Taurine helps protect heart health and lowers blood pressure. Earlier, we asked, where does taurine come from? In animal models, taurine deficiency has been shown to cause eye damage, chronic liver disease, muscle weakening, and an increased risk of developing diabetes (1). . Advanced research reveals that taurine may be the key to treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, a person can become deficient in, Protein shakes and powders have become a popular, high-quality source of this nutrient. In small doses (up to 3,000 mg per day) supplemental taurine is considered safe. The term 'taurine' has a Latin origin from the word 'taurus' which means bull. As per the above explanation, these rumors are therefore false. Aside from taurine, many energy drinks also contain other ingredients such as sugar and caffeine, so that taking excessive amounts of these beverages can be unhealthy. In a 12-week study in people with high-normal blood pressure, taking 1.6 grams of taurine per day reduced systolic blood pressure (the top number) by 7.2 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by 4.7 mmHg compared with placebo (12). Taurine is an amino acid. The main dietary sources of taurine are protein-rich animal foods such as meat, fish, and dairy. All rights reserved. If you enjoy eating albacore tuna, the FDA recommends only one serving per week along with no other fish that same week for children and people of child-bearing age. Supplementing with 5003,000 mg of taurine per day is known to be effective and safe. Scientific studies on animals reveal that low levels of taurine increases episodes of seizures. This is troubling because this amino acid performs several essential functions and causes problems when it's lacking. Taurine is found in smaller amounts in some plant foods. This suggests that taurine may have a role in diabetes management (8). Eating two to three servings of omega-3 rich fish each week is recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but not everyone should be eating this fish as often. There are many laboratories all over the world that produce synthetic taurine through the process of ammonolysis. At high levels, it may even protect against heart disease (9). People who eat normal balanced diets have enough taurine (9-400mg per day) in their bodies. Today, Red Bull continues to include taurine in its formula. If your baby or child is on a vegan diet, it may be necessary to supplement with taurine through foods or formulas fortified with it, per the University of Rochester Medical Center. Studies in both humans and animals show that intake of 3 grams of taurine a day helps the body in fighting obesity by lowering body lipid levels as well as improving glucose tolerance which is useful since most obese people end up suffering from diabetes. Extracted animal taurine, in some places, is a key component in the manufacture of other supplements beneficial to the body. Highly trained athletes and everyday fitness enthusiasts alike often supplement with BCAAs but may wonder about the perfect timing. Fortunately, adults are able to produce taurine themselves, so deficiencies are rare. It's found naturally in only animal-based foods but is also available in synthetic supplement form. Taurine in breast milk is essential since prematurely born babies have low levels of the compound since they lack the necessary enzymes that convert cystathionine to cysteine. Taurine in and of itself is vegan and is simply an acid. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Seniors Taking Multiple Meds: Its a Complicated Problem, 3 COVID Scenarios That Could Spell Trouble for the Fall, Colonoscopy Benefits Lower Than Expected (Study), Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Diabetes Risk, Street Medicine Reaches People Where They Live, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Becoming a Vegetarian: Foods to Choose From. Even so, taurine deficiency is unlikely. Exercise is good for you, but getting started can be tough. Taurine improves glucose tolerance, increases insulin action, and as an antioxidant compound it is key for the optimum functioning of body ions such as sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. ", Atherosclerosis: "The potential protective effects of taurine on coronary heart disease", Infants who are not breastfed and provided infant formula without taurine added, Chronic diseases of the kidney, heart, liver, bone or stomach conditions, which lead to decreased absorption. More research is needed, but studies suggest that taurines effects can reduce muscle fatigue, soreness, and damage during and after exercise. Necessary for the proper functioning of the organs, nerves, and immune system, taurine is also important for the body's metabolism. Its also available as a supplement, which studies show may help people manage certain conditions or diseases. Check out these organic vegan energy . Plant-Based Protein vs. Whey Protein: Which Is Better? Evidence from around the world suggests that high life expectancy is common within populations that take in more taurine, and they also have healthy and more active lifestyles. Selenium is a trace element essential for reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism and DNA synthesis, per the National Institutes of Health. Check that the food you're providing your pets contains taurine or make sure to supplement with foods high in taurine. Taurine is a naturally occurring compound found in fish and meat that is most commonly found as a major ingredient in energy drinks. If you choose dark meat for its juicy flavor but are concerned about the effects of too much saturated fat, try this fool-proof way to cook tender juicy chicken breasts in the oven. Your body can also make it. So if you are worried about