Though our site boasts some truly excellent sweet potato recipes, Ive always preferred them completely plain. Some sweet potato varieties you might like to try include All Purple, Beauregard, Becca's Purple, Bonita, Bush Porto Rico, Carolina Ruby, Centennial, Covington, Diane, Georgia Jet, Hayman, Hernandez, Mahon Yam, Murasaki, O'Henry, Red Japanese, Vardaman, and White Yam. Let this not-at-all-exhaustive guide act as a doorway into the vast and incredible world of Ipomoea batatas (that's science for "sweet potatoes"). We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. Color: Purplish-red skins, deep orange flesh.Flavor: Sweet.Texture: Slightly stringy, juicy when cooked.Best uses: Mashing and in baked goods and desserts (candied yams, biscuits). The Molokai variety, like the Stokes Purple, is a relatively new development. Ube (pronounced OO-beh) is available in concentrate form only, not as a fresh potato. Instead, you'll find plenty of sweet potato varieties mislabeled as yams. They are the sweetest orange sweet potato on this list and are plenty juicy, making them a great all . Purple potato varieties. Here are some of the most important: Vitolette: The 'Vitolette' potato is a late variety with striking, blue-white marbled flesh. Sweet potatoes actually belong to the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae (that means lots of pretty flowers! 6. About Us; Payment methods; Purple sweet potatoes are shockingly pretty - an ashy purple skin opens to reveal a vivid purple fleshto my eye, they are the prettiest by far. Though quite the interesting addition to the garden, perceived nutritional blue potato benefits are numerous. Most of the nutrients in sweet potato are carbohydrates: 20 g per 100 g of tubers. The Japanese satsuma-imo is my absolute favorite sweet potato. Brown, reddish-orange, or orange or white fleshy white-skinned sweet potato native to Colombia and South Central America. The sweet potato has a nutty-sweet flavor and a wide variety of culinary applications. Hannah sweet potatoes shouldn't be substituted in recipes that call for orange sweet potatoes due to its denser texture. The Spaniards then brought them to the Philippines, and then to China in the 1490s. Susanne Alfredsson / EyeEm/ Getty Images, The Difference Between Sweet Potatoes and Yams, Okinawa Sweet Potatoes (Hawaiian Purple Potatoes With Coconut Milk), Thai-Style Baked Seasoned Sweet Potatoes and Purple Yams, The Difference Between White, Green, and Purple Asparagus. After the discovery of Columbus, these were brought to Asia, and varieties of white-skinned and spotted pale purple flesh were made on the island of Okinawa . Murasaki sweet potatoes have a sweet taste with notes of brown . "Brigus," good for baking and fries, is a medium-season potato with cream to. People grow sweet potato in many parts of the world, including New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, Hawaii . Though quite the interesting addition to the garden, perceived nutritional blue potato benefits are numerous. Don't worry - it's not spoiled! Double digging or cultivating soil in preparation for potato planting ensures a deep, loose root run. Their flesh is slightly stringier and more juicy than some other varieties when cooked, so they're good for mashing and incorporating into baked goods and desserts. Believed to have come from the Aztecs of South America with the Spaniards to the Philippines and China in the 1490s, the plant of these sweet potatoes did not reach Japan until the 1600s. Today, Okinawan sweet potatoes, sometimes known as Hawaiian Sweet Potatoes, are a part of the native menu in Hawaii . Here are 7 surprising benefits of purple potatoes. The flesh is drier than most varieties, so adding one or two tablespoons of liquid to the recipe will achieve a more desirable consistency. Real yams are native to Asia and Africa, and have scaly brown skin surrounding very starchy white flesh. Hannahs are dense, firm, and creamy, and much less prone to becoming waterlogged than orange sweet potatoes. Check potatoes for softness using a fork. To check out more of our Ultimate Guides, click here, hereand here. Contrary to what you might assume, purple potatoes aren't suffering from potato discoloration or overzealous dye jobs. The majority of purple potato varieties grow early or late in the season. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 40-45 minutes or until a fork can pierce the potato easily. The initial planting was in Okinawathe southern island of Japanbefore they were cultivated throughout Japan, hence the name. The sweet potato emoji is actually a Murasaki! I've long believed that the sweet potato is a perfect foodit's filling, flavorful, easy to make, and, according to the internet, relatively nutritious. Heirloom (Envy) An heirloom variety with pale. Bush variety with unique purple foliage. Color: Light orange skins, orange flesh.Flavor: Lightly sweet.Texture: Moist, watery.Best uses: Boiling, baking, in casseroles. This can be accomplished with the use of soil or a straw mulch. Sweet Potato Varieties. Aside from its unique bold color it also contains anthocyanin antioxidants (just like blueberries) and is a good source of vitamin C and fiber, making it healthy and nutritious. These potatoes have dark reddish-purple skin and deep orange flesh and tend to be quite large. Purple sweet potato pigments attractive colours and biological activities could prove quite useful in addressing the growing consumer demand for natural food and beverage colourings in lieu of artificial additives . Also known as a purple yam, ube is a staple of the Filipino kitchen and is well-loved all over Asia as a dessert ingredient for its sweet and nutty flavor. Sweet potatoes actually belong to the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae (that means lots of pretty flowers! These sweet potatoes are much denser than most of the orange varieties, and starchier, too. While very similar to their white grocery store counterparts, these potatoes exhibit a beautiful purple colored skin and flesh. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. After Columbus' discoveries, they were brought to Asia, and varieties with white skin and speckled pale purple flesh were developed on the Japanese island of Okinawa. If needed, continue to cook potatoes in additional 10 minute increments. You can recognize a garnet sweet potato thanks to its dark orange-red skin, which conceals bright orange flesh. Their firmness and dense texture makes Hannah sweet potatoes ideal for roasting in chunks, turning into fries, or mashing as a side dish. "Brigus," good for baking and fries, is a medium-season potato with cream to light-yellow flesh and purple skin. Sweet potatoes come in a variety of colors, both inside and out. All varieties of sweet potatoes are a healthy source of complex carbohydrates which provide your body with energy needed for the proper functioning of cells, including your brain. Many people would argue that they indeed have bought some ube, but photographic proof usually shows they have purchased either Stokes Purpleor Okinawan sweet potatoes (or sometimes even taro root, as it can be slightly pinkish on the inside). Picture contributed by Eric Cee of SPEAR Survival. A well amended vegetable bed will ensure available nutrients as the plants grow throughout the season. Narrative: Jewel was the main cultivar grown in NC in the 1970's and 80's but was replaced when Streptomyces soil rot became widespread. North American distribution, attributed to U. S. Department of Agriculture. Murasaki sweet potato is a dark-purple-skinned, white-fleshed elongated sweet potato cultivar. Add gnocchi in batches. Purple sweet potatoes have a lot going for them nutritionally, beyond antioxidants.They are packed with a variety of nutrients to keep us in the . Japanese sweet potatoes, or satsumaimo in Japanese, are a sweet, starchy root vegetable with reddish-purple skin and pale yellow to white flesh. Its firm and dense texture make Hannah ideal for turning into delicious fries, roasting in chunks, or mashing as a side dish. Like other sweet potatoes, they originate in Central and South America, but this variety is typically associated with Japanese cuisine. Other type is Stokes purple sweet potato. There are two main varietiesOkinawa (white skin) and Stokes (purple skin)though they share the characteristic of having a deep purple flesh. You will need to bake them anywhere from 90 minutes to 2 hours at 350 F to make them pleasingly moist. Jewel - Coppery skin, bright orange flesh, semi-bush. Make your favorite takeout recipes at home with our cookbook! Some of our favorite ways to use Stokes Purplesweet potatoes include sweet potato pie, served as a crostini, or in stuffing, soups, curries and more! The color comes from anthocyanins, the same pigment that gives cherries, strawberries, purple carrots, and other vegetables their color. Purple sweet potatoes are root vegetables. Their skins can be various shades of brown, yellow, orange, red or purple. Purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) Beauregard sweet potatoes are the most common variety in the U.S. Seed Needs, 1,500+ Rainbow Beet Seed Mixture - 8 Variety Heirloom Mix (Beta vulgaris) Bulk Non-GMO. Sweet Potato Variety Descriptions LSU AgCenter, All, All Vermilion Skin Color: bright red-purple skin. If you've visited the farmer's market and seen a potato with purple inside, you may have been surprised. "Purple Eyes," like other potatoes, are heavy feeders with a 12-inch-deep root system. Depending on the variety, late-season varieties need between 120 and 130 days to reach maturity. The Carolina Ruby sweet potato is a cultivar that was developed using Beauregards. While you may be hard-pressed to find recipes that specifically call for purple sweet potatoes, they can work in nearly any recipe that uses regular sweet potatoes. . The Okinawan variety needs a similar climate to Okinawa, such as Hawaii, while Stokes Purple is a better choice for home gardens on the U.S. mainland. Vigorous vining normal leaf variety produces excellent yields of purple skinned, purple fleshed tubers that are sweeter and more moist than most other purple-fleshed varieties. Dr Agnes Alajo, a sweet potato breeder at the National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI), explains that the breeding of purple-fleshed sweet potato variety is aimed at obtaining health . USD $ 6.99 USD $ 4.99. When cooked, it becomes flaky and starchy in texture, very similar in taste to regular potatoes, such as dense and creamy. Jewel: A New Sweet Potato Variety for North Carolina. Stokes Purple sweet potatoes are best suited for cooked applications such as baking, steaming, or roasting. Like other potatoes, they are sold by the pound, either loose or weighed out in bags (3 pounds is common). Space sweet potato slips about 12 inches apart in a row on top of the planting berm. USD $ 4.99. Because of their denseness, these sweet potatoes take longer than some other varieties to cook, but the wait is well worth it. The flesh varies, too, and can be creamy white, vibrant . Darby - Deep red skin, deep orange flesh, vigorous vines. White flesh. Susceptible/resistance to common diseases: Soil rot: Resistant Fusarium wilt: Resistant Fusarium root rot: Resistant Rhizopus soft rot: Intermediate resistance The purple yam is the Filipino ube or ubi, and it is very rare to find it in the United States. You can compare bites to figure out your new favorites. There are purple varieties of both vegetables. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. There are two basic types of sweet potatoes: moist- and dry-fleshed. The purple sweet potato goes by a few names, and there are two common varieties. Get it free when you sign up for our newsletter. The magazine published an issue exclusively dedicated to sweet potatoes. Planting sites should be well draining and slightly acidic. There prolific, yellow-green vines explode in late June and on until . Here are some common sweet potato types: Covington - Rosy skin with deep orange flesh. Varieties of Sweet Potato. Flaky texture. Elazar Sontag is a writer from Oakland, California, living in Brooklyn. You can blame the misconceptions on the plethora of information and imagery on the internet. Tubers will produce plants which are identical to the potato planted. If you see a bin simply labeled "sweet potatoes" it's likely you're either buying Beauregards or jewels (we'll get to those in a moment). Keia is the Deputy Editor of Crop Stories, a food magazine telling the stories of farming in the agricultural South. Patent: not patented. Texture and Flavor waxy, firm and dry. Exclusive to Friedas, these unique Stokes Purple sweet potatoes have a somewhat moist, moderately starchy texture and are mildly sweet with slight floral notes. 10+ Variety Pack of Asian Purple Sweet Potato Slips Cuttings (Purple Stokes Murasaki Molokai Okinawan) & Freebies ad vertisement by WOrganicCapital Ad vertisement from shop WOrganicCapital WOrganicCapital From shop WOrganicCapital. Keep in mind that because these sweet potatoes are quite dense, they shouldn't be substituted in recipes that call for orange sweet potatoes, as the baking times and moisture levels won't line up. ube), taro and its varieties, different types of purple sweet potatoes like Okinawan and American purple, etc. You can grow purple sweet potatoes at home, though the availability of the slips or shoots for planting is limited and not always easy to find. Use a fork to poke holes in sweet potatoes. Highly nutritious. This is the most common sweet potato variety in American grocery stores, and the one you'll find at pretty much every market. While most orange potatoes can be used interchangeably, the . One of the many varieties of sweet potatoes is the Okinawan purple sweet potato. Its purple flesh is slightly sweet with earthy notes but it is very dry and chalky in texture so it is commonly used in seasoned savory dishes as well as in Asian cuisine. Instructions. "Michigan Purple" is a medium-season potato with smooth purple skin and bright white flesh. They are your grocery store potatoes, she says. Murasaki sweet potatoes have a sweet taste with notes of brown sugar and vanilla, and a very starchy, moist texture, making them good sweet potatoes for baked goods. Potatoes often get a bad rap because of their high starch content, but they contain many other important nutrients and can . Becca's Purple Sweet Potato. With a creamy, beige skin on the outside and bluish-purple flesh on the inside, these sweet potatoes are grown in Hawaii for the U.S. market. Purple sweet potato skins are edible, though some recipes recommend peeling them first. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. The four main types of purple-fleshed sweet potatoes consumed in the U.S. areStokes Purple sweet potatoes,Okinawan sweet potatoes, Murasaki sweet potatoes and Charleston sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes that have brown, red-orange, or white skin with orange or white flesh are native to Colombia and southern Central America. Its attractive deep purple colour is attributed by the high anthocyanin content, a disease-fighting antioxidant. I'm not really sure; Erlend is the person to talk to about all these varieties if you're really super . Purple sweet potatoes have a rich, almost winey flavor with a creamy texture. Okinawan sweet potatoes have a mildly sweet flavor with notes of honey and a dry, very starchy texture. Drain well and set aside. Kumara or Sweet Potato? Just keep in mind the extended cooking time when using them as a substitute. You can keep them at room temperature for about a week. There have been entire years during which I've religiously baked two sweet potatoes every night, eating one piping-hot from the oven, and putting the other in the fridge overnight. Most of the popular varieties are the moist-fleshed types; these types convert more starch to sugar during cooking, making them sweeter to eat. They have a mildly sweet flavor, and a very dry, starchy texture. When buying seed potatoes, always make certain to buy only from reputable sources to ensure disease free tubers. 110 days. "Blue Tomcat," a late-maturing potato with blue flesh and dark blue skin, has oblong tubers. Perfect for baking and use in various stir-fry dishes, it retains its beautiful purple color even when you bake it. Few plants seem to thrive in the Texas summer heat like Sweet Potatoes. Gold . Aside from occasional hilling, the process of growing potatoes is generally carefree. 23. Purple White skin, Purple flesh Varieties: Eclipse. Using a fork, poke a few holes into the potato. The one you 'll find plenty of sweet potato used interchangeably, the of... Agcenter, All, All, All Vermilion skin color: Light orange skins orange. Or late in the Texas summer heat like sweet potatoes denser than most the... Cultivating soil in preparation for potato planting ensures a deep, loose root run more of our Ultimate,... Stokes purple sweet potatoes are best suited for cooked applications such as baking, in casseroles or as. Until a fork, poke a few names, and the one you 'll find of. Than most of the many varieties of sweet potatoes like Okinawan and purple. 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