At the very top of the stairs, partially buried by masonry that has crushed a skeleton, is a medium coin purse, an amethyst, a garnet, a sapphire, and eleven loose septims littering the steps. There is a long unlocked chest against the southwest wall, as well as several small tables and chairs and a few sets of shelves around the room, but the only item of interest is a random potion of healing, magicka, or stamina on a shelf against the northwest wall, to the left of yet another door. Wide stairs rise to the northwest, with an armored skeleton partway up the stairs, just past a large piece of masonry. Valerica's study is a large room on two levels, with a large circular indentation in the floor surrounded by candles in the center of the lower level. This balcony features a skeleton with a random potion of healing in its hand, with a medium coin purse and a knapsack beside it. Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. Farther to the left, up the steps to the far north through the open double doors, more fallen masonry blocks more stairs, with an expert-locked chest among the rubble. All rights reserved. The balcony lacks a railing along the front, and features a "portal vessel", which is where the three unique items needed to open the portal to the Soul Cairn are placed during the related quest. I had quietly thought it must not be possible but this mod shows it is. A mod to allow the player to clean up the debris and rebuild Castle Volkihar to its former glory. There is an unlocked wooden door in front of you to the north, with stairs leading down on the left to large double doors also to the north. As soon as you start climbing the long flight of stairs, rows of braziers on either side will light up. Castle Volkihar Quests The Bloodstone Chalice Prophet Chasing Echoes Castle Volkihar Redux cleans up . When the flames are lit, she will stay at the castle when dismissed. Fixed an issue with the door that is attached to the restored tower that blocked its use. To the right of the benches is a series of flights of stairs leading up. Through the door, on the right is a blocked stairway, while to the left is an open door. Note that the rest of the castle doesn't provide safe storage. There are plenty of salmon that can be fished from the docks. Beyond the wardrobes in the southern corner are a small balcony and an adept-locked door. The travel spawn point for Castle Volkihar is at the southwest end of the island, near a tower and the pier that returns you to Icewater Jetty. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. The shelves, tables, and alchemy lab hold the following ingredients: In addition to these ingredients, there is a stone bowl containing a sample of purified void salts, which are not an ingredient, but will be found under the miscellaneous section of your character's inventory menu, and are needed to create a portal to the Soul Cairn. Clearing the North Tower attached to the Courtyard provides a player home with safe storage, 3 mannequins, some weapon racks, 3 bookshelves, and a place to sleep too. At the back of the room, stairs ascend to a higher level that continues around to the west. Castle Volkihar Rebuilt is a player home for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. There are shelving units on either side holding a bottle of alto wine and two coin purses, one small and one medium. There are three pieces of firewood laid in what appears to be a fireplace, but if you turn the wall-mounted candlestick on the left, the fireplace wall will open to reveal another passage. The feral vampire is carrying a journal fragment, which explains how she's been taking control of the keep's death hounds and promises revenge against the vampires living in the keep. In the southern corner is a short flight of stairs ascending to a door leading outside onto the Volkihar Balcony, which is the nearest fast-travel location to the portal leading to the Soul Cairn. There are stairs descending down into it at the far end. Castle Volkihar is a large fort on an island far northwest of Solitude, north-northwest of Northwatch Keep. Further when exiting I only get the crash if i turn around. On the other hand, Rebuilt is a smaller effort which keeps the castle more true to the vanilla version. Copyright 2022 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Also on top and not to be confused with normal soul gem fragments is a stone bowl containing soul gem shards, which are needed to create a portal to the Soul Cairn. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab. So, I take Serana to the castle, walk up the bridge, get stopped halfway by her to speak to me and then suddenly the gate opens, without the "cutscene" where the doorman recognizes her. Against the right wall are more stairs leading up to an area with a chair and table holding a common book, a piece of leather, and some small shelves at the back of the table holding some rolls of paper, a scroll of fire storm, and two lockpicks. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Serana will inform you if questioned that the moondial was crafted for her mother by an elven artisan from an old sundial that was placed here by the previous occupants of the castle, and that it was special to her mother. Volkihar is the only place this crash happens. In the southeastern corner are four coffins and a dead draugr. On the table is a copy of the Destruction skill book A Hypothetical Treachery, a copy of The Aetherium Wars, a random potion of magicka, and a rarely seen item of clutter, a bloody tankard. There is also an armored skeleton through a door in the southern corner, standing on the small balcony over the two empty planters seen previously. If you accept Lord Harkon's gift at the end of Bloodline, you can also float over to the island in Vampire Lord form. All rights reserved. Castle Volkihar Rebuilt. * Optional home delivery service will instead deliver messages to one vanilla or DLC house that you own. If you choose to raise the portcullis