Hi Gordon I listened to an interview Margaret Roach did with some researcher about solarization and obscuration. You can easily put down 4 of wood chip mulch. Its bad for the planet, its bad for your soil. Also no carpet or tarp. You may have gotten the results you were seeking but at a cost to the natural way of things. Just say no to landscape fabric AND pea gravel. Earthworms are often found under objects that help them stay moist and cool while they find things to pull down into their burrows. This info is very helpful. I used this under a (formerly) permanent 8x8 bin with reasonable success. So it is going to be interesting not using Cardboard/Newspaper (10 sheets folded) or manure compost. I dont think cardboard does this. Couple this with the other many benefits of a CORE Drive driveways such as: Fully SUDS compliant porous surface so no need for planning permission. It is a sheet method that breaks down over time, returning the gas concentrations to their pre-sheet norms. They find cardboard and mulch a perfect home and protection while they dine on my garden. The more heavy duty the box, the more difficult it is to bend or tear its walls. Mulch does that by blocking light. How about using it as a weed blocker under a brick walkway? After reading your article I understand why cardboard isnt the best option. It was actually kind of fun. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Understanding how weird weather affects our plants, Predicting hurricane tracks and what they leave behind, Irrigation bags: the good (rarely), the bad (frequently) and the ugly (all of them), Chuang and Chen demonstrated this nicely in 2008, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WdM__pw7Sk, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315662938_Using_arborist_wood_chips_as_a_landscape_mulch_WSU_Extension_Fact_Sheet_FS160E, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315662987_Scientific_literacy_for_the_citizen_scientist_WSU_Extension_Manual_EM100E, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285739101_Impact_of_mulches_on_landscape_plants_and_the_environment_-_A_review?_sg=acoel-UtYrRrzRH87Cw2l66FWOxkPToxyGoJ-E49dIsN5_AZoDQVpM686X0E0SmdRDwgA8dqwzSNJMTKjwTRb5D44618wmHwsnKguXE1.yLe69PXeAqqfONrpigIupt97uEY8nFsdopZztas81Af-JE7A8ti5JkX5QOkp8kqL8z2FZV1uYafapYPdD5nnFQ, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315662938_Using_arborist_wood_chips_as_a_landscape_mulch_WSU_Extension_Fact_Sheet_FS160E?_sg=acoel-UtYrRrzRH87Cw2l66FWOxkPToxyGoJ-E49dIsN5_AZoDQVpM686X0E0SmdRDwgA8dqwzSNJMTKjwTRb5D44618wmHwsnKguXE1.yLe69PXeAqqfONrpigIupt97uEY8nFsdopZztas81Af-JE7A8ti5JkX5QOkp8kqL8z2FZV1uYafapYPdD5nnFQ, http://gardenprofessors.com/how-to-get-rid-of-your-lawn/, https://meridian.allenpress.com/jeh/article/25/4/239/80254/Impact-of-Mulches-on-Landscape-Plants-and-the, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016719871930580X, http://www.uclan.ac.uk/staff_profiles/assets/PUBCATS_for_Web_1991_to_2007(1), https://sharepoint.cahnrs.wsu.edu/blogs/urbanhort/Media/JEH%2025(4)%20239-249.pdf, https://pubs.extension.wsu.edu/scientific-literacy-for-the-citizen-scientist, https://www.nature.com/articles/nature16069, http://gardenprofessors.com/a-tale-of-two-weeders-lessons-in-managing-aggressive-perennial-weeds/, https://www.theoaklandpress.com/news/nation-world-news/oakland-county-discontinues-program-to-prevent-spreading-of-invasive-species/article_aac5f1f2-dbd6-5520-83dd-f56ab11f6743.html, https://pubs.extension.wsu.edu/using-arborist-wood-chips-as-a-landscape-mulch-home-garden-series, https://awaytogarden.com/reducing-weeds-a-101-on-soil-solarization-with-sonja-birthisel/, https://www.nacaa.com/journal/index.php?jid=1024, https://gardenprofessors.com/how-to-get-rid-of-your-lawn/, Altpapier im Garten NICHT einsetzen! AI Score system was built by our team of professionals. Eleven years old, and not relevant to applied plant and soil research. Wood chips do not do this. There is no theoretical plant or soil science that would support the use of cardboard, so the additional lack of any practical published evidence means theres nothing that a scientist could use to support the use of cardboard, given the collateral damage imposed on the soil ecosystem (which is totally ignored by gardeners who are solely focused on crop yields). Weeds grow in the holes you cut for plants. After you scalp the lawn to the ground and then mulch it, yes, you will get rid of the lawn. How do earthworms compete with your plants ? Its a ONE TIME USE and then recycled. I have used this on hugelkultur mounds before, but not really looked into if theres any negative effects seems good for preventing mounds collapsing a bit and soil running off. These are good things to consider . Q: I'm installing pre finished 3/4 thick by 4 wide hickory Flooring. But, looking at the wider picture, considering the climate and global biodiversity emergency we are collectively facing, would this be a sustainable practice, where widespread REGENERATIVE tree management isnt currently given high priority? Everything added during cardboard manufacture is designed to create a product that resists wetting and decomposition. Mounds of soil will grow mounds of weeds. Hi Linda! Its use as a mulch is limited as it really doesnt support much microbial life. The Truth Wears Off; When you pull a weed out that is rooted . However to keep floor height even I need to use either 1/2 plywood over the brown (sound board?) Have you found a source for clean cardboard, that wont leach undesirable chemicals into your compost? And to be clear, its not my logic about worms its whats in the scientific literature. This entire process is very attractive to nematodes (earthworms and other soil animals), bacteria and fungi, which as they crawl toward and through the cardboard actually open up pockets where gasses and moisture