Village of Mangongi.~!5kms East of Kaoma. Of course I grew more and more curious, and when I finally got the opportunity to attend one, I did not have to think twice. Birth, marriage and death are typically marked . chisungu-a-girls-initiation-ceremony-among-the-bemba-of-zambia-pdf 1/4 Downloaded from on August 3, 2022 by guest Chisungu A Girls Initiation Ceremony Among The Bemba Of Zambia Pdf When people should go to the books stores, search introduction by shop, shelf by shelf, it is really problematic. Violence against Women This has been in existence in Zambia for a long time and it continues to be the social norm in many Zambian societies. Or for more information about becoming a subscriber, you can read our subscription and contribution overview, You can also freely access - without a subscription - hundreds of today's top Africa stories and thousands of recent news articles from our home page , Already a subscriber? Yes, you should know where, what and what are things for from a biological point of view. We operate from Cape Town, Dakar, Abuja, Johannesburg, Nairobi and Washington DC. Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct. This event celebrates the beginning of their path from adolescence to manhood. abide by these norms and traditions. They hardly teach sex in some cultures at that stage but the girl gets cautioned that if she slept with a man she could then conceive! Interpretation of female initiation rites among Christian women in contemporary urban Zambia. Women say that modern culture was slowly overshadowing the old ways and destroying traditional culture and values on which the Zambian nation was built. Learning how to maximize your capabilities as a sexual partner should also be there, men and women. During the initiation ceremonies as a transition from childhood to adulthood, some aspects of these traditional ceremonies such as sex education given to the . Birth, marriage and death are typically marked by special ceremonies. Isnt the message in this story confusing? For most traditions in Zambia, this meant when a girl came of. Nearly every culture in the world ritualizes the important milestones throughout life. The ceremonies are designed to position girls to a social environment where they are prepared to portray desirable cultural norms, values and expectations of that society and to shoulder roles and responsibilities devolved on adults. I support young girls grounded in the home for 3 months after their menstruation starts ( sorry faith earned men), but that tradition was good in teaching girls how to dress, behaviour in feminine way. 1. etc This book offers an interpretation of the relevance of female initiation rites in an urban setting among today's modern' Christian women. Zambia deserves better than that. The paper concludes with two questions: 1. In initiation school you are taught sex by adults, responsible adults. This book demonstrates how cultural traditions can militate against the education of women in Zambia with a focus on the Tumbuka tribe. I am going to try this with my husband tonight, one lady said. These teachings are useless and they do not teach young girls anything productive atase! This was the consensus among Lusakas Jack compound residents who felt that it was time for parents to start remembering tradition and go back to the times when young men and women were taught how to be responsible and cultured in all areas of ones life. train a girl child to perceive herself as dependent on other people, in particular men; and not as a full package Those people are professionals at these things, so he will be much better off there.. Its a people open to all sorts of opinions and can be swayed in any which way. Initiation ceremonies are very important not just in the villages but also in urban areas because they stand to benefit a lot of people. Dr Peter Magubane Did you not go through training? is a commonly heard remark from men scolding their wife. As simple as going back to basics, minus the (religious?) Girls' initiation ceremonies are an important aspect of the Zambian culture and traditions, and culture and traditions are powerful symbols of human identity. The balck woman not pink: There is nothing legal about Northern Rhodesia, Ba monica mwanza: SAMPA YOU ARE FINISHED GO BACK TO PF PLEASE SWALLO Ruth: The CBUAU must be disbanded. In the Zambian tradition of 'chinamwali', older women instruct the younger how to cook, clean and, intriguingly, how to have sex.. Please try again later. To cut the story short, it was women themselves who lambasted Mr Chibanda (I hope the man is still living) he was almost getting fired from UNIP and Its Government. . Promise: When was this party formed? A small study (Kalunde, 1992) conducted among a sample of female Uni versity of Zambia students aged between 19 and 28 years revealed that 62 percent approved of the ceremony and more than 88 percent said they would adhere to the teachings given during the initiation ceremony. All rights reserved. past and striving to make things better for the future. The elongation of the labia minora is just as bad as female genital mutilation! Bemba art differs in many ways from the methods used in the surrounding areas. Pioneering the study of women's rituals and challenging the prevailing theory that rites of passage served merely to transfer individuals from one status to . - Terms & Conditions. The drum beats were so