where does taurine comes from, rest assured that products with this ingredient contain lab-manufactured taurine, and not from animals. Taurine is found in animal products, particularly meat and dairy products, and therefore that method of taurine consumption is not vegan. Most mammals manufacture taurine from other amino acids. Taurine is found naturally in the foods we consume. In many mammals, taurine can be naturally synthesized from other naturally occurring amino acids. According to a February 2020 article in Amino Acids, taurine plays a role in supporting your: Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid, so there's no recommended daily allowance. The same may not apply to synthetic nutrients from supplements. It may help to prevent congestive heart failure and liver disease (hepatitis). What Is The Official Language Of The United States? According to Healthline, this "wonder molecule" is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the brain, eyes, heart, and muscles.It is also found in some foods such as meat, fish, and dairy products. In a world where heart diseases and complications are on the increase, most doctors advise people to use taurine in order to reverse cardiovascular disease factors. difficulty walking. Taurine is an antioxidant, meaning that it helps liver function and promotes body detoxification. However, your body may need larger amounts in times of illness or stress. Rather, it was first isolated in 1827 from the bile of an ox. Other studies have also shown that taurine helps prevent high blood pressure and lower cardiovascular risk. You'll get 23 milligrams of taurine in each 2-ounce serving of canned albacore tuna. Taurine deficiencies can have serious effects and lead to heart disease, kidney dysfunction, developmental problems and severe damage to the retina, per a November 2012 study in Molecular Vision. One 3-ounce serving also has 70 percent of your daily value (DV) of selenium. Consequently, it is found abundantly in healthy bodies but those who participate in vegan or vegetarian lifestyles lack adequate amounts of taurine. Originally found from bull semen and bile, taurine has been found to increase testosterone production without increasing estradiol concentration. When levels of taurine in plasma decreases, a person risks having Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a condition where the heart enlarges and becomes incapable of efficiently pumping blood. In cats, taurine deficiency can lead to vision loss, poor growth and development and heart problems, per Pet MD. One day after high school, I stopped at a convenience store with my friend to pick up an energy drink before our workout. Taking too much, however, could have risks. Instead, its considered a conditionally essential amino acid, meaning it becomes essential only in times of illness and stress (1). What Is Taurine? Taurine, a naturally-occurring amino acid, is an effective supplement for boosting your performance at both physical and mental tasks. What Is Taurine? 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. On average, most people consume about 400 milligrams of taurine per day in their diet. However, at present, commercial products that contain this amino acid obtain it from synthetically produced taurine, which is cheaper than extracting it from animals. However, cats cannot manufacture a sufficient amount and, therefore, must acquire enough additional taurine through diet to meet their needs. Because there are few plant-based foods containing taurine, people who are vegetarian and vegan may require a taurine supplement to meet their desired daily intake. From here, the process of ammonolysis starts by reacting isethionic acid with ammonia to form taurine. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. Synthetic taurine is beneficial in the manufacturing of pet food, energy drinks, and pharmaceutical products. Studies that point to potential health benefits require much higher doses and show that getting up to 3,000 milligrams per day is safe., Adding more taurine to your diet can have health benefits like:, Taurine plays a role in regulating your blood sugar levels. 1 . Also, synthetic taurine absorption is more rapid than absorption from natural food and that the liver excretes excess taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that can be found naturally in your muscles, certain organs, blood platelets, and nervous system. Taurine supplements have been shown to regulate blood pressure and improve heart function and blood fat levels in people with heart conditions such as heart failure. Studies found . If not rectified, DCM may also affect the functioning of the liver, lungs, and other body organs. Taurine may also improve the blood flow in . It also help support reproductive health. For babies who cannot breastfeed, taurine is present as a supplement in infant formula. Scanning the coolers full of energy drinks, my friend pointed out Red Bull. For reference, the typical American diet provides 123178 mg of taurine daily, while a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet which includes both dairy products and eggs provides only around 17 mg of taurine daily (5). Furthermore, it was shown that taurine intake improved recovery and reduced muscle fatigue. One cup of low-fat milk has 6 milligrams of taurine. When the mice drank bismuth subsalicylate a common over-the-counter drug . This type of Taurine is not vegan. It is often added to energy drinks as it has been shown to help improve performance in sport. One study found that it can lower heart rate. Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid that plays an essential role in protecting cells. Most adults make taurine on their own, but some populations, such as infants, require a taurine-rich diet. Members of Passeriformes bird order require taurine to grow and develop. In children and young people, low taurine levels in the retina may lead to retinal dysfunction and retinal ganglion cell degeneration. It's mainly found in muscles throughout the body, which explains why the foods highest in taurine are animal proteins. What is taurine? Taurine may help reduce high blood pressure by decreasing the resistance of blood flow in your blood vessel walls and by improving the efficiency of skeletal and heart muscle contractions (9, 12, 13). Introducing taurine supplements improves retina function. Being a conditional amino acid, the body naturally manufactures this compound, unlike essential amino acids. Taurine gets its name from the Latin word 'taurus', which means ox or bull. The name is derived from the Latin word taurus, which means. Other laboratories, produce taurine by alkylation of ammonia with bromoethane sulfonate salts. Research shows that taurine, when paired with caffeine, improves reaction time and reduces sleepiness in sleep-deprived people. It helps increase the levels of carnitine in the cell, which plays a role in transporting fats into cells for use as energy in the your body. Taurine is an organic compound known as an amino acid. Taurine is found most abundantly in seafood and animal protein, so it is often deficient in one's diet. Our bodies produce taurine as an amino acid. An adequate amount of testosterone is essential for improving the male physique because it improves lean body mass development while reducing fat gain. Freeze-dried or cooked meats, fish or shellfish treats can be great options. Here's everything. Raw meat is fairly rich in taurine, comparable to fish, but cooked varieties typically have only 10 milligrams of taurine per ounce. Therefore, taurine deficiency is unlikely in healthy adults (1). Oxidative muscle fibers, which are used during endurance exercise and movements, contain the most taurine, per the May 2021 review in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Taurine is found in the large intestine where it is a major component of bile. Mammalian taurine synthesis occurs in the pancreas via the cysteine sulfinic acid pathway. Healthy Energy Drinks: Is There Such a Thing? Protein powders are supplements that support muscle growth and weight loss. Turkey doesn't have to be reserved for Thanksgiving only try one of these healthy ground turkey recipes any night of the week. Animal tissues like the human intestine, breast milk, and eye retina have significant levels of taurine. It plays an important role in hormone metabolism as well as the development of the brain and eyes. We can find synthetic taurine in energy drinks and supplements. Other potential benefits of taking taurine supplements include (14, 15, 16, 17, 18): Although promising, these potential benefits are less studied or are primarily supported by animal and test-tube studies. Taurine is what is classified as a conditionally essential amino acid. Published: Saturday, December 13, 2014 09:21 PM Written by Marta Kaspar I am sure that you have all heard about the importance of taurine for cats. Taurine is a type of chemical called an amino sulfonic acid. First, ethylene oxide reacts with sodium bisulfite to obtain isethionic acid (2-hydroxyethanesulfonic acid). Last medically reviewed on February 1, 2022. This is thanks to your bodys ability to make taurine in your liver from other amino acids (1). However, the body naturally produces taurine and taurine can also be . Image Credit: nipada_hong / Shutterstock.com Naturally occurring taurine and biosynthesis. The most common dosage range for taurine is 5003,000 mg per day (2, 5). Still, some people have reported side effects after taking taurine, including (20): Its unclear whether these side effects are related to the amino acid or to a different ingredient that may have been taken alongside taurine. However, it is important to note that these drinks and supplements may have other chemical compounds that may have independent effects. Taurine is actually found naturally in meat such as beef and chicken, and also in fish such as salmon and mackerel - and can benefit your healthy lifestyle more than you think. According to the Mayo Clinic, up to 3,000 mg. of taurine daily is considered safe and the kidneys excrete any excess taurine. Dark meat, like the the leg and thigh, may have more taurine, but they also have more saturated fat and calories. Secondly, up to what amount is the intake of synthetic taurine safe? The result is a reduction in blood glucose levels and an increase in utilization of glucose as energy. Taurine is an amino acid found in certain foods. Amounts of taurine used in energy drinks and food supplements are far below this level and therefore considered safe with no side effects. All rights reserved. Chicken muscle provides a significant amount of natural taurine, especially in the legs or liver, where it is more widely found. Taurine has many functions inside animal bodies like muscle development, cardiovascular functions, and nervous system development, among others. Food and that the food you 're providing your pets contains taurine or make to! Some populations, such as meat, fish, and nervous system meet! Added to energy drinks: is there such a Thing is also available as a conditionally amino. Healthy adults ( 1 ) bile, taurine is found most abundantly in healthy bodies but those participate. Through diet to meet their needs available as a supplement in infant formula vs. Whey Protein which., when paired with caffeine, improves reaction time and reduces sleepiness in sleep-deprived.... Show may help people manage certain conditions or diseases used in energy drinks over-the-counter.! 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