You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication. Do US public school students have a First Amendment right to be able to perform sacred music? Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Why do I get two different answers for the current through the 47 k resistor when I do a source transformation? jest-playwright-preset enables us to remove this boilerplate code and to test across different browser types easily. Well cover how to get up and running with Playwright using Jest as the test runner and how to set up the project so that we can use TypeScript to write the tests. Hence, it suits our needs for testing an API. Allure/HTML Reports are generated after execution with an option to capture screenshot/video/trace file on failure. But, before we start creating tests for post creation I need to say that our json-server accepts POST request only with authorization token or user credentials and Content-type: application/json headers. It will be your homework to create a PR with the tests. I don't use any kind of reporting tool, just had it print the results in json format. This serves as an example of api test code in Playwright. odottaa is a custom Playwrights matchers to test the state of the API response. We can use this feature when webpage is down for some reason and we want to test some scenarios. GET /comments retrieves all available comments). Installation To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Moreover, you should not store it as a variable in the test block. An example of using Playwright to test all forms of api requests. It doesnt matter if you havent gotten around to wrapping your head around GitHub Actions yet. }. We can output useful information to the console using console.log: We can also take screen shots at various points in the test: The screenshots will be placed in a screenshots folder after the test has finished running. Quick summary: Im pretty sure that you have heard that Playwright is a great tool for End-to-End and UI integration tests. Before we start writing automated tests, let's spin up the testing server locally., Third part is transports which defines where the log file will be written. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Have you ever considered automating the API tests with GitHub Actions? I've updated my example TypeScript project to include these API calls directly using both page and request which looks like: 1. I used Base64 to create a code for the user/password when I ran it. To install Playwright, run the following command in a terminal: Playwright tests are written in JavaScript by default. Hence, we need to get all posts and get the id of the post: For this test, we need to verify that the status code is between 200 and 299 and that response is an empty object {}. If your properties files is somewhere else you have to provide the complete project path. My credentials are not in the code and the instance will go down in 10 days from creation. The code in this repo will not work - I used an instance I created on Service Now as a test api. Auto-waits for all the relevant checks to pass and only then performs the requested action. But, in the real world, you probably would have to retrieve this token or generate it. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on Now lets initialize playwright project and install odottaa library: It will prompt you to press Enter key, select TypeScript and put test files inside tests directory and then press Enter key a few times again. How do I convert a string to enum in TypeScript? where update:false means to use the existing HAR from from the path given in first paraeter har/personalInfo.har, to see this in action you can turn off your internet and run the script, complete webpage is mocked up along with assertions on the browser of your choice this is done using the Network Replay feature and by using our recorded HAR file. Does a creature have to see to be affected by the Fear spell initially since it is an illusion? We also have full access to the DevTools in the browser that the test opened, which is handy for debugging visual problems. Does squeezing out liquid from shredded potatoes significantly reduce cook time? 'Authorization': 'Basic your-credentials-here' But, our tests expect the exact data to be in the database. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! #Note: The code in this repo will not work - I used an instance I created on Service Now as a test api. In this article, Im going to share a quick overview of how easy it can be to quickly set up your project to test API with Playwright and odottaa. If you to learn more about TypeScript, you may find my free TypeScript course useful: Subscribe to receive notifications on new blog posts and courses. For debugging test cases add debug points, the press CNTRL+SHIFT+P and type "debug:debug npm script", on the edit box select desired script. Go to the path where sonarqube server(For e.g. Resilient No flaky tests Auto-wait. Learn on the go with our new app. Since we decided to set up GitHub actions as CI during the initialization project we have playwright.yml in the .github/workflows directory. What exactly makes a black hole STAY a black hole? Screenshots, Videos and Trace files will be generated in test-results folder. Once the image is generated we can run the image to spawn container and run scrips using below command. Also, dont forget to give it a star on GitHub. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Once you have edited the CMD section we have to follow Step 1 to build a new image and ten run the Container from that image. GitHub - MarcusFelling/demo.playwright: This repo is used to demo various testing scenarios with Playwright , using the official test-runner and scripts authored in TypeScript. Execution of test case is faster when compared with other competitive framework in market. In the first test, we verified that an array of posts contain a specific object. Towards the end of the post, well cover how to debug tests in VS Code. Lets move onward to testing the post creation. Software Development Engineer In Test / Open source creator. The below sample runs test cases serially on QA environment. You can provide any project name in sonar.projectKey. browserName is a global variable that gives the name of the browser currently being tested. Before creating our first test we can remove e2e test that was created automatically during the project initialization. Now install dependencies by running the command: Congratulations, you just have served json-server locally which can be accessed on the 1337 port. How to add custom request header to testcafe test suite? Instead of covering the remaining HTTP methods lets focus more on test data because I can see there are some problems. Add the following code into jest.config.js: Weve specified that our tests should be run on Chromium, Firefox, and Webkit. I have also introduced you to the process of running API tests on CI. How to generate a horizontal histogram with words? So, add the globalSetup property with the path to the file in the playwright.config.ts file like this: Now create globalSetup.ts file in the root directory and add this code: As I already mentioned this function will be running once before tests execution. allure commandline : Install allure command line for generating Allure Reports using. Now go to the location where is present and run sonar-scanner command (In my case I will diectly run it inside my project), and wait for scan to get over with success message. To configure Lighthouse navigate to "Lighthouse.js" and replace ", To run test on Mobile devices, comment out desktop mode config line and uncomment the config line written for mobile devices, Default Device is Moto G4, To run Lighhouse test use below command, reports will be generated in htnl format in root directory with name "LighthouseReport.html". The test is executed successfully on each browser type. If you have eslint file in your project provide the location in sonar.eslint.eslintconfigpath. Lets solve this problem by using globalSetup. It supports API testing (From Playwright version 1.16 onwards). This is Boilerplate/Template for Playwright-Typescript framework for Web-UI, api, Mobile Emulation, DB and Visual testing. Are you sure you want to create this branch? For more info on logging refer below link As a previous one, you can do it manually in the folder or run the command in the terminal: Open the posts.api.spec.ts file to set up the test on the API GET request for the /posts endpoint. GitHub - alisterscott/playwright-test-ts-demo: Playwright Test Runner in TypeScript main 2 branches 0 tags Go to file Code alisterscott add clickAndWait 3f6fb09 on May 24 14 commits .circleci Try TS ( #1) 11 months ago config Try TS ( #1) 11 months ago doco Try TS ( #1) 11 months ago lib/ actions add clickAndWait 4 months ago scenarios to the file playwright.config.js file: Playwright Test runner comes with the built-in request fixture. Found footage movie where teens get superpowers after getting struck by lightning? NOTE: I have a hardcoded authorization token in the codebase. I use playwright's request: APIRequestContext fixture to implement API tests, and I'd like to log all request/responses, but I cannot figure out how. Pre-requisite: To have node and npm installed preferably the latest version. Thinking of extending BeforeAll so it would take care of login. Configuration Are Githyanki under Nondetection all the time? Generates trace file, which gives in-depth details of Test Case execution. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Lets create a file in a src folder called home.test.ts with the following content: Weve imported chromium, which we will use later to launch Chrome. To write our tests in TypeScript, we need to install TypeScript into our project: Lets add the following tsconfig.json to configure TypeScript: This assumes our test files will be in the src folder. Specify a version in sonar.projectVersion. See screen recording file to see the test run results. It happens because we have deleted and we have created some posts. The Jest Playwright preset has created a page variable that we can use, but TypeScript doesnt realize that. Playwright and odottaa complement each other so well, so in this article, we will be using both. Now, lets verify that /posts returns an array of objects. Nonetheless Support from Microsoft so FREQUENT RELEASES and turn arounf time for any queries is 48 hours. We dont need the import statement as well. : C:\SonarQube\sonarqube- is unzipped -> Go to bin section -> Go to the folder as per the OS you are using , in my case windows-x86-64 -> Double click on Start Sonar and wait for it to display SonarQube is up (you might encounter some java errors but its fine don't close the terminal). Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Keep in mind that odottaa provides matchers for different status codes such as: Feel that we missed some needed method? Check out the published example here. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. It extends Playwrights built-in assertions with matchers for the Playwrights APIResponse class. API testing is a type of software testing that analyzes an application program interface (API) to verify it fulfills its expected functionality, security, performance, and reliability. Docker image, SonarQube and Lighthouse setup is also implemented . Test Mobile Web. 2. Now all is ready for the development of automated tests. 2022 Moderator Election Q&A Question Collection. How to distinguish it-cleft and extraposition? Screen Recording 2022-01-13 at 4.28.38 In the function, we retrieve all posts, remove them by id, and create a default one. Why can we add/substract/cross out chemical equations for Hess law? If the letter V occurs in a few native words, why isn't it included in the Irish Alphabet? It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO and more. You just write tests in TypeScript and Playwright Test will read them, transform to JavaScript and run. How do you explicitly set a new property on `window` in TypeScript? if you want to run test cases on Firefox, you can change, For executing test cases in parallel, provide a suitable tag, For executing test cases in sequence, provide a suitable tag. Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. This works both with CommonJS modules and ECMAScript modules. Go to the path where sonarqube server(For e.g. In the tests directory, create posts.api.spec.ts file, which is where we will write our API tests. For HTML Report generation execute below command , single static HTML report(index.html) which can be sent via email is generated in "html-report" folder: For converting HTML Reports to zip file "adm-zip" library is used, the logic is implemented in. In your working project (playwright-typescipt-playwright-test), navigate to. By default, Playwright tests are executed with Node. Playwright is a newish end-to-end cross-browser testing tool from Microsoft. Lets verify that we will get an error if try to create a post without an authorization token: The output in your terminal should be like this: After that, we can create a similar test but with an authorization token: That is awesome! I usually use Cypress for these kinds of tests on SPAs, but Playwright is quickly gaining traction, so I thought it was time to give it a try. Table of contents: problem why running the example solution future problem We can add the following global declaration to resolve this. I usually use Cypress for these kinds of tests on SPAs, but Playwright is quickly gaining traction, so I thought it was time to give it a try. How To Unit Test Angular Components With Fake NgRx TestStore, JavaScript, Version Controlling and NoSQL, Angular dev-server with Rails on different ports and CORS policy with passing credentials, Simplest Way to Build Responsive D3 Chart in React, Forbes was Missing a Womens App, so I made one in Python and React Native, mkdir playwright-api-testing-with-odottaa && cd $_, It looks like the same except the line #7: NOTE: expect.any(constructor) matches anything that was created with the given constructor or if its a primitive that is of the passed type. Add this code: In this example, lets learn some basics of Playwright Test runner. MarcusFelling / demo.playwright Public main 2 branches 0 tags Code MarcusFelling update pw test to 1.25.2, update accessibility tests ( #35) 343c748 on Sep 12 258 commits In the test, we used authorization token to create a new post and then we verified that the response status code is 201 with toBeCreated method and the post response matches the object that we used for creation with toMatchJSON matcher. Docker image, SonarQube and Lighthouse setup is also implemented . You can do it manually in the folder or run the command in the terminal: Now it is time for creating a new test file for API testing. First, well use a couple of old school approaches to debug our test. Records the test script and every action on the target page is turned into generated script. How do I dynamically assign properties to an object in TypeScript? Lets rerun the test by entering npm test in the terminal. This repo is a POC on how to introduce playwright into an application to meet E2E testing needs. Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! Any ideas for a top level solution to log all traffic made view Request fixture? - GitHub - akshayp7/playwright-typescript-playwright-test: This is Boilerplate/Template for Playwright-Typescript framework for Web-UI, api, Mobile Emulation, DB and Visual testing. For executing API test cases, please provide "ENV" value as "qaApi" or "devApi" : To produce and visually compare screenshots execute below command.
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