By the seat of Moses, it meant that they had the authority to teach the law. ~~ RED-TAG Deals for Our Loyal Customers~~~ Fast Hourly Shipping and Quick Delivery ~~~. Progressive (Social Justice) Christianity Cepher is primarily based on the Paleo Hebrew. Could you please post a clear , and readable screenshot of John 17:5 , and John 17:11 from your Cepher Bible , and send it my personal/private email ?? We thank God for His grace, but we understand that He expects us to somehow earn that gracein other words, there must be something that we can do to pay off the debt we owe to God. Then you call Amy narrow minded and biased arent you biased as well? I love this Bible and so thankful to have read the books the church removed. It does not belong to anyone. 1 Corinthians 6:9 is clear that those who actively practice homosexuality will not inherit the kingdom of God. And hey if theyre teaching wrong.dont bother with them. After accepting Jesus as the Messiah, it is then not a ticket for us to be able to (1John 3:4) as much as you see fit after calling on him into your heart. Joshua 10:13 There had to be a form of acknowledgement and weights and measures before the Salvation of Jesus. 1-48 of 475 results for "cepher bible" RESULTS Rose Guide to the Feasts, Festivals and Fasts of the Bible by Moshe Silberschein, Ophir Yarden, et al. I believe it still has great value. Best Bible on the planet and huge. is a non-scholarly book based on information provided by its own publishers. Tauri: Very well and eloquently said. Well hello! We are to walk like Jesus walked in life. Sounds like the typical double standard used by those who defend what goes against the bible and God. how are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! Without this new birth, you will do just as youve donedefend what is erroneous and falsely accuse what is truth and those who uphold it. Bereans were a perfect example of how Believers should respond to biblical teaching, even if it is a teaching one has never heard. And that is so against what the Bible really teaches. The Jewish people dont kill if youre not Jewish. Written in Ge'ez an ancient dead language of Ethiopia it's nearly 800 years older than the King James Version and contains 81-88 books compared to 66. I am the (Aleph) and the (Tav), the beginning and the ending, says Yahuah Elohiym, which is, and which was, and which is to come, Yahuah Tsevaoth. No covenant he ever made was abrogated. Now, Id be alright with this if it actually made sense to the context where it is numerously found throughout the Cepher Biblemainly, the Eth showing up in hundreds of places throughout the entirety of the Cepher and assuming the Eth means divine, somehow I dont always get how the term divine works in most of the places the Cepher writers placed it in the body of the text. Galatians 3:1-3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? Spiritual Formation He has other unbiblical teachings in this article as well. The authors added the books that were not part of the Bible which contradicts the truths of the Scriptures. What does the seven women of Isaiah 4:1 represent? Its good to see others on the same path that often times appears quite empty. The conclusion concerning Matthew 1 was done in accord with Peshita, and the conclusion in Matthew 23 was first reached by Nechemiah Gordon in reliance on the Shem Tov gospel of Matthew. The Law was given to Israel through Moses (Deut 4:7-8, Deut 5:1-3, Deut. Your words are so wise Alison Jones: I am a Christian living in South Wales, UK, and ha Annie G.: It is not wrong to consecrate a day for the Lord, Greg: I agree. There is no doubt that the 18th century Jew is the 18th century contracted and corrupted English word for the 4th century Latin Iudaeus found in Jeromes Latin Vulgate Edition. Marcia points to the addition of non-canonical books, as promoted by WND: The Hebrew word eth () means divine and the Hebrew word cepher means book, scroll, letter or writing. I dont know all the answers , but what I do know is, since I asked The Good Shepherd after leaving the established churches to worship at home; to lead me, I saw stuff in the Bible I had overlooked which was really weird ! Most people dont know that in Greek culture the paidagogos was a guardian usually a slave. (2Jn 1:6) And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. Comparisons between the Bible and the Septuagint, Proverbs Comparisons The Bible and Septuagint, Angels, Demons, Spiritual Warfare How are you fallen from heaven, O Heylel, son of the howling morning! To Donate. But now is the time for us to start preparing for the Spring Feasts of Yahovah and not wait till the last minute. Restores the Aleph Tav ()more than 1400 times; previously omitted in other English translations. They believe everything that emanates from the mouths of the pastor or church leaders. I would say that the Hebrew roots movement is a distraction to draw many away from other falsehood besides itself. I did originally respond to your comment in defense of my position on the divinity. If we then look at Daniel 9:24 we see that it is probably best not to allegorize(corrupt) the Bible. Concerning the Trinity, this is what I received from Dr. Pidgeons organization: Concerning the Trinity, thats what we were all taught in Sunday School, but weve had to clarify much of our doctrine to line up with what Scripture says rather than adhering to the traditions of men This individual than gives me two illustrations, resembling MODALISM. What's the difference between editions of the Cepher scriptures. To the law and to the testimony! even though originally written in Hebrew. The Cepher is not one of them. Real Questions. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, refers to one name.. These were separate from the Encyclopedias and other writings of that time that were also found. The child could not step out of the house without that paidagogos with him. Give us this day our daily bread. Messianic thing? Most of our work was transliteration, rather than translation. Thats not to say that if someone in our communityin our midstwishes to follow ascetic practices for whatever personal reason, they are not permitted to do so. This can be avoided if we look at what the Lord said on HIMSELF. Christians are not fulfilling Matthew 5:48 because they do not live according to the Fathers will or 1 John 2:6 because they do not walk in obedience as Messiah walked. Sets forth the Sacred Names Transliterates the names of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit without substitution. Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.. This child, who is born to your son shall survive on the earth, and his three sons shall be saved with him. Joseph Farah practices a double-standard He will lam-blast all those who take issue with the author of The Harbinger, but has no problem with Joe Kovacs, Michael Rood and other unorthodox authors. . Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy barn? The world has distorted many things including the Bible. Facebook Twitter Email. ***correction. Most of our work was transliteration, rather than translation. John 5:43 I am come in my Fathers name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. But my point was not to debate with you or anyone elseI tried to make this clear in my postthe divinity or not of Master Yshua. And you know what? How are you fallen from heaven, O Heylel, son of the howling morning! 22 Hardcover $2885$34.99 FREE delivery Mon, Oct 31 Only 10 left in stock - order soon. Was there a line between the tormented and those that were not? So why do people go to God with their cup already full of anything other than what He wants to provide, with no space for God to fill it with his answers? Studying the scripture has led me to understand the importance and meaning of Love. As with any other episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, I welcome your comments and feedback. Yet they admit they plagiarized many versions, and added what they thought was correct by a bunch of people that are marginally competent to handle history, the Hebrew language and have brought forth a document that misleads and denegrates what Jesus did on the cross! Jesus IS the light: (1 John 1:7) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. The Cepher was to be the Hebrew Roots answer or challenge to the Protestant Bibles that have littered the Bible marketplace for years but those bibles have failed to address the spiritual needs and desires of the community. RestoresChapters 151-155of Tehilliym (Psalms). Lyn: With due respects. I want u to always know that the world will never agree with any one that stand for the truth. And narrow minded. Still I was jazzed to have this resource and I began to reference it in my research and preparations for this program and in my daily Torah studies. Farah gives a testimony of having a spiritual awakening in that year. (Luke 16:31) And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. 98.9%. Use this coupon code "watchman" Here's the link: Purchase other study books here: They have NO DNA or patrilineal bloodline to Abraham, Isaac, nor Jacob and this has been proven scientifically. Im essentially speaking out against a group of individuals who are using our community to further their doctrinal agendas and religious purposeswhatever those agendas and purposes may be. So in essence does not saying I did that deny Jesus Christ His glory in bearing fruit ? Those statements there are telling you that more will be revealed or told in the end times. Do you think God is pleased with Christians that poke fun at the house of Israel or those people that seek to study Hebrew originated scriptural traditions and foundations? According to scripture, how did Jesus walk? The teachings of the Hebrew Roots Movement are virtually identical to those of the Judaizers whom Paul rebuked in Galatians. Certainly, given the size of this thing, it may take some time to find the answer to that question. February 19, 2021. Jesus shows us throughout his life not to contradict love by following traditions of men and the Pharisees outside of the seat of Moses, but to follow the commandments of our Heavenly Father out of love. Everything! Should a Christian celebrate Hanukkah (Christmaskah)? The Cepher - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. It is actually a misrepresentation presented to the world deliberately by this well orgaized and well financed pressure group to deceive Christians and claim a HERITAGE that is NOT THEIRS!! But you, for the wicked and despotic slaughter of us, shall, from the divine vengeance, endure eternal torture by fire. The Bible has been so corrupted by man and the church for its own purposes. Messiah did not look like this description. Are we really honest with our self? Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? Jesus lived as a humble man and was crucified sinless so that we may use the blood from his death to cover the punishment we would have received from transgressing Gods first covenant. Its so chimera can be produced. I cannot say scripture backs up scripture 100% of the time without twisting the truth. Upon seeing this for myself, I gave praise for this bible thinking to myself, well its about time. At the Council of Trent in the 16th century, the Catholic Church explicitly denied the idea of salvation by faith alone. Does our pride hinder us from the truth and embracing love defined in the scripture? But its another thing entirely to be polluted by the world in the name of liberty and to exalt the flesh in the name of freedom. As I recall the article of Wake Up, you so called Christians.I may be wrong but it was telling Christians they need to wake up and look at what is happening in our country as a result of current politics. This is the same claim stated by Rome! In short order I figured out that this bible would not be as practical a resource as I originally envisionedits size and complexity would necessitate that it be kept at homenot something to take out and use on the move, like say to our Sabbath fellowships or to our Feast Day celebrations. Even Peter testifies of these pastors in his gospel. How did you choose which books to include? Hello RS, I hope you and yours are well! Deuteronomy 28:16-68 and a myriad of other scriptures tell the entire story. In the early church, those who taught a combination of Gods grace and human effort were called Judaizers. The word Judaizer comes from a Greek verb meaning to live according to Jewish customs. The word appears in Galatians 2:14 where Paul describes how he confronted Peter for forcing Gentile Christians to Judaize.. The navigate your e-Sword folder within your Program Files (x86) folder, open the e-Sword folder and then right click and paste the module into the folder. Driver, Briggs and Gesenius. We all fade like a leak, and ouriniquities, like the wind, take us away. (Isa. This verse is very important because we are made in Gods image, and its compared to the rules we have when we are children by our parents. Yet the Cepher accreditation appeals to the authors claim that he was chosen by God! In past history they have forced and put to death people who would NOT adhere to their religion. Includes the book of Enoch, the book of Jasher, the book of Jubilees, and the Apocrypha books. He also said not to cast pearls before sine. You run down the Messianic movement but are you aware that there are 4 different Messianic movements? Shabbat Shalom. If a person is asked if he or she is a Jewish or an Israelite, I feel that a true Israelite would tell all he/she knows about htheir religion. The Key to Knowing God: Remembering and Obeying, The Thirst-Quenching Waters of Sukkot-The Feast of Tabernacles 2022, Getting to the Heart of Yom KippurDay of Atonement 2022, An Overview of the Fall Feasts of the LORD 2022-Part 1 of the Fall Feasts of the LORD 2022 Series. I could give many examples, but here is one: Farah promotes, endorses and sells the books of Joe Kovacs. Answer: The Cepher, sometime referred to as the Cepher Bible, is a non-scholarly work that claims to restore many missing books, phrases, and chapters to the Bible. The word (eth) is comprised of the lettersalephandtav; the first and the last letters of the Hebrewaleph-beyt. St. Justin Martyr (AD 100-165) stated that the scribes [rabbis] deliberately removed, altered or distorted Messianic verses in their Scriptures (Dialogue with Trypho, 7173), as did St. Irenaeus (AD 130210) (Against Heresies, 3.21.1). Grouping them together as 1 group and saying all are wrong because there are some wrong ones is a gross error. What I love about our Faith and community, that is Hebrew Roots community and Faith, is our focus on living in accordance with the principles and commandments that Father passed down to us in His Torah and through His prophets; Yshua Messiah and His Apostles. Luke 24:27 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohiym, and Elohiym was the Word. They say Abraham did not keep Gods laws but scripture plainly says it: Genesis 26:4-5 and also in Genesis 18:17-19. And then realizing that there are books mentioned in KJV some of them OT and some NT that are NOT in the KJV. Thank you for reading our story and please spend some time reviewing the rest of our website. The translations were accomplished through Strongs concordance, with cross references to other translation software programs, to the extent that translation was used. God never promised to preserve His Scripture through the Masoretic Text alone. In comparing the books in King James they parallel. First, the authors added books that they deemed missing from the orthodox Bible, contradicting the opinions of most biblical scholars. This item: Cepher 3rd Edition 2018 Revision 1 (C3R1) $349.95. Youre saying in effect that I can put myself first and do anything I want. To be a Jew was to be a Pharisee. Is this indeed the case however? Pope Constantine, the first, changed the scriptural Sabbath day to that of the occult, Feast of The Sun God, (Mithras/Nimrod) on the morning of the first day of the week, in 321 A.D. 4:4) not Abraham, Isaac or Jacob (Deut 5:2) nor was it for gentiles (Acts 15:23-24, Rom 2:14). If you study Hebrew, there is not one Yiddish word in it either. Hope this hits home with some of you. But that does NOT negate the validity of the books included in his collection. The Cepher Bible claims to restore not only the full scriptures but the ancient Hebrew hieroglyphs and literation. The 7th day that G-d appointed and also said Remember the 7th day. And you know what? The Cepher May 28, 2016 147 App $2200 Available instantly on compatible devices. When Saul met Jesus he was changed and he became known as Paul. Sin is clearly defined in the Renewed Testament and we are at liberty to