intense and loud that I could physically feel them, as the ladies all started shaking to the rhythm in sync, instructing us to copy them. As I watched the more experienced ladies dance, tilting their waists independently of the rest of their bodies, I really did not think my body was capable of doing such. In anticipation of their adult status as wives and mothers, Bantwane female initiates shave their heads in emulation of the 'bicycle seat' hairstyles associated with mature women. The girls are taught how to perform sex properly because sex is an important part of life whether you like it or not. As most spiritual practices are created by men for men, women need spiritual practices that speak directly to the womb of women. They said it was important that young people were educated in Zambian traditions, culture and customs so that they grew up as responsible citizens. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. On the other hand, men's emphasis in their The so called INITIATION ceremonies only cause the girls to become prostitutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! A people without culture is a people lost. Ms Mpundu Chilufya also of Jack compound said the youth of nowadays have no sense of responsibility because they do not know how to differential between right and wrong. making improvements to the past and present. Yao dance commonly performed during initiation ceremonies and Nakanga: Guardian, senior counsellor in-charge of initiation camp, looks after the well being of the initiates' day to day life. From the way things sounded, this is the key to a successful marriage, but during our chats the women never quite revealed what is actually taught during these mysterious ceremonies. An analysis of the project's results found a reduction in female circumcision cases: in Fulladu District, 412 girls were circumcised in initiation ceremonies in 1996 which fell to 190 girls in 1997. The Bemba tribe migrated into Zambia from the Luba Kingdom (present day Democratic Republic of Congo) during the Bantu Migration, which took place between the 15th and 17th centuries. The aim of the women's rites of passage ceremony is to give women a connection to their true identity so that they will truly know what their psychic sexuality means. What role should culture Abstract This chapter describes and analyzes a female initiation rite called s ikenge that is practiced by the Lozi-speaking people of Western Province, Zambia in sub-Saharan Africa. After making sure the door was shut, there was nobody peeking through the window, and stressing this is only for the bedroom, this is only for your husband, one of the matrons started giving a detailed demonstration of how all the moves we had learned are used in context. INITIATION: WOMEN'S INITIATION. Copyright 2022 IPS-Inter Press Service. The role of initiation ceremonies as channels of sex education is . Date: 22nd April, 2020 Journal Impact Factor Report 2018 Date: 24th November, 2018 Girls' Initiation Ceremonies in Zambia: Reflections on their Role in Girl Child Educational Advancement. Kashu. This means absolute lack of confidence and inferiority complex among African (men alike). . My husband never likes it when I do this, complained another, after which one of the old ladies would give some more tips and tricks on how to do it better. According to Mulauzi, Nyambe and Mtanga (2014) and Phiri, Musonda nad Daka (2020) initiation ceremonies like puberty rites are found in most parts of Zambia and are conducted nearly in all. In this package, one finds beliefs, norms, values, customs and The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. culture and traditions are powerful symbols of human identity. Ms. Kaluba said that people were now losing touch with tradition in the name of the so-called civilisation where tradition was ignored. Published 25 June 1982. The new library at Chipeptwete is seeing around 40 children and teachers using it each day after school. . Looking back, even though my leg muscles tell a different story, I would never want to have missed this. Seriously some young ladies educated Western way are exhibiting a copy cat behaviour of Western females in poor areas. The Sikenge ceremony is typical to the Western province region of Zambia. The main tribes in Zambia are Bemba, Nagoni, Lozi, Chewa, Chokwe, Lunda, Luvale, Tonga, and Tumbuka. by Justine Sibomana and Jorrit Meulenbeek * - INSP/IPS ( lusaka) Tuesday, January 11, 2011. Unlike elsewhere in Zambia, kalela drums are played with sticks. Being one person, being able to give my clients personalized quality service. Traditional ceremonies are one of the best glimpses into Zambian culture. March. Ms. Mambwe said the behaviour of young people depended on how they have been brought up in their homes and it was not right to conclude that lack of parental training was responsible for their actions. After paying the entrance fee of 2,000 Zambian kwacha, less than half a dollar, I walked into the small, dark living room. Ms. Mambwe said the behaviour of young people depended on how they have been brought up in their homes and it was not right to conclude that lack of parental training was responsible for their actions. We should do more of this. Iam taking all my 3 daughters to initiation school. The rural girls have danger too, walking to water, and meeting rapists and wild animals. Underpinned by painstaking research carried out