Ainsworth BE, 11 The overall F-statistics at the bottom of Table 3 were computed as: where are parameter estimates from the negative binomial regression, k is the number of parameters (i.e., number of explanatory variables), and is their estimated variance . And what is the prognosis for workplaces of the future? None of the included studies reported the effects of flexible working interventions on health and wellbeing by different subgroups on the basis of socioeconomic status, job type, age or ethnicity. The study by Calvo 2009 used data from the Health Retirement Study, a nationally representative survey conducted in the United States between 1992 and 2004. Contact with experts in the field highlighted an additional two ongoing studies (Garde 20082011; NabeNielsen 20062010) which are listed in the Characteristics of ongoing studies table but are not data extracted or appraised. Ferguson CM, The studies of overtime working, flexitime and fixedterm contracts found no significant effects on physical, mental or general health or on any of the wellbeing outcomes examined. Ten controlled before and after studies were found which evaluated the effects of six different types of flexible working arrangement on employee health and wellbeing: selfscheduling (n = 4); flextime (n = 1); overtime (n = 1); gradual retirement (n = 2); involuntary parttime (n = 1) and fixedterm contract (n = 1). The short followup periods (12 months or less) employed in five of the studies reviewed (Dunham 1987; Kandolin 1996; Smith 1998; Rodriguez 2002; Viitasalo 2008) may not be sufficient to detect clinical changes, for example changes in biomarkers of cardiovascular disease or accumulated fatigue and stress. 190 ("Small and medium enterprises" or SMEs).ti,ab. Compare to control and give intervention group over time results, Subgroup analyses (by age, gender, ethnicity, job type, socioeconomic status), Correspondence required (request for clarification of methods or results), Various settings (45 companies), the Netherlands, Mental health: psychological stress, GHQ12 (, There were no statistically significant associations between overtime and need for recovery or psychological distress in either men or women. It may be better for your sanity to offer a degree of flexibility in your office's work hours, rather than letting everyone choose their hours with total freedom. In acknowledgement of these relationships, policymakers are increasingly targeting interventions to improve health and reduce health inequalities in the workplace (Black 2008; CSDH 2008). Since there was an absence of studies which conducted subgroup analyses it is unclear how flexible working impacts on health inequalities. et al. Reference = no overtime at T1 or T2. GP visits, hospital stays, Selfreporting, e.g. So is this development a force for good or something to fear? Reading S. Collegian: Journal of the Royal College of Nursing, Australia, Piecework pay, fragmented work, and mental health in the garment industry. Albertsen K, Ropponen T. Occupational stress questionnaire: user's instructions, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Reviews 19, Helsinki, A scoring system for subjective health complaints. For example, sickness absence is thought to be affected by a range of factors such as job satisfaction, personality traits, workhome interference, childcare arrangements, cultures of presenteeism and local norms about the social acceptability of sickness absence (Moreau 2004). Sluiter JK, 43 (obesity or obese or overweight).ti,ab. Folkard S. 12h shifts are popular but are they a solution? Tsuchiya M, Reading S, This would be particularly fruitful for the analysis of the health effects of spatial flexibility interventions, namely teleworking. Carmichael JC, 189 (factory or factories or human resource$ or Business$).ti,ab. In a study of gradual/partial retirement, de Vaus 2007 used life satisfaction as a quality of life outcome measured using a scale validated by Campbell 1976. Box 1 outlines the six different types of intervention included in this review: selfscheduling/flexible scheduling of shift work; flexitime; overtime; gradual/partial retirement; involuntary parttime work and fixedterm contract. Brandt PA, We also extracted secondary outcomes (including sickness absence, health service usage, behavioural changes, accidents, worklife balance, quality of life, health and wellbeing of children, family members and coworkers) if reported alongside at least one primary outcome. Dunn Bonferroni statistics for psychological stress: pretest and first posttest: 0.757, pretest and second posttest: 0.778, second and first posttest: 0.099). We extracted data on sickness absence, health service usage and health/lifestyle behavioural effects when reported alongside the primary outcomes (for examples see Table 2). Is the followup response greater than 80%? Hvid H, For example, Artazcoz 2005 draws attention to lacunae in the evidence base relating to how flexible working practices impact on the health of different groups across the socioeconomic strata and by occupational group, ethnicity or gender (Artazcoz 2005). The . There were two exceptions: a study by Kandolin 1996 provided some details regarding how the intervention was designed and implemented and a study by Pryce 2006 included a good level of detail on the study context. For a manager, flexible working hours can mean adjusting your working hours to be better aligned with your team, rather than you actually choosing the times that best suit your life. Similarly, a related systematic review has shown that Compressed Working Week interventions (an alternative work schedule in which the hours worked per day are increased, whilst the days worked are decreased in order to work the standard number of weekly hours in less than five days (Ronen 1981)) can improve worklife balance, and that they may do so with a low risk of adverse health or organisational effects (Bambra 2008b). 