo, and use his magic freely after his first sip from it. Point is, some of these characters are not mine and belong to Tui T. Sutherland. Male It was revealed that Darkstalker had enchanted Arctic to obey his every command, then instructed him to disembowel himself instead of murdering the IceWing himself as most believed. Wiki User. [43] Later in the book, Arctic shows disapproval of her feelings for Thoughtful, most likely because he was a NightWing. When the IceWings took her, Darkstalker offered to kill every IceWing for revenge. It helps characterization and broadens the casual/single-player appeal of the game. She was judgmental and regulating towards him, but despite her attempts to control his life, he eventually fled the Ice Kingdom in order to live with Foeslayer. Most of them were brutal, and Clearsight was horrified by all of his ideas that lead to the IceWings' genocide. To teleport Vulture into the canyon with himself and Qibli. Father Later on, Darkstalker went home and used his scroll to find out who tried to assassinate him. Right now? Calmly explaining to Whiteout that she had knocked over their marbles, he used his mind-reading to embarrass and infuriate all of them. He did it on himself again and gets even more terrified of how he was evil even if he protected his soul. When Anemone used the next spell, suggested by Qibli, that linked the minds of all the IceWings and NightWings for a hundred dragon heartbeats, Darkstalker grabbed Qibli with a swift movement and carried him to the spot where he burst from his underground prison after being trapped there for 2,000 years. Now, for the true hot take: Every fighting game should have story mode, because, different than gameplay, only story can make someone a "franchise fan". There, Clearsight has visions about Arctic and unwillingly tells him this prophecy: "Beware your two queens; beware your own power. They were both unexcited about their marriage. He was also in a relationship with Clearsight until the conclusion of Darkstalker, in which she and Fathom were forced to trap him beneath Agate Mountain with an enchanted bracelet to put him into a deep sleep before he could destroy Pyrrhia. Waterfalls of language in fire-blown claws," and then told him that he was the one who made the Cascade of Dreams. Appeared in Darkstalker had sent in an invasion with his army of NightWings to the IceWing Kingdom, wiping out the entire tribe. The Nightwings killed many within the first minute or so in the battle, but Darkstalker killed tens or hundreds. [88] His choices were vengeful,[89] dark, and damaging,[90] even if he genuinely believed they would lead to the best future. GN [117] He became so desperate to have her back that he attempted to enchant Fierceteeth into a living version of Clearsight. [3] Arctic never looked Darkstalker in the eye, and often glared at him. To freeze Moonwatcher and Kinkajou in time. His Dad has a look in the basement, doesn't find anything, and tells Bill to go to bed. To return to his previous state; feel regret for his actions. To heal future and pre-existing wounds and ailments. Status You may be looking for the book instead.) The loss of his mother broke him into a thousand pieces on the inside, making him furious and devastated, but he could hide it very well. [24] Their relationship ultimately failed due to Darkstalker's actions, and Clearsight is not to blame. Diamond states that a true IceWing would not be worried and reminds him of what she wanted him to make. Darkstalker Darkstalker was hatched out of the egg with his God complex and a desire to be the center of attention. A2 Mentioned in Kinkajou said he is evil but could not tell Moon why because then Darkstalker would know, and Moon believed he was a good dragon. death battle would make him a multiverse busting planck timer via Thor and Ares scaling (he's actually fought and defeated Ares so this isn't the worst thing in the world) and the fact that he's destroyed Celestial armor in the past. Still, I do have to admit Moka is a pretty interesting vampire. After confirming that Qibli did not and could not cast any animus spells, Darkstalker commented on his intelligence, remarking that he would have been a great animus. Menu. Written by MegaSalamence64. The assassin turned out to be Quickdeath, an assassin for hire. A SandWing rushed in and said that Darkstalker was willing to help Onyx and Vulture's Talons of Power take over the SandWing tribe, also stating that Darkstalker was then the NightWing King of most of the NightWings. [34] There was fury, bitterness,[35] suspicion, hatred, and emanating outrage from both partners. Later, Diamond finds Arctic in his room and asks why he was up so late. [96], Foeslayer is Darkstalker's mother. Fathom released Indigo from the statue with his magic. [9] Arctic was the reason that Snowflake lost her ability to fly permanently. Darkstalker could grab the Icewings from the sky and constrict them until they burst. Cause of death Darkstalker begged Moon to join him, but Moon said that she wanted to stay with Glory but would visit the lost city with Turtle and Kinkajou, as the lost city needed to be found to stop Jade Mountain from being destroyed according to The Jade Mountain Prophecy. Meir searched his dead father for the bread, "took the bread and began to devour it." Two men had seen the exchange and suddenly threw themselves upon the son. Arctic then crushed Whiteout's shell necklace in his talons, freeing her from his magic. 