When prompted, select 0 for Other Inquiries, then option 3 for Provider Enrollment. Box 1437, Little Rock, AR 72203, County Offices:Contact Your County Office, The Official Website of the State of Arkansas, Aging, Adult, & Behavioral Health Services, Find Home & Community Based Services for Adults & Seniors, Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Medicaid Assistance, Agency Provider Certification for ARChoices in Homecare, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Find Substance Abuse or Mental Health Treatment, Adult Maltreatment Registry Background Check Request, Challenging Your Background Check Results, Arkansas DHS Criminal Background Check Request Form, Financial Assistance and Resources for Providers, Team Nutrition Thirty on Thursday Webinar Using the Nutrition Facts Label in the CACFP, Team Nutrition Webinar Thirty on Thursdays Grains Ounce Equivalents Tools for CACFP Operators, CACFP Trainers Circle Training Program Operators to Use Grains Ounce Equivalents, Report a Concern About a Child Care Center, Services for Older Youth or Former Foster Youth, Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA)/Work Pays, Title V: Children with Special Health Needs, March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, Important Points About ARKids First and Medicaid. Call the ConnectCare Helpline: Toll-free 1-800-275-1131. Providers can change their patient caseloads on the Health Care Provider Portal. Medicaid provides free or low-cost health coverage to eligible needy persons. Arkansas Medicaid will accept electronic signatures in compliance with Arkansas Code 25-31-103 et seq. Contact Us Services for Arkansas Medicaid Providers AFMC offers a variety of programs and services to Arkansas Medicaid Providers: Arkansas Medicaid Management Information System Medicaid Review & Prior Authorization Non-Emergency Transportation Program Surveys & Reporting Provider Relations - DPSQA Provider Relations - Policy & Education It uses state and federal government money. The main call center switchboard will then route your call to the appropriate area. Medicaid Online To view the website for Arkansas Medicaid online, click here. Provider types applying with or as a group should be prepared to submit: IRS letter such as an SS4, 147C, or 501C3. Need help? Would you like to enroll as a Provider or a Trading Partner? If you would like to set the PCP caseload over 2500, Provider Enrollment requires a written request stating why the higher caseload is needed. Individual providers (such as physicians, dentists, therapists) and groups of individual providers (such as physician groups, dental groups, and therapy groups) are not required to pay the application fee. If the provider is enrolled in Medicare and has paid the application fee to Medicare, or if the provider is enrolled in another states Medicaid Program and has paid the application fee to that states Medicaid Agency, the provider is not required to pay the application fee to Arkansas Medicaid. Office of Medicaid Inspector General. If you recognize your site key token, you know you can safely type your password. Broker Resources; Corporate Information. TTY Toll-Free: 800-877-8339. Arkansas Has Accepted Federal Medicaid Expansion. Box 1437, Slot S401 Little Rock, AR 72203-1437 DMS Phone Number 501-682-8292 Fax: 501-682-1197 Learn About Programs Apply For Services Find Service Providers Do Business With DHS Become A Provider Report A Concern About DHS DHS Home About The Secretary DHS Resources We can also help you change doctors/PCPs. If you navigate away from this page, you will lose unsaved data. Your personalized site key token helps you identify that you are at the valid Arkansas Provider Portal site. Become a Provider; Contact Us Form; Help Center; Brokers. 3. Learn About Programs. 917,474 Number of Arkansans covered by Medicaid/CHIP as of May 2021. Effective September 1, 2020, Arkansas Medicaid supports beneficiaries with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). These Specialists also send information, answer questions, and refer beneficiaries to the most appropriate resource. The state initiative, called Life360 Homes, will focus on women with high-risk pregnancies, people with mental illness or substance abuse disorders, and young adults who are . HIPAA requirements mandate the following security measures for the Health Care Provider Portal: Passwords for the Health Care Provider Portal must adhere to specific requirements. View all of our available programs below. Monday 10/24/2022 05:18 PM CST. Includes ARHOME and some On- and Off-Exchange Metallic. 22270. Search Provider. To view the website for Arkansas Medicaid online. City. The Arkansas Medicaid Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) program provides eligible Medicaid beneficiaries with transportation for medical services. Beneficiaries who are ineligible for this service include: Nursing home facility residents. Get information and phone numbers for other helpful programs. Fax is 501-682-1197. (866) 801-3435. Home > Divisions & Shared Services > Division of Medical Services > Helpful Information for Providers > Provider Manuals and Other Provider Notifications > All Providers. Make sure your mailing address and phone number is up-to-date. How can I apply for a temporary Arkansas Medicaid provider number? Go to ARKids First. If you do not recognize your site key token, do not type your password. Local: 410-786-3000. Make sure your mailing address and phone number is up-to-date. Do Business With DHS. What electronic and digital signatures will Arkansas Medicaid accept? Medicaid Provider Fair Hearing requests must be sent to Arkansas Department of Health, Medicaid Provider Appeals Office, 4815 West Markham Street - Slot 31, Little Rock, AR 72205. Arkansas Medicaid provider enrollment applicants should gather all needed materials before applying to streamline the process. Phone: 1-888-474-8275. Arkansas Medicaid Phone Number: Customer Service phone number for help on Applying for Medicaid: 888-474-8275 (ARKids First-A or ARKids First-B) . Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), approved an amendment to Arkansas' Medicaid section 1115 demonstration that will test innovative interventions to address housing and food insecurity, as well as other critical health-related social needs. Adult Protective Services. For information specific to your provider type, refer to Section II of that provider manual. Chat with Arkansas.gov . Looking for a Doctor or Hospital near you? W-9 forms and contracts for individual providers must be submitted in their name, with their Social Security number, and their original signature. Medicaid Go to Medicaid. If the PCP caseload is set over 2500 using the online form, an error will be reported and no change will be made. DDS (Division of Developmental Disabilities Services Central Office) (800) 482-5850 ext. To see the full history of Notices of Rulemaking and Official Notices for all provider types, please download from the manual Other Policy-Related Notifications for All Provider Types using the link above. 2022 Medicare and PDP Compare Plans and Enroll Now 2023 Medicare and PDP Compare Plans and Enroll Now. Apply For Services. Empower Healthcare Solutions works with you and your doctors. View or print Provider Enrollment contact information. ConnectCare Helpline Specialists assign or change PCPs at the request of Medicaid and ARKids First beneficiaries. County Download a Map If you have questions or would like to be contacted by a MMIS Outreach specialist, please complete the contact form below. South Carolina Medicaid Phone Number: 803-898-2580 Provider Service Center: 888-289-0709: South Dakota Medicaid : 605-773-4766 800-227-3020 Behavioral Health Services 605-773-3123 We suggest contacting the Medicaid office to find out specifically what coverage is provided as it can be different in each state. As of December 2019, has enrolled 985,201 individuals in Medicaid and CHIP a net increase of 57.29% since the first Marketplace Open Enrollment Period and related Medicaid program changes in October 2013. has adopted one or more of the targeted enrollment strategies outlined in guidance CMS issued on May 17, 2013, designed to facilitate . When completing my enrollment application electronically, am I required to mail original signatures? They can assist you with questions or concerns about the Arkansas Medicaid program, including the eligibility requirements and Medicaid enrollment in Arkansas. P.O. First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone Number * Please note that this is a draft; some functionality may not yet be available. Contact Us +1 (866) 261-1286. empower@empowerarkansas.com. This Excel spreadsheet is being developed to locate provider notifications using various search criteria. What if you have Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? TTY Local: 410-786-0727. State. (TDD: 1-800-285-1131) . We work with the Arkansas Medicaid Program to help individuals with developmental disabilities or behavioral health needs keep track of their health and maintain their independence. If you have questions about how to enroll, call Arkansas Medicaid Provider Enrollment at (501) 376-2211 or toll free at (800) 457-4454. Who Should I Contact When I Have Healthcare - Arkansas. Fee Schedules Procedure Code Tables DMS Address P.O. Find a Provider; Contact Us Form; Help Center; Plan Disenrollment; Providers. All passwords are case sensitive and must: Frequently asked questions regarding Practitioner Identification Numbers (PIN) has been added to the website. Box 1437, Slot S401Little Rock, AR 72203-1437, Divisions & Offices:Donaghey Plaza,P.O. Find Substance Abuse or Mental Health Treatment. Attention Arkansas Total Care Members. . The fee may be adjusted from year to year and is payable every five (5) years. Inactive or suspended providers must contact the Provider Enrollment Unit before they will be able to log on the portal. You can decide how often to receive updates. Inpatient Psychiatric Services for U21; Living Choices waiver; Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Outpatient Behavioral Health Services (OBHS) Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity (PASSE) Personal Care; Medication Assisted Treatment. please contact the APII Help Desk: In-state toll-free: (866) 322-4696: Local and out-of-state: (501) 301-8311: Email: ARKPII@dxc.com: Division of Aging and Adult . You can view their site online at medicaid.state.ar.us. Home > Divisions & Shared Services > Division of Medical Services > Contact DMS, P.O. Phone: (800) 482 - 8988 Need help? It is possible that you must register as both a provider AND a Trading Partner. Fax is 501-682-1197. Arkansas Medicaid Office. All providers are required to re-enroll every five (5) years regardless of provider type. Care 21 and Over - Personal Care 21 and Under - Respite If you need assistance with the EVV transition, please contact: - AuthentiCare Support at authenticaresupport@fiserv.com or 800-540-5126 - DHS at evvarkansas@dhs.arkansas.gov or 833-916-1093. Using Medicaid with Medicare or other Medical Insurance, ARKids Additional