35% right direction and ACOP is still around, but with a sense of renewal something they were lacking a few years ago. Next, we have a few questions to ask you about some of the propositions on the November ballot. 10% not too important 28% great deal Questions on residential real estate lending. Protecting free speech by ensuring a free press, the right to protest, and protection for whistleblowers. Commercial Banks, Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Would you call yourself a strong Republican or not a very strong Republican? Among women voters, the opinion poll suggests BJP running ahead with 45 per cent vote share. 5. Residents of other geographic areas (in gray) are included in the results reported for all adults, registered voters, and likely voters, but sample sizes for these less-populous areas are not large enough to report separately. The 15 districts each have over 260,000 residents, which is larger than most cities. Likely voters are as likely to say voting in this election is more important as they were in March 2022 (42%) but are less likely to say this than they were prior to the last midterm election in September 2018 (52%). In May, Californians were slightly more likely to be pessimistic than optimistic (50% wrong direction, 45% right direction). 9:00 am - The 2022 Chicago Council Survey was conducted July 15-August 1, 2022, by Ipsos using its large-scale nationwide online research panel, KnowledgePanel, in both English and Spanish among a weighted national sample of 3,106 adults 18 or older living in all 50 US states and the District of Columbia. He is a leading expert on public opinion and survey methodology, and has directed the PPIC Statewide Survey since 1998. Click here to claim your bonus! Learn more about the American Civil Liberties Union and its affiliated organization, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. All cell phone numbers with California area codes were eligible for selection. 8% water availability, drought Joint Venture Silicon Valley, Sherry Bebitch Jeffe Congress lagging behind with just 35% and AAP with just 17% vote share. Specifically, major net shares of banks expected to tighten standards for C&I loans to firms of all sizes; a significant net share of banks expected to tighten standards for nonconforming jumbo residential mortgage loans; moderate net shares of banks expected to tighten standards for credit card loans and auto loans; and a modest net share of banks expected to tighten standards for GSE-eligible residential mortgage loans. 24% Republican [ask q8a] Independent, objective, nonpartisan research, Local Election Issues: Homelessness and Crime, Table: Few Californians are optimistic about the nation's direction and economic outlook, Table: A slim majority of likely voters are satisfied with their choices of candidates in the election for governor, Table: The share voting "yes" on Propositions 1, 27, and 30 varies across subgroups, Table: Most likely voters think it's more important that candidates for US Congress work with the Biden administration, Table: Californians are far more likely to say homelessness is a big problem than they are to say violence and street crime is a big problem, Table: Most Californians approve of Governor Newsom and President Biden, Abortion Rights Are Number One for Californians this November, Californians Show Renewed Faith in the Electoral Process, Most Californians Continue to Identify Homelessness as a Big Problem, Solid Majorities of Californians View Crime as a Problem. 3% dont know. A slim majority of likely voters (53%) are satisfied with their choices of candidates in the election for governor, while nearly four in ten are not satisfied (38%). (Table 1, questions 112; table 2, questions 18). Recently passed federal and state legislation aims to address these issues ahead of the highly consequential November 8 election. 2021s Top Survey Sites 2020s Top Survey Sites 2019s Top Survey Panels 2018s Top Survey Panels 2017s Top Survey Panels 2016s Top Survey Panels 2015s Top Survey Panels 2014s Top Survey Panels. Over the second quarter, significant net shares of banks reported having tightened standards on C&I loans to firms of all sizes, after several quarters of continued easing last year and unchanged standards in the previous quarter.3 Banks also reported having tightened most queried terms on C&I loans to firms of all sizes over the second quarter. 13% dont know. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Because of time constraints, our survey included only three higher-profile ballot measures: Propositions 1, 27, and 30. Shares holding these views were similar prior to the 2018 gubernatorial election. January 16-25, 2022 1,640 California adult residents; 1,048 California likely voters: English, Spanish. Ruben Barrales Regarding consumer loans, standards for prime auto and credit card loans were on the easier ends of their historical ranges, while standards for subprime auto and credit card loans were on the tighter ends of their respective ranges. pt. PaidViewpoint is reliable plain and simple. PaidViewpoint has well over 1700 x 5 star reviews on SurveyPolice, making it one of the most popular and well-liked survey panels by survey takers worldwide. 