Reflective Essay On Ethical Leadership - REVIEWS HIRE. Next, using. Tactical Leadership vs Organizational Leadership Walter Trotter United States Army Sergeant Major Academy Class 63 SGM Stephens/MS Walker August 19, 2012 Tactical Leadership VS Organizational Leadership There are certain things. Masters in Organizational Leadership. I understand that my attitude at times can alter a situation because I have people looking at everything that I do. I research different platforms to inquire about leaders who prosper because they prefer to act ethically. Ethical Self-Assessment Paper The police have a job to do, but they ought not to be allowed to act discriminatory and accusatory, especially without cause or evidence. Impediments to Show Ethics in Leadership According to Reilly, E. C. (2006) often the consideration of obstacles that may arise in the way of ethical leadership teaches a great lesson. I scored high on some value more than others. WELCOME TO OUR NEW SITE. Immediate issues that come to mind are racism and double-standards. The ethical leaders are not immoral themselves; its just that their values turn out to be a poor guide for them. Leaders must incorporate their ethical beliefs and decision making template into everyday life. Practices at Tyco, Enron, Arthur Anderson, and WorldCom, among others, Traditional theories of leadership include the great man, power bases, skills approach, style approach, contingency, and path-goal theories. We assume they are protecting the citizens at all costs, but we dont know for certain and data is not provided to us from the city or state showcasing those numbers/arrests/convictions/etc. I will support a leader as long as I know he or she has my best interest at heart, but if I start to see quick decisions and flippant responses, I start to question the why/intent of that person. Why was there not another officer present and why was more than one shot fired and not just the one to simply subdue him (the first shot to the arm would have semi-paralyzed him for the time being)? The reasoning behind these actions will show how proper ethical actions define a leader, and the influence it holds with the organizations culture. Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw (2010) describe that the need for ethical business managers and practices has never been greater. Apart from these questions, there are few more that one must answer in order to become an ethical leader, if the answers to these questions reflect your values and your behavior, tells you about your reputation among the employees and your peers, then you must be able to reassess yourself on the basis of these answers. 11640 + 1524 Orders prepared. Therefore, supervisors are likely to influence subordinates the most based on exposure to supervisory behavior. Had both parties recognized a misunderstanding from the start, perhaps the situation may not have escalated. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in Even though leadership is impossible without followers, a person must first transform their own ethical theory into a process before they can teach or require ethical behavior from others. Moreover, assessing a candidates integrity is way more significant from the evaluation of his skills and competence. Order custom essay Developing Ethical Leadership Week 1, July 18, 2012
By having ethical leadership skills will strengthen my ability to influence other to do the correct thing while enhancing their lives. ?>. Nonetheless, I must overcome my weakness, which makes me slow towards approaching national leaders and inquiring how they manage to conduct their operations based on ethical terms. Consequently, my ethical mind drives me to consider an action as morally wrong if they do not produce happiness. My philosophy of proper leadership ethics as an ethical leader is to act in a way that pleases and benefits most people. The technique requires me to consider all my actions and their possible consequences on others. Part D: Were there any costs to this choice of ethical leadership or lack thereof? Overall, a utilitarian mindset helps leaders to develop a work plan that makes everyone feel happy with the outcomes. Recent financial scandals have exposed issues in the management decision-making process, suggesting a need to develop the necessary analytical and empathetic qualities so future corporate leaders may be moral managers (Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw, 2010). I think ethical leaders lead with integrity and walk the walk as well as just talk a good talk. A perception that high-ranking business leaders were untrustworthy contributed to the spectacular decline in stock prices during the 2000-2002 period. application of ethical principles provide great benefit to the situation? Ought a conversation or back-up call seem like a logical response if in fact Wilson felt threatened? Edward F. and Lisa S. (2006), Developing Ethical Leadership, Institute for Corporate Ethics. The philosophical questions at play might have to do with what lengths one is allowed to take in order to protect the safety of others and to what extent is violence a possible response to fear or danger. Perhaps we need to think about creating and testing new protocol for instances where possible assailants are pursued. Observing justice is an indication of fairness, where I believe that justice at the workplace leads to more motivation, health, and wellbeing, leading to high performing organizations. It explains how, as a