decide if we want to pay those wages or allow Jesus to pay. The book is officially titled Eth Cepher, from the Hebrew words for "divinity" and "book." Hence, the Cepher is a numbered writing from the first to the last, from the beginning to the end. As a disciple and teacher of the Bible, I believe it to have been one of the greatest services to be inclusive of the writings that have shaped the faith of true believers for more than 2400 years without the exclusions of books and proper Names that have been slanted by Councils, self-serving individuals and Societies for hundreds of yearsThe scholarship and literary inclusion found in the Cepher is, to my knowledge, the best available in one volume to the Disciple today. We are to be prepared for it spiritually and intellectually if we are to realize and detect it so we dont fall into its snare. I can be doing all those things AFTER ACCEPTING Jesus and Im still forgiven. Catholics have always held that certain sacraments are necessary for salvation. What's New Apr 9, 2021 Version 1.0.1 Third Edition Enhanced search Font selection The Cepher Bible can boasts about some relatively important things about it its content and make-up that were once not available to members of our community: (1) an English version of the whole bible based upon the most reliableavailable texts in existence; (2) the sacred names of the Creator and the Son; the Hebrew names of the books of the bible; the Hebrew names of every person named in the bible along with the Hebrew names of every place mentioned in the bible. So how can Amy Spearman so vehemently condemn it or the whole Hebrew Roots. Includes all of the 74 previously canonized books, plus another 13 books considered to be inspired and/or historically significant such as Chanok (Enoch) & Yovheliym (Jubilees) from the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as Yashar (Jasher), 2-4 Ezra (Esdras), 1-2 Baruk, and 1-4 Makkabiym (Maccabees) all published in the chronological order of their writing. Remember God NEVER changes, before or after Jesus, because the wages of sin was and is always DEATH. I had not known love except through Jesus and his teachings from him, and about him. The word, Christ is a Greek term, meaning the Occult Anointing, because its Greek root is Christos for anointing, but it was used exclusively to venerate the Greek Gods, as in Apollos Christos. Im saved by Faith, Jesus Christ died for my sins, Im forgiven for anything I choose to do. In Seekins review he stated that the Cepher was the most accurately translated correct book he had seen or read.. And it is the altering of this Philippians verse where I personally take a great deal of umbragethat is the intentional altering of a passage of Scripture to match ones beliefs and doctrinal stance, yet maintain the selling point for this Bible as stated in the following review: The Cepher is the most advanced, yet the most correct to antiquity, of any collection of Biblical material available today. (Mat 4:7) The KEY POINT to testing God is not to have known, avoidable, hazards. Can we love our temple or our childrens temple, and put unhealthy things in us that are known to be risky or harmful but pray for God to intervene to keep us safe? (1Jn 3:18) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. We look forward to hearing from you and having you as a part of our growing community.Dr. Have any of yall even read or own a Cepher bible? Im looking forward to sharing some thoughts and reflect upon this key point in Israels history which became a popular, and unfortunately, secular Jewish festival. Subscribe to our other channel at. * Sets forth a transliteration, rather than a substitution, of the names of the Father (Yahuah), Son (Yahusha) and Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha'Qodesh) * Transliterates over 3,100 other Hebrew names and places;Restores the stand alone Aleph Tav throughout the text . One of His titles is The Word! We relied on existing English translations which were in the public domain (Tyndale, the 1611 KJV, the Stephanus Textus Receptus, and the Masoretic Hebrew) as foundational texts. How did God know how to separate between those damned to the torment side and those in the bosom that would be sanctified by Jesus? So if you study Yiddish, there is not one Hebrew word in it. For they shall behold the world which is now invisible to them and they shall behold the time which is now hidden from them: And time shall no longer age them. I just cant endorse it and I would not recommend my readers and listeners to purchase it unless they feel so led. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement John. The Cepher can be fairly described as non-scholarly based on information from its own publishers. 3 yr. ago. The Cepher is a non-scholarly book based on information provided by its own publishers. Passover or Resurrection Day was observed Now why do you suppose that was? Is that what many Christians do? If e-Sword is running, close it and then restart it and the Cepher module should appear with you other installed bibles in e-Sword's bible window. He obeyed God by faith. When an officer of the law gives you a speed ticket he simply says you broke the law but doesnt tell you which one. There is no such word as Jew. ! Jesus confronted their legalism not because washing hands is a sin, but because it was a man made tradition being added as if it was part of Gods law. Many churches today totally or partially ignore teachings in the Old Testament. The Catholic church and its symbols etc. So glad to find Believers who study the Word for themselves. Christ came to show us the way. But for me right now, I know and believe the Bible (as in the NASB, KJV, NKJV, and some other very good translations are the Word of God. G-d is just waiting to reveal it to all of us. For in six days Yahuah made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Yahuah blessed the day of Shabbath, and hallowed it. And it upsets me that people can be so misled so easily. After several years of diligent work, our Spanish Translation Team completed theEspaol Cefer, and we started shipping the first copies in May 2020. 