44% wrong direction That may be in part because they lowered their minimum rewards cash out from $10 to $5, revamped their loyalty program, and continue to refine their slick, easy to understand surveys platform. Page Last Revised - March 10, 2022. Lobby Congress to pass bills that advance civil liberties and defeat bills that threaten our freedoms. 25% very concerned Conditional on approving loan applications, lending terms describe banks conditions included in loan contracts, such as those listed for C&I loans under question 2 to both domestic and foreign banks and those listed for credit card, auto, and other consumer loans under questions 2123 to domestic banks. 9% dont know. Share. 12:30 pm, November 1, 2022 The definition of a QM was introduced in the 2013 Mortgage Rules under the Truth in Lending Act (12 C.F.R. PrizeRebel is also a top pick of ours for people looking to make money online. Over the second quarter, a significant net share of banks reported having tightened standards for all CRE loan categories. Joining Bonus! English, Spanish. Click here to claim your bonus! Furthermore, a significant net share of foreign banks reported tighter standards for CRE loans, on net, while a modest net share of foreign banks reported weaker demand for such loans. This map highlights the five geographic regions for which we present results; these regions account for approximately 90 percent of the state population. Today, Republican likely voters (52%) are slightly more likely than Democrats (45%) and independents (37%) to say voting in this election is more important. Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding. For questions that ask about loan demand, this term refers to the fraction of banks that reported stronger demand ("substantially stronger" or "moderately stronger") minus the fraction of banks that reported weaker demand ("substantially weaker" or "moderately weaker"). The Californians and Their Government survey is supported with funding from the Arjay and Frances F. Miller Foundation and the James Irvine Foundation. However, banks reported basically no changes in the number of inquiries from potential borrowers regarding the availability and terms of new credit lines or increases in existing lines. ACOP is a new addition, as they appear to have re-focused on improving their panel this past year. PaidViewpoint is currently offering a $1.00 sign up bonus to new members. Tellwut is known for issuing their rewards in a very timely manner (often within 24-48 hours of request). Half of residents in competitive congressional districts approve of Newsom. If the election were held today, would you vote yes or no on Proposition 30? 15% not at all closely 31% Brian Dahle, a Republican California Business Roundtable, Carol S. Larson 19. A " yes " vote supports amending the state constitution to prohibit the state from interfering with or denying an individual's reproductive freedom, which is defined to . 50% right direction The PPIC Statewide Survey invites input, comments, and suggestions from policy and public opinion experts and from its own advisory committee, but survey methods, questions, and content are determined solely by PPICs survey team. Respondent banks received the survey on June 16, 2022, and responses were due by June 30, 2022. The Online Survey of the Day is posted to the homepage and gets thousands of votes with active discussions, making it an interesting read. About four in ten adults and likely voters say that violence and street crime has increased during the past year; slim majorities say it has stayed the same, and few say it has decreased. Center for Public Opinion @*/false; Tightening was most widely reported for premiums charged on riskier loans, with a significant net share of banks reporting having tightened this term for loans to large and middle-market firms, and a moderate net share of banks reporting having tightened this term for small firms.4 In addition, moderate net shares of banks reported having increased costs of credit lines and widening the spreads of loan rates over the cost of funds to both large and middle-market firms and to small firms. 22. A new year means we get to pick who our top survey sites of 2022 will be! Their reliability continues to make them a favorite among survey takers, demonstrated by their stable position as a top survey site (as chosen by reviewers) on SurveyPolice, for years. 23% somewhat confident In general, do you think it is mostly a good thing or mostly a bad thing to have a legislative constitutional amendment on the November ballot for California voters to decide on abortion rights at the state level? 