utilitarian, I strive to deliver what impresses others and create happiness. Within Leadership Team Three, we researched two trends within the economic sphere identified, needed for the new directions the organization decides to turn. Each person needs to be given the benefit of the doubt or at the very least be heard before actions are taken. Locating a space for ethics to appear in decision-making: Privacy as an exemplar. I felt overwhelmed this week because of these ambitions. I am knowledgeable regarding ethical theories and how they influence leadership, which permits me to settle on the right moral mind. It just requires answering a series of questions that will examine ones commitment to his values, behavior and the courage of accepting the responsibility his actions that may affect someone in any way. Leadership is a form of power or mandate that legitimately gives one the authority to bear certain responsibilities. In this case, a white police officer shot a young black man, believing him to look like a criminal he had been made aware of earlier. Inspiring Leaders Now. However, ethics and leadership are connected with each other, and as Cuilla & Gini (1998), noted, ethics is the heart of leadership. Running head: WEEK 1; ETHICS REFLECTIONS PAPER
Ethical leaders dont get to pick and choose when to be thoughtful and listen to their moral compass-- its a daily process to prioritize smaller tasks or concerns. I would do what shows that I care about my relationships I would so what benefits the most. MGT 6510 Sina Taghizadeh Option B: Ethical Leadership Reflective Essay If I was the CEO of the company, I would charge the lowest price point of $10 to save the maximum amount of people. Following are a few of the impediments that ethical leaders may come across: The absence of form dedication required for ethical leadership is also an important factor leading to staleness. By continuing well assume youre on board with our Physically, he could lose his badge and emotionally, the respect of the citizens he aims to protect. It is rare that a person can easily find their own faults, because they think that everything they do is right or justified. They also want to understand how they can be influential in effecting the character of others. Nevertheless, the significance of a good character and strong values cannot be denied, but the complexities in ethical leadership are far much in reality with a high rate of stakes. I also model my ethical leadership by conducting appraising myself and finding out if I act following what ethical standards require.
I plan to use my strengths and overcome the weaknesses that could deter me from being an ethical leader. Leadership Reflective Essay. This means that effective leadership calls for a collective responsibility for the achievement of set goals and objectives. I also scored high on Utilitarian Ethics, which is an ethical choice that produces the greatest good. Moreover, I mostly borrow from other ethical leaders to ensure that I remain on track with how I practice my leadership. The course has reinforced the views I have held about myself as an ethical leader. Ethical Self Reflection. Any organization eventually encounters various ethical problems. LEADERSHIP REFLECTIVE ESSAY: HOW MY CHILDHOOD ENVIRONMENT AFFECTED MY LEADERSHIP APPROACHES ALLYSSA Study Resources These are of great importance, but the element of ethical leadership should also be included in it so that it would be easier for the executives as well as the employees to understand the organizational values. I would do what is right. Focus on Organizational Goals Rather Than on Their Own Self : Ethical leaders understand that their place is important, i. e. not as an individual but as the person who have to have the sense of responsibility about the organizational values, goals and so on. We hold them to ethical standards but we cant be sure theyre holding up their end, most of us do assume that if they are in such a position, they have taken proper training to act calm in high-stress situations and trust their authority. As for Ethical leaderships conventional view of only earning organizational profits and increasing production has now become obsolete, one must understand that organizational leaders also have the responsibility of maintaining the organizational standards of ethical and moral conducts. Pages: 6 (1657 words) Ethical Problems and Ethical Dilemmas Pages: 8 (2151 words) Ethical Theories, Leadership & the Ethical Lens Inventory Pages: 7 (1924 words) Reflection paper about . The paper will critically evaluate the importance of developing professional practice, Reflection Paper #1 Leadership. In the last decade, ethics in corporate America has become highly publicized following the discovery of unethical and fraudulent business practices in major corporations. al. Ethical thinking helps me understand that followers are happier when they feel their contributions significantly impact how things happen (Trevino & Nelson, 2017). Demonstrate Knowledge / Conduct Group and Individual Research
Connect Now, An analysis by describing what the results. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. right. Ethical leadership comprises of responsibility for the actions of others and the instruments that influence those behaviors. I just think the situation got out of hand too quickly, due to improper or ineffective protocol in pursuing a possible suspect. I think there needs to be more accountability and diversity in police teams.