Resources That Can Help Your Family, Important Phone Numbers for ARKids First Program, Life360 Risk Pregnancies and Eligible Maternal Hospitals, Life360 Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Hospitals, PASSE Care Coordination and Person Centered Service Plan, National Provider Identifier (NPI) Information, Practitioner Identification Number (PIN) Frequently Asked Questions, Update Arkansas Partner Toolkit and Materials, Update Arkansas Friends & Family Toolkit and Materials, Update Arkansas Client Toolkit and Materials, Espaol: Instrumentos y materiales para socios, Espaol: Instrumentos y materiales para clients, Espaol: Instrumento y materiales para amigos y familia, Kajin Majel: Partner Kain Jerbal im Mweiuk, Kajin Majel: Mottam im am Baamle Kain Jerbal im Mweiuk, Kajin Majel: Kain Jerbal an Client im Mweiuk ko, Arkansas Lifespan Respite Search Locator (Registry), Fiserv/Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), DYS STATE REQUIRED INFORMATION ~ SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023, Arkansas Juvenile Assessment & Treatment Center (AJATC), Office of Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of Communications & Community Engagement, Arkansas External Quality Review Organization (EQRO) Technical Report, Current Job Opportunities-(all categories), Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Information, Top 4 Provider Enrollment Issues When Applying on the Portal, Instructions for how to complete your application, Video instruction for how to complete your application, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization form. Please note that this is a draft; some functionality may not yet be available. Please make certain you attach the current license. 501-378-2307 or 800-827-4814. Make sure your mailing address and phone number is up-to-date. Update your contact info now. Dont miss important renewal information. Note: If you have not created your personalized site key token, you will be asked to do so before you sign into the Arkansas Provider Portal. View or print Provider Enrollment contact information. Arkansas Medicaid Providers Customer Service. Arkansas Medicaid does not issue temporary provider numbers. . This may include doctor services, inpatient hospital care, laboratory and x-ray services, inpatient short-term skilled nursing or rehabilitation-facility care, outpatient hospital or clinic care, short-term home healthcare, ambulance service and prescription drugs for people not covered by Medicare. Empower Healthcare Solutions is here to help you with your health care. What are some tips for helping my provider application or re-enrollment progress more smoothly? Arkansas Total Care offers health insurance programs that fit the unique needs of our members. If you have any questions about your application, call the Arkansas Medicaid Provider Enrollment Office at(501) 376-2211 or view FAQs below and job aids. Users will be redirected to the log-on page if there is no activity on a secure page for more than 20 minutes. Users will be locked out of an account automatically after six failed log in attempts within an hour. The monthly income limit if you are single is $1,308 and $1,762 if you're married. How can I become an Arkansas Medicaid provider? Find Service Providers. This Excel spreadsheet is being developed to locate provider notifications using various search criteria. Box 1437, Little Rock, AR 72203, County Offices:Contact Your County Office, The Official Website of the State of Arkansas, Aging, Adult, & Behavioral Health Services, Find Home & Community Based Services for Adults & Seniors, Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Medicaid Assistance, Agency Provider Certification for ARChoices in Homecare, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Find Substance Abuse or Mental Health Treatment, Adult Maltreatment Registry Background Check Request, Challenging Your Background Check Results, Arkansas DHS Criminal Background Check Request Form, Financial Assistance and Resources for Providers, Team Nutrition Thirty on Thursday Webinar Using the Nutrition Facts Label in the CACFP, Team Nutrition Webinar Thirty on Thursdays Grains Ounce Equivalents Tools for CACFP Operators, CACFP Trainers Circle Training Program Operators to Use Grains Ounce Equivalents, Report a Concern About a Child Care Center, Services for Older Youth or Former Foster Youth, Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA)/Work Pays, Title V: Children with Special Health Needs, March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, Important Points About ARKids First and Medicaid. Passwords must meet all of the password requirements for the Health Care Provider Portal. 28665. Arkansas Blue Cross Doctor and Hospital Service. Become A Provider. Title V (Children with Special Health Care Needs Central Office) (800) 482-5850 ext. . When submitting credentials for re-enrollment, always add your provider number. 48% Reduction in the uninsured rate from 2010 to 2019. Toll-free: 800-421-2408. > Division of Medical Services > provider enrollment after you have been inactive with Arkansas Code 25-31-103 et. Eligible for this program, Arkansas Medicaid accept: //www.medicaid.gov/state-overviews/stateprofile.html? state=Arkansas '' > < /a > providers. $ 1,308 and $ 11,960 if you & # x27 ; re married your address! Find a provider or a Trading Partner as a provider or a Trading Partner 482 - 8988 help. & # x27 ; re married call to the Health Care provider Portal - < /a > 2 to pay fee. 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