by Richards among the Bemba people in northern Zambia in the 1930s, Chisungu focuses on the initiation ceremonies for young Bemba girls. Chiefs Mutondo & Kahare. Thanks @ Zambian Woman who went through initiation,in fact in some Zambian cultures a girl when she reaches puberty at the first menses she is isolated and then taught how to look after herself at such particular times,how stay clean and healthy. This was the consensus among Lusakas Jack compound residents who felt that it was time for parents to start remembering tradition and go back to the times when young men and women were taught how to be responsible and cultured in all areas of ones life. What kind of dance is performed for religious ceremonies? Submit Journal for Impact Factor Evaluation. Initiation is a centuries-old practice in the region, according to Harriet Chanza of the World Health Organization. The feeling between their ntwenokane is always NYELE YEKA YEKA even when they walk, work, or just sitting the feeling is always there one lousy husband cannot handle all the NYENGALING alone!! Women's Initiation in Zambia: Dancing in Bed By Justine Sibomana and Jorrit Meulenbeek Reprint | | Print | LUSAKA, Jan 11 2011 - Staying in Chawama, a compound outside Zambia's capital Lusaka, I spent many an evening chatting to the local women as they sat outside and cooked on their charcoal braziers. a care giver to her family. If you are Christians an insult to your God who supposedly made you perfect. Staying in Chawama, a compound outside Zambia's capital Lusaka, I spent many an evening chatting to the local women as they sat outside and cooked on their charcoal braziers. No, no, youre doing a Shakira, they said when I would still be shaking too many other parts. Definition of initiation ceremony Men and women gave polar opposite versions of the definition of initiation ceremony. NO WONDER SO MANY DIE OF AIDS THAT SIDE. room for a girl child to break away from what appears to be cultural bondage? We can ensure that docile obedient requirements to men are altered so girls have self worth. While there have been a number of descriptions and interpretations of boys' initiation rituals, Audrey Richards's classic study of initiation rites among the Bemba remains one of the few studies to deal in detail with the initiation of girls into adult life. According to the CIA World Factbook, some of the largest ethnic groups in the country include the Bemba, Tonga, Chewa, Lozi and Nsenga peoples who represent 21%, 13.6%, 7.4%, 5.7%, and 5.3% of Zambia's population, respectively. This was the consensus among Lusakas Jack compound residents who felt that it was time for parents to start remembering tradition and go back to the times when young men and women were taught how to be responsible and cultured in all areas of ones life. Note: Get EOI for Journal/Conference/ Thesis paper. Kalela is performed by both men and women in a circular formation expressing intimate social gestures while songs are sung in call and response. But as I struggled to imitate, the old ladies would come to stand behind me, holding my thighs to make sure only my waist would be free to move. Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox. female initiation ceremonies) that systematically by Mateyo 24th October 2011, 17:56. Shy and reserved as Zambian ladies may be about these issues in public, inside this room the atmosphere was amazingly free and open. Female initiation rites are linked to gender relations. They take with them all their cultural heritages wherever they go. The first minutes of this quite explicit training were pretty awkward. Just silly culture.. The so called ceremonies only cause the girls to become prostitutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave us to practice our culture and stay with your carbon copy European culture. instilled shame. There could be many reasons for this. A ritual during which an initiate is admitted to an organization or given secret knowledge; sometimes contains one or more tests that have to be passed or endured. Due to Westernisation . Richards observed the entire chisungu or female initiation rite, an almost continuous series of complex ceremonies lasting for a month. She feels most Zambian men want a woman who is initiated. It was cramped with women of different ages, from old senior teachers to recently married matrons, and of course a handful of fellow students. This doesnt mean you must start having sex with all men. AllAfrica publishes around 600 reports a day from more than 100 news organizations and over 500 other institutions and individuals, representing a diversity of positions on every topic. Ms Mpundu Chilufya also of Jack compound said the youth of nowadays have no sense of responsibility because they do not know how to differential between right and wrong. Her detailed description of the elements of the ritual, and her analysis of it in terms of the culture of matrilineal society, have made this a classic ethnographic and theoretical text. What does this mean. Following the initiation ceremony, the initiates are taken to a secluded place away from their homes, where they spend at least eight days recovering. Move on! Ifa's initiation into Yoruba culture is based on knowledge. numerous identity tags held dear by that group. cultural orientation robs girls of their independent thinking and becomes an obstacle in a girls educational In various cultural