can transfer, both from the atmosphere and from subsoil. Hi Linda, Why would you consider plant and soil sciences less worthy of being guided by good information? Sonia. Should I put the membrane under gravel? They eventually found the panel seams and, as the bin sank, they came in from the sides. If I had only looked at the first few links in my search, I would have thought it relatively benign to put cardboard out but I too have tenacity and deep curiousity so Im happy to have found your info. (I am going somewhere with this, in relation to how using woodchip could actually be MORE harmful to the environment than using a limited amount of cardboard.). Your soil system will recover from the tarp. Instead, today Im doing to focus on cardboard itself. I have been using same pieces of lanscape cloth in vegetable garden for several years. Thats been done in the ecological literature. Sonia, lets try this one instead. Ill guarantee thats what you were seeing under the plastic. I really encourage you to try the arborist chip method instead. I will not use heavy duty pesticides as we dont want to contaminate the ground water & well. can be a great mulch. Fabric is much worse than cardboard, and plastic is the worst of all. Hi Doug Do you have any feedback about organic materials for separation and stabilization? And to figure out what to do about the area I have already sheet mulched, some of which I have already planted into. But intact newspaper has not been studied in a comparative way, and given its sheet structure it is going to restrict wate and gas movement to some extent. Butt suggests that a combination of deep burrowers and surface dwellers may get the best results. Correct? Thats the state of the science, and its up to proponents of cardboard mulches and/or lasagna mulching to provide evidence that our study was incorrect. In the article you helpfully provide a link to your 2019 paper. You can look at this publication for information on what would constitute a scientific experiment. If I found a big stinky mess underneath and lots of dead worms, I would perhaps buy the argument that cardboard is bad and certainly wouldnt waste my time, my plants, and certainly not want to kill earthworms. All fertilization is pumped through the water system. Are you recommending more than 4 inches deep? Now I know why. Mulching with cardboard - Summary. Cardboard seems like a decent barrier for the weeds maybe lasting ~2-3 years, long enough to kill off what roots may try to grow back that are already under the shed. Wood chips are all you need, and their permeability is vastly superior to any sheet mulch. In a real world, soil is full not just of microbes, but roots and animals tlat all require oxygen. I ditto that! You can cover the soil entirely or just spot treat problem areas. I plan on installing new 5/8 plywood in place of the particle board. We proudly serve residential and commercial clients in Southeast Michigan. And at the end of the day, nothing exists except atoms and empty space. ), they apply anywhere. Thank you for your time and my apologies for being so blunt. Use sticks or something to mark where your rows are. Your thoughts on this course of action with the cardboard would be appreciated. As you said to Amy on, September 12, 2020 in relation to smothering the soil, as cardboard apparently does: Your soil system will recover from the tarp. Weeds are called weeds for a reason. It needs to be VERY deep (e.g. Either place large strips of cardboard around your plants or shredded cardboard and make sure to water it after, this way the cardboard will start to decompose a lot faster. Then leave everything for two months without touching it. But it is just a single layer of cardboard. Using 20% acetic acid try to kill the really nasty weeds. The cardboard appears to drastically reduce plant stress between waterings and increase life below. Once you've done that, it's time to fill er back up. Its just as bad as the other sheet mulches possibly worse, since its often treated with chemicals such as flame retardants. 299. Gardeners generally compost them first for a year or two, as they take that long to break down to become a more beneficial soil amendment, i.e. Sorry, it doesnt. Sometimes the atheist turns out to be as fanatic as the believer, and the skeptic a victim of his own ability to reason, i.e. Not a scientific experiment. This worked surprisingly well and resulted in bags of compost that could be easily moved to its final use point. Unfortunately, it isn't. It may even be detrimental for a while to some of the soil life, whilst the local soil ecosystem finds a balance. They are a mulch not soil. You can use a hammer to pound in garden staples or stakes to keep the cardboard exactly where you want it. If you plan to spread out a standard three-inch layer of rock, its better to use a piece of landscaping fabric that wont biodegrade and let weeds push up between the rocks. You can also layer soil and new plants over the cardboard. A conclusion that cardboard harms soil health would require more extensive study. Best $40 spent on an Electrician. If it's a concern, Try using some 2-3" pipe or flex tubing. After all the vegetation underneath is dead, move the chips aside and sow your seeds. In the event that you have notifications turned on for this comment thanks for the great post, thoughtful, specific, reasonable. How do I stop Bermuda grass from coming up through the material if I cant smother it with cardboard? A break down on the pro's and con's of using cardboard as a weed block. If you want your comment to be published, be polite and provide evidence to support your statements. So no, I dont recommend using newspaper. Hi Joseph Likewise, the reduction in oxygen movement from the atmosphere into cardboard-covered soil would cause worms to crawl upwards in an effort to find oxygen at the soil surface. You could use a 2 foot x 4 foot piece of plywood to tamp down each section and make sure there were no more low spots. 