My Initial Thoughts & Ideas on What It Means to Be an Ethical Leader: Ethical Leadership is leading in a way that is guided by ones conscience or moral compass, with regard for others feelings and future consequences, good or bad. I would do what a good person would do. Five Ethical Leadership Behavior 1. Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our By practicing daily and making decisions that are helpful and not manipulative, decision-making may sometimes become easier. . I want to be the transformational leader that makes others realize the greatness within them. I will momentarily explain what this competency is and why it is important. Ethics refer to the desirable and appropriate values and morals according to an individual or the society at large. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. The job of a policeman is to protect the citizens, but it is also to respect the dignity of all citizens and be just in their delivery. Bonner, W. (2007). Besides, strategic leaders who aspire to develop and implement a strategic vision for the organization and motivate everyone to reach the vision (Trevino & Nelson, 2017) may benefit by employing a utilitarian mindset. If they turn out to be in your favor then you might have the capability of becoming an ethical leader, but the main thing to remember is to follow your conscience (Bonner, 2007). The best example in this regard is of JetBlue airways, the founders of the airline, by beginning a process of matching employee donations according to their salaries, today, the entire salaries go the JetBlue Crewmember Catastrophic plan charity, to assist the employees with calamities that are not insured. Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it. number: 206095338, E-mail us: Also, the different strategies effective leaders use to ensure a positive outcome. Not only the executives, but all the employees must have the knowledge about the organizational values and they must be behaving in accordance. essay, Legal and Ethical Leadership in Management, Toyota: a Glimpse of Leadership, Organizational Leadership, and Organizational Structure, What Is Leadership? Partners should rely on one another to keep each other safe and to ensure good decision making. But, the true picture is seemingly different. They are not emotional, impulsive decision-makers. Policemen and women are often allowed to make quick decisions without punishment for making accidental wrong choices-- at least that is what we hear about in the media. According to D.M. The course has helped me understand that the only results of applicable acts are the bad and good outcomes that they give (Gardner, 2007). Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: PhD Essay Science Psychology Ethics Ethical Leadership Developing Ethical Leadership, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title I will explain how ethics play a role in leadership and decision making. Key highlights include; the impact of trade relationships within an origination, how different leadership style affect ethical practices, effects of ethics on the overall culture of an organization, writers approach to business ethics and the.
I think ethical leaders lead with integrity and walk the walk as well as just talk a good talk. In this regard, General Electrics famous workout program provided the frontline employees with a way to push back against the conventional policies and authority of management. The events transpired so quickly there was no time for that, but I wonder if ethical leadership came into play, wouldnt verifying both sides be the best way to move forward? Staleness: It is one of the major reason that hinder leaders to act ethically, this is something which occurs when the leader is on the same job for too long and do not see any further creativity in it. A protocol should have been enacted where information was exchanged in a civil manner in a well-lit place, with witnesses. Standsbury, J.