1. [53] He radiated menace. [29] He was suspicious of [7] and bothered by Darkstalker's mind-reading abilities, and was jealous of his son's knowledge of Foeslayer's thoughts. Unnamed IceWings Arctic tries to prevent Foeslayer from being punished. After disemboweling his father, To bring a dragon the hidden animus (Turtle) cares about to the throne room alive. GN Lost city of night: Borderland Mountain Darkstalker's home Great Diamond NightWing library NightWing palace NightWing school North Beach Grandmothers Darkstalker thinks that Fathom looks uncomfortable at the party and possibly terrified since the Royal SeaWing Massacre had happened at a party as well. Clearsight and Listener met up with Darkstalker, Fathom, and Whiteout, who were all playing a board game. However, they were caught in the act by Arctic, who angrily scolded his son, warning him not to waste his animus power. [127] He would have followed Darkstalker anywhere,[128] and Darkstalker was often irritated by Fathom's caution towards animus magic. [39] He was crueler than necessary towards Arctic[40] and held a serious grudge against Indigo after she attempted to kill him. But more on that later. Thomas Middleton's 1605 play A Mad World, My Masters, the philandering Master Penitent Brothel is tempted by a succubus assuming the form of his illicit partner, using song and dance in a failed attempt to seduce him. Foeslayer insisted that they could not abandon her tribe and mother to be stuck with the IceWings. Book Appearances Anemone enters with Flame following, and he admitted that he tried to kill Stonemover because he lied about being able to heal Flame's scars. Darkstalker received the same vision and, anxious at this, decided to interrupt the party to go and try to save Foeslayer. In chapter 71, Light was setting up a plan that would prove himself to be innocent of being the killer (Kira); would give the NPA (National Police Agency of Japan) the advantage over Mello; and would keep him safe if Mello would ever get hold of his picture.. He then asked her to listen, apologizing for everything he did and promising that they could still rule the NightWings together if she came back. Darkstalker is willing to show her the truth about their fragile world, to teach her their full NightWing heritage, and their destiny. On the balcony, they see a NightWing admiring the sunset while trying to keep herself warm. Arctic has a memory of two nights before when he was at a secret meeting with Foeslayer. [132] Indigo's attack on him had deeply rattled him to the point where he made his scales invincible in order to protect himself. When he got home, Darkstalker read in his father's, Prince Arctic's, mind that Arctic and Foeslayer fought. [48], After he began to seek vengeance upon the IceWing tribe after Arctic became even more crueler, he became more dishonest,[48] devious,[49] vengeful,[50] furious,[51] manipulative,[52] angry, and callous. Partner A2 Mother Affiliations To evaluate one's soul when the telescope is pointed at someone, then show it in the hourglass: black sand representing good, and white sand representing bad. Arctic is shown years later arguing with Foeslayer about their eggs. Related articles Star Wars 9 Rise of Skywalker: Palpatine clue hidden in Force Awakens NightWings, IceWings [108] Darkstalker never cared much about Arctic's hatred towards him. Relatives Snowfox [14], Clearsight foresaw that the dislike between Darkstalker and Indigo, which spiraled into a future with no Indigo in it. [1], Darkstalker had ebony[2] black scales[3] and dark midnight-black wings,[4] appearing as almost a pure NightWing except for a line of icy, white,[5] silvery IceWing scales where his wings met his body. Then, she had Fathom enchant a bracelet for her, as they were too suspicious of the scroll to use it. When Moon showed herself, Darkstalker noticed the skyfire she is wearing and asked if they were really friends. L Quickdeath. In fact, he knew they did, because he'd seen that in his father's mind every time he brought hawks home to eat. They then unexpectedly met Current, a SeaWing prince that had survived the Royal SeaWing Massacre. Age Growing up in an abusive household, Shigaraki was regularly beaten by his father, causing him to feel isolated and told not to attempt to become a hero. He said he'll be in touch soon and not to do anything until he sends instructions.". He went past a mountain range, later to be realized as Darkstalker's Teeth by Winter. Fathom discovered spells written in invisible ink, one of which trapped Indigo in the wooden SeaWing statue Fathom had made. Arctic was mentioned when Darkstalker said to. [4] He often rudely asked his son if any part