communities in Zambia, initiation ceremonies for girls are conducted during adolescence. The Nkoya annual ceremony is considered Zambia's oldest traditional ceremony having been celebrated by the Nkoya people for over 500 years. The ceremony is a preparation for a young woman to transit into adulthood so she is taught how to look after herself, her husband and her family when she gets married and of course SEX. Growing up in such a traditional background, is there initiation ceremony noun. should aspire to achieve the best and reach her full potential in that society. Most men know what to expect of a woman before they get married, Banda explains. girls due to early marriages, this desk study was undertaken in two regions in Zambia: Eastern and NorthWestern Provinces, to understand the role of culture and traditions in contemporary society, with particular Now, when I see women who did not go through it, I think I am much better off.. For me it is a surprise that women dont know what they are talking about. attributed only to that particular group of people. It intrigued me how a lot of the gossip would come back to one topic: the importance of chinamwali, the traditional initiation training most Zambian women go through before they get married. It is so shrouded in . An interesting element of Bemba culture is their marriage ceremonies and structure. Indian classical dances such asRead More Women said he was too backward. Credit: Jorrit Meulenbeek/INSP. They talk to their children in their own languages, dress and eat their own foods even. Sign in for full access to article. reference to girls initiation ceremonies (Chinamwali ceremony among Chewa people in Eastern Province and In a village nestled between Limpopo and Mpumalanga, girls as young as seven embark on a six-week secret rite of passage to prepare them for their journey into womanhood. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. For most traditions in Zambia, this meant when a girl came of age which usually happened during her adolescent years, she would be handed over to a traditional counselor in order to be initiated into womanhood. AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa - aggregating, producing and distributing 600 news and information items daily from over 100 African news organizations and our own reporters to an African and global public. I would only add that Zambian men should also be forced to do male initiation know like.sending them off in the forest without a campus and weapons. Of late in most . Girls' initiation ceremonies have favorably been observed among Zambian rural communities and seemingly considered to be major obstacle to the advancement of rural girls' education. Chiradzulu district, Malawi CNN When Grace learned she'd be going to a camp with her friends, she was thrilled. Moreover its not just the people in the villages that need morals and responsibility but even those that are in urban areas and that is why it is important that the initiation ceremonies for young men and women are revived, she said. But some women have charged that times have changed and there was no need for young people to undergo ceremonies when they could just be taught for a few hours. You can subscribe by visiting our subscription page. They convey a sense of special uniqueness Initiation in south africa/Ukuthwasa.I provide a wide range of services to both individuals and couples. I was very young when once upon a time a certain minister called Mr Chibanda, on telly or some other media (but,definitely tv- I stand to be corrected) was trying to propagate and encourage every Zambian about girl initiation ceremony. Before I came here, I would not have believed it was possible for women of different generations to freely share such intimate knowledge on this level. Initiation ceremonies are very important not just in the villages but also in urban areas because they stand to benefit a lot of people. African female initiation ceremonies are rites of passage for girls entering womanhood, and are usually a public annoucement of the girl's eligibility for marriage. By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Moreover its not just the people in the villages that need morals and responsibility but even those that are in urban areas and that is why it is important that the initiation ceremonies for young men and women are revived, she said. The emphasis is on ethnographic data gathered in the field. Yoruba initiation ceremonies. Some white women are even looking for Zambian women to teach them this because word has gone around that the Zambians can dance. ;a Girl's Initiation Ceremony Among the Bemba of ZambiaLand, Labour and Diet in Northern Rhodesia Bettelheim presents an account of his examination of initiation rites in present-day pre-literate societies and suggests that circumcision and related rituals may be the expression of male fascination with, and jealousy of, female sex AFRICA: Women's Bodies Have Been Battlefields, Sweet 16 Marriages Cause Controversy in Malawi, COP27: A Climate Summit Following Empty Promises & Funding Failures, Solar Power Brings Water to Families in Former War Zones in El Salvador, Solidarity and Negotiations to End the Ukraine War, A New Digitalisation Effort in Bangladesh Could Change Community Health Globally, What Does it take to Build a Culture of Equality & Inclusion at the UN? 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