I tend to model my ethical leadership in my personal and professional life by emulating others who perform well and excel in their practices. Summarize the results you obtained on each assessment. Two other weaknesses are time-, Book Review : ' The Scrivener And Kate Chopin 's Story Of An Hour ', Christopher Columbus : A Hero That Discovered America. Ethical Leaders Communicate and Personifies the Values of the Organization: Leaders may only tell the employees about the values of the organization but ethical leaders actually personify these values making themselves a role model for the employees to follow. These theories are relationship-heavy, focusing on the interactions between the leaders and the followers, Group and Individual Research, Address Environmental Problems, Make Ethical Decisions In Care for Others, and Communicate in a Scholarly fashion. In many cases, a person must choose between two or more "rights" that may or may not align with both one's moral and ethical standards. Even though I tried to hide my true feelings for the best of the organization, my thoughts reflected in my actions. Democratic leadership welcomes members to share views and ideas, even though the leader makes the final decision. They tend to think about the big picture, but dont forget about the smaller steps it will take to get there. STR 591 Phoenix Campus
They should encourage the employees to ask them whatever they feel is obstructing them in following the values. Also, at what point was it okay to shot Brown repeatedly, still not having proven any connection to the assault first assumed? The most important characteristics of an ethical leader are as follows: As difference in values, principles and cultures may cause a conflict; ethical leadership requires an attitude that is modest rather than righteous, that is, having a commitment to ones own principles while being open to learn new things and have conversations with people having a different view about the world. The care-based, rule-based, ends-based thinking to arrive at a decision rather than rationalizing after the fact are necessary . harmony in order to life, Developing Ethical Leadership. Some executives usually go down a number of levels in the organization to see what really is going around. University of Phoenix
We all make mistakes, but we ought to justly be served a proper measure to ensure similar occurrences are not repeated. However, ethical leaders always takes the responsibility of taking moral judgments but, there goes a prudence here, it is very easy to term certain actions as ethical and become righteous in the eyes of others. It should be noted that ethics is a helpful instrument for leadership. It was through the assessments and this weeks work reflection, I realized through regret there is so much work needs to be done. Those are all very objectively based, not looking at the individuals experiences, wants, needs, and idiosyncrasies. The seven primary habits possessed by highly effective people are either inborn or acquired and form the basis for success and enduring happiness. I would so what benefits most people. The course has helped me to watch how I act and relate to others because it has taught me that people would determine my actions as being morally wrong or right, depending on their consequences or effects. For example, I watch and read many sources about inspirational leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, and Mother Teresa, among others (Inspiring Leaders Now, 2020). Next, this paper will highlight the leadership qualities that hinders the learning process among the workers. The findings help me to make necessary adjustments that would improve my practice as an ethical leader. The topic Ethical Leadership is more complex than meets the eye. Find and Develop the Best People : Ethical leaders pay more attention in finding people and developing them accordingly because they think of it morally crucial. I have to acknowledge my downfalls willingly in order to correct them. This essay explores how ethic plays a role in the leaders decision making for the organization. Individuals who practice democratic and strategic leadership may attain more satisfying outcomes by developing a utilitarian mindset because the ethical mind creates the urge to act to give the most appropriate effect. Be Honest and Trustworthy and Have Integrity in Dealing with Others. I think rash actions happened without proper protocol and training being followed. The question that should be asked then is "what is right?" Once the ethical course of action is determined the leader must then have the integrity and fortitude to proceed with that course of action. In order to evaluate a leader, one must consider all the things that are related to him directly or indirectly, these things may include the leaders cohorts, the scenarios which these people face, the leaders skills and procedures and finally the results that orients from these set of procedures. However, a common framework can be provided which can help in the development of ethical leadership. The irony for me in this case is that police officers are held to a high standard or respect and we as citizens assume they will act in our best interests for our safety at all times, but in this case, Wilson seems to have brought on this altercation and without proper cause. Back-up should have been called and action should not have turned violent until completely necessary (which I dont agree ever truly happened in this case-- hearsay of course). Lastly, this paper review the effects of a few organizations when their leaders made decisions, Leadership is a partnership between two or more people, so it is necessary to design a guideline that allows a leader to create an ethical organization. This black-white divide was captured by a Pew Research Center survey released last week. Racial Divide in United States Defies Easy Change. Abstract . The reflection paper