of him resembled an IceWing,[25] and was furious upon Darkstalker's hatching that the dragonet did not resemble him. The Brightest Night Darkstalker formally meets Fathom at the SeaWing welcoming party the NightWings had thrown. Darkstalker convinced them he was not the monster from the stories of the past. To be invulnerable, heal instantly upon injury, and shield him indestructibly from any threat of death. Darkstalker went insane because he had too much power, he could see that his father was losing his soul and wanted to make better choices. [31] Despite his seething hatred towards Darkstalker,[32] Arctic refused to kill his own son. He was an animus dragon, and after fleeing the Ice Kingdom to settle in the lost city of night, a banished member of the IceWing royal family. But, suddenly, it seems the reason Kylo killed his dad could be way more twisted and disturbing. To obey his commands; to stop talking and stay where he is. Darkstalker ordered Arctic to follow him back to the Night Kingdom, where he made his father cut his tongue out after announcing how he had tried to betray the NightWings and was going to offer a detailed map of the kingdom so the IceWings could infiltrate it. This is shown when he used his magic to return her favorite scavenger toy to her whenever it got lost. Once he entered the room, Typhoon, a SeaWing-IceWing hybrid, explained the IceWing Plague that was affecting the whole tribe. [114] She was sad enough about him that she considered staying with him until the mountain crushed her. Anonymous. Stonemover then woke, reacting with fear at the name 'Darkstalker' before beginning to yell that his claws were not his. Soon there were two corpses, side by . Hope laughed and grinned with him, and he found himself unable to stop smiling at her. He found out and deemed that whoever did it "has to pay.". Historical: Diamond, Present: Crystal Hailstorm Icicle Mink Narwhal Permafrost Tundra Winter Mindreader then hears that Flame had help from a dragon with a weird name similar to "Ogre" and "Okra," assumed to be Ochre. Reasons why I like Highschool of the Dead. When Clearsight left for Agate Mountain to meet Darkstalker one last time, Fathom took the scroll and held it over a candle. He saw that Qibli could get in the way of his plans, starting in Talons of Power when Turtle casts a spell in the room Qibli was in. [54] He adopted an unsettling[55] new smile that implied Darkstalker thought he would always be okay, and nothing bad could happen to him, and that he could arrange the world the way he wanted. Adult [98] Arctic thought Darkstalker was a creepy name,[97] and he never looked Darkstalker in the eye, and often glared at him. He took a rather friendly approach, and it seemed that he enjoyed teaching her how to deal with her powers effectively without any problem. [124] Fathom was one of his best friends,[125] and he found himself so wrapped in warmth and attention around Darkstalker that he could forget, for hours at a time, about what he had been through during the massacre. Age elizabeth's restaurant menu bloomfield, ct; 01 Jan. By . The book draws to a close as Fathom and Indigo were portrayed with their dragonets, Clearpool, Cowrie, and Ripple. Appeared in [34] He was skilled at problem-solving[35] and he had a nervous energy about him whenever he had to tell someone something. this is the beginning. Darkstalker loved her[109] without reserve or hesitation, mostly reciprocated. This leads to Darkstalker opening Flame's pouch, finding the third dreamvisitor inside. [110] He disliked that she worried over their futures so much, but loved her wholly. Prudence He decided to and finally meets up with Foeslayer, his mother. Darkstalker loved his mother and wanted to protect her in every way possible. He stated the similarities between Qibli and himself and offered a deal to make Qibli an animus if he could put a spell on him to make him not try to harm him. He told them about the old NightWing Kingdom and agreed to enchant an object for each to give them any power they wish. To ring whenever Fathom felt sad or lonely. [95] Darkstalker secretly hated SeaWings, specifically Anemone's family, because of their ancestry linking them to Fathom.[96]. The end of the play and was one of the play, his mother and wanted to her. Of which trapped Indigo in the eye, and he found himself unable to stop smiling at.! Whiteout 's shell necklace in his talons, freeing her from his magic seething with darkness him the... The game before when he arrived at his destination, Turtle realized it to be Quickdeath, assassin. Darkstalker could grab the IceWings reacting with fear at the SeaWing welcoming the. Not meet with Foeslayer out and deemed that whoever did it on himself again and looked at first... For Thoughtful, most likely because he was not completely evil board game mentioned Why! Noticed the skyfire she is wearing and asked if they were really friends guards! Soul was severely damaged, but he was not the monster from the Paramount drama when he was the that! 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