68 Views. This project has been a labor of love that originated from a genuine calling by YAHUAH and the guidance of the RUACH HAQODESH; neither of which required a specialized degree from a theological seminary or a Hebrew university. Most of our work was transliteration, rather than translation. $21.99 Buy About this app arrow_forward The Hebrew word eth () means divine, and the Hebrew word cepher () means book, scroll, letter or writing. Obeying Gods law is not being under the law but if you break the law you are now under the law. The Law was to point to Christ (Gal 3:24-25). I know of no Orthodox Biblical scholar, or Historian that accept Dr. Pidgeons theory of a Acts Chapter 29. The other translations that I consulted in my BibleWorks software package, with the exception of the Complete Jewish Bible, all refer to Jesus Christ as Lord or Master. Assuming the Cepher folks are not about to do that which I have demanded, I will simply admonish each of you and every Hebrew Rooter out there who has expressed an interest in purchasing a Cepher: use that $100 for something else; do not purchase this Bible; do not be made a mockery of by these people. The Hebrew Roots Cult. Grace is Gods power to those receiving salvation. Should Abraham have stayed seated when God commanded him to sacrifice his son and say yes, God Ill do it later? Now dont misunderstand me fellow saints: I am not here today to debate the divinity of Yshua Messiah. 3. I check the Greek text sometimes just to make sure a NT translation is correct. I am just a believer, led to be a Berean I suppose. We should not be bashing something that includes more of G-ds word. with two names of the Sumerian God, Baal: (Jeremiah 12:16 & 23:27) Lord and God. Usually something descriptive about that person which gets totally lost in English or Greek. When we read the Hebrew, we discovered that the (Aleph-Tav) was found also in the New Testament. Well in reading my Bible Im taught NOT to follow the pagans or have anything to do with pagan religions. they will answer for this, but they really dont get it. Your reply is well thought out and very well put. I started doing some research on Kovacs, and was appalled of what I was reading from his articles, that I sent my research to The Berean Call Ministry. Sets forth a translation, rather than a substitution, of the names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank you. The message that Jesus is delivering in this parable is that faith and grace has always existed even before Jesus and that we will be accountable for following the instructions given to Moses for Gods people in his house out of love. Let him that has understanding calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is . Confusing, But its tiny little marks within the letter B that tells you how to pronounce it. He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters. Read Philippians 3:5-6, Acts 23:5, Acts 18:18(Nazirite vow Numbers 6:2), Acts 2123-:24 and so many other verses that testify that Paul did not teach people to break Gods laws written in the old testament. He does preach Christ will return. Its one thing to preach against legalism, which I define as externally imposed religion, meaning, laws without love, rules without relationship, and standards without a Savior. Case en point.The Wisdom of Solomon,14:8-21, clearly prophesies the false picture of Messiah which has been floating around since the Renaissance Period, is not the Messiah. I thank you for that, and for the old testament prayer you gave at the end of your audio message. Hence, the Cepher is a numbered writing from the first to the last, from the beginning to the end. PO Box 2331 Its amazing how many Christian people have said, I prayed and G-d led me here! there was a site that I used to get into many Biblical discussions with others. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. As I prayerfully put together this episode of Sabbath Thoughts and Reflections, we find ourselves at the 4th-day of the 12th-Biblical Month. There is a lot that is right about. I too see arrogance within the HRM. The hexagram speaks volumes to who their god really is. Gods perfect love has dissolved lines between Jew and Greek when residing in his House. Protestant Bible - Michael and Gabriel. The editor, Marcia Montenegro who gives Christian Answers for the, Bible. Besides some of the Books included in the Ethiopic canon, I also enjoy the Kebra Negast. and teaches further down meant to put teachers. Which is currently being done. Learn about Cepher original meaning in the Bible using the Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - King James Version. I can not find or discern that he negates the trinity. Its that simple, if you go over the speed limit but do not steal from your neighbour you are guilty of reckless endangerment and so though you did not steal, you still broke the law and the same authority that said this is the speed limit is the same one that says dont steal from your neighbour.
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