and enter the chapel, however, you will have to backtrack to complete the exploration, making the route through the expert-locked door preferable if you want to conveniently fully explore this area and collect all the treasure available. Castle Volkihar Rebuilt A mod to allow the player to clean up the debris and rebuild Castle Volkihar to its former glory. Through the expert-locked door is a passage leading up, around a corner, and into an armory. The stairs up to the upper level pass two small wardrobes containing a selection of fine clothes and boots, with two empty black soul gems, an empty and a filled common soul gem, an empty grand soul gem, and six soul gem fragments on top. Down one flight of stairs and behind the rubble to the west is an unlocked wooden chest containing minor loot. In front of you is a doorway out onto a balcony above a large room containing two skeletons. If you fall down, there is a passage leading back up in the northwest corner of the room. Certain doorways in the castle ruins may not be passable if you enter from Valerica's Study and proceed downward from there. The stairs to the east lead down to a smaller room containing another skeleton sitting on a bench, with two small wardrobes containing a selection of fine clothes on either side of an adept-locked door. Skyrim:Volkihar Courtyard. You can try a minimal LO in MO2, with SFCO + Volkihar Rebuilt + SFCO Patch, and then add your lightning mods on top to see if CTDs . In the eastern corner between the upper level and the stairs are more sets of shelves holding mostly clutter, two lockpicks, and a copy of the Sneak skill book The Red Kitchen Reader. The command to get in is: cow Tamriel -44,36. Lots of mannequins, planters and weapon racks. A central balcony overlooks the portal area. In the southern corner are two unowned upright coffins, which you can sleep in if you are a vampire. As soon as you enter far enough into the room, these will light up, and the gargoyle will burst to life and attack. To reach the island, either hire the rowboat at Dawnstar or use the one at Icewater Jetty. Posted by 6 minutes ago. There are raised sections with stairs leading up to them at either end of the room. Once they are dealt with, during the quest, Serana will wonder if you are at the top yet, and whether there is a secret entrance in the room. These skeletons will rise out of the water and attack when they detect you. These doors open into a large room with a high vaulted ceiling. This first one is inside the small watchtower near the broken pier. You access this tower from Volkihar Courtyard, through the door to the east. To the northwest is an open door into a larger room, with two long unlocked chests against the right wall, two doorways on the left wall, and a third doorway in the back right northern corner. To the right of the stairs is a set of shelves holding a pair of vampire gauntlets, a hide helmet, leather strips, a potion of minor healing, a salt pile, and a food sack. Beside the planter are more stairs leading down to the door to Volkihar East Tower. No more cobwebs lurking about! After fighting your way through Volkihar Undercroft, you come across the courtyard, which then leads to Volkihar Ruins. In the northern corner is an arcane enchanter. In the Undercroft is an open coffin containing a coin purse that you may be unable to interact with. If you accept Lord Harkon's gift, whenever you arrive at the castle on subsequent visits, you may find two or more hostile Dawnguard waiting near the travel spawn point at the southwest end of the island. Through the door in the northern corner is a flight of stairs leading up to a door. As you enter the room, a trap door opens in the ceiling to allow more gory bones to fall to join the piles below. Through the door is a large dining room containing a long run of tables placed end-to-end; seven skeletons sit at the tables, most of the tougher type that appear to be wearing armor. If you return here after the quest, only the death hounds respawn. It cleans it up a bit and fixes up a couple things which had seen better days. To the right of this wall are wide stairs up to a raised section, where two armored skeletons sit on benches. Serana will inform you that something is wrong with the large moondial on the ground, which is many paces wide and in the center of the courtyard. There are many dead trees and gravestones around the edges of the courtyard, with stairs leading up to doors to the southeast, northeast, and west. It consists of only one room filled with rubble and crushed skeletons which cannot be looted. Through the door at the bottom is a passage, with stairs leading up to a dead end. Close. cons: some op items (if you're into that) and a bit un immersive/not lore friendly. Stairs against the southeast wall lead up to the raised section in the northeast. A wooden bench is to the left, and against the railing past the planter is a large round table and chairs, which would once have been a pleasant place to sit. The balcony can be reached by following the room to the right of the desks, passing under a fallen piece of masonry, and climbing the stairs beyond. The castle serves as the primary base for the Volkihar Clan. Follow a series of flights of stairs as you climb, winding around with each flight, to a door at the top. It is a large castle that rests on a secluded island in the Sea of Ghosts. Ahead to the northwest is an expert-locked wooden door. There seems to be quite a lot of sunlight coming through windows along the right side of the stairs. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. In addition, there is a copy of the Alchemy skill book De Rerum Dirennis on one of the shelves. There are numerous stairs rising up from the docks to terraces far above. As soon as you pull the chain, the gargoyle will burst to life and attack. Once you have entered the castle during Bloodline and chosen whether to accept or reject Lord Harkon's gift, the castle will either be open or locked to you, respectively. Known Issues Under the table is a pair of vampire boots. When I talk to the doorman he says what he's supposed to say after Serana's return, but if I try to enter the castle . There is a blocked passage to the southeast, and a wider passage to the northwest that is also blocked. More stairs lead up to a passage heading east, which then turns north. Around the corner to the left are two more strings of infected bones hanging from the ceiling, while two nearby desks against the wall hold seven loose septims on a plate, a random potion of healing, magicka, or stamina, a sapphire, and a flute. There is a skeever wandering this area, which will attack as soon as it is aware of you. If you have remained undetected, one of these Dawnguard may be patrolling the northwest shore of the island, while the other can usually be found on top of the tower. By Azzhat, November 22, 2020 in Technical Support . Be aware though that the North Tower is the ONLY room you can clear out where storage is safe. To reach the castle's entrance, walk northeast from the island pier. The North Tower is also converted into a player home with safe storage. There will be a gate blocking your way which will not be opened until near the end of Bloodline. There is a long wooden table in the center of the room, with two iron daggers and an iron warhammer on top. To locate the ship, swim from the far end of the docks to the northwest. It is located on an island off the northern coast of Skyrim, west of Solitude and can only be reached by bridge or boat. Five gargoyle statues are seated in the room: one on the left, two in the middle, and two on the right. The North Tower is also converted into a player home with safe storage. There are more stairs ahead at the back of the room, but they only lead to two empty planters, with a balcony high above patrolled by at least one armored skeleton. Through this door is a blocked passageway on the right, and stairs leading up on the left to large double doors. Vote. And I can cause the crash by going around to the entrance to the undercroft. Looking back at the door through which you originally entered this room, you will see a shield rack mounted above the door holding a banded iron shield and crossed iron greatswords. A mod to allow the player to clean up the debris and rebuild Castle Volkihar to its former glory. The blacksmith, apothecary, and vendor will offer services appropriate to Dawnguard members. Unless you are an Argonian, in order to reach the chest you will need to use a waterbreathing effect via a potion or enchantment. There are stairs rising to the south. Just brilliant! At several locations throughout the Main Hall, Volkihar Ruins, Volkihar Courtyard, the Undercroft, and the docks behind the castle will be rubble piles or debris columns you can use to clean up the area around them. It allows the Dragonborn to clear the rubble from Castle Volkihar and transforms the North Tower into a player home, with safe storage. The door in the southwest corner opens into another room, with several wall shelves on the wall opposite holding various animal and human skulls all the way up to a shelf high overhead holding the skull of a mammoth. There are a total of twenty-five weapon racks on the walls, which hold fourteen ancient Nord weapons, a random enchanted bow, and a random enchanted two-handed melee weapon. En tant que nouveau propritaire, vous dsirez sans doute faire un peu de mnage ? The entrance leads to a balcony, with stairs descending on the left. This second balcony can be reached using either Whirlwind Sprint or the vampire lord Bats power, and features an unlocked chest among more fallen masonry. Upon completion of Kindred Judgement as either a member of the Volkihar clan or of the Dawnguard, ownership of the castle falls to the Dragonborn. The chapel has a walkway forming an arch overhead, with an armored skeleton patrolling back and forth across it. On the southern section are some wooden benches and a small bookcase filled with ruined books. Go to the home page, then click on 'downloads' at the top of the page. So, on my last playthrough, I had the chance to finally run Skyrim Unbound in Alternate Start and chose to never become the Dragonborn. As an added bonus, she will make full use of the entire cell in either location, instead of just being narrowly restricted to the main hall areas. So for those of you who actually wanted to join the Dawnguard but didn't because they wanted to become a Vampire Lord, you can become one and still join the Dawnguard.View complete answer on Just wow - so much to talk about with this mod. Then simply make sure NMM has the mod activated. Through the locked door is the previous balcony above the desks, with an unlocked chest in the corner. To the right is an alcove filled with unusable barrels, while to the left is a flight of blood-covered stairs that lead up to a door. . The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Just beyond the first alcove on the left is a barrel of ingredients. You can loot the two closed coffins, the draugr, and a skeleton in one of the two open coffins. This is the larger of the two towers accessible from the courtyard, through the door to the north. The portal will remain open permanently. The room with the three gargoyles in Volkihar Ruins is one of the few places where the vampire royal armor can be obtained, and the only one that respawns. If they are out, she will stay at Fort Dawnguard. A grating behind the lever looks down on the bridges. To the left of the table is a set of shelves holding a further seven common books and a lute. In the middle of the pool is a large rock, with the missing half moon crest lying on it. Sit on benches far end a path heading south past three strings of infected bones a concealed. Tamriel -44,36 featuring six more sets of shelves holding a drum walkway forming an overhead! Long wooden table in the southern corner are a vampire Lord players her &! 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