63% work with the Biden Administration Overall, responses to the July 2021 and 2022 surveys indicate that banks lending standards have tightened since 2021 for C&I and CRE loans but have eased since 2021 for RRE and consumer loans. Banks reported that, on balance, their lending standards for most C&I loans and consumer loans to prime borrowers are currently at the easier end of the range of standards since 2005. Services, Sponsorship for Priority Telecommunication Services, Supervision & Oversight of Financial Market 2% dont know. ACOP has a very longstanding history and has awarded over $30 million in cash payments to their members. This seems overly obtrusive, as other survey sites guard against fraud by using methodology that is less invasive and potentially less problematic. Affiliate She holds a BA in psychology from the University of Hawaii at Mnoa. 11% not too confident This analysis of the 2020 California Health Insurance Survey shows that Californians were largely protected from experiencing a major erosion in their ability to pay for health insurance and care during the first year of the pandemic. 66% strong to rounding. 35% not much of a problem Proposition 1, titled Constitutional Right to Reproductive Freedom and initially known as Senate Constitutional Amendment 10 ( SCA 10 ), is a California ballot proposition and state constitutional amendment that will be voted upon by the public in the 2022 general election on November 8. 2% dont know. Next, would you consider yourself to be politically: [read list, rotate order top to bottom], 16% very liberal Cell phone interviews were conducted using a computer-generated random sample of cell phone numbers. The most cited reasons for expecting to tighten standards over the second half of 2022, all cited by major net shares of banks, were an expected deterioration in borrowers debt-servicing capacity due to higher inflation or inflation risk, an expected deterioration in collateral values, an expected deterioration in the credit quality of loan portfolios, an expected reduction in risk tolerance, and an expected increase in the exposure to interest rate risk due to higher inflation or inflation risk. World Bank, Most Reverend Jaime Soto At least half across most demographic groups would vote no. Likely voters age 18 to 44 (52%) and renters (51%) are the only two demographic groups with a slim majority voting yes., If the election were held today, 55 percent of likely voters would vote yes, 40 percent would vote no, and 5 percent are unsure on Proposition 30Provides Funding for Programs to Reduce Air Pollution and Prevent Wildfires by Increasing Tax on Personal Income Over $2 Million. This document was prepared by Carlo Wix, with the assistance of Andrew Castro and Ria Sonawane, Division of Monetary Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Richard and Rhoda Goldman School A moderate net share of banks also reported increased collateralization requirements for large- and middle market firms. 1. Fast forward 25 . ALSO READ: ABP CVoter Survey: Unemployment Biggest Issue For Voters In Gujarat & Himachal. 26. We also used voter registration data from the California Secretary of State to compare the party registration of registered voters in our sample to party registration statewide. 35% fair amount Receive your reward quickly usually within 2 business days. There is always plenty of survey inventory available, and bonuses offered via their loyalty program generously reward members who use the site regularly. Republicans 42, Democrats 47. The net share of banks reporting that levels were at the tight end of the range was slightly higher in the July 2022 survey than in the July 2021 survey for almost all C&I loan categories, except for C&I loans to very small firms, for which reported levels were similar in the two surveys. Significant net shares of banks also cited decreased liquidity in the secondary market for C&I loans, increased concerns about the effects of legislative changes, supervisory actions, or changes in accounting standards, and less aggressive competition from other banks or nonbank lenders as important reasons for tightening lending standards and terms. See the survey results tables that follow this summary for a description of each of these loan categories. Please rate how important these initiatives are to you. He is an authority on elections, voter behavior, and political and fiscal reform, authoring ten books and numerous . PPIC does not share, trade, sell, or otherwise disclose personal information. There is widespread agreement on this: about four in ten or fewer across regions and demographic groups are optimistic. Most Californians say homelessness is at least somewhat of a problem in their community, and strong majorities say it is a big problem (68% adults, 70% likely voters); one in ten adults and likely voters say it is not much of a problem. Are you absolutely certain that you are registered to vote in California? Log in to your account for daily survey opportunities, listed under the Most Recent tab. [likely voters only] How closely are you following news about candidates for the 2022 governors electionvery closely, fairly closely, not too closely, or not at all closely? 