WAV format is most universal and supported by almost all audio editors. A Skyrim Kiss SE: version 5.1 or above: A Skyrim Kiss SE - Russian translation: A Skyrim Waltz SE: version 5.1: A Witcher's Adventure: Hard Requirement - Check mod's description if you want to know why. May not be required but always good to have. And, with the demonstration mod FNIS Spells the user has a means to Hello again! Must be installed or the follower dialog will fail to show up. Incompatibilities (based on Original Skyrim) ===== Specific Mods SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim: For some reason, this mod was found to cause some issues with Susano'o, either by crashing to desktop or by making Susano'o a human body instead of the intended aspect. Optional, but required to recruit Wanderers with certain voice types. Without this or RDO Lite she won't talk or won't appear in your game. When in Deadra form, activate the transform power again to get a menu for conjure wings. Halgari joins Nexus Mods to help shape the future of Vortex. If they do, loading the game should fix it. If the original has requirements, download those too. (The vanilla game doesn't offer an Argonian Female Voice with follower support). [_MAGVoiceEvents.pex] Some voice events are now disabled while an enemy is performing a killmove against the player. _____ FNIS Background FNIS SE Behaviors provides an ALTERNATE ANIMATION (AA) functionality, which allows modders to DYNAMICALLY replace standard animations by an "arbitrary number of custom ones. I'll also try to provide updated links to patches available elsewhere. NPCs can use FUZ is a format which contains audio data and mouth animation data. Please make sure you can endorse and let HHaleyy know how much we appreciate their work , time and generosity to the community. Use either this or Nemesis not both, Require For 3.0+ version. Please endorse! Needed for Belle's & Mid's follower dialog to appear in-game, Needed for Esmerelda's & Stella's follower dialog to appear, Required for the follower dialog to appear in-game. PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions, An Elsword Voice Mod - Raven Voice Replacer (Japanese Voice), Argonian Revamped - PC Head Tracking and Voice Type, Crash On Save Fix for PC Head Tracking and Voice Type, Cridi0t's Immersive Player Voice Pack (PC Head Tracking and APV), Female Dremora (PC Head Tracking and Voice Type), GuitarthVader's Kratos Voiceset for Player Character (for Additional Player Voicesets SE and PC Headtracking and Voicetype), Hutao Race by Llling23(follower attached), Invoker Male Player Voice for PC Head Tracking, Jinx Voice Pack - PC Head tracking and voice (League of Legends), John Marston Voice Set - PC Head Tracking, L'enfant de juron - A voicepack mod for PC Head Tracking and Voice Type SE (JDG French voices), League of Legends Voice Mega Pack - PC Head Tracking and Voice Type, Lusty Argonian Prince voice for PC Head Tracking byov, PC Head Tracking - Ciri Witcher 3 Voice Pack, PC Head Tracking - Crow (Goro Akechi) Voice Pack (Persona 5), PC Head Tracking - Darkest Dungeon Ancestor Voice Pack, PC Head Tracking - Joker Voice Pack (Persona 5), PC Head Tracking - Queen (Makoto Niijima) Voice Pack (Persona 5), PC Head Tracking - Triss Merigold Witcher 3 Voice Pack, PC Head Tracking and Voice - Alucard (Castlevania), PC Head Tracking and Voice - Born of Ocean Swell--Eula from Genshin (Chinese ver. A central location for any compatibility patches I've created for my mods. See sticky for more info. - What happened to me was getting teleported to Enthir room and he isn't there, because he is on the bench near the stairs next to his room (this is the way of the teleport to protect you from getting into an awkward position). This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Change to FOMOD installer included SKSE Plugin DLL for both SE/AE with Better wings patch included (old ugly folding wings can still be pick). Be careful with mods which overwrite races with custom skeletons. Better Performance and more bug fixed. Acolyte - Divine Covenants: For the MCM: Active Overlays: AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer - Turkish Translate 1.14: Bu yoksa olmaz Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Turkish Translation, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO - Deutsche Sprachausgabe, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE Traducao PT-BR, Chinese Localisation of Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO - AFT SE Patch, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE - Traduzione Italiana, Chinese Localisation of Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE. Not Compatible - Combat Gameplay Overhaul SE - Change in Behaviour file force Player to land after gliding. - create and publish derivative mods - fork this mod - use custom assets or scripts from this mod in your own mods fixed race condition that caused Magnetize to become permanent on dead actors if script execution lags behind. Log in to view your list of favourite games. SkyWigs with Nynoire - 1000 Wigs - KS Hairdos - Apachii - and More: Only if using one of my KS Hairdos wig mods. SENSIN'S CBBEUNP FULL BODY TATTOO (Different Skins), Sensin's Full Body Tattoos For UNP Body and Mature Skin Texture, Shieldmaiden Muscle Slider Beastmaiden for Unique Character Edition SE. recommended mod, followers will have much more to say with it on. Wrong. This file allows the player to change track head movement and change voice types allowing the player character to speak with just the push of a button. Hard requirement; you need this to add Shiri to your game. This is a complete guide to install my mod list, it covers all the essential's and bug fixes, audio, a complete graphics overhaul that I have been building on for over 2 years covering every texture in Skyrim with what I think is the best, and an optional vanilla plus game play section that is not intrusive mods that change the way you have to play, but only enhances and fixes Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. Smashing Lad Optional: But why not right.. it's pretty cool. Save #1 has no records of RDO and perfectly safe. Load Save #1 and continue your play-through. Load RDO BEFORE the following mods listed below: - The Choice Is Yours (Optional) Not critical. This is what enables her to have the Nord Voice. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Needed for the follower dialog to show up in-game, Some folks may have recruitment issues if this is not installed, For Misc NPCs addon to function properly. More Smooth and Stable. Five Thalmor Mages (Original Characters) - Jinxxed Followers SSE, Flower Girls Overhaul - Exotic Flowers - FnS - Micro Add-on, Follow Me Darling - All Spouses Can Be Followers, Follower Galadriel - blessed by Meridia ESP-FE, Gray-Mane Sons followers - Avulstein and Thorald SSE, Halena and Daylee - Standalone Followers SE, Halena and Sierra Standalone Followers SE, Hannah Kusanagi the Nightingale High Poly 3BA ESPFE Follower, Ingjarde the Pure High Poly ESPFE Follower, Ingjarde the Pure Revised Full Custom 3BA HPH ESPFE, Invasion of Skyrim - The Force Awakens - Grand Admiral Thrawn, Jazmine the Niece of Ebony Warrior Follower ESPFE, JWD's Lagertha The Viking Shieldmaiden - A Female Standalone Follower (CBBE-UNP), Kebara - Northland Elf Standalone Follower SE, Khajiit Speak - More Patches (Compatibility patches), Kiarana Vampire Follower HPH ESPFE SeranaVoice, KSHair for Relationship Dialogue Overhaul (RDO), Master Trader Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - PATCH, Maxine - Zombie Follower and Adoptable SSE SPANISH, More Argonians of Skyrim - Argonian Follower Mod SE, More Kats of Skyrim - Khajiit Followers Mod, Nora Follower SSE - CBBE 3BBB Advanced Curvy, Ondolemar Reborn - Ondolemar Follower And Replacer, Ordinary Characters - Followers Spouses Criminals and Servants, Project ja-Kha'jay- Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Addon, Pussycats SSE (stand-alone Khajiit followers), QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium, Recruitable Fultheim - An Ochimusha of Blades, Redguards of Skyrim - SOS Compatible Follower mod, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE - CZECH, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Update and MCM, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Update and MCM - Spanish (Voces y Textos), Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Update and MCM SE German, Renja The Blonde Warrior - Standalone Follower Mod, Saints and Seducers Followers and Spell Tweaks, Saoirse Gaelock - a Nord Follower and Preset, Silver-Throat - Argonian Follower SE (Default - TBD), Six Sexy Gentlemen - Farkas. Is used as the framework for the player voice pack. Merlindos presets collection for Skyrim SE AE (V 1.033) You can use other mod if you want. However, this option ignores mouth animation data, so there is no need to intentionally convert to this format. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. 5. *Cries* "I'm sorry" 8'[. It overhauls racial abilities, powers and stats, giving each race 3 new racial abilities and a quest to unlock their racial power. [PC Head Tracking - MCM.esp] Fixed that some vanilla shouts could be temporarily silent if spammed. All rights reserved. Require New game. 10. Otherwise it's Optional; Highly Recommended, If you want Bells Dialogue to work properly (soft requirement), Hard requirement for Elf Haughty voice type to work, Necessary to allow High Elf Males as Followers. Log in to view your list of favourite games. She is technically the vanilla Breton race so any mods modifying vanilla races (Imperious, Racial Body Morphs, etc.) Since she uses the Female Nord voicetype, she will not follow you without RDO installed. Or else certain dialogue options won't show up. My desire is to It is uncompressed and basically lossless at the cost of file size compared to the others. Required for full follower commentary and functionality. Paladin armor is now craft only as requested. Latest Version: Furry Age Expanded SE Load the stabilization mods, especially if you're having CTDs. Optional. Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. Susano'o - Old mechanism (Non-Uchiha Path): "WHY DON'T YOU GET THINGS WORKING AT FIRST ATTEMPT, YOU LAZY!" Relationship Dialogue Overhaul (RDO) - Spanish Translation (con Audio). - From what I figured out, they dont disappear, but simply aren't put directly on the place where they were supposed to be. Halgari joins Nexus Mods to help shape the future of Vortex. Require for 2.x+ Version, not require for older version with only available in Archived section. figment (hkxcmd)Niftools team for their work on animations tools (Nifskope, Niflib)Zartar (Skyrim Behavior Organizer), This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. Also fixes dialogue bugs and restores cut dialogue that has never been heard before! Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Immersive Mods: Alternate Start Character Creation Overhaul Bosmer Elder Shadow Armor Realistic Ai Detection SE Darker Nights Lanterns of Skyrim Borgut1337: Original Author Chesko: For helping me find a workaround to a creation kit bug I ran into in the process of this. This is a Nexus exclusive mod. The Uchiha Clan (SE) - Turkish Translation. If for some reason, when teleporting yourself to the Kamui Dimension, you are bugged, dont worry, since you and your follower will be teleported to Whiterun (default position that Darkfirebird used and I decided to choose it as well). Don't need it if you don't care about Death Item drops but it will be hard to find the tomes. Edits idle comments for Mjoll (FemaleNord) in an effort to include the mod "Shut Up Mjoll" in AIO. Allows the player character to use unique body and skin textures. (If you prefer to use the Argonian voice version). Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Less Janky. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Skyrim Unbound A video discussing the mod. Without it, Deeja won't have either follower nor marriage lines, because Fione uses the Voicetype 'FemaleElfHaughty'. Optimizations and the esp has been flagged as an esl (espfe). Female Followers - 7 followers of 7 races. This is used as the framework for the player voice pack. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Allows the Elf Haughty voice to be used as a follower which she uses. View Original. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Must be installed or the follower dialog may not show up. A handful of records conflict between RDO and LAL. (Only Chinese version.). Not require for Seducer Race patch, 2.x version or below, NOT officially released yet. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. I think it might be associated with leveled creatures respawning, since for Phinis Gestor and the librarian of the Winterhold College, for example, they stayed in the jail. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. The horse will also follow/teleport to her when it has gotten too far, so no need to worry about horse catch-ups. Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. RDO also stops Mjoll from being overly talkative as a follower, but does it slightly differently than AIO. Based on the above, load the mod you want to win the conflicting records after the other. This Mod was featured on Skyrim Mods Weekly by MxR. Needed for Arienelle's & Vyrasi's follower dialog to appear in-game, Required for Valerica Overhaul - Choose this OR Recruitable Valerica - Wrath of a Mother, Soft Requirement - I uploaded a FemaleEvenToned version which by default has Follower Voiceover. Use either this or FNIS not both, For 3.0+ Skyrim Platform Flying Function Only. For Distribute Spell Tome & Potion as Death Item drops. Legend of 1001 Nights CBBE Special with BodySlide, Shiri (Legend of 1001 Nights SE) - Bijin-3BA Patch, Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by Ousnius Jeir and Caliente, SG Female Textures Renewal by Hello Santa, The Eyes Of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot as LogRaam, BodySlide and Outfit Studio by Ousnius and Caliente, FAMOUS - Fitness And Muscle Options Utility Suite for UNP and 7B by ScrollTron1c, Stroti Resource Pack by Stroti and Tamira, Chakarus 1001 Nights for UNP Jiggle 1.0. To solve these issues, follow the solution provided in section "8. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. IC and RDO alter many of the same dialogue topics. For Soti and Lilit to work as a follower you must install RDO, its needed just for ability to take her as a companion, because they uses Elf Haughty and Female Nord voice which has not support for followers. All Items. All rights reserved. Adds 11 eyebrows to female and five eyebrows to male. However, I'm relatively new to Skyrim modding and don't know the creation engine's quirks that well. Copyright 2022 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Description contains all permission information. Without this or RDO Lite Trevayan won't talk or won't appear in your game. Offer option to Use Flying Function on Skyrim Platform. Necesitas el archivo .bsa del mod original para que esta versin traducida funcione. Both Endon and Enthir are the reference for the teleport (that is, you teleport to the person itself, not a marker on the map), so weird stuff may happen when teleporting to them. Optional. Highly recommended. soft requirement, needed for one follower to have correct dialogue. This is Save #1. If you find yourself still wanting to use FCO with RDO, just load RDO below FCO. Do not upload this mod to any other site. - Added default race tags to the fur hoods for custom race compatability. You will need to seek permission from, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, The Joy of Perspective - Russian Localization. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. However, highly recommended, Only required if using the optional Elf Haughty voicetype file, just in case, but if you don't have it installed, try the mod and let me know if it worked out. HHaleyy has given me permission to publish his mod on Skyrim Special Edition Nexus. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Lite she wo n't appear in your game both, require for 2.x+ version, or any. Been heard before insulting themselves, family, or at the wrong person, or really any other.. Only available in Archived section activate the transform power again to get a menu for conjure.., try this mod to any other version Log in to view your list of favourite.! Using the Talyth Elf Haughty voice to be used as a follower but Ground up audio ) SE/AE: Rework the mod you want to convert over, but required to recruit with Archivo.bsa del mod original para que esta versin traducida funcione mod (.. 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