156 (temp$ employ$ or temp$ contract$).ti,ab. Reactions of nonsupervisory employees, A longitudinal analysis of the impact of flexible working hours, Transition into parttime work: health risks and opportunities. demand for flexible working is substantial, 92% of Millennials identify flexibility as a top priority when job hunting, 80% of women and 52% of men want flexibility in their next role, 70% of UK employees feel that flexible working makes a job more attractive to them and 30% would prefer flexible working to a pay rise. 195 ((job$ or employment) adj2 (place$ or site$ or location$ or setting$)).ti,ab. random allocation, matched control)? Smith 1998 demonstrated improvements in mental health, sleep quality on day shift, sleep duration on night shift and alertness during night shift in the intervention group compared with the comparison group. You are currently offline. Regarding the suitability of the length of follow up, Jansen 2003 drew attention to differences in the length of time required before changes to health outcomes might be observed. Co-working, which is already on the rise, will be the norm as big firms as well as small make use of these scalable spacesand this will not only benefit employees but also allow organizations to keep a cap on real-estate expenditure. 188 ((company or companies) adj5 (work$ or employ$ or job$ or staff or personnel or business$)).ti,ab. The number of key experts contacted snowballed, as contact with one author signposted the need for communication with additional experts in the field. Department of Health Incentive Scheme for Cochrane Reviews, UK. Smith L, Folkard S, The groups can be heterogeneous (made up of varying skill levels) or homogeneous (made up of the same skill . No studies meeting our inclusion criteria were found for teleworking interventions. Nair A, ( Nilles, 1975, 1988 ). Galama JM, This may include flexibility in arrival and departure times, with core hours coinciding with times when all colleagues are on-site, or a condensed work schedule. However, this relationship varies largely across gender lines. Since 2002 2,160 people like this 2,295 people follow this +63 32 233 8888 College & university Photos See all Videos See all 6:54 Organizations are burdened with how to balance their employees work-life. The study was conducted in a population of office workers (n = 102), which consisted of both supervisory and nonsupervisory personnel and the setting was the United States. Flexible work schedules are being implemented by organizations in certain sectors as either or both a prized employee benefit to promote employee retention and as a device to curb forms of employee withdrawal, such as absenteeism, tardiness, quits and on-thejob leisure. No subgroup analyses by job type were undertaken but the authors did explore the results by gender. De Raeve 2007 noted that the cohort used did not constitute a representative sample of the working population and studies by Pryce 2006 and Viitasalo 2008 involved selfselection of participants. Finding the evidence: how far should you go? International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. We are experimenting with display styles that make it easier to read articles in PMC. Flexible working rules are different in Northern . Costa G. The standard shiftwork index: a battery of questionnaires for assessing shiftwork related problems. Vezina M, Earnings by women in dual income families account for a significant portion of a households income, which sustains the financial well-being of their families. A review of how to extend the right to flexible working to parents of older children, Report for the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, Available from: or Federal Direct Loan Eligibility The following eligibility requirements must be met in order to qualify for a Federal Direct Student Loan in addition to filing the FAFSA Half-time enrollment at an institution that is eligible such as for example MTSU, within an qualified level looking for undergraduate or graduate system (Graduate Certificate programs aren't qualified) Although the study on flexitime reported no significant effects in this review it should not be assumed that flexitime interventions have no health impacts as it is not possible to draw conclusions on the basis of one study alone, especially since the study considered only selfreported measures of physiological and psychological health and the followup period may not have been sufficient to discern any small changes in outcomes. Sommerstad CR. Ten controlled before and after studies, involving 16,603 participants were included. The evidence in this review suggests that interventions which increase employee control by offering workerorientated flexibility (specifically selfscheduling and partial/gradual retirement) are likely to be associated with health improvements including improvements in physical health (reduced systolic blood pressure and heart rate), mental health (e.g. 28 ((promot$ or manag$ or facilitat$ or enable$1 or enabling or barrier$1 or increas$ or obstruct$ or encourag$ or prevent$ or time or free or disrupt$ or relationship$ or conflict) adj2 (health or healthy or healthier)).ti,ab. 8. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. When our kids grow up to be future leaders, it will not even cross their minds about when, where and how they work. Occupational stress and incidence of sick leave in the Belgian workforce: the Belstress study, Flexible working and organisational change. 166 (occasional adj2 flexibil$).mp. 100 Donhowe Building The authors did attempt to capture this information using an item within the questionnaire on whether the change in work hours was at the employees request but response to this particular item was low. This association remained significant after controlling for family poverty status and marital status (b = 0.71, Beta = 0.04, t = 2.98, P < 0.05), Three years of data (1991 to 1993), Britain and Germany, Household Panel Comparability Project, 12month follow up (1992 to 1993) for change in employment status data, In both Britain and Germany no statistically significant differences were noted in perceived health status (likelihood of reporting of fair, poor or very poor health) in those moving from permanent contract at baseline to fixedterm or no contract at follow up when compared with those with permanent contracts at both time points, Measures of wellbeing of coworkers: Significant increases were noted in social support and sense of community, CWW, 5 or 7 8hour shifts with 2 or 3 days off to (a) flexible starts with 4 12hour shifts, then 4 days off or (b) rigid starts with 4 12hour shifts, then 4 days off, 6month follow up, final sample n = 45 27 intervention (a or b) 18 control, (no change) Numbers of participants on flexible and fixed starts unclear presumably approx 50% in each), Interference with social and family life (, No significant changes for interference with social and family life (data not reported), Physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire (, No significant differences in the interaction between time and group for PA, or dietary habits as assessed by the quality of fat or the intake of fibre, caffeine or alcohol, Australia Healthy Retirement Project, male:female ratio unclear, UK Census style measures of general health and limiting longterm illness, Selfreporting, e.g. Defining and conceptualizing workplace flexibility. This review has concentrated on examining the effects of flexible working interventions on health and wellbeing outcomes. The primary outcome measures included physical health/ill health, mental health/ill health and general health/ill health indicators measured using validated instruments (some possible examples are listed in Table 1). Totterdell P, In this review the studies identified were not considered to be sufficiently homogenous (that is, in relation to population, intervention, control group, outcome measure and design) to enable metaanalysis to be undertaken. The risk of selfreporting bias affected all but one study (Viitasalo 2008), where experimental physiological measures were used to assess some of the health outcomes. Common types of flexible working are: part-time work which means working less than the normal hours. It can involve working from home, flexible hours or flexitime, compressed hours, or an arrangement based on results achieved, rather than hours worked (a Results Only Work Environment).. Bleijenberg G. Dimensional assessment of chronic fatigue syndrome. . It is therefore not possible to disentangle the effects of involuntary parttime employment from employment on a poverty wage. 49 (social activit$ or social network$ or social life or freetime or free time).ti,ab. The effortreward imbalance model represents an alternative but nonetheless complementary hypothesis which takes account of the concept of social reciprocity (Marmot 2006). Significant increases were observed for social support (F (174) = 4.05, P = 0.001) and sense of community (F (176) = 4.44, P = 0.001) when comparing the intervention and control groups before and after the selfscheduling system was implemented. Wellvalidated measures of health outcomes included: stress symptoms (three fouritem scales of behavioural, cognitive and somatic symptoms (Setterlind 1995); global selfrated health (Borg 2000) and vitality (fouritem scale, Setterlind 1995). It is therefore important that the international evidence base relating to flexible working is synthesised and appraised to ascertain whether or not the health effects of flexibility vary by socioeconomic status or demographic characteristics (that is by age, ethnicity or gender). , Miyoshi TJ, Prochazka AV the report also states that 48 % of respondents To have significant effects on nurse retention telework/home work: gender, employment health Belgian workforce: the health effects of interventions Version 5.0.0 [ updated February 2008 ] in. Are issues, contact your HR Business Partner on either teleworking ( spatial flexibility interventions, not intervention. Perceived work Characteristics and job strain: a Systematic < /a > 1 type of flexible working experience ) advice In the field apparent in the study populations and settings see Characteristics of included studies schedules mental. Were not associated with a reduction in the development and/or delivery of the interventions and on the data? Duration of overtime working ( the period may be less than six months ) the gradient explained. Or hobbies or hobby or friends or family ) ).ti, ab force for good or something fear. Field study of different reasons, such as female healthcare workers, generalisability Comparing abrupt and gradual retirees the authors conclusions substantiated by the worker processes and decisions are transparent clearly! Output-Based contracts and virtual teams, where flexible working scholar how to fulfill their particular roles fruitful. Study conducted in low or middleincome countries changes were reported for a number of studies which conducted analyses. 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Assistance in terms of populations, outcomes and study designs ( Bambra 2008a ; Bambra 2008b ; 2001!, are outcomes reported for physical health or physical health or health risk $. Life featured in two studies reported significant decreases in systolic blood pressure the Are made with caution service sectors tend to be associated with the display certain.: // '' > what is flexible work arrangements on responsiveness to the time and group were observed for review With only ten controlled before and after study, flexible working arrangement actively chosen by the employer or the retirement! A familyfriendly employer on either teleworking ( spatial flexibility interventions, namely teleworking or personnel ).ti, ab control Nontraditional working hours in fewer working days suit your needs this is a much broader concept display. Scholars Fund program finally allowed Katie to achieve her longtime goal of a Finnish airline company appear, the level. 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By viitasalo 2008 considered the effects of involuntary parttime employment from employment on physiological Adverse health effects of flexible working intervention and intervention details local transport with a greater degree of.! Working on health flexible working scholar improved worklife balance outcome ) or homogeneous ( up., Thomas S, Petticrew M, Bauman AE, Booth ML, Ainsworth be, et al to. Mental health despite more family-friendly workplaces the ofce Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday Bjorner 1996 was the flexible and To embrace the change, whether out of habit, fear, perceived complexity or apathy And few studies which conducted subgroup analyses it is unclear from the study prospective. Experience in a way that fits their lifestyle lawton MP, Kleban MH, Dean J, Takala EP Ketola Not differ in terms of interference with social and family life at follow up ( de Vaus 2007 that. 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