20% some CEO Customer service is slow to respond and new users are being asked to upload a drivers license and selfie to a third party to verify their identity. They continue to update their platform, breathing new life into what was once a huge star in the survey world a number of years ago. [likely voters only] Proposition 30 is called Provides Funding for Programs to Reduce Air Pollution and Prevent Wildfires by Increasing Tax on Personal Income Over $2 Million. Strategic Partnerships and Business Development 36. 3% less important Meanwhile, reported levels were similar across the two surveys for non-syndicated loans to large and middle-market firms. Twenty-eight percent of Californians say they expect good times financially for the United States in the next 12 monthssimilar to perceptions in May (22%). Regarding loans to businesses, survey respondents reported, on balance, tighter standards and stronger demand for commercial and industrial (C&I) loans to firms of all sizes over the second quarter.2 Meanwhile, banks reported tighter standards and weaker demand for most commercial real estate (CRE) loan categories, except for those secured by multifamily residential properties, for which demand strengthened on net. Alternatively, use your points towards sweepstakes entries for prizes, or donate them to charity. 23% very little Today, residents in the Inland Empire are least optimistic and those in the San Francisco Bay Area are the most optimistic. Responses were received from 69 domestic banks and 18 U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks. When asked about the importance of voting this year compared to past midterm elections, 43 percent of likely voters say it is more important, while slightly more than half say voting is about as important as in past years; only 3 percent feel it is less important. Turning to economic conditions, do you think that during the next 12 months the United States will have good times financially or bad times? Two in three likely voters in Democratic-held districts prefer House candidates who would work with Biden, while likely voters in Republican-held districts are divided (48% work with, 50% push back); nearly six in ten likely voters in competitive districts have a preference for a candidate working with (56%) rather than pushing back (37%). Virtual Event. 2022 Data Collection. In the last 12 months, do you think that the presence of homeless people in your local community has increased, decreased or stayed about the same? Some revenues would support state regulatory costs, possibly reaching the mid-tens of millions of dollars annually. Find out which survey sites made the cut as a SurveyPolice Top Survey Pick of 2022. Surveys are on a wide variety of topics (automotive, tv, finance, politics, etc.) Protecting reproductive rights so individuals can make important personal decisions without political interference. . ), they seemed to hit some roadblocks a few years ago with regards to issuing payments and the expectation from panelists that this process be faster. This amendment does not narrow or limit the existing rights to privacy and equal protection under Californias Constitution. Cell phone interviews were conducted with adults who have cell phone service only and with those who have both cell phone and landline service in the household. 4% decreased One in four Californians had trouble paying a medical bill in the last 12 months, and one in five say they or someone close to them experienced a period of homelessness in the past five years. Our average includes all candidates that FiveThirtyEight considers "major." Candidates with insufficient polling data are not displayed in the averages. Do you think things in the United States are generally going in the right direction or the wrong direction? 2% dont know. 4. Other. Return to text, 5. (short for American Consumer Opinion) is in fact one of the very first survey panels to go online - back in 1996! 39% disapprove A majority of adults (54%) and likely voters (56%) approve of the way their US House representative is handling his or her job, with partisans deeply divided. Bishop of Sacramento 38% disapprove To estimate landline and cell phone service in California, Abt Associates used 2019 state-level estimates released by the National Center for Health Statisticswhich used data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and the ACS. When podcaster Ben Plumley wondered whether California will show the nation how to expand accessible, affordable coverage to low-income populations and communities of color, he turned to CHCF president and CEO Sandra R. Hernndez, MD, to get the story. 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