critically examines business ethics, leadership, and business relationships and how they are interrelated and contribute to an organizations overall culture. I know that oftentimes situations escalate and become bigger than ever intended. In order to do so, there must be an established and unambiguous push back mechanism for the employees. I think from the start, Michael felt discouraged or frustrated to be considered in the wrong, having committed no crime. HCS 545 PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. Save time and let our verified experts help you. It will help leaders to understand the number of facets ethical leadership has apart from being just a matter of good character and strong values. The clothing Is to be sold at lower cost, In efforts to help increase their profits. (2018, Feb 24). Name and explain some of the concerns in the issue that you view are/were. Most of the executives have an objective to be effective to their fullest possible extent, and to make their organizations and the world better by creating value for all the people who are affected by them. Therefore, if something. Ethical Self Reflection Pages: 7 (2033 words) Ethical Decision Making and Ethical Leadership Pages: 13 (3706 words) Drone WarFare Ethical or Not Ethical? Reilly, E. C. (2006). Does age, let alone race, play into this scenario- the fact that he was young and may have dressed a certain way? Ethical leadership means making the right choice based on moral beliefs, some of which may include the idea that violence ought not to the first answer and that truth should be the endgame. I will explain how ethics play a role in leadership and decision making. I think Officer Wilson may have felt empowered in his position of authority and he also may have had some fear in making that assumption and mistake in questioning Brown. According to Covey "sow a thought, leap an action; sow an action, leap a habit; sow a habit, leap a character; sow a character, leap a destiny (Covey 1989, p. 22).". Becoming an Ethical Leader Becoming an ethical leader is a simple task. Abstract. The report describes my ethical mind and how it influences my practices as a moral leader. Scholars Ethical leaders seem to me to listen well and take time to absorb the information and decide what the best plan of attack will be. Often, executives are considered to only have a lust for organizational profits and their own compensations. This essay will focus on the development of effective professional practice among ECEs. Available from:, I would do what shows that I care about my relationships. As difference in values, principles and cultures may cause a conflict; ethical leadership requires an attitude that is modest rather than righteous, that is, having a commitment to one's own principles while being open to learn new things and have conversations with people having a different view about the world. The town is two-thirds black, yet only three of the 53 police officers are African-American. The demographics doesnt match the police force and as a result, questions of race come into play may not in other areas. My interest in performing in a way that produces happiness and pleasure encourages me to motivate and inspire others and allow them to assume authority over decision-making in their assigned work stations. Journal of Business Ethics, 70, 221-234. I truly believe that if the boy had been the same race as the officer, the conversation and assumption may have been internalized differently. This incident happened far too quickly and without proper documentation practices. The officer, Darren Wilson, believed Brown to be a threat and moving aggressively toward him. Gardner, H. (2007). Standsbury, J. Mayer et al (2009) ethical leadership is a tiered process. Essay Writing . Need urgent help with your paper? As stated by Edward F and Lisa S. (2006) True leaders consider their cohorts as not only the people who follow them but they also look at them as the people who are striving to serve the same objective which they have. The future entering: Reflections on and challenges to ethical leadership. ?>, Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs,, Concept of Leadership Styles and Structures - Developing Their Own Approach to Leadership, Developing the Employee, Developing the Company , Developing Strategic Management and Leadership, My Ethical Beliefs in the Light of Popular Ethical Theories, How Will Ethical Issues Affect Leadership in a Business, get custom Becoming an ethical leader is an educational voyage that requires constant and profound reflection on failures and successes. He also loses his reputation by some in the police force in his city, while others stand by his decision making as they have seen it play out prior to that incident. They won the heart of many people because of their exquisite leadership designs. D. id choosing one solution alienate or oppress? The paper illustrates how my ethical mind enables me to act as a transformational leader who aims to engage everyone and create a workplace where each person feels valuable. (2009). In a 1,000-1,250 word reflective essay, address the following: Provide a rationale and brief summary for selecting each self-assessment. The Growing Importance of Ethical Business Managers The ethical mind: A conversation with psychologist Howard Gardner. Stricker, et. In literal definition, it means the action of leading a group of people or an organization. I start to question our relationship. The course helps me understand that as an ethical leader, I may have to reject some of the moral systems and codes that comprise prohibitions or directives based on orders, traditions, and customs instituted by supernatural forces and leaders (Gardner, 2007). Healthcare professionals face difficult choices concerning what is best for the patients and can sometimes become entangled with ethical dilemmas. 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