2. . In either case, if I lay 4 of mulch over the whole parkway to suppress the goutweed, will it harm the trees? This use of damp cardboard may also permit easier gas diffusion (i.e. I started covering parts of my lawn with cardboard boxes, filling them with mulch. So, as an eco-conscious gardener, Id prefer to use a wider, diverse range of more locally sourced materials (e.g. The crown should be at grade with the soil. Hello Dr. Chalker-Scott, Her latest effort is an update of Art Kruckebergs Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest from UW Press (2019). The only way to improve soil is to do it the way that nature does by adding coarse debris to the top of it and letting natural processes incorporate it. Does the science support something like 4 of cedar chips being effective after de-weeding the area? What is benecial in one soil/climate but be detrimental in another. Other than keeping garden bed bare, what can I do? Anyway, thanks again for continuing to read our comments and for any advice you might have. You need to make sure there is not a population on adjacent land that is sending roots into your property. You should never have your soil removed. Cardboard will decompose, but oxygen is needed for the process. The depth of the stones will prevent sunlight from reaching the soil even after the cardboard disintegrates, so weeds cant grow. Cardboard is a low cost or completely free way to stop weeds and mulch your garden. I echo So Cold Design and Photographys contention regarding your contradictions. Loose or Creaking Boards & Tight or Popping Boards, Proper underlayment for solid hardwood flooring. i have been using mostly grass clippings and pine needles and little leaves and wood chips. (How do you know its better than some other process? Cant it send its runners up through the thickest piles of park? I would like to actually improve the soil. Interesting read and thank you. Keep up that MG training I hope you find it rewarding both educationally and socially. Lay single sheets of cardboard over the entire garden plot. I agree completely and proponents of the practice are best suited for providing funding for the research. For instance, how are you dealing with things such as the soil, cardboard, and mulch moisture levels (and spatial variability within them) before and after the sheeting, variations in the organic content and parent material of the soils, the pre-existing ecosystems of flora and fauna at all scales, or the rather large range of agricultural plants that may or may not benefit from a mulch? Prune any plant branches or stems in the area you plan to use the cardboard and rake away any thick piles of leaves or debris. Sandy and silty soils are nutrient poor. However, the facts remain that cardboard is made to reduce both moisture and gas exchange, and that earthworms (as well as other soil organisms) need oxygen in the root zone. This soil doesnt retain much. They need to establish into the site soil. . Its a great way to use invasive species for something useful. Are cheap electric helicopters feasible to produce? Sixteen days without oxygen will kill you. By laying a later of landscape fabric / weed control membrane it acts as a ground stabilizer so stone and soil do not mix. Take a soil sample from the middle of each plot and have some sort of biologist or entomologist at UNC help me count the soil organisms in each one. Our research was conclusive that coarse chunky mulches (i.e. Thus it can contain a wide range of undesirable chemicals used during its manufacture, carried over from recycled content, obtained during its storage, and transferred during its use. Soil that is disturbed by tillage becomes depleted in carbon (organic matter) and the primary mechanism for that carbon loss is CO2 gas diffusion into the atmosphere. Yes, cardboard (shredded or otherwise cut up) is a good brown material for compost piles. We all must stop digging to improve any soil. Could this have been included on the mesocosm scale you used? As you say, its behind a paywall but the abstract states, Despite the different diffusion coefficients of the different mulches, CO2 and O2 concentrations in the soil under the various mulches were not significantly different as compared to the control. Avoid bark mulch. Are there any known differences in recommendations of depth of chips based on climate? That clarified a lot for me. Weed barrier under rocks failed: What can I do now? Whether used as a sheet mulch to deter weeds, or using it around a plants stem to deter pests, cardboard can save a garden. Even shredded, cardboard is still going to act in a sheet-like manner. Thats pretty complicated and I wonder why you wouldnt just use the thick layer of chips? You would be surprised how far perennial weeds can extend their root system. (I would prefer a "worn", very informal, cottage-type look!) While the soil may be moist, you dont have any idea what the oxygen levels were during this time and whether your soil life was affected negatively. . If you arent using a cover material, its smart to pound in some ground stakes around the perimeter to stop the cardboard from blowing off. Thanks for an interesting discussion! On The Plus Side: The price is right: Old carpet is cheap, and you can even find roadside freebies. To pound in garden staples or stakes to keep up that MG training I hope using! Enough and weed control and has an ecological role to play with are japanese,!, reed canary grass, rannunculus, lotus and other mulches ) on gas movement bewteen the soil help is! Fascinating and